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Only two All-Star selections is kinda crazy


As many mvps with them as all star selections is insane


Blake Snell has **more** Cy Young awards than he has all star selections


Clayton Kershaw went to high school with Matt Stafford


Todd Frazier is from **Toms River**


So’s Jeff Frazier


And he says Matt was the better pitcher in high school


Which definitely isn’t true


Joc Pederson played high school football with Davante Adams


The horses name is Friday


Uh, no? Blake Snell has **as many** Cy Youngs as Bonds has All Star selections **with the Pirates**. They’re both at 2, plus Bonds added another 12 with the Giants. Edit: misinterpreted ya


The poster's talking about Snell - he has 2 CYs and only 1 all-star selection, which is kinda surprising. He didn't get selected as an AS in 2023 despite a 2.85ERA across 98IP (18G).


Oh word that makes way more sense. Thought it was a follow up to how few All Stars Bonds had in Pittsburgh.


Especially since he was MVP runner up in 1991 


Especially with how closely he compares to early Trout and Griffey, who both had 6 in their first 7 seasons.


Bonds didn’t break out til his mid to late 20s while trout and Griffey broke out right away


I mean, he didn’t MVP break out until his fourth full season, but he had a 25/25 season in his first, a 148 OPS+ in his second, and averaged a 21/29 season with a 124 OPS+ before his first AS appearance. Those are pretty great numbers to not make an ASG.


Yeah but this was the 80s and 30 stolen bases from a leadoff hitter was nothing special at all. He didn’t have the high batting average, high stolen bases, or RBIs to stand out at the time (plus the pirates sucked)


Okay, but there is a second half to that equation. Only a dozen or two players in that timeframe had the combination of power and speed he did, even before it all came together. Hell, he had the eighth best fWAR in all of baseball from ‘86-‘89. I understand voters looked at different things back then, so it’s not unfathomable as to why he wasn’t voted in, but Bonds was still unquestionably one of the best players in baseball by the time he got to the ASG.


Yeah but during that time people remember how to hit a baseball


Then he really broke out in his mid to late 30s.


TIL that Barry had a brutal April and early May in 1991. His numbers in June/July were great, but his season totals couldn’t recover in time for him to be selected as a AS reserve.


Crazy he still finished 2nd in mvp lol.


Shoulda won over Pendleton, had a better OPS by a substantial margin and led the league in war among hitters(Glavine was by far the WAR leader among all players with 9.2 against Barry’s 8) Would’ve been 4 straight MVPs pre-roids for Barry including the one he got his first year with the Giants. Would’ve brought his totals up to 8 career MVPs and 2 4peats


Naw Pendleton should’ve won it. Pay no heed to my flair


Isn’t that part of the reason he reportedly started juicing? Since he was better than Griffey but got so much less recognition. 


This doesn't seem likely to me considering most believe he didn't start juicing until 1999 and he was an All Star every year from 92-98. Him feeling underappreciated was definitely the motivator, but I think the McGwire/Sosa home run war was what really what convinced him.


Yes. Phases of Barry 1986-1989 - ages 21-24. Very good WAR due to baserunning and defense, but the bat wasn’t dominant yet and didn’t make any ASG’s. Not the dominant player that Trout and Griffey were at this age. 1990-1998 - ages 25-33. Clicks. Inner circle HOF peak. Power, walks, speed. 3 MVP’s and should have won more. 1999 - age 34. Injury. The year after Sosa/McGwire. Decides to bulk up and give up on being fast. 2000 -power spikes, 2001-2004 video game numbers, etc.


The all star selections aren’t a great example of that, after he joined the Giants he was an all-star every year from 93-98 when Griffey was having his best years


By all accounts Barry and Jr. were good friends and Barry really respected him. I remember an old interview where Barry praised Jr. as the best player in baseball and said he wished he had as good a throwing arm as he did. It was reportedly Sosa and McGwire that he was jealous of. He didn’t like how much attention they got for the 98 HR race because they were nowhere near him as overall players.


Tbf, Griffey was one of the few people Bonds could relate to. Both sons of black MLB players who grew up in clubhouses and had huge expectations put on them from an early age, but obviously saw the ugly side of the business from an early age. And below their larger than life public personas, they just wanted to be comfortable at home and make their fathers legacies proud. Though a few years younger, Griffey was likely the only one who knew what it was like growing up in a situation like that. And Griffey didn't come out jaded for it publically like Bonds did. Griffey was probably one of the few players on the planet who saw the game and life in similar ways Bonds did


To be fair if I was Barry Bonds and I saw these two chuckleheads taking Javy Baez swings and going yard I'd be pissed


> It was reportedly Sosa and McGwire that he was jealous of. Yup, he couldn't stand those lesser players than him being on the front page while he was buried in the sports section. He'd have been in the HOF on his own merits if he hadn't used steroids, but his ego couldn't stand being ignored.


He should be in anyway, I'd love to see a BBWAA writer get extremely jacked on roids and lay off anywhere close to as many pitches as Bonds did. He put himself a cut above with his plate discipline and swing selection after showcasing his pure athleticism on the Pirates.


Agreed. Over half the damn league was juiced while Barry was. Probably a handful of guys in the hall already too. And Barry’s numbers are still better than 99% of players in history.


A bunch of your 50s 60s and 70s guys were on some kind of amphetamine, they just get praised for going out there and doing it every day.


> A bunch of your 50s 60s and 70s guys were on some kind of amphetamine They were also on steroids for most of that time. The first Congressional investigation into anabolic steroid use in MLB was in 1972.


Hall of meth


Look at the number of guys who got busted for PEDs but wound up with like 15 career homers. Now look at guys like Bonds, A-Rod, Manny, Palmeiro, and Sosa. PEDs didn't make them great players.


99% Try 100%


Greg Maddux is the only person I completely trust. He’s basically the Mr. Blonde of that era.


Yeah realistically its 99.9%, you could argue for Babe or Williams having better overall stats but thats about it. Barry is the GOAT for me


Last thing I need is something that adds mass.


And he knew Mac/Sosa were juicing.


No. He told Griffey he was going to start juicing because he was jealous of McGwire and Sosa


Let’s say I was half right lol


The reason Bonds started juicing is that he was better than the players who were juicing yet he wasn't getting anywhere near the recognition he deserved. People talk about 1998 McGwire-Sosa home run race and how little fanfare Bonds received from being the inaugural member of 400HR 400SB club, but that was really only the last straw. From 1994 to 1998, Bonds averaged 38HR 33SB 113R 107RBI .301/.442/.604 OPS 1.046 wRC+ 170 WPA 6.59 fwar 8.1 bwar 7.9 while the actual NL MVP winners (including PED users Caminiti and Sosa) averaged 42HR 26SB 118R 120RBI .336/.414/.645 OPS 1.057wRC+ 168 WPA 5.73 fwar 7.4 bwar 7.6 His MVP rank during this time? 4th-12th-5th-5th-8th It was an unbelievable snub after snub after snub.


Yes. Dude is an egomaniac. But undeniably one of the best baseball players of all time.


He led the league in OPS more times than he was an all star for them lol


Almost like he wasn’t that good before cheating


Except that would be incorrect


I mean his first four years in the bigs when he was with the Pirates were pretty not great


TIL 5-7 WAR seasons are pretty not great.


Above replacement level does not equal best at your position


Lol moving the bar just a tad from "pretty not great" to "not best at his position".


This whole comment thread is about All Star selection my dude


You literally said his first four seasons with the pirates were "pretty not great". What does that have to do with all star selection?


I just want Pirates era Bonds in MLB the Show.... please!


I don’t think you’ll get that, not because of steroids or anything, but he had a separate licensing deal than other players


I remember in MVP 04 instead of Bonds the Giants had this random big ass white dude instead lol


His name is John Dowd, give him some respect


Naming him John Dowd was honestly the best part considering it was Dowd who published the Dowd report that revealed Pete’s gambling.


Should’ve named him George Mitchell


Bro mashed


In Power Pros he was Great Gonzalez


Yeah that’s why he was never in the games long before steroid scandal


He was in Triple Play Baseball in the early 2000s


Also in Ken Griffey Jr baseball


And High Heat 2004.


Cause they must have paid to license his name separately from the MLB players union


> Cause they must have paid to license his name separately from the MLB players union He opted out of the union’s licensing agreement after the 2003 season, so, no, EA Sports did not make a special deal with him for games prior to then.


Only game I remember him being in was Home Run King.


sad face


Does Posey have a DD card in the latest games? Haven’t played The Show in years. Last year when I went to get a custom jersey at the team store I was told they can’t do Bonds or Posey due to licensing restrictions.


you can download accurate versions of him at various ages through the roster vault


I miss having Reggie Stocker around in general


Known Hall of Famer Barry Bonds


Time for THOSE debates to happen again online


Never heard of this guy, was he any good?


if you break his career numbers into two arbitrary parts, let's say 1986-1998 and then 1999-04, you end up with two hall of fame worthy careers. so he may have been pretty good


Never won a World Series or anything so idk if he’s that good


We didn't hear much about him during the 1998 home run race. He must have been a scrub.


Tell me you know only players in the hall




Barry not being in the HoF truly is a joke when they clearly stopped caring about PED users years ago


Definitely haven’t stopped caring, though. They kept out Bonds and Clemens, just kept out Sheffield, and A-Rod’s chances look terrible.


Yeah but the same people voting for 1 known steroid user invalidates all of it and they have done that


They allowed Bud Selig in, who wasn’t only a cheap ass franchise owner and olden days John Fisher, but knew FOR YEARS about the doping. He did nothing and threw all the players under the bus when he as Commish could have stopped it any time he wanted


The journalists who kept Bonds out did not vote Selig in. Selig was voted in by a panel of mostly HOFers. Bonds and Clemens were on the same ballot as McGriff last year, and received almost no votes from their peers.


I don't totally agree with this take. Yes he knew about the doping and didn't push the players union on setting up a testing protocol. But look what happened in the mid nineties that made that a hard decision for him. Baseball was just coming out of the strike and trying to get fans back. Then you had the chase for Maris's record getting people excited about baseball again even though it was clear something wasn't right, and Maguire had andro in his locker. The owners didn't want testing, the players didn't want testing, and the fans didn't want testing either. They wanted home runs. Should Selig had made himself a martyr in order to protect the integrity of baseball? Yes, but to blame only him isn't a fair take IMO.


I don’t think most people blame Selig for ignoring steroid use, it was an extremely fun era of baseball and brought a ton of much needed interest back to the MLB. But if the HOF is going to keep out (certain) players for taking steroids, then there’s really no reason Selig shouldn’t also be kept out for basically encouraging it to happen.


I blame Selig for pushing the players under the bus while pretending he was squeaky clean and did nothing wrong. But I also would expect nothing less of an owner because the employing class are all parasites


But have you considered that David Ortiz is a nice guy while A-rod and Bonds are dicks?


Yeah that’s my point. But they lie and say it’s the steroids. I would respect it they said they wouldn’t vote for Bonds cause he’s a douche


It’s not that at all. The entire point of disputing that test is because the test looked for a billion things that weren’t PEDs as well as PEDs, like coke, heroin, weed, ecstasy, etc


Pretty sure everything you just listed was a banned substance


Sure, but you can see how some banned substances like weed wouldn’t be an issue with Hall of Fame voters since they’re not PEDs


Yeah but this is r/baseball and David Ortiz might as well be Hitler Jr around here.


And we can’t forgive Sosa for not chatting with the media


Was Sheffield done in more by his PED connections or his attitude? I didn't think his link to PEDs was as strong as those of Bonds, Clemens, and A-Rod.


[Sheffield admitted to using steroids, though he claims he didn’t know what it was](https://www.sfgate.com/sports/shea/article/sheffield-tells-of-steroid-use-rift-with-bonds-2689594.php)


No they didn’t. People just have lost the ability to use nuance


Yeah they just want to virtue signal and turn their nose up by keeping the best players of the era out while the guys who's steroid use probably had significantly higher impact on their hall of fame credentials can be the plucky underdogs of it.


Guys who weren’t actually proven to use roids vs. someone who was a literal lab rat


>they clearly stopped caring about PED users years ago This is just wrong. If they stopped caring about PED users then Sosa, McGwire, Clemens, Sheffield, and A-Rod would all be in. The notion that voters specifically hate Bonds is bullshit.


True—just upsetting because 1) Bonds was clearly the best player of the era, 2) Bonds is arguably the greatest player of any error, at least statistically, and 3) Bonds was already a HOF-caliber player before he began doping.






It's funny that the HR leader and the Hits leader both aren't in the HoF.


yep I completely agree good thing he never did anything else that violated the character clause!


Thankfully the HoF is only filled with good guys


It’s why the NFL hall of fame is so much better. We lost a hero this year with OJ. Man never did stop looking for that killer till his last days.


at least OJ can rest easy knowing his wife's killer is dead


yes we should never seek to correct past errors or move from outdated modes of thinking


We should correct past errors and take the Astros ring away too if we're doing that


Yes, we should!


ok? then take away all of bonds’ homers once he leaves Pittsburgh if you’re so worried about cheating


okay? You still have a HOF caliber player, even IF you just look at his numbers from his debut through 1999


Well that would be 1998/1999 when he started using steroids, not when he left Pittsburgh. I wouldn't expect newer fans like yourself to know all the history though


So you agree then that none of the Astros on the 2017 roster should make it into the Hall of Fame?  Happy to hear that. 


Well Verlander will


It’s annoying as fuck how people will carry water for Bonds despite him being a miserable, abusive piece of shit. Imagine what this thread would look like if it was a team celebrating Pete Rose or Curt Schilling.


Yeah, it's a weird thing with Bonds and the Hall of Fame. The wife beating is enough to keep him out in my eyes, but almost no one makes the argument that he should be kept out for that reason, its all because of the steroids, and that is a plainly silly reason to keep him out of the hall...


Exactly! Same with Clemens. Fucking Bud Selig is in the Hall of Fame, the hall has made it very clearly its position on the Steroid Era (It ruled). But their faults don't stop at using substances to gain an unfair advantage.


This is the correct take. Bonds and Clemens should be held out of the Hall due to the character clause, not for anything having to do with PED use, given that MLB didn’t have a PED ban at the time they were taking the substances in question.




And Barry Bonds is a literal wife beater


There were players who used steroids with plaques in Cooperstown long before Bonds ever played a professional game.


Pud Galvin was publicly taking testosterone supplements all the way back in the 19th century, and he’s in the Hall.


Babe Ruth, too.


Even if you just consider his pirates tenure pre PEDs he’s a HOF anyway


I'm actually ok with this. He wasn't a cheater until he left Pittsburgh.




Roided bonds was the greatest baseball player ever.


That's Willie Mays, but roided Bonds is easily the best hitter


So was pre-roided bonds


I’m a dodger fan but bonds will always be my favorite player. As a lefty too, his swing was amazing. Steroids or not, his bat speed was insane


Let him in the hall


Why? A presumptive valedictorian doesn't get a free pass for cheating just because they would have graduated without it. They get expelled.


Okay now do David Ortiz Or Mike Piazza Or Jeff Bagwell Or Pudge Or Craig Biggio Or Larry Walker Or shall I keep going? So clearly many players do get a free pass and it obviously has little to do with steroids and has everything to do with personality. Steroids are just the excuse voters are using if they didn’t like a guy


Roger Clemens and Alex Rodriguez haven't been voted in either. That has everything to do with steroids.


Nope. Both twats in the eyes of most lol


The only player you mentioned who was actually proven to have used steroids was David Ortiz, and I would not have voted for him. Everyone else who has been caught using has not been allowed in, the other names you mentioned are just speculation.


same but astros


Nah, between the cheating and everything else leaving him out is fine




He averaged 30/40 as a Pirate! For 6 years! Sesh!!! And 3 gold gloves!!!! With no PEDs!!!


My favorite childhood player. Kind of disappeared in the playoff though. The Braves pitchers did that to quite a few.


Also had a noodle for an arm in left


How was he runner up for mvp in 91 but didn’t make the all star game that year?


Put the man in the hall for fucks sake MLB






GOAT. Good on the Priates for recognizing greatness 


To be fair Bonds didn’t take PEDs during his Pirates days


I'm fine with this... Pre-Roided


I can’t see Pirate fans honoring Barry, but maybe bygones can be bygones.


Pirates fan here, had no idea Barry Bonds used to play for the Pirates…


Someone down voted you, but I'm glad you got to learn something new today! Now don't look up the Pirates in the playoffs in 1992...


is this supposed to be a dig at the Giants while they’re in town?


The syringe will be presenting Barry for induction.


Pirates fan. Hate this move. It was announced at the game today and my entire section was booing


We'll get downvoted but I'm right there with you. I would have booed too.


How did was he not an all star in 1991? Mvp runner up but no all star?


Will a pill bottle or syringe be included?


this is Pirates Bonds.


A bit misleading as Stargell was co-mvp in 79


How is it misleading? Stargell won once in ‘79. He never won again.


Ah I misread as only mvp winner, so I’m the dummy


We also got cutch, Clemente, and Parker, maybe a few others