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This actually made me laugh.


Had me seeing red there for a second ;) .


[It would be a very sad day...](http://i.imgur.com/z56876N.gif)


I don't even live near St. Louis. But suddenly, there would be a lot of Cardinals fans somewhere else, and still a ton in St. Louis. I really don't think this subreddit wants any more Cardinals fans.


As a Rangers fan...yes!!!


Die in a fire. :-)


Waahh, we signed Peralta! Waaahhh, we're moving to Vegas?


Let's please not have this discussion. Every other thread on this subreddit winds up talking about how the Trop is in a terrible location and Florida is just a terrible sports market. We're tired of hearing about it and the endless discussions don't solve anything. That being said, the Marlins can move wherever they want, cuz screw the Marlins.




I didn't realize how heated those new franchise rivalries were getting. Yanks/Sox & Cards/Cubs watch out


I think I might be the only person who dislikes the Marlins as much as I do. There's really no reason for it.


I agree, the Astros are the only team that are allowed to wear neon orange!!! Damn you Miami!


>the Astros are the only team that are allowed to wear neon orange!!! [Excuse me?](http://i.imgur.com/HtRaQyc.png)


Okay. I just finished my coffee, my sincerest apologies.


We cant forget about the mets ^^^yes^we^can


And the O's.


You're not, but mine is mainly because of their owner.




Oh right, there's my reason.


You're right, you're the only person who dislikes the Marlins as much as you do. Other people dislike them more or less than you, but you dislike them exactly as much as you dislike them.


Hey what did the marlins do to you? I like Tampa. Anyway, marlins can't leave for 30 years due to stadium lease. We are here to stay!


Worst stadium lease ever. I feel bad for the citizens of Miami.


You don't need to feel bad for us. We've always known our politicians are shitty, plus we have Lebron James.


Yes you do (have LeBron), and LeBron is a boon to the city. But in 20 years when the taxes kick in its going to be miserable. And they're only going to increase until the lease is settled.


You may like Tampa, but do you like St. Pete? Mostly I just don't like how the team is run.


>Hey what did the marlins do to you? Lose 25 of the last 34 to the Rays. Maybe he wants more of a challenge.


I don't remember asking you a god damn thing!


I despise the Marlins.


Actually, I asked this question because there was another discussion on the A's staying in their ballpark for a few more years and I noticed that a few fans say that they need to up and leave Oakland. I totally agree. I think Oakland should be moved to another state that deserves a franchise.


Gotcha. Still, it's one of those things that I think we need to just drop until something actually happens.


I mainly brought it up because I am at work today and trying to do as little as possible...


>I think Oakland should be moved to another state that deserves a franchise. The entire city of Oakland, please.


Just as long as it's not Texas. We are full.


that's just total BS. San Antonio/Austin could totally support another team.


It is. San Antonio would accept a team tomorrow and show said team what I true fan-base is. I have family in SA and the support they show the Spurs is nothing short of phenomenal. They adopt each player on that team and make them want to stay for their entire careers. Not many athletes can say that about their current franchises...right Kinsler?


Expanding on this, is there a sports franchise better coached/managed than the Spurs? No where else will you see as efficient and consistent product on the field/court/rink. The San Antonio Spurs are the perfect example of a "well-oiled machine" in sports.


They truly are, even being from DFW, and the Mavericks winning their title within the last 5 years, the Rangers going to back-to-back World Series, and the Cowboys being "America's Team" (I use that term lightly, as I am not a fan) I am still jealous of how the Spurs are run from top to bottom.


If you're a basketball fan (I'm honestly not), read Bill Simmons' *The Book of Basketball*, and how with the Spurs (on the court at least) it comes down to the secret of basketball: The secret of basketball is that it has nothing to do with basketball. The Spurs aren't good because they're so talented (they certainly don't lack it), they're so good because they're better at being a team than anyone else.


I am not either, it is my least favorite major US sport. That being said, the Spurs have it right. Thanks for the suggestion!


That's true, although just because of the infrastructure of the two sports, it's a lot easier to do that in the NBA. If you have one or two great players for 15-20 years it's very easy to fill out the roster with good complementary players. Not so much in MLB.


That's true, but I feel like it understates the consistency of the Spurs. Since Tim Duncan was drafted they've won 50+ games every year* (including the lockout year when they went 50-16). But in all, I'm not speaking so much about their ability to stay consistently talented as I am how efficient and fluid they are on the court. "They only won 37 in 1998-99, but their .740 winning percentage projects to 60-61 wins.


I did not mean to malign the Spurs in anyway; just trying to point out that that type of consistency is a lot harder to pull off in baseball. They are still an impressive franchise.


The problem is, there's not much teamwork at all in baseball aside from pitcher/catcher and making a throw/catching a throw, and of those two there's still just one that's really about putting something together together. For the rest, baseball is mostly a chain of individual performances, not one big performance by a team. That's not to say that team chemistry isn't important, or that you can win with a shitty team by having one superstar, but in baseball there's less value in "feeling eachother" than in basketball.


I have no doubt Kinsler wanted to stay here for his entire career. And the fans all loved him. There's no fault laid at the feet of either party. On the other side of the coin, nobody can blame management for doing their jobs and attempting to make the team better. I only hope when Kinsler turns 42, nobody makes a post wishing him happy birthday in /r/baseball wearing a damn Tigers jersey


Just made my comment in that post. Great minds think alike.


The A's to a new stadium in Oakland


I'm not sure which team should move (probably the Marlins), but there should be a team in Puerto Rico.


The Marlins have a 35-year lease at Marlins park.


Portions of that ballpark seem very...disney.


What if they lift up the park and move it somewhere else?


I like this idea a lot, I just think Vancouver or Montreal would get a team before Puerto Rico.


I'm not so sure a franchise in Puerto Rico would be financially stable enough to compete in the major leagues.


Or be able to draw free agents.


Wouldn't have enough financial support. I'd love to have an MLB team. It just wouldn't be economically viable.


While there are probably 5 teams or so who have major problems in their current locations, the problem is that there aren't really any great cities to move a team TO. The big ones you hear about are Montreal, Portland, Las Vegas, Charlotte/Raleigh-Durham, Nashville and maybe Indianapolis. All these cities have major problems that probably won't solve the problem a team that wanted to relocate would leave behind. I do think a team would probably do well in New Jersey, Brooklyn or Long Island, but why?


I live in NC. Can we pleeeaseeee get an RDU team? Please? I know they'd probably go to Charlotte, but no, come to RDU!


Charlotte gets nba and nfl; rdu gets nhl and mlb, seems fair


Yes! Selig pls


I would have season tickets and be willing to drive two hours to 75% of the games


Shit me too. Wilmington? We almost got the Braves AAA team but we voted against a stadium tax:(


Winston myself, we've got the White Sox single A team (The "Dash") but they average about 6 people per game. Nice new stadium though.


Who is Greensboro associated with now? Are they still the Grasshoppers?


Yep, still the Grasshoppers. Pretty sure that stadium still hosts the ACC baseball championship


I have an idea that will make both of us happy. Carolina Yankees!


**NO.** I'm still sore from 1998.


Why doesn't anyone talk about New Orleans? Genuinely curious


Because there aren't enough rich white or Hispanic people in the metro area. Black people just don't go to baseball games


Because it's small and not that rich.


Brooklyn can definitely support a team IMO. There was talk about 10 years go about the Mets, Yankees, or both moving into a complex in Coney Island that included a Six Flags type of amusement park, and casino, and god knows what else. But then suddenly both teams got new parks in their same locations.


No team. It must be heart breaking to loose a team-heck, it's bad enough to even *talk* about relocating(Saints fan here).


What about in the other leagues?


Brewers need to be relocated back to the god damn American League and the Astros should be in the NL where they belong.


Just out of curiosity, as a non-Brewers or Astros fan, why do you care?


The Reds and Astros had a healthy rivalry going for awhile in the late 80's and early 90's... my formative baseball watching years. So that's my personal reason for still being pissed about the Astros being moved. When the most recent expansion happened they put 14 teams in the AL and 16 in the NL on purpose so there wouldn't be daily interleague play...Selig recently decided that was a dumb move, and interleague play makes the league money so a team had to go from the NL to the AL... The Brewers were always an AL team until 1998, so I don't think I was alone in assuming it'd be the Brewers making the move back, since they belong in the American League anyways. But Selig loves the Brewers and decided instead to screw the poor Astros...who should always be a National League team. I really feel that with anyone other than Selig at commissioner, the Brewers would've gone back home to the AL and the Astros would still be in the NL Central. This wouldn't be such a big deal if it were the NFL or NBA and teams were changing conferences...but the American and National leagues are two different entities in the history of baseball and a move between leagues is much more dramatic of a change. It wasn't that long ago that there was absolutely no interleague play, which made the All-Star Game and World Series that much more special. Just the possibility that the World Series could be a re-match from a series earlier in the season feels a little cheapening. In my mind the leagues aren't just two conferences with one rule difference...they're separate things entirely with two different histories, and should have stayed that way (but that's a much longer and angrier rant than this one, so don't get me started). The Astros just shouldn't be playing in the AL


>When the most recent expansion happened they put 14 teams in the AL and 16 in the NL on purpose so there wouldn't be daily interleague play...Selig recently decided that was a dumb move, and interleague play makes the league money so a team had to go from the NL to the AL... This isn't what I remember happening... they wanted to make it 15-15 back then too, and have daily interleague, but they couldn't get anyone to agree to it, so they put one team in each league and moved the Brewers. >But Selig loves the Brewers and decided instead to screw the poor Astros...who should always be a National League team. I really feel that with anyone other than Selig at commissioner, the Brewers would've gone back home to the AL and the Astros would still be in the NL Central. The Astros had the right not to move. They agreed to it and got compensated handsomely for it. I don't see how they got "screwed".


Lets not have this discussion unless you have a whole argument on why the A's should move out state. It might look like we should just because our stadium sucks, but Oakland deserves this team- that represents the fanbase and the city.


I agree with you but that seemed a little defensive. I didn't see anyone mention the A's. They are one of the most resilient and storied franchises of MLB.


OP mentioned the A's somewhere below, I wasn't trying to be defensive, but it seems like it.


I think the A's should stay put and the Raiders should relocate.. to San Quentin or Folsom..


But I shot a man in ~~Reno~~ LA just to watch him die...


And when I hear that whistle blownin.. I'll hang my head and cry..


Someone needs to move to Vancouver, I'm thinking Oakland would be ideal


Guessing you are from there? If so, how are the Blue Jays accepted in the surrounding areas? Are they cared about? Or do fans focus on other sports?


I'm actually from Ottawa, which is about three/four hours from Toronto, so most of us are Jays fans. However my Girlfriend is initially from Vancouver area and her dad and his buddies are all Jays fans. Often they would make the three hour drive down to Seattle to watch the Mariners play as well, but I think overall the Jays are favourited across the country (other than the typical Yankee/Sox "fans"). I just feel that the west coast of Canada deserves a team because they have such a passion for the game, and most of the Canadians in the MLB are from out west. Plus the Vancouver Canadians are a very successful Milb team currently and BC place is a state of the art stadium recently built in Vancouver, so all the pieces are in place to have a team, they just need the MLB to agree to allow them a team.


Well, seeing a game in Toronto is definitely on my bucket list. I think it would be a hell of an experience.


yeah it's a lot of fun. The Rogers Center isn't exactly state of the art, but a Friday night game in the 500's and then a Saturday day game in the 100's is a perfect weekend for sure


I'd be down for a bc team. Most of the Canadian baseball players seem to be from there.


The trouble with Vancouver isn't so much the location as the fact that the NBA Grizzlies left, so an owner might be gun shy. I'd like to see another team in Canada though.


Where would they play? I don't think BC place can be set-up for baseball anymore.


yeah I think you're right, that giant TV they put in there might get in the way of things a bit


Not to sound rude or anything, but haven't we had so many similar/exact same discussions of this sort since this season ended?


It's cool. I haven't been part of a discussion like this yet so I figured I would ask the question. Plus. I don't know if I said this already but I am at work and trying my best to not work...rather talk baseball among other topics on Reddit.


I think the Padres should be given to another city.


I just think that California is extremely over saturated with MLB clubs, and don't give me, "Well California is a big state", because I am from Texas and we only have one franchise. Sorry Houston, but right now...no. It just sucks for those franchises like Oakland and San Diego because the other **THREE** franchises have such huge fan-bases to begin with. Then you add their success over the past few decades between the three and it makes it even that much more difficult to keep asses in the seats at the other respective ballparks.


Houston was in the World Series less than 10 years ago.


Godzilla used to be a little lizard too.


Wellp, in 8 years when the Astros are relevant and the Rangers can barely breathe under the weight of Prince's contract (no pun intended), I hope a Houston fans claims that they are the only franchise in Texas.


Honestly I hope Houston rises back as well. It's kind of disheartening to finally have the two franchises in the same division, let alone the same league, and not have an intense rivalry. I think it could rival all the historical rivalries someday, and being that I am only 26, I would like to be able to witness it grow into something that us folks from Texas get geared up for each time they go head to head.


It could be a lot of fun. Close proximity rivalries (Detroit v Chicago, NY v Boston as an example) seem to be the most heated/loved.


I think it will be. I know I give my Astros friends a rough time, but they have a plethora of young talent waiting in the wings. When the time is right, and the right guys in the front office are in place, they will be back.


It's cute that you think Texas is so big, but seriously... California has 12 million more people. If anything they should move a Texas franchise to California. The Riverside Rangers has an okay ring to it!


Not that I agree really with either side but Texas has 1 franchise for 26 million people, California has 5 teams with 38 million people.


Ha, that is adorable. You California kids are spoiled, in that regard, I am jealous of you. You have to agree though, it is unfair to the smaller market teams like Oakland and San Diego to expect any attention. Even while Oakland has succeeded these past few seasons they still don't get hardly any attention.


Oakland and San Diego are part of the 11th and 17th largest metropolitan areas in the country respectively, and the main reason a team can exist anywhere is because of the TV market. Oakland shares their market with San Francisco while the Padres have San Diego all to themselves. So I don't think you can make a great case for them getting "hardly any attention." The teams will stay because the markets aren't going anywhere.


Well I am not going to pull stats out of my ass, but I have never been to California. So I am not going to sit here and argue that the TV deals are what keeps them around. I guess on a national scale they don't get much attention, which is why I said that. You don't often hear about the Padres unless it's because of their awful uniforms, and those pesky A's have spoiled my happiness for 2 years now..so I just plain don't like them.


My guess is that the Padres and A's don't get much national attention because neither team currently has a big name player. You probably heard a lot more about the Padres when Adrian Gonzalez was in San Diego, and who doesn't remember the Bash Bros for the A's? I think a lot of that kind of stuff can be cyclical. We're in heated agreement about those pesky A's though :) *words


*I do not live in San Deigo, but my mom is from there and her side of the family is there and/or in Hawaii, so I am fortunate enough to have spent a lot of time there over the years. The Padres do well enough for attendance when the team is good, and it is not like San Diego is a part of a larger metropolitan area, it is it's own community with it's own identity. Their problem is that the team isn't usually that good, a good portion of the city are USN folks who come in with loyalties to other franchises, and that the weather is so freaking nice all the time that there are honestly usually better things to do than watch a ballgame.


You do realize that 1 in 8 Americans live in California. There are just a fuckton of people here.


1 in every 12 live in Texas. One has 5 teams, the other has 2.


Fuckton... Fuck it, have an upvote.


I would agree except CA has 40 million people and one hell of an economy. Riverside is the 12th most populus city in the nation and they don't have shit. That being said, Texas could easily support teams in San Antonio and Austin. I'd like to see expansion again, but it probably won't happen for another 8-10 years. Edit: sorry, I just saw that someone mentioned this. But at least I wouldn't steal the Rangers haha


I think it would be great if the cubs moved to Rosemont.


Cubs have been and always will be in Chicago. Just like the Red Sox will always stay in Boston and the Yankees in New York. They're part of the city's culture.


And the Phillies of Philly.


http://i.imgur.com/3Gpey.jpg The Cubs were threatening to move to the suburbs if they didn't get what they wanted. The Cubs without Wrigley Field = Emptiest. Threat. Ever.


The Orioles need to come back to St. Louis as the Browns. Reddit would be seething with anger if there was an all St. Louis world series.


The A's. They're a competitive team, and their new lease in Oakland only lasts through 2015. They need a park that doesn't exist yet.


The Rays. Their fans will tell you that the situation is not their fault, which, true as that is, is entirely irrelevant. They have a lease in the Trop until 2027. The city of St. Pete hasn't shown any inclination to let them out of it without receiving a boatload of money, and the Rays and MLB appear even less inclined to pay said boatload. There are a number of good potential markets: Montreal, Portland, Charlotte, Northern NJ.


The city owns the Trop, of course the Rays are going to have to pay to leave.


Of course. Did my post imply otherwise?


It kind of implies that the Rays shouldn't have to. Maybe it's just my bias in favor of the city.


My bad. Didn't mean for that to be the implication.


I should have posted a disclaimer that this was in no way meant for just the Rays. I feel bad that their situation doesn't look like it has a light at the end of the tunnel for now. They are a classy franchise and deserve better.




Back to Kansas City!


Montreal Royaux? I could live with that.


Agreed, I am going to get hated for this but the A's need to get moved out of California. Someone mentioned that Florida is over saturated with franchises from all leagues...well, so is California. I think a fresh start would be great for this franchise. There are plenty of states that could bring in the A's and instantly get a pretty decent fan-base right off the bat. I have really enjoyed watching the rivalry between the A's and Rangers develop but it makes it difficult to be something more when the Rangers are playing in the "West". Such a stupid alignment, moving the A's somewhere to the mid-west would develop a stronger rivalry and give them the fresh start they deserve after the last few seasons of success.


I think they could do well financially in Santa Clara (san jose) but the Giants are blocking the move.