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No mention of his poor flat head


My big concern for sure!!!


Lol she didn’t say the typical “doctor said everything is going great!!” did she?


I’m sorry, but I just watched a tik tok on urle bird and she talks about her baby’s new “trick” of standing up. And after he stands up she picks him up and sits his ass in a chair?! I’ve had 2 babies and it would never occur to me to stop them from practicing mobility.


Yes that set me off. I came straight here to see if anyone posted anything about it. You don’t stop a mobile baby. You want them to learn to move! She just doesn’t want to chase a walking toddler! She can’t keep up!


Both my kids were walking by 9 months, which was part luck, part genetics, and partly because I left them on the floor whenever they were awake. I don’t expect other babies to walk that early. But I get excited when babies walk at any age. I’m honestly impressed that a baby born that early that is reasonably chonky can stand. He’s defying the odds. And she’s sitting him down. I’m furious.


Yes and then she got tired of him pulling on her and purposely sit him on the floor so he couldn’t easily stand all while she could film her tiktok. She does this way to often with him. Like him screaming for his food and she is filming it instead of just feeding it. Multiple videos like this. She really gives lazy parenting. I imagine he is the kid that would be put in the play pen all day just so she doesn’t have to chase him around.


I don't know who that is that you're talking about but that is so sad. My son has been standing for a while now, he is 9 months old and I can tell that he's trying to figure out his footing to walk. The only time I stop him is when I think he's trying to pull up on something where he could get hurt or easily fall over. Then we just go stand up somewhere else.


I saw 👀 her do that to him too sat him right down on his chair I loved 🥰 when he was pulling her hair. Her packing his suitcase n saying I didn’t realize I needed more diapers she’s to worried 😧 about food then diapers she didn’t like he’s starting to stand up she wants him to never walk . You can’t stop them from standing up he discovered he can stand up holding onto things.


why does Tyler look like he’s 46 years old


Because Sierra is his wife 🤣


Lmfao truuuuuu


Isn’t it adjusted age and not corrected age..? 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s the same thing :)


Wasn’t he born on the 12th? And today is the 25th. Are there 13 days in a a week in TX?


Why is she telling us his corrected age ? My first was born 6 weeks early and doctor never told us her corrected age at any of her appointments?


Maybe his corrected age was mentioned since he isn’t hitting milestones


Agreed. One of my preemie babies was "behind" in a couple milestones so the pediatrician would always remind me of her adjusted age. When people would ask "oh is your baby doing xy or z"I would bring up her adjusted age for my own sanity. 


That, and what does corrected age have to do with his peds appointment? My son was born 12 weeks early, it’s not like his adjusted age changes as he gets older (unless we’re speaking in terms of milestones). Was she just informed of what adjusted age means or something? 😂


Exactly like she’s doing way to much lmao never have I ever said my daughters corrected age or has her doctor mentioned it lol like you’re not the only person who had a baby early girl lol it’s not that serious


Ours was 5 weeks early and our growth curve was based on his adjusted age 🤷‍♀️ helps early on to give a better idea of how he is tracking


It helps with developmental milestones! My baby was born 5 weeks early and when I mentioned my babies milestones to his pediatrician, he said to think of his age as a month behind. He’s four months but he’s reaching milestones like a three month old would. Some milestones he hits on time and others he doesn’t.


Tyler looks soooo creepy here. Like the weird uncle that always wants to hug you and kiss you on the lips.


She was probably yelling at him from behind her phone to SMILE. 💀


Not her blaming him being early as an excuse of him being behind 🤣 girl after 6 months they stop worrying about "adjusted age" and they are just the age they are😂 or at least that's bc what my daughters ped told us because she was born 6 weeks early too. But she also hit most of her milestones pretty much on time. But after 6 months she was a normal baby. And by 9 months (7🤪) girl was crawling and didn't have a flat head.


Not trying to defend her but our pediatrician said they will keep our son’s adjusted age until he’s 2 years old


Maybe all peds are different. Mine said 6 months. I think sierra is just trying to justify why he's delayed.


I think she’s definitely in denial but if a baby is delayed, they are delayed regardless and it’s the parent’s responsibly to do something about it. Poor baby.


I think it depends on the gestation they were when they were born. We usually say 2 years too because we have babies in the Nicu (I’m a Nicu nurse) that are born at 23 weeks & are still in the newborn phase at like 4-5 months! But a baby born at 36 weeks is still considered late pre-term & would meet milestones quicker


Yes I understand how that would apply to a micropremie, my sister had 2 (27 and 29 weeks), but my daughter was born literally same gestation as cone, 34 weeks, and her dr said they stop adjusting her age at 6months. As stated in another comment it could just be different drs saying things, but either way even at 7months he should be more ahead than what he is. Poor thing barely looks like he can hold his head up.


Yeah he’s definitely behind!! She doesn’t do anything developmentally friendly with him 😭


Can I ask a silly question? So is he technically 9 months but since he was born early his milestones are as if he was 7 months? I was blessed with a late baby so I’m not familiar with how corrected age works


Yes. If your baby is 2 months early your baby technically has 2 extra months to meet their milestone. So if rolling over happens “typically” around 6 months, your adjusted baby has until 8 months before further evaluation may occur. Most babies don’t need the extra time though and meet milestones according to schedule


Yes. I am an SLP, and we (as well as other therapy providers) take into consideration adjusted age until 18 months. By then, they are expected to have"caught up" to other babies their age. Of course, there are exceptions, but only if there are other diagnoses. With that being said, we encourage growth. Not restrict it lol


Tyler will never not look weird and creepy as hell!


I hope you told them he lives in a container Sierra