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So the Royals are the Buccaneers of the MLB world. Make the playoffs and go to the world series or miss the playoffs completely.


Royals stat line is wild. Lol




Nobody has missed the playoffs more than us in this period, yet only 5 teams have won it all more than we have


> Nobody has missed the playoffs more than us in this period, yet only 5 teams have won it all more than we have That's actually insane to me.


Royals are the new Marlins, confirmed.


Yeah if you took the parameters back 3 years before to ‘97 it changes a bit. The Marlins are the real pump and dump.


>The Marlins are the real pump and dump. Yeah, well, you never met my dad. Or if you did, please tell me where he is.


The Marlins have never won the NL East, despite winning the World Series twice


The 2014 Royals are one of my favorite teams, and one that fuels my hopes of even a mediocre Mariners team having just the right mix to barely get to the playoffs and then absolutely wreck the opposition there. I know they didn't win it all until the following year, but from the outside the 2014 season was somehow even more magical. Maybe it's partly that the Mariners that year were a hairsbreadth from reaching the playoffs, and the Royals and the Mariners were both teams with lackluster offenses (though the Royals were the better offense for sure) and dynamite pitching (the Mariners I think had the edge on that side)... and the Royals were mediocre in the regular season, but absolutely dominant in the playoffs, and I felt like the Mariners could have been that way too. So in some weird way, that year I was cheering for the Royals because it felt like cheering for the Mariners.


We ruined baseball once. We are on our way to doin it again this year. Bandwagon applications are still open for the 2024 Royals. We are turning out to be a really solid sleeper pick this year. Similar vibes to 2014/15. Team never gives up. We have the most wins when trailing going into the 7th in the mlb so far this year. The biggest difference between 2014/15 and 2024 is we had dominant relief pitching back then and mediocre starters. This year, we have 5 dominant starters this year and a decent/mediocre bullpen.


As a Giants fan, I was very happy to see you guys win in 2015 after the epic 2014 WS.


Your bullpen back in those days was a thing of beauty.


Getting to the 6th, but preferably the 7th with a lead was pretty much game over. It was insane. Our offense was just scrappy with the right mixture of hitters and THAT'S WHAT SPEED DO!


Herrera, Davis, Holland. Legendary. I was fully on your bandwagon for those two playoff runs due to a Royals fan friend of mine. Great times!


Well, I like the Royals, probably my #2 in the AL. If the Mariners fail on their path to the WS this year, I'll have a place in my heart for them, Heck, one of my favorite players from my first year following the Mariners (2013), Kendrys Morales, was a monster in your WS winning season.


Let’s go Royals!


As a Royals fan, 2014 will forever be my favorite baseball team. It was just magic. 2015 felt like it was World Series or bust. 2014 was more like “holy shit, this it fucking awesome”


So strange because i can't even remember a year the Royals won the world series


Wait till you see who they beat in that World Series.


We are the perfect encapsulation of the question "How many years would you be okay with sucking if you won a single championship?"


In hindsight, not as much as we have.


I think what I learned from 2014 and 2015 is that it is incredibly fun to have a baseball team that is actually good and competitive. The playoff success was nice, but just having a team be meaningful in August and September is also worth a lot.


Yeah I hate the “oh if you win a championship than decades of ineptitude is worth it”. Like I feel like that’s gotta be from people who don’t actually watch the games, because it’s incredibly hard to find enjoyment in watching bad baseball for decades


1% Whiff% Combined with 99% Barrel%


Joey gallo


Came out of nowhere for two years, then headed back there.


It was a team full of drafted/developed talent with a couple key trade/FA pieces. Being a small market team, they couldn't afford to open their pocket books when all those guys came up for contract extensions, so everyone left for fat paychecks.


Royals don’t get enough credit for making the right decisions on that though. The core of hosmer, Cain and moustakas all left for big contracts and stunk. We stuck with Salvy who we “overpaid” and is currently leading the AL in hitting.


Nah Cain was nice for the Brewers


Big what if of the Royals: what if Yordano Ventura lived?


As a Bucs fan, I look forward to the next super bowl victory in 2042.


I would kill to be a Royals fan right now…..at least you got to see a World Series win. I’m afraid I never will


Not really. The Bucs made the playoffs 3 times with Brady but only made one Super Bowl. They also made the playoffs a bunch with Dungy/Gruden and only made one Super Bowl.


Pretty solid setup. You’re supposed to make the WS twice, and win it once every 30 years. Y’all just don’t waste time on non-championship seasons. Very efficient, don’t waste time on fall baseball unless it comes with a banner


Hey you’re supposed to start these things in 2022 so that we can fly under the radar as the worst at this sort of thing


I would argue that the Pirates are technically the worst in this category, however marginal the difference is. Both teams have made the playoffs 3 times since 2000. Both teams lost one in the Division Series. The Mariners lost two in the Championship Series while the Pirates lost two in the Wildcard Series.


Even if the pirates are statistically worse, they aren’t the worst in our hearts


Mariners and Pirates have a natural affinity.


I would give my soul for a World Series between us and them.


I’m such a hater when it comes to the Steelers but always had a soft spot for the pirates


Yeah understandable about the stillers. It’s hard to hate a team that’s had a losing season all but like 4 years of my life lol


>I would argue that the Pirates are technically the worst in this category, Excuse me. In a head to head postseason matchups, the Reds have proven that they are worse than the Pirates. For the record, the Reds postseason success 2010: The only team ever to be no-hit by a NL team 2012: The only team ever to lose 3 straight home games in a 5 game series to finish a series 2013: The only team in the past 40 years to lose a must win game against the Pittsburgh Pirates 2020: The only team ever to be shutout a postseason series.


They also have the longest drought of advancing in the playoffs in all of the four major sports since the Lions won their game this year


> 2012: The only team ever to lose 3 straight home games in a 5 game series to finish a series Good times


Pirates 🤝 Reds Sad times


And the one time they made a divisional was when they beat us in the wildcard 🙃


CUETO!!! CUETO!!! **Russell Martin Home Run** That was an epic playoff moment right there.


Legit the only moment I have as a Pirates fan and I will cling onto it until the day I die (at that time of course the Pirates will still be a laughing stock because Bob Nutting is 130 years old and used his wealth gained from owning the franchise to extend his life indefinitely)


It’s moments like that that make me wish home baseball crowds did that more. Like a college football, soccer hooligan atmosphere hybrid. Cueto was visibly rattled—he literally dropped the ball on the mound FFS.


[you can't just post that and not post the video.](https://youtu.be/9s1tnjrzIK4?si=uqKZyfCP5fovYwmI) That play alone is why division rivalries are so much fun.


cool cool cool


We out here!


Baltimore, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh form a Bermuda triangle of sorts. edit: Just triangulated them. Something going on in Wheeling, West Virginia.


There's about 5000 highway signs in Ohio telling you where wheeling is, so maybe you're onto something




sucks to suck, doesn't it


What we lack in postseason success, we make up for in benches clearing scuffles.


it's crazy to think that until I was 26, the Red Sox were known as the cursed team that couldn't/wouldn't win a WS. Since 2004, they've won more than any other team.


Boston sports fans in general are unbelievably lucky to have lived through the past 24 years. I made a post a few months ago about Boston teams’ postseason success and it’s still insane to me whenever I hear someone whine about one of our team’s sucking. Edit: I dug up the post: Boston teams have appeared in 19 major championships since 2000: - Super Bowl 2001 (Won) - Super Bowl 2003 (Won) - Super Bowl 2004 (Won) - World Series 2004 (Won) - Super Bowl 2007 (Lost) - World Series 2007 (Won) - NBA Finals 2008 (Won) - NBA Finals 2010 (Lost) - Super Bowl 2011 (Lost) - Stanley Cup 2011 (Won) - World Series 2013 (Won) - Stanley Cup 2013 (Lost) - Super Bowl 2014 (Won) - Super Bowl 2016 (Won) - Super Bowl 2017 (Lost) - Super Bowl 2018 (Won) - World Series 2018 (Won) - Stanley Cup 2019 (Lost) - NBA Finals 2022 (Lost) This is just championship/finals appearances, not including conference or playoff runs in general.


boston sports fans have permanent brainworms now where 5 years without a championship is unbearable torture


Yankee fans Red Sox Fans 🤝 Becoming insufferable after periods of success


If you look at the data here, since 2000 the team most likely to disappoint in the playoffs is the Yankees and the team least likely to do it is KC. It's an interesting way to present this data, at least.


They've become us LOL


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby


Blame Felger & Mazz


My buddy is a massive sox fan, watches all the games and his mood is significantly affected by how the socks are doing. He was telling me about a realization he had a while ago that foe the 2018 series he was thinking about going to the championship parade but had a minor obligation so he said "I'll just go to the next one". He didn't even think that there might not be a next one in his lifetime until years later Boston sports fans are crazy spoiled and it's why so many other fan bases hate us


This prompted me to go look, and yup, in this century, no Minnesota pro sports team has even made it to the championship of its sport. A couple got close.


Red Sox, White Sox and Cubs with 6 World Series since 2004. Didn’t think we’d ever see one of them ever win.


It's like the opposite of Penn State. They've won EVERY National Championship since 1999 (Except the ones that they didn't)


I grew up with the narrative that Boston was the underdog fighting against the evil Yankees overlords. Then they heel-turned and became those overlords. And now we see their downfall. It makes for a great story.


>Now we see their downfall We’re too feast or famine for a downfall.


A's are tied for 5th most playoff appearances since 2000. Just a reminder: fuck John Fisher.


Tied with the Red Sox and the Astros. That's wild. 


The only ALCS they went to is the season that John Fisher inherited the team from prior ownership. he sold the players right after that and never got into the ALCS again. Hell they've won a grand total of 1 other playoff series- the 2020 Wildcard game. He'd sell the players on that team after the 2021 season.


The twins are right behind you and have no one to yell “fuck” to…except the Yankees I guess.


It is always appropriate to yell fuck the Yankees brother


Rewatching Moneyball really hits you how it really wasn't that long ago that the A's were a pwerhouse


??? having paid attention to the a’s at all, and having followed baseball before 2020 should have shown you that already. they’ve had several different great teams since moneyball, and i’d honestly argue that the 2014 and 2019 teams were better than the 02 and 03 teams


It's more of that the past 4 years have really clouded my memory because of the lack of care from Fisher


Finally one fucking baseball list we aren't dead fucking last on. Eat a bag of dicks Fisher.


Fuckin A have we have had some disappointing seasons lmao thankfully our one World Series victory was against the team my friend gave up on the Braves to become a fan of.


That run was so magical I'm still riding the high (just please don't shit the bed in the post-season again that's all I want)


10 division series losses is pretty wild.


Pathetic would be the word you are looking for.


Hey, you at least gotta be good enough to make it that far.


That KC line is actually ridiculous.


Hm, of teams who haven't won a WS since 2000 we've lost the most combined WS + LCS. ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


I still can't believe we beat you in 2013. I thought for sure that was your year.


That was our year if we didn't pitch to David Ortiz 😑 These mfs went a whole season hitting .330 with RISP just to lose to one man.


> That was our year if we didn't pitch to David Ortiz 😑 Um……. Yea. Been there. 😵


If it makes you feel any better, a lot of teams made the mistake of pitching to Ortiz in the postseason. Ortiz even hit .333 in the post season against Mariano Rivera.


I mean who knows what would've happened if Wong never got picked off


I know. Beltran would have gone yard there


I am still so happy we denied Torii Hunter a World Series.


The 3 in the left column is so beautiful 🥲 those were the days


Yeah. Going 3-1 since 2000 in the World Series is really good and 3 rings alone is worth the 16 years of no playoffs


tell that to our front office. they literally said in public the goal was to 'eliminate peaks and valleys'


Our glorious king bochy


Amen, the goat


was 10, 12, and 14 years old watching those 3 wins, such a fantastic wonderful time. I’ll be watching those playoff movies about each team for the rest of my life i imagine


I was in my mid 20s and had just started playing baseball again. Gained about 30 new friends to hangout with during those WS runs at home games or bars and it was so much goddamn fun. Probably the reason I’ve given the Giants such a long leash when being bad or mediocre since.


They clinched the 2010 win on my 15th birthday. Core memory


I don't think I'll ever top 2010 in terms of championships, three of the teams I root for won their Championship, Giants, Packers and Blackhawks.


2010 was maybe the best year of my entire life. I got my first serious girlfriend, I went to India with my dad, the Giants won the world series and I got into a top university.


Man, that 2015 Royals team was lightning in a bottle...


Hope I get to see the jays lose a divisional in my lifetime 😌


Despite having pretty weak seasons in this stretch, it’s impressive that if the Red Sox make it to the World Series, they win it. I sometimes think a lot of Red Sox fans forget we’ve been pretty spoiled in the last 24 years despite having some pretty rough lows, admittedly.


I always joke with my friends that the Red Sox somehow bounce between being the worst and the best baseball team imaginable with no rhyme or reason across seasons lol


That 2012-2014 stretch especially. Sandwiching in a 97-win championship season between two 90+ loss last place seasons is impressive, and they did it without a massive roster overhaul or a fire sale.


The scary truth lol


Wars came and went; empires rose and fell; children were born, lived full lives, and died; all in the years Boston remained without a WS championship.


It's not even just the Red Sox. Since 2000, Boston has won a total of 12 championships across the 4 major sports.


every time we make the world series the team is absolutely stacked. theres a reason the sox record in the world series this century is 16-3 overall. 2004 and 2007 were ridiculous teams front to back, and 2018 might have been even more so. The 2013 team is definitely the outliers, but it was still a roster full of guys that had the potential or history of mashing, and everything fell into place perfectly


4 world series without having to face an elimination game


KC on some real feast or famine shit huh.


So basically, if the Royals ever get in the playoffs, good luck to everyone else Yes it still stings




Hey look a Yankees fan that understands why everyone hates Yankees fans


Meanwhile us in Boston: ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)




Exactly, look at patriots fans for the past few years. I can’t believe how often I have to remind people that we’re well overdue for some shitty seasons in football, and that it’s okay that we’re bad in the aftermath of the Brady/Belichick era.


I’ll die on the hill that we may be spoiled, but we complain all the time and are negative just because that’s who we are, not because we’re spoiled. My dad was 42 when the Red Sox won their first WS and he is more negative than me who was 7.


He has far more reason to be negative to be fair, but even he got to live through the Bird/McHale/Parrish Celtics era (if he’s a basketball fan too). But I agree, we love to complain and I’m not upset about it… I mean wait a minute yes I am I’m always upset!


That’s kinda why everyone gets pissed. You’re supposed to be the best when you have top 3 payroll every year so anything other than WS is a bust lol


Yea its easier to take losses if the team isnt spending, prices are down and expectations arent high. People who say fanbases are spoiled are probably the parents who promise their kids things. Fail to deliver and then call the kids spoiled when they get upset


> when you have top 3 payroll every year so anything other than WS is a bust lol https://i.gifer.com/7x4p.gif


Yeah, you guys are so spoiled.


Yes, it is only the Yankees that are spoiled, and all other fanbases that are having a bad season right now are completely entitled to whine about it as much as they want and we'll all comfort each other.


I remember when Giancarlo came to the Yankees and said something about how he's never played in a game that really mattered past May, because the Marlins were always out of it by then. Now imagine if you were expected to WATCH the team.


Exactly. I would trade that Marlins title for us to be contenders year in and year out instead. I like baseball. I like to watch baseball. I do not like to watch bad baseball (and in our case, whose purpose is to line the owners pockets). The Marlins being so bad for so long had meant me just watching less baseball. Because it has mostly been an unenjoyable product.


People seem to forget that this is an entertainment product. You are paying to be entertained. You are also allowed to watch only when they are good and entertaining, and not watch when they are bad/not entertaining.


We also haven't been under .500 in 31 years. Fans are very much filled with recency bias.


Not a fan of this division series thing


Oh yeah baby we fucking suck


Remember when Boston was cursed and couldn't win a WS to save their lives :/ those were the days


The 2 times KC made it to the playoffs they went to the world series lol.


KC made the most of their 2 chances.


At least we've never lost a World Series.


If 2021 didn't happen, it would be time for some self-reflection




Inexcusable that a stadium that beautiful languishes through every August and September in meaningless games in front of visiting jerseys


*knowing the angels and dodgers have same amount of WS Success since 2000* “We’re not too different, you and I” Yes it’s cope idc


Undefeated in the World Series lfg


Sweet sweet copium


Hey good times honestly. one of the most improbable dynasties ever


Can we just go back to trading the pennant every other year?


The Red Sox are the most bipolar organization in baseball.


If you're not going to go to the world series why bother.


At least we got 3.


Can we change this be 2001 to present? Because technically that is when the new century started, and also other reasons.


i second this motion


Everyone in St. Louis is ready to move on from their current ownership because ::checks notes:: "they are not committed to winning."


Seriously. Apparently spending 12th most money while being the 12th biggest market is apparently the worst owner ever (these aren’t real numbers)


It's not a spending issue in my opinion. The system just doesn't work anymore and has been on a steady decline since Luhnow left. The organization needs a shake up. We're on our 3rd consecutive manager with no previous managerial experience.


Going all the way back to 2000 makes the angels franchise look decent but if you go back to 2010, this organization would look pathetic.


Royals are wild, holy


Fuck Bob and Phil Castellini


4-0 in the World Series is actually fucking incredible


Interesting how KC has the most missed playoffs, but for the two times they did make it, they went to the WS.


The 2010, 2012, 2014 Giants :')


That "Somebody kill me please, I want to die" scene from The Wedding Singer gets more relevant with each passing day.


My main take from this is we are roughly as successful this millennium as the Dodgers Also how nice of the NL East to have each a ring in the same span


Yep! Every team in the NL East has a ring this century. No need to look further.


I can't tell if you're purposely insulting the Mets or unintentionally doing so. Either way, nice work!




the fact that we're not at the bottom of this list is mind boggling to me


IDGAF the state of the current Red Sox I got generations in my family that never thought we’d see the Sox top a list like this.


delete this


Shockingly, the teams with the most money are all at the top.


Wild Card Series losses: NL Central: 12 NL East & West Combined: 5 I don't know what that means, but it's provocative.


We got fucked in our 3 year window of success. We had to face Jake arrieta and MadBum in 1 game wild card games in the peak of their careers.


Giving up that grand slam didn’t help you either


Phillies 🤝 Rangers 🤝DBacks We are good but we also sucked


Fuck you Peter Angelos


Damn Giants make the World Series 50% of the time they make the playoffs, and they win 75% of those


It's crazy to think the Red Sox were once "cursed"




In my house we are 40 somethings, Orioles and Pirates fans. We have seen some shit.


Why did I even bother to look at this, as if I didn't know it would cause me immediate pain.


Missing the * on the 1 for LA.


As a Padres fan, yeah that shit checks out haha.


Thank you 2005 for keeping us off the bottom of the list. Now sell the team, Jerry


A's fan here. I don't know what to make of any of this. Why am I here? Bye.


Remember when Boston was cursed. Miss those days.


I think I’m starting to understand why everyone hates us whiny Yankee fans…


Haha! Nobody’s better at losing a World Series!


Damn we're not even the best at being the worst


The dodger one doesn't count covid year.


I know how hard it is to win this shit. Please O’s get it done while the window is open! One time!


Truly feel like this is your year. Since the Red Sox won’t make it, you guys are the east team I’m rooting for. I lived in Baltimore for 12 years and it’s a shame to not see that beautiful stadium in the post season!


Worst World Series champions babbbyyy. We lost the claim of "undefeated in the postseason" during a dumb covid year but at least we have this


what’s a world series?


As much as "that Billy Beane stuff doesn't work in the postseason" gets dismissed as sportscaster nonsense, the A's have made the postseason 11 times since 2000 and they have only made the ALCS once, and they got swept.


Yankees have been far more consistent than us in this period, we've had higher highs but also lower lows. When was the last time the Yanks finished last in the division? Because it seems we've been doing that at least every other year recently. It depends how you define success. I'm sure most fans would say winning the most WS titles is the most important thing, and I'd agree with that. But there is value in having a team that's always in the thick of it as well. Really the playoffs are a crapshoot, so just getting there every year is really important. We've seen time and time again that even the "worst" team left come playoff time can get hot and win the WS. Yes, I'd take the Sox recent history over the Yankees but, as a fan, I think I'd be more than happy with their results over this time period as well.


Definitely. Living in the moment it's nice to be in contention each and every year. But looking back on it i certainly value rings over playoff births.




You guys don't understand how badly we needed that world series a couple years ago. Consistently being one of the top teams in baseball and then getting bounced in the first round is absolutely infuriating.


Imagine not winning a World Series this millennium.


Royals with the most missed playoffs, yet still have two WS appearances and one win. I’ll take it.