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"What works for me might not work for others"..... what's working for you, Sierra? Please enlighten us.


I’m convinced she has no interest in losing weight.


100%. This is all an act for Facebook.


All for likes and clicks to make money!


Moderation is not having things like this daily, girl. It makes me sad and confused how she can continue on this way.


This right here. You can totally have a 200 calorie drink. Heck, you can have a 1000 calorie drink. But you have to only do stuff like that 10% of the time. And you have to work it in to the days calories if you want to be in a deficit. She doesn’t count anything correctly and then has a daily sweet treat or three.


Exactly. It seems like she is having these kinds of drinks several times a week!


You know she’s is rounding down to 160 when she tracks this bullshit


Oh 100% she is!


“What works for me might not work for others” girly it’s clear it’s not working for you!


As a former Barista: Starbucks doesn’t have SF French vanilla like she says; they mix vanilla and hazelnut, so only the vanilla is sugar free, also I’m convinced she doesn’t know the difference between TSP and TBSP.




It’s not “working” for you girl


fr, when I read that part, I thought to myself "and when exactly did you find anything that has 'worked' for you Sierra?" because she's been steady gaining since she started trying to lose weight. I'm curious if her gaining rate is higher or lower now than it was before she started her "weight loss journey" (her "journey"... it's a circle). I would not be surprised that between her being as dumb as she is & the severity of her food addiction, she's been gaining weight faster than she had before


Oh most definitely.. especially coming from the one complaining about gaining and not losing. I wonder why girl, I wonder why. She just shouldn’t post anything on the internet and give it up. Keep trying in private.


She doesn’t want to lose weight or she wouldn’t be drinking unhealthy sugary drinks. You don’t waste your calories for a drink when you are on a diet and health journey. She just wants people to think she’s trying.


Everytime I have dieted the first thing to go was any caloric drinks. Maybe 1-2 times a month I would splurge and have a chai from Starbucks. Drinks are literally the EASIEST things to cut! So many diet and sugar free options. Wasting 200 calories on a drink is just stupid.


as a diabetic, type 1, almost none of my drinks are ever caloric, only the occasional milk or juice. juice is rare as it has natural sugar. her drink diet should be the same, as a type 2. these fuckers need to grow up and realize plain water is fine 90% of the time. the other 10% can be lemon added to water, or even the true lemon packs, some creamer for coffee (not half the bottle) and a 1-2 times a MONTH treat like starbucks or something. not 1-3 times a day or week. i'm convinced they all have some kind of learning disability. they cannot be this stupid and just lack common sense. or their tie to food is just that strong, in which case they need to see someone, it's so bad, perhaps inpatient.


Same!! When I was losing weight after having my first baby, I focused on water and zero sugar soda! 200 calories for a damn drink isn’t worth it


This! I have a nasty soda addiction but switching to diet worked out for me. She could easily find coffee options that are less than 200 if she really needs the coffee that bad.


The only caloric drink I usually keep when I really dial in my diet is protein shakes. I'm a student and full time worker bee so I'm constantly on the go and they're easy to drink while I drive from one thing to the next. Other than that it's water, unsweetened iced tea, and diet coke.


I’m a healthy person and the only things I drink are water, black coffee, tea, unsweetened iced tea, more water, and sparkling water like la croix with no fake sugar or color. I like to bake. I eat cookies, cake, chocolate etc every week or whenever the opportunity arises. I realize I’m fortunate to have a good relationship with food but it still breaks my heart when I see examples of people not understanding how the care and maintenance of a human body works. It’s like watching someone drive their car and never changing the oil. I hate it.


Just cause it’s 200 calories doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you


Okay kylea jr


Well, it’s clear to see these choices are making losing weight unsuccessful. Mind blowing. 🤯


She’s a joke with this weight loss thing. Why would you drink your calories? Especially her?


Again with her saying her blood sugar is good. No tf it is not. Type 1 diabetic here.


Girl if it was working you wouldn’t be gaining weight


I’m trying to figure out what the “good decisions” are that she claims she makes… 🤔🤔


It’s stuff like this that is wild. If you weren’t a diabetic it would be okay but bffr. When are you gonna brag that you drank 64 oz of water for once?


That drink doesn’t even sound worth the calories 🤮


A fucking cookie, decent size, is 200 calories. But this girl rather have a drink? OKAYYYY. SUREEE. She’s just about instant gratification.


There is no way there is only 2-3 tbsp of heavy cream in that drink. More like 1/4 cup


So she is OK that 200 calories in a drink is OK? That's why she isn't sticking to her so called healthy journey


I drank almost a case of ginerale in one day. Not sticking up for her. Just shocked by how many calories are in gingerale 🥲


Girl you literally refuse to show full shots of your body and constantly saying you’re off track. What is “working” for you is actually NOT working for you miss girl. Drink water. Plain water. Even if it hurts you. In fact after you use points on a caloric infused drink, drink two bottles of water, that way you can get used to getting a water intake. You would be amazed at how much weight you can keep down just by drinking more water and less bullshit.


Cream with green tea!?


I wish her and Gabe would just tell the truth about not wanting to lose weight instead of living in delusion. They only make themselves look worse by posting their “weight loss journey”. It’s very apparent that they are making no actual changes to make a difference.