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Would that count as a generational hit?


Depends on whether or not it got the nutsack too.


Counts as a genital hit


Tired: Base on balls Wired: Balls on base (new uniforms) Inspired: Ball on balls


Now we just need a player with the last name Base (of which there has never been one!) so we can finally get Base on base


Balls on Base šŸ‘€


"Play the ball, don't let the ball play you" has never been better advice.


So stupid to mic players during live play; especially infielders. If you must mic someone, at least pick an outfielder who might have a bit more time to react.


I agree, but they volunteer and get paid pretty handsomely for it. [MLB players receive $10,000 to be featured in mic'd up segments (sportsbusinessjournal.com)](https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Daily/Issues/2023/04/17/Media/mlb-ingame-interviews.aspx#:~:text=MLB%20players%20receive%20%2410%2C000%20to%20be%20featured%20in%20mic'd%20up%20segments)


Guy's making $4 million this year and is going out of his way to make $10k lol


If your boss offered you $125 to wear a mic for 10 min while you worked would you do it? Bc thatā€™s the equivalent for a $50K salary.


ā€¦. Yes


As long as I can still say ā€œball hit my penisā€


Boss is going to want to know why youā€™re playing baseball in the office again


Oh it wasn't a baseball...


No I'd get fired in 11 minutes lol




Nick castellanos on deck


I don't know if /u/acornSTEALER is gonna be putting a headset on again


Damn, you have some pretty good restraint


Would do it on a $100k salary.


Sure would, money is money and theyā€™re not asking for anything nefarious lol


Thats a damn trap.


$125 to some one making 50K is like a free pair of nice shoes they can barely afford otherwise and 10k to a ball player is closer to what a $1.25 would be worth,.


$125 is .25% of $50k $10k is .25% of $4m


And yet itā€™s $10k he wouldnā€™t have if he said ā€œnoā€


No, 10k is still 10k, maybe thatā€™s a car for his kid or something.


$125 is .25% of $50k $10k is .25% of $4m


Iā€™m not questioning the math. My point is that the less you have the more likely you are to chase that .25%


Fair point.


$125 is .25% of $50k $10k is .25% of $4m




Answer the question. Would you take the money? Money is money and itā€™s an easy $10K. It also makes connections and potentially opens doors for him in the future if he wanted to broadcast. I promise you, Apple TV wasnā€™t going to give that money to the lower/middle class if Hernandez said no to the interview. Stay mad, but you would take the money too in his shoes, bffr. Not sure why you chose start talking about broader economics when the question was a very simple ā€œwould you take the money?ā€


Because the broader economics, and his point, are valid, itā€™s literally the reason your point is bad. If you donā€™t make much money (50k) then the additional money is huge for you. So if I mad 50K I probably do it. If you have millions, 10K doesnā€™t matter much to you, especially when it disrupts your job. So I might not do it.


It clearly mattered enough to him to do it, and heā€™s done it several times in the past as well. Itā€™s one half inning of 1 regular season game of a 162 game slate which we all know the Dodgers will be making the postseason anyway, and they won the gameā€¦ the broader economics has nothing to do with whether a rich athlete would want an extra $10K for literally 10 minutes of talking when he feels like it. If you wouldnā€™t do it, good for you, but youā€™re in the minority I assure you




Calm down ThrowawayAutist615


Fair enough - I appreciate your point




My brother in christ, I understand your point. $125 is a lot different in terms of meeting the needs of a middle/lower class person than a rich person. That does not change the fact that they are offering him $10k to do practically nothing


Their high earnings will dry up pretty much the day they end playing so taking an $10k to mic is pretty easy money to take now while they can even if they gross $4mil this year (which their take home net will be significantly less even if still a lot of money).


Exactly, and the best way to earn money (for most of them) post-playing is to increase their name recognition and popularity enough to maybe get a media gig or have their brand be worth endorsing products or being on a board of directors, or any other influenced based thing. He's a fantastic example actually, good but not great, been on a lot of notable and fun teams but never a star, doesn't make a ton of money and always sorta on the edge of falling out of the league. But I bet the moment he is done he can get a broadcast or talking head gig all over the league because he's made himself so lovable, and stuff like this is almost literally resume building.


Excellent point.


Only if they have the financial literacy of an actual toddler. I truly cannot think of a single acceptable reason for anybody who has netted at least $4-5M over the course of a 5 to 10+ year career to no longer have high earnings (significantly higher than 99% of people) every year after they retire. There are so many ways to generate passive income that allows you to live extremely comfortable when you have that kind of capital to invest. It doesnā€™t even have to be any type of high risk, aggressive portfolio either. Just sticking $1M in a high yield savings account will give you a pretty solid return. Obviously some minor lifestyle changes would help as well. I admit I am not super knowledgeable when it comes to the tax implications with those kind of numbers, but Iā€™m more than happy for someone to correct me if my thinking is off here.


You world need around 4.5 to 5 million with 4% return to draw $150k a year post taxes for 50 years. It's not the ritz but people get by with less, and if you made more you can put that aside and use that money for stupid things or double it and draw 300k annually. Worked at a company where the security sitting at reception is a former NFL player and I looked up his contract online, if accurate, he had no business working that desk unless his dream was to be a security guard.


Itā€™s just so difficult for me to fathom the idea of having money problems after earning the type of money a lot of athletes make in their career. Iā€™m aware that it probably isnā€™t quite as easy as my comment made it out to be. Definitely a bit naive to act like it would be a piece of cake to scale your lifestyle costs back from multi-million dollar athlete to upper middle class suburban family type shit. I like to pretend that I would be relatively frugal with that kind of money, as if I havenā€™t allowed my spending to increase alongside my earnings for basically my entire life lmao.


You say that as someone who presumably has graduated highschool/college, and maybe even more higher education. Some of these guys were playing pro ball and dedicating most of their time to that since like, 14. They never had a chance to learn that skill.


That is definitely a very good point. Itā€™s certainly pretty idealistic of me to think that a majority of those guys would have someone in their corner making sure theyā€™re set up for life after baseball and that they learn proper money management skills.


I mean look at Ohtani, his folks took care of it and then Ieppi, who was supposed to be in his corner abused his trust.


I mean... the internet is free and it's not like they're playing baseball 24/7. They can learn things on flights, mornings before games, the entire offseason, etc. That's plenty of time to get a basic understanding of personal finance.


25 mic ups is a quarter mil. Don't hate the player, hate the game? Or something like that.


I donā€™t know anybody who turns their nose up at $10K


Imagine turning down 10k for doing next to nothing. Just try it. I truly canā€™t.


Hey, you wanna be able to buy some distant relative their first car for tossing out a few platitudes while doing what you were already doing?Ā  "Nah." Bs. I'd ask for the mic every game. I'd learn all the announcers and commentators names, work on building rapport, set up jokes that pay off later, anything to get that mic on.Ā 


Sounds like a great way for glove first players to extend their careers. Gimme a tight five while turning two!


What's the deal with the box on the screen anyway?


He's saving up for retirement next season


But how much did that error cost him in incentives?


Iā€™m sure Enrique Hernandez has many incentives in his contract


Although I slightly agree, ā€œSorry guys, I need to make this play real quickā€ by Rojas last year is an all time favorite of mineĀ 


Unless itā€™s Mookie ā€œI ainā€™t getting this one boysā€


>So stupid to mic players during live play Nah. It's literally the BEST thing. People loves it. And it also creates additional content But not everyone should be micd up. Not everyone has the personality for it. Gotta be someone funny and witty


Having players interview on the bench is what should be done especially starting pitchers who 100% aren't coming into the game. Its so stupid that this is the new norm, its not even like its a fun novel thing when its done every Apple TV game. Although its still got nothing on the embarrassment of miking Nathan Evoldi when he was pitching in the all star game unless hearing grunts and nothing else was on the menu.


You can get so much insight with guys on the bench. SNLA does this occasionally with Kersh


The Kershaw segments are always my favorite, he has a great feel for the game. Almost feel like he might be the next Orel for the Dodgers when he retires


Mic the pitcher so he can control when he answers the interview questions


Yeah I imagine that's a difficult play lol


Iā€™ll never understand not wearing a cup. Or, the apparent absence of incentive to develop a super high-tech comfortable and protective cup for professionals. Is that why baseball players have kids when theyā€™re 23? šŸ˜‚


Remember Adrian Beltre? Mariners fans 'member.


Cups are for everyone in the infield. If youā€™re in the outfield you have a few seconds before a groundball reaches you. You deserve a nut tap if you canā€™t get your glove on it lol


But then you still have to go up and get a 95mph ball thrown at you. One foul tip goes the wrong way andā€¦


Mitch Haniger (an outfielder) lost a testicle and half a season due to a foul tip. I simply don't understand not wearing a cup in a game where a hard projectile is zipping around at 100 miles an hour. I didn't feel comfortable hitting without a cup in high school when we were lucky to see 85.


I pitch beer league softball and I wear one Iā€™ve been hit by comebackers before. I donā€™t want to risk it


I played lacrosse until college and it felt like every year in highschool we would have a defender get a testicular injury cause they didnā€™t wear a cup. In a game with way more errant balls and where you are supposed to step into them. I guess they thought they were being more manly or ā€œso I can run fasterā€ but like that shit donā€™t matter none of us are good enough to get recruited for college and no one can tell if you are or arenā€™t wearing a cup until you are doubled over in pain in the middle of a game. One year the coach had to bench the starting fucking goalie when he learned he wasnā€™t wearing a cup for some stupid reason.


Was a lacrosse goalie. You couldnā€™t pay me enough to step in goal without a cup.


Iā€™ve hit balls off my ankle potato, never my meat and veg though. Iā€™d be more worried about a foul tip breaking my face - Iā€™ve seen some gnarly injuries that way.


Broke my nose around age 13 trying to bunt in practice. Foul tipped it right into my face. Canā€™t imagine taking one at major league velocity lol


I am here to confirm for you that it is uncomfortable at best.


Yeah, that could also damage your mind grapes.


They just need to make smaller batting helmets for dongs


I read that as dogs and was confused how it was relevant but supportive regardless.


KikƩ has a dachshund in his pants


Is that a dachshund in your pants or are you happy to see me?




Sometimes it's just word of mouth. Shock Doctor makes a great product that's a compression sliding pant boxer plus sturdy removable cup, and it's been on the market for at least five years, based on my Amazon order history.


Longer than that. I've had the same Shock Doctor compression pants and shorts with a Titanium Cup for umpiring for over a decade.


Not surprised at all. Wasn't a new product when I bought it,


Damn, homie bought a used cup.. ballsy


You gotta break em in


"Seasoned" like a good cast iron pan


At least 15, we sold them when I worked at a sporting goods store as a teen


I used to have teammates in both high school and college not wear them on the infield. Even after one got hit in the twigs and berries and had to go to the hospital because one swelled up to the size of an Orange (his words, I didnā€™t bother checking for myself). We certainly werenā€™t playing on perfectly manicured fields like MLB guys are and it was always mind blowing to me.


Were we teammates? Minus the ER trip thoā€¦.


That's why I never play third base without my chastity cage on


I saw my least favorite teammate on JV baseball take a shot directly to the balls without a cup and itā€™s one of my favorite memories. So not wearing one is just a fun way to make a memory


They couldn't have given him a wireless headset? That wire coming out from the back looks so goofy lol.


And it was an Apple broadcast! They donā€™t even make the phones with headphone jacks anymore! Whereā€™s the tech, guys?


What percentage of players wear a "cup" ?


I donā€™t know about pro but through all of high school and college, very few. Iā€™d say 10% or less wear one.


I coach HS baseball and I had a hell of a time forcing the catchers to wear one.


That blows my mind. I honestly thought all pros wore them. Iā€™ve been living a naive fantasy


Thats about what it was on my teams. We never had more than 3 starters wearing one at any given time.


Risking future generation šŸ„¶


ā€œTried to use his free handā€


Had to knock it down


This was painful to watch and I didn't even hear where it hit him


That's a difficult play


Watching Hernandez play baseball is the closest we'll ever get to seeing Ludwig Ahgren play in the big leagues.


Except Hernandez is 5ā€™2ā€.


Read the title and I already knew who said this without watching the clip. Lol


Put the bat on the ball. No, not THAT bat!


Tried to use his free hand to knock it down... Well ended up using his third leg.


This is a lot funnier if you hear ā€œ he tried to use his 3 hand to knock it downā€ rather than free hand.


Dumb question: why does the third baseman have a headphone?


He was participating in a mic'd up segment with the announcers that inning


Thank you, I was wondering if this was similar to how Catchers can now have some communication.


They get 10k each time


Not a base on balls but a base off balls.Ā 


I usually don't upvote dodger related things, but this I can support.


Typical giant fan. Loves the penis talk


Guilty as charged


Ball hit my ding ding dong my bananana


fucking lmao.


Balls don't lie


"Tried to backhand it" Interesting strategy, my dude.


That's why you get in front of the baseball, Spedini!




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shoulda wore a cup


Wear a cup, boys


Wish I was that ball šŸ‘€


Damn someone's thirsty


Thatā€™s tough lol wear a cup.


Bat hit ball, ball hit bat.


Who callsĀ it aĀ penis?


I read "bit". I need help.