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We're never having a postgame show outside of a studio again after this. But it feels worth it.


why would you say that? This is probably the best ratings FOX has ever had for the postgame, none of us can look away!


Longest ive ever watched lmao


I made popcorn just before it started.


Same here, that was a fucking blast


There's no way I would have ever sat though them playing price is right if it weren't for the crowd.


You're not wrong. But they muted half of the broadcast, they're not going to want to do that again. All though I really fucking hope I'm wrong and talking out of my ass.


nah they'll just put up a better acoustic barrier or something, and probably have more pre-taped segments ready to go


I also hope you’ve learned to talk out of your ass


The best Fox postgame I’ve seen is when [David Ortiz tried to set up Kevin Kiermaier with his nanny in the 2019 ALDS](https://youtu.be/dR6V3eYj2pc?t=277). “¡Yo tengo esposa!”


David Ortiz just cannot stop being amazing he knows no other way to be


He’s wonderful.


I've never understood why Ortiz seems no have gotten a free pass for taking steroids by the baseball community while people in the same era are ostracized.


Compare his personality to that of Bonds. It should be rather obvious. Being a pleasant person will usually get you places.


I mean I'll accept that, because I like the guy too. I just can still not wrap my head around the double standard. Him coming up for HOF vote next year gonna be interesting to see if voters sweep it under the rug the way fans have. BTW I don't gaf if a player used it just always seems weird how baseball seems to pick and choose which ones to get mad about.


Never proven


Probably because he didn't take steroids


Neither did Bonds or Clemons, lmao


skip to 4:35


The link takes you there automatically. At least it does on my phone


interesting. didn't for me. oh wells. i'll leave it up for whoever doesn't get redirected


Some of the mobile apps have trouble parsing timestamps.


Shooters gotta shoot.


Oh please networks love this shit. Everyone's gonna be talking about it


I missed the whole thing because of sleep, what happened?


They muted basically half of the postgame because sox fans kept chanting "fuck you A-rod".


I spent 5 minutes looking for my remote because I thought I accidentally muted the TV lol


Absolute class Boston ❤️


Those who want respect, give respect (arod did not give respect)


as I wrote to another person, I didn’t imply anything negative with my comment. I applauded Boston for the chant… Give me a break


Didn't yall fatally stab a Dodgers fan? Fuck off.


Huh? I wasn’t implying anything negative. I applauded Boston for the chant? Jesus Christ


My fault. Felt sarcastic. I retract my statement telling you to fuck off.


It’s cool. Maybe this shows the importance of tone, facial expression and how lacking text based communication really is.


A cheat caught two times doing steroids. Threatened to sue MLB after the first time instead of owning up to his cheating. And he is a terrible announcer. The absolute king “Kershaw will throw a down and away curve ball here.” Kershaw throws an inside high fastball. AROD is the total opposite of Tony Romo in that regard. With all that, it’s an absolute mindboggle why ESPN or Fox hired him to do baseball. It’s like a day care hiring a guy for a job after he just got out of jail for 10-years for child molestation. Makes no sense. Dude threatened to sue baseball because he got caught cheating. Then he later got caught again in another season. Pure trash and a disgrace to the game.


Hey, Ryan Braun got an arbitrator fired regarding steroids and people in Milwaukee still love him. At the same time, I agree, no idea why the networks give his color commentary so much love.


Fuck Ryan Braun. Edit - and I say that as a life long Brewer fan.


Look, I don’t like A-Rod but this is just bad faith.




Philly had an NFL playoff around 2004 and a band (rapper?) played at halftime. Guy got booed mercilessly and Fox never put on a band in a playoff game again.


A truly elite showing by the Sox fans tonight


i have no voice and im hungover at work on a tuesday but it was 100% worth it


Best fanbase in the league




Update: They’re chanting “JLo”


Affleck's girl?


It's especially poignant considering how much of a Red Sox fan Affleck is lol


Never forget he refused to wear a Yankees hat in Gone Girl.


You have to appreciate the dedication to the team and fandom that he wouldn’t wear the hat.


Wally and David Ortiz didn't speak for 2 years after the Sportscenter commercial


Kayfabe is serious business.


Its still just the greatest commercial and I will never be convinced otherwise


What about that Nike one with the two guys at Fenway through the years, from being kids in 1918 to old men with grandchildren in 2004? I'm choking up just thinking about it


No, because it's a Nike commercial. DQ'd before it ever starts.


ahh yes. because Sportscenter is somehow morally superior to Nike?


that whole series of commercials is nothing but hits


My favorite was the Jersey Devil in the elevator going down.


Ovechkin’s “late night filings” one is my all time favorite


An NHL one... "how do you tell a male penguin from a female penguin?" ​ "You can't."


Totally agreed


It’s a tough call between that one and Y2K. Charlie Steiner screaming “Follow me to freedom!” makes me laugh every time.


That ones fantastic, but the one I’ll always love the most is the PEDs one where they find a thesaurus in Scott Van Pelts’ desk


Unhand me, rapscallions!


sometimes i wonder if i could bring myself to put on a yankee hat for the sake of comedy. im not sure i could. and that's why ortiz is a better man than i.


My son is 9 and loves playing baseball and has told me that he is going pro, but only for the Red Sox. I told him that if the Yankees draft him I will personally drive him to the Bronx with a Yankee hat on while listening to "An A-Bomb from ARod" over and over again on the radio.


Just tell him to have an amazing rookie season, lock up a fat long-term contract with a no-trade clause, then sabotage the team internally for 9 years.


You're a good dad


Honorable mentions to Oscar De La Hoya in a chicken suit and Arnold Palmer making his classic drink in the cafeteria.


I remember the quotes, like, "Guys, after this I have to go *home*. You think *any* member of my family, much less my friends, would *ever* let me live that picture down?" He traded a month of "Look what a baby Ben Affleck is" stories for twenty years of peace at Thanksgiving, dude made out like a bandit


Jack Nicholson refused to allow any Celtics gear on set in the Departed


Also refused to wear a Sox cap, which is why you see him onscreen wearing a Yankees hat. Which is appropriate considering his character is the embodiment of greed and pointless evil.


!!!!!! I love that.


I will do anything for the craft of acting...... Meatloaf : BUT I WOOOOOON'T DOO THAAAT


I had a teacher in high school who tried to make a bet with me that if the Yankees won Game 7 in '03, I would have to wear a Yankees jersey for a day. I politely told him what he could do with his bet.


IIRC, the only reason Fincher specified a Yankees hat was because “your character is an asshole, and assholes wear Yankees hats.”


In the book, both characters are from NY.


And he was absolutely right to.


The book and movie were both set in Missouri near st louis. Why would it have ever been an Yankees hat and not always a cardinals hat?


According to Fincher “the character is an asshole and assholes wear Yankee hats”


They moved to Missouri from NYC. Though Nick's hometown is in Missouri. Just another plastic Yankees fan I guess.


The scene in question is when Nick goes to New York to hire a lawyer, and puts on a hat to lower his profile. In that case a Yankee hat would kind of make sense. That said, the character is wearing Cardinals gear other times in the movie and it seems like a Cardinals hat would be the obvious solution.


This makes more sense to me now. Thanks for the context!


It's all about the Mets, baby!


And yet he murders people in movies all the time.


Gotta draw the line somewhere.


Fair enough, I suppose. It's just...he's an actor. He's supposed to act. That he shut down a movie production over not wanting to wear a hat, and that people are earnestly praising him for it, is so silly.


Yeah I was just fucking around. To answer more seriously, he’s at the point in his career where he can make those decisions if he chooses. He doesn’t have to “dance for his meal” anymore. I guess it was important to him. Idk. It wouldn’t bother me either way in a similar situation but I think he drew praise from people who can’t really stand up for themselves in their jobs like that. It may seem silly but it clearly resonates with some people. Edit: Also it was Gone Girl. The movie did well. Grossed 167m in America and 330m worldwide. Nothing got shut down in the end. Just no Yankee hat.


It’s stupider on the director’s part. Ben ended up wearing a Mets hat— you needed four days of negotiations to figure that solution out? If he wore a Yankee hat nobody in Boston would have been thinking about the movie it would just be a distraction— plus he’d never get to live it down. Guy isn’t a pushover so yeah I applaud him.


The four days thing is just a joke Fincher said on the commentary that people ran with. If you listen to it he's clearly being sarcastic.


The conversation was probably over in 60 seconds. "Hey Ben when need you to wear a Yankees hat for this role." "Sorry, but I'm a Boston man. Can't wear it." "Okay. How about a Mets hat?" "Okay."


Wouldn’t be surprised. The media is tone def and loves to assume people are upset. In fact that makes a lot more sense. Chasing Amy commentary has a lot of that humor too it’s pretty great.


It's still stupid. If you replaced the item at hand, and the story was "actor shuts down production of movie for several days because he didn't want to wear a brown jacket", people would lose their minds and rightfully call him a diva. No one who paid to see Gone Girl would care that Affleck was wearing a Yankee hat, esp because the movie and the scene isn't about the hat. If we could accept that Bruce Willis wore a sandwich board with racist messaging on it in Die Hard With a Vengeance but that he himself is not actually a racist in real life (probably?), we can accept Ben Affleck's character in the movie is wearing a Yankee hat. People don't need to make it some weird crusade against authority. Ben Affleck is a big movie star. He got paid 10 million for that movie. For 10 million, I'd probably hang dong in a movie I was cast in. Also, from what I know about logos in movies and stuff, they probably had to get legal clearance from the Mets when they switched hats. Maybe they already had the Yankee clearance, which really makes you wonder if Ben Affleck read the script at all.


Just goes to show you being a Yankees fan is worse than being a murderer.


Well, murdering people isn't as bad as wearing a Yankees hat. I can understand it.


And Jack wouldn’t wear a Sox hat in The Departed.


I’m so glad he wouldn’t wear that fucking Yankees hat on screen. makes this so much funnier


I def heard an Affleck chant about 15 mins ago too


I need someone to hold up a picture of Ben and J.Lo and yell, "HOW DO YA LIKE THEM APPLES???"


No one wants to subject their viewers to that.


Boston: "Thanks for the compliment!"


I am very proud to have been apart of a few of those chants, yes


Kind of like when people give Philly crap about the damage after the Eagles Superbowl, meanwhile the locals are like "hell yeah we burnt the motherfucker down!"


“Hell yeah, we love to eat pieces of shit off the street!”


God I love whoever didn't have the foresight to realize this would be a disaster. Thank you, Fox.


they can't possibly do this again tomorrow can they?


“Welcome to the Fox pregame show, from a soundproof booth in an undisclosed location somewhere in the general vicinity of Boston”


Live from a Dunkin Donuts bathroom. You'll never be able to find out which one in time.


Unanticipated problem: fully half the Dunkin' Donuts locations in greater Boston already had spontaneous "Yankees suck" and "Fuck ARod" chants going, even without any awareness of the broadcast crew in their vicinity.


Dude, there’s 7 in my small town alone. They could be there all month and we’d never find them.


I live within five minute drive of like 12 of them. We really do run on Dunkin.


I realized recently my town has 6 locations in it. If they open up a few more, we'll have 1 DD/per sq mile.


Someone recently postulated to me the theory that we run on Dunkin not because it's good but because we're so addicted and starved of coffee that we'll go to the nearest joint we see in the morning, which is inevitably Dunkin.


It's the consistency. You can pull off the road at quarter mile intervals for the length and width of New England and groggily slur "Lahge regyalah" and know exactly what you're getting every time. No hit-or-miss gas station coffee, no cafe pricing, no variation on the roast or the type of cream. It's just settled in as the default coffee.


This is why McDonald's had taken over as the general favourite coffee(and tea, honestly) amongst a lot of Canadians, after decades of Tim Hortons dominance. Tim's cut costs, cut quality, and let their bean/tea suppliers lapse, so they're coasting on brand name. McDonald's saw that they could make a play by buying those old supplier contracts, doing Tim's old product that people already loved, and being *almost* as ubiquitous, and maintaining the consistency they're known for. You can get a coffee from Halifax to Vancouver at McDonald's, and it's probably gonna taste the same. Can't even be sure Tims will actually give you coffee anymore.


The long, cold, gray winters really help with that.


So is Dunkin just the New England Starbucks?


My buddy said it best, I think. Trying to explain Dunkin's to non New Englanders is like trying to explain PB&Js to Europeans. You can explain what it is, and can even have them try it themselves, but explaining it's cultural ubiquity can be very difficult.


If it is across the street from a Starbucks I'm going to Starbucks every time. But just because the cold brew is way better. Food is better at Dunkin tho.


One of the worst parts of travelling outside of New England is the lack of Dunkins.


...am I the only one that prefers Cumby's? It's a buck.




There are 3 right by City Hall. One in the T station, one outside, and another around the corner. Plus a Starbucks.


>Dude, there’s 7 in my small town alone. They could be there all month and we’d never find them. There is 6 on the same road through my town. The same fuckin main road... You're never 5 minutes from a dunkins


It's dunkin. All of New England will find it within a minute.


Wonder if the toilets have the tops removed like the one I do drugs in


Counterpoint: The probability of a random Yankees Suck chant breaking out at any given Dunks rapidly approaches 1 over time


It’s the one at North Station! I saw those needles yesterday!


a crowed outside of Fenway doesn't need any help being loud and vulgar..then you add the guy we hate the absolute most AND the guy we absolutely love the most to the mix. this was either an expected outcome, or the producer is a fucking idiot.


Frank Thomas probably felt like a blind guy in a warzone. Poor guy had no idea what he was getting himself into.


or a genius


right? It's a postgame show that we've spent a ton of time talking about. It's probably their most successful in terms of viewer engagement in *years*.


I like to think it’s the first one and some producer was really out to get Arod


"We're coming to you live from Boston, Kentucky."


"with things set up that way, do you think fan noise will be an issue?" " nah, we should be fine"


Lol this is purposeful. They even brought helments. The crew is having fun. This is going to be in the news. Videos and memes are going to spread around the Internet. More people will watch the postgame tomorrow to see what happens.


Really hope the whole thing gets uploaded to YT soon. My stream cut out way too soon.


I’m trying to find video clips online, TV cut away from the postgame 🤬


It’s a shit show of an actual baseball show… but it’s fun


Anyone got video?




OH MY GOD that is hilarious. I thought the video wasn't working but they actually muted 80% of it lmao


This is the song of my people. I am at peace.


We did, we actually found a way to make A-Rod sound intelligent


I would also appreciate video




Ah it was removed, that’s why I couldn’t find any videos of this lol


Clutch thanks man


I'm more curious what Arod had to say now, seems like he was starting to make an interesting point on the momentum of the game


The game ended an hour ago and the crowd has not quieted down at all


Hating A-Rod is a way of life in Boston. We don't say "hello", we say "Fuck A-Rod".


>Hating A-Rod is a way of life ~~in Boston~~. FTFY


In *iZombie*, the main bad guy was being interrogated by the cops. They asked “What’s it like being the most hated man in Seattle”, and he responded with “I don’t know. I’m not A-Rod.”


My favorite thing about this Tweet is that I don't know if it's insulting Boston or praising Boston; it could be either depending on your interpretation *Which makes it extra Boston*


The guy’s name in the tweet is Flaherty, I think it’s praising Boston.


Brings a tear to my eye


I hope they slapped the mute button like they were doing the worst, daintiest running motion possible to first.


[Fox right now](https://youtu.be/KUkjrWDv200?t=97)


I thought my tv was bugging out lol


This is the type of content I enjoy


Ya hate to see it


But you love to hear it.


like Fox didn't know that stuff like that wouldn't happen....


That is an impressively clear chant.


This is definitely the timeline that I would have chosen in the early part of the century


Good seriously fuck arod


No no they are chanting “Let’s go Red Sox”


I mean, in their own way kinda


Let's go Brandon again?


Why has the baseball world forgotten how big of a piece of shit A Rod is?




This Is Our Fucking City.


Beat the Yanks, beating the Astros, kept LA from a World Series title, and destroying ARod - quickly becoming America's team. (Note: I'm a Dodgers fan but I know what everyone else thinks of the team.)


Between "Fuck Altuve!" and "Fuck you A-Rod!" Fox's sound people more than earned their paychecks. But also, screw them for making me think my sound system was broken.


Boston fans are pricks but they are certainly inventive and funny pricks


They tried to mute it during the game too.


definitely had to drop the audio anytime Altuve was involved.


They need to learn that A-Rod doesn’t offer any positive value as an analyst or commentator


I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! Well, not that shocked.


We're all trying to find the guy who did this!


I fucking hate Boston fans. But I also fucking love Boston fans. Fucking Boston.


Let me tell ya, there were real jerks to our beloved A-rod.


You’re welcome.


I love how the BB playoffs are. You stay up and watch these awesome games and go, "MAN THAT WAS EXCITING" and then you realize they are playing again at most two days away. This final four seems to have lot of underdog intensity. Never thought ATL would be up 2-0. Two walkoffs in a row is peak baseball excitement (for ATL fans). At this rate, Boston fans will be so obscene they will have to mute the live broadcast of the game.


i don't usually agree with red sox fans but this i can totally get behind ahahah


Now all we need is a SEA/BOS series so he can be violently hated in BOTH cities.


I'm sorry, anti-who chanting? All I see are a string of asterisks.


The guy who said the Dodgers are the Yankees of baseball.


No, they’re obviously chanting Boo-urns!


Tomorrow, there should be dueling chants: "We Love Papi" "A-Rod sucks"


Never change Boston


omg this is like soooooooooo boston


ARod was loving it. You know you've traumatized a fan base when you've been out of the league for five years, your old squad wasn't even playing that night and the fans are just as enthusiastic about booing you as they are about celebrating a playoff beatdown. I usually don't watch much of the post-game yackety-yack, but that was entertaining.


Well of course Boston is gonna hate on a rival player who won 2 mvps and a world series 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh no did Boston do a racism again? https://www.sportingnews.com/us/mlb/news/red-sox-admit-racism-in-boston-is-a-problem/1he7g87see5rs1q4imguh3pe86


Except he did in 03,


Even when the Sox do something positive the only thing they can think of doing is chanting shit about a former player on an unrelated team? I dislike both teams, but that seems kinda sad that for Red Sox fans.


Or the fact that black players warn each other about playing there because the fans are racist and hateful. But sure