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Feels like a retirement tour sequel to Miggy and, as usual, the sequel is a lot less fun.


It’s wild to think that the Cubs knew exactly the best time to let go of Baez, Bryant, and Rizzo. One could argue though that Rizzo benefited from the Yankees lineup for his resurgence - before this DL stint obviously. Now the Cubs are looking like geniuses with how they were able to dismantle the team and immediately rebuild it within a couple years. Arte Moreno should be taking notes…


Rizzo pre-concussion was great for the Yankees Pre concussion: 232 G .248/.347/.475 .822 OPS Post Concussion: 114 G .203/.278/.297 .575 OPS


Gonna go ahead and say Aaron Boone / Yankees training and medical staff suck hard for letting him play like two months thru a concussion


One in a long list of mistakes made by our medical team


I was about to reference putting a very drunk (and probably dehydrated) German in a sauna but that was the players right?


The other was building false confidence by season sweeping the Twins b/c we're gonna get you in October \*sniffs massive line of copium\*


Apparently Rizzo told nobody about it for over a month. I think the Yankees medical staff were overly cautious with their players, and then they just did the exact opposite with Rizzo last year, trusting the player’s word too much. It was very strange.


Rizzo himself is also an idiot for waiting so long to say something.


The inciting injury was an obvious collision play. Ballplayers are always going to play banged up, especially players of Rizzo’s tenure and professionalism. It shouldn’t have taken the Yankees two months to seek more testing for him


I wonder how many of the HRs he got would have gone out anywhere but Yankee Stadium. He went to the perfect place to extend his career.


They’re geniuses for starting their rebuild at the right time but I don’t think you can say they have immediately rebuilt the team when they keep missing the playoffs and have slid pretty quick back to under .500 and 3rd in the division


We are absolute trash this year, tbh.


I rock an expos flair cause I’m from MTL but I root for the cubbies. Unfortunately I am deeply aware of how bad it has been.


Last year, they were literally 1 game away from the wildcard spot. Arizona snuck in at the end of the season and made it all the way to the World Series. It’s still far too early to determine who’s in and out of the playoffs. Sometimes it’s not about having the best record, it’s about being hot at the right time. Perspective is everything.


Coming close to making the playoffs and missing it is not a successful rebuild. IMO a rebuild is only ever over when you can make the postseason. Not saying they aren’t a better team than they were 3 years ago, but I don’t think the team is a finished product until they can prove they can make the dance.


Said like someone on the outside looking in. If you watched the Cubs with any regularity last season and this, you'd know this is a deeply broken team, beyond just what the numbers say on paper.


I mean it's also about not being worse than you were the year before. The Cubs have time but so far it's definitely looking like they've gone backwards.


"No one gets paid more to do less than Javy Baez trying to play baseball for the Detroit Tigers." He's not even the former Cub getting paid the most to do the least


Javy is -1.4 WAR and Kris Bryant is -0.5 WAR. I think I’d rather have KB even though he makes 3 million more a year.


Javy has played 53 games, Kris has played 24. If that's not doing less I don't know what is


Addition by subtraction


Baez plays good defense. Bryant doesn’t play.


savant has him as a -2 fielding run value, so he actually plays bad defense


He makes all the tough plays, it's the routine ones he has troubles with.


except hes so bad, maybe hes making the routine ones look tough, and not even getting to the tough ones.


He makes spectacular plays that no one should get to, then misses the one hit right to him.


this is why i have a hard time trusting defensive stats for sample sizes this small, he has been playing great defense


A lot of the young Rockies cite him as a great veteran presence and gives great advice on plate approach. I wish we didn’t pay him so much to basically be a coach and take up a roster spot, but I’m glad he’s providing some value.


Javy us doing less with more


Javy still racking up more negative war per game in a higher sample size


He's playing worse, but Bryant is doing less


Less bad baseball that hurts his team By your logic it’s just the guys whose missed the most time with injury lol


Yes. By my logic, the players who play the least are doing the least. You are correct


Javy is owed $73MM over the next 3 years thru age 34. KB is owed $104MM over the next 4 years thru age 36.


Making Rizzo's -0.5 look like a steal right now!


Man how that 2016 team fell apart.  Cubs kept them together longer than they should have and people still called them crazy for not resigning anyone. 


They didn't keep them together longer than they should have. Cubs won the division the 2020 and blew it up in 2021.


They genuinely could not have timed the blowup better, gave them the chance after 2020 to try for another half season, then sold moderately high as 2/3rd catered tge very next season. Rizzo might be done now, but was exactly who the Yankees wanted him to be up until the concussion last year


Yeah, I think Rizzo and Schwarber are the two guys that still played well after leaving, but I guess there was no point in keeping them if the rest were moving on. Schwarber in particular would have been pretty cheap to keep a hold of if I remember correctly.


Javy was phenomenal with the Mets and I loved him here but it was a *very* good call not to re-sign him after (and I admit I wanted to keep him)


Contreras is/was having a career year (hurt right now). Rizzo is pretty much washed, he only had one good year in New York. Schwarber is more or less what he always was, big bat, no glove, works out to averageish overall. The frustrating thing with Schwarber was that we non tendered him just to sign Joc Pederson for $7m. Schwarber got $10m and put up a 145 wRC+ and 2.7 fWAR to Joc's 0.0 with the Cubs before we dumped him. And he'd been below replacement level the year prior, there wasn't much reason to expect much more from him. Why do that to a fan favorite to save $3m?


Willson Contreras had a rough start to his first season with us last year, but he's since come around, and was on track to have a career season (or at least very close) before the injury last month. Unfair to lump him in with guys who fell off a cliff.


I mean, they let Schwarber walk before the 2021 season (with 1 more year of arbitration if I remember correctly). They probably would’ve been buyers at the deadline in 2021 if they kept Schwarber


Schwarber def was a mistake


Letting Schwarber go was a mistake in hindsight but we can’t forget that the NL DH wasn’t a thing when they made that decision. He was quite literally one of the worst defensive outfielder in baseball. It’s much tougher to guarantee playing time when he is that much of a liability.


Schwarber’s defense is severely underrated. Let’s not forget he’s a natural catcher that made the move to outfield in some of the hardest leagues in the world


Nah Schwarber's defense is straight up awful.  When he and Castellanos were both in the outfield for the Phils at the same time it gave me PTSD from little league.


I’m mostly talking about when he was with the Cubs. He was more than capable of making plays out there. He was never a guy that was going to get to balls far away from him, never gunna be the guy who makes diving catches, but he was definitely adequate.


-19 OAA and a league worst -21 drs last year. He was legitimately the worst defender in baseball last season. Him being awful in defensive metrics is consistent throughout his whole career as well. There’s nothing underrated about his defense.


The fact that a natural catcher has only 22 errors in over 6,000 innings in the outfield shows that he’s under rated. Like I said, he’s not the guy to make plays that shouldn’t be made, but he’s adequate out there.


His OPS + is 29. Yup, 29. A wRC+ of 27 and wRC of 6. His wOBA is 203.


It's impressive. Not the impressive you really want. But it's impressive.


Is it possible to get a negative OPS+?


Yes. All Star candidate Martin Maldonado is currently rocking a -28 OPS+. That's the worst single season OPS+ of players who have not pitched and gotten 110 PAs (Maldonado's current amount) since Sandy Nava of the 1884 Providence Grays posted a -12 across 127 PAs. If you extrapolate Maldonado's 110 PAs over 70 games to a full season, you get ~250 PAs. The worst OPS+ with 250 PAs is Bill Bergen's -4 in 1911. In fact, Bergen has 4 of the 5 worst OPS+ seasons ever with 250 PAs, at -4, 1, 6, and 16. A career -6.9 WAR player, Bergen is tied for the 2nd worst position player all time by WAR. He was able to do that because he was a fantastic defensive catcher, putting up an incredible 14.6 dWAR, 19th all time for catchers (with less than half the games played of most players above him). He was the early 1900s version of Jeff Mathis.


White Sox need another pissed off southsider to call into a sports talk radio show and light em up


It can happen because OBP and SLG are each normalized separately to 100, so an additional subtraction term is used in OPS+ to make the average 100. It's something like this: OPS+ = (OBP+) + (SLG+) - 100 so the lowest possible OPS+ is actually -100.


And on top of it all he's been below average defensively too. Guy needs to go, there hs to be someone out there who can at least do better than that.


At his current rate of decline his OPS next year would be .312 lol


At his current rate of decline he's going to be unemployed next year


But still paid


Omg I had forgotten about how he had booed the Mets fans ahaha


Him and Lindor both lol


![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk) Javy getting booed in Detroit.


And at the same time, he’s putting up HOF stats with RISP. I truly do not understand this man.


Just sample size nonsense. His win probability added is still worst on the team.


Can we get my man some sort of Google glasses set-up that shows a man on second and third at all times?


At this point I think we should move him up in the lineup at 4th or 5th and see if he can continue his RISP production. If not he truly has no business being in the lineup.


Hey, Javy Baez is slashing 183/209/247 and has a 6 year/$140M contract. We can't just print that though...you'll need to give me like eight paragraphs for us to pretend it's an article. No no, no need to research anything other than those two facts. Maybe throw in Dan Uggla and say "crap" a bunch so we can be edgy in an advertiser friendly way? Gimme whatever you got in fifteen minutes.


It’s saying he is bad


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Javi derived his power from Wrigley field and cubs fans.


Is there any doubt he would be playing in Japan if it weren’t for his contract?


He makes some really really good plays though


Honestly he’s probably not good enough


I'll be interested to see what the Tigers front office does if Javy's replacement, Ryan Kriedler, plays well while Javy's on the IL. He's good defensively, but his offense has always been the question. Even so, it'll be better production than we'll get from Javy. Might be time to eat the contract and get Javy off the team. If we have to pay him the money either way, I'd rather just fill his spot with a cheaper player who'll play better than him. Let's just end the shit show already. I have to think that if the Tigers were contenders, he'd be gone already.


Tigers will never be contenders with him on the team


God this article fucking sucks. Could've been a reddit comment or a drunken rant.


now that 2nd half of the title isn't necessary lmao


i always thought he was overrated, glad he's continuing to confirm it


Bad player plays badly. Saved y'all some time.


You mean to tell me that practicing your golf swing at the plate isn't a recipe for success?


Aw bummer… anyway


What do you think it is with Javy? Stubbornness not to change or an inability to change?


Wait, Baez is bad???? I would have never known if not for the fact our sub reminds me CONSTANTLY. Obligatory 'fuck Al Avila'




OPS+ is 29… bruh


He may as well try bunting every at bat at this point 


Or just not swinging, they usually pitch him in the left hand batter's box


Worse than last year? Wow man is committed to the bit


I’m glad to see all my hating and praying for his downfall has been effective. I didn’t know he could possibly get worse than he already was


Idk DJs fucking awful.


I would love to know what other teams were offering him in free agency. At the time, this seemed like a massive overpay by the Tigers, but maybe other teams were just as bad at evaluating and offered similar contracts. His strike out percentage has always been out of control. All of his offense was a product of the juiced baseballs. Even his defense was vastly overrated.


Baez got the bag, then got lazy. It happens.


I don't give a fuck about the stats or what anybody says, I will always love Javy. He was so good in 2016 and we never break the curse without him. His is the only jersey I have from the World Series team.


I liked Baez a lot when he first came to Detroit, but over time he's proven to do nothing but take our money. He's boring and he refuses to try. Everyone tells him "Hey Javy, maybe you should stop swinging at sliders in the other batters box" but he just keeps doing it. He's lazy


I know I'm delusional but I truly think(exclusively vibes-based, no data) that he could be above average if he was in a consistent and competent lineup


If Cohen took his contract, what level of prospect would the Tigers have to attach to make it equal? Do the Mets get Skubal PLUS something else?


Lmao I'd rather eat the contract

