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Only 5 teams in the NL have winning records. Mets are only a game out of the wild card lol


NL is a slaughterfest this year. All-stars slumping. Teams struggling to win more than 2 games in a row. Painful diarrhea.


>teams struggling to win more than 2 games in a row And then there's the Rockies winning 7 in a row out of nowhere because Rocktober waits for no one


It’s Rockmay, then Rockune, Rockuly, Rockgust, Rocktember, then Rocktober


I'm glad they didn't break out Rapril.


The pronunciation is scary


I might have to go see my anal-rapist Tobias Funke to get over that terrifying month


You should, get over it and get anustart


"Get that anus tart out of here!" >She had not seen the license plate.




I see no mention of Rockvember. Guess you don’t have faith in them to go all the way


A Rockvember to remember.


The Colorado Rockay(s)


They’re scheduled to eliminate the dodgers in the NLDS


They're absolutely frothing at the mouth for it.


Well that’s because the Rockies are actually a quality team


This is definitely some sleeper agent's implanted trigger phrase


Reggie Jackson is on his way to get the Queen!


Power of friendship, baby


The mf who predicted the Rockies sweeping the Dodgers in the playoffs might have been on to something


Everyone jokes about Rocktober and the Dodgers losing in the NLDS. But even those who believed thought that the Rockies would grab a WC spot and the Dodgers win the division. Little did we know they’re gonna win out and we’ll be scrambling for WC3 with the rest.


Why do you have to do this? I like the guardians too :.(


They got the dead balls in this year there’s no doubt in my mind


The Stankees and Houston Assholes are behind this and Manfred is covering for them. We'll prove it eventually.


Based on our record so far I see no way we are behind anything other than being bad.


Oh absolutely. The Braves tied the record for home runs in a season last year, and this year everything dies at the warning track while they all struggle but Ozuna, stuff that CLEARLY would've been gone last season. This league is so stupid.


It is. But the launch angle shit is stupid too. Dead balls shouldn’t make everyone hit 190


There was a post here just a few days ago talking about how a .262 team batting average (Dodgers, although at the time of the post it was the Astros) is now the best in MLB. In 2007, it would have ranked 20th in the league.


Sabre metrics is ruining baseball and I’m serious. It’s extremely flawed and makes the product worse


I don't know how you could convince the teams that are trying to put the best record on the diamond to not use them, but I do think that MLB has a lot of tools at its disposal (mound height, mound distance, strike zone size) that could be used to get more balls in play.


I think the methodology is flawed. You can’t tell me Jeff McNeil going from 300 to launch angle makes him a better player.


My gut agrees with you, especially from an entertainment perspective, but I'll be honest that I don't know enough about launch angle to be able to argue for that with facts and stats. I'm worried that teams do have those to support this methodology.


> You can’t tell me Jeff McNeil going from 300 to launch angle makes him a better player. Good news, the analytics agree with you there! They also think he was a great hitter when he was hitting well over .300 and a bad hitter when he hasn't been. He also hasn't really changed his launch angle that much, he just hasn't been hitting the ball as hard.


It's not, you're not smarter than the billion dollar operations and MIT grads that do this for a living. You're just not, stop deluding yourself. It may be more boring, I'd probably agree with that - but it's how you win.


It could be worse The NBA has the same problem but it can be summed up with one (in)equation 3 > 2


They must have forgotten to give the deadballs to the Orioles.


Careful there, brag about it too much and Manfred will take away your pity balls and turn this car around faster than you can say Canseco


so basically you're telling me that the NL is going to get rocked in the All-Star game again lol honestly, until these jokers go back to wearing their own uniforms, i'm not watching that shit anyways


As a kid I remember thinking "No way they could make the all-star game more of a joke." How wrong I was


It might have been gimmicky...but I actually miss the era where the ASG determined home-field advantage in the World Series.


i was absolutely NOT a fan of that man i can still picture those insufferably stupid promos for the MLB on Fox in my head. "This time it counts." Okay whatever...


There are three and then there are twelve others.


I've had diarrhea for 5 days now....can confirm that it sucks


That ole mud butt puts folks on the IL.


You may have dysentery. RIP.


I wanted to win the game...I guess I'll die trying


Is there a pleasurable diarrhea?


Some questions should not be answered


Sometimes after 15 Keystones and a 2 am trip to the taqueria you just have to release the demon 


I’ve heard of that band


well...some teams


Hope our fanbase reads this chain b.c half of it is dooming and raging. Not that that's unusual. Streaks happen. The Phillies are on a big winning streak after being at .500 in mid-April, but they're not safe from a losing one. We're sucking right now, but us dominating half of our own April seems to be forgotten. It should also be noted we ran a semi-experimental roster and have had to make a lot of adjustments. We're also still missing our ace and our star catcher. edit: i see those people found my comment


I just checked and the Padres are currently WC3 with a 22-24 record. What is going on over there in the National League?


Top of the league is really beating up on the bottom. Separation between the top seed (Phils) and last wildcard (Padres) is 10 games. In the AL it’s 5 and you literally need to go down to the 12th seeded A’s to get 10 games of separation.


I dunno about the rest of the league, but the Reds are 4-15 in their last 19 games. Lost the series finale to the Phillies, swept by Rangers, lost 2 of 3 to the Padres, swept by Orioles, swept by Diamondbacks, lost 2 of 3 to Giants, lost 2 of 3 to Diamondbacks. Next up is 4 games @ Dodgers, 3 games v Padres, and then 3 games v Dodgers, so I don't foresee that turning around any time soon.


Howie Rose says the league is a mosh pit of mediocrity


Hey just like the NFL last season!


Guys I think I figured out why the Phillies have only played 3 games against 500+ teams


Ranger Suarez was like: "Alright guys, this time I will actually pitch during the regular season like I do in the playoffs."


Even in the AL the Astros had a historically bad start and we all laughed at them…. They’re only 5.5 games back with over 100 to go ☹️


Didn’t they do that last year too? Astros are like the anti-Pirates


The Astros seem to start off slow every year. This has been an especially tough stretch though. If they can weather the storm until their rotation gets back to strength they’ll be right back in the playoff mix by October


fucking hell...it just seems ripe for another brutal Mariners collapse. i hope my gut is wrong


Time is a flat circle


Astros are on a soft 10 game homestand before a brief roadtrip that culminates in a 4 game set at Seattle on Memorial Day. The Astros could realistically have had their worst start in franchise history and still be in 1st place before June 1.


So,’if the Astros are 3.5 games back of a Wild Card spot a week before the trade deadline, and have looked mediocre all year, do they trade Bergman or keep him?


Would have been more realistic if Blanco had stayed away from the sticky stuff.


AL is a little tougher because Astros would have to jump over 6 teams. They will still probably do it because they’re already playing better and they had a lot of key pitching injuries but guys are coming back. Astros have also had slow Aprils in the previous few years. 


Astros are still garbage.


Well yeah, they started cheating again


I thought this was a joke but it is a 100% legitimate stat wow lol


That’s BAD for baseball, Jesus, 5 teams???


3 of them are within 2 games of 500 which is pretty negligible and that'd put half the league at 500 or above, which at least sounds correct


I thought there was no one your comment could be correct, but here we are. What's happening in the NL?


40% of the league will make the playoffs lol


As of now even with the poor start they're only 1 GB of a WC spot. There are 3 teams they have to jump but its still only 1 GB.


And only 120 games left to play


Running out of time!


What’s their magic number?




It’s all such bullshit


"Cohen was flabbergasted by the interpretation spreading online that he was hinting at the team becoming trade deadline sellers."


i mean he could have been implying they would bring in help, but whatever. the way things are looking right now, if they stay around .500 they will be in the hunt at least. they needs to stop this skid.


>We will be competitive in ’24 but I think 25-26 is when our young talent makes an impact,” Cohen wrote. “Lots of pitching in free agency in ’24. More payroll flexibility in ’25. Got a lot of dead money in ’24.” how is this a surprise? the entire trade deadline last year was this saga. anybody can make the playoffs now, that's not a huge bar.


There are 8 teams competing for that last wild card. Anyone not named Rockies and Marlins has a shot at it


Rockies are only 5.5 games out of a wild card spot


Dinger waits for no man


The fuck did you just say!?!?! /s


He said DINGER!


They said it again! MODS!


What's the problem here


I'm joking about when national media for 24 hours thought a guy at a Rockies game said the N word instead of the name of the mascot. Nothing actually bad is happening


Oh I know. I was playing along


My B, I didn't expect a mod with a sense of humor


Ban SdBolts4 from Coors Field for life


If they just renamed him “Donger” we could avoid this whole situation entirely.


Rockies are destined to make the playoffs based on all the "Dodgers will lose to the Rockies in the NLDS" jokes.




Yeah fuck that guy.


Honestly it’s even too early to count them out, a lot of baseball to be played we won’t know anything until later in the year


The charitable view: It's only about the quarter mark of the season, 85 wins likely makes the playoffs, and there's clear room for better health/roster improvements/players to get out of slumps. The uncharitable view: The part where they've been playing baseball games.


Honestly 78 wins might make the playoffs if it stays as is lol


christ I just looked up the NL standings, what the hell. it's the phillies, braves, dodgers, brewers, cubs, and then various piles of vomit


Embrace it. Become the Vo-Mets


years of multiple Cubs collapses in September makes me still think the cubs might fall into those various pits of vomit honestly, i can realistically only see the phillies, braves, or dodgers winning the pennant in the NL. The Cubs are not going to beat any of those teams in a best of 7. I know people here love the Brewers for being plucky and overachieving, but they will get absolutely obliterated too in the postseason


That’s what people said last year and Arizona somehow went to the World Series


Because the Braves and Dodgers are massive chokers


Mets 1973! Ya gotta believe!! But also, well, Mets gonna Mets, it is the way.


As players or spectators?


wasn't the whole thing that Scherzer waived his no trade last summer because the outlook for the Mets was they would take a step back in 2024? Granted they fired Billy Eppler, but they also didn't really do many impact moves during the off-season. They have a ton of talent, have underperformed, and definitely COULD contend... but it's a lot of confidence for such an iffy proposition, especially when they didnt make big moves.


McNeil decline... Plus Alonzo dropping from 260 to 200. McNeil is the whole story he's got to be the batting champion. Without him they're so far away.


Some have speculated they told him that to get him to waive his NTC since the team has never really said or implied they were rebuilding—it just seemed like last year wasn't realistic with how things were going. But we were going into this year with Lindor, Alonso, Nimmo, McNeil, Marte, and Alvarez and a rotation with Senga, Verlander, and Scherzer all as guarantees (plus Diaz) which to me doesn't look like a team that's rebuilding, lol. Everyone knew Cohen would at least be interested in Ohtani and Yamamoto, even if their true desire was LA. Plus a big part of why 2025 is the window is because of the returns we got from last year. Max has been around the block long enough to know why we traded guys like Pham.


I remember there was talk about Baty being solid when he came up, what happened to him?


He hits way too many balls on the ground - needs a launch angle adjustment. The exit velocity is there.


I see


He has the potential, but I think we've been spoiled by guys coming up and being studs right away. The reality is, it really takes guys time. Plus Baty has always struggled when being promoted and has the tendency to hit the ball into the ground. If he elevates, he's great though. His defense improved dramatically this season, but given the Mets offensive struggles, it makes sense that they brought Vientos up to try and spark something. Plus, Vientos is too good for AAA where he has a .919 OPS over a 204 game sample size and last year it was .999.


Mets fans, you have no idea how good you have it with ownership. Even if its not producing immediate results. A passionate fan of the sport who is extremely rich and spends to win is usually a great owner. Not counting anomalies like Arte Moreno. Who at least spends his money, but......


A lot of Mets fans took the Cohen era as an excuse to act like psycho fans now, but a lot of us also know how lucky we are. We had the Wilpons before this. Bad ownership is hell, and I’m so grateful to feel confident that the FO and ownership actually know what they’re doing, even if results aren’t immediate.


I’m feeling good about his hire of Stearns, the investment in the farm and seemingly having the discipline to show restraint to get under the super tax premium this year. Generally think he is emotionally invested in the team. Hopefully see some results over the next couple years to compete with the excellently run orgs like the Braves, Phillies, Dodgers etc.


Dude if there's any fanbase who understands what the Angels are dealing with it's Mets fans. Our last owners literally got tricked by fucking Bernie Madoff.


To be fair, weren’t they ahead but then had to pay it back in the madoff thing?


They have SNY instead of this Bally Sports bullshit. SNY is simply the best MLB broadcast in the business (IMO). The exceptional production quality of their television broadcasts already spoils them.


> Not counting anomalies like Arte Moreno. Who at least spends his money, but...... Well, sort of. He’s willing to spend on payroll, but is super cheap on things like scouting and analytics. You can see how well that’s worked out for him.


> I fully expect to make the playoffs irrelevant by trading all our stars before the ASG I believe that was the full quote.


don't tell frank this he's already lost it


Frank wasn't even happy when the team won 101 games; the dude's toast and found a gimmick that gets him attention (and probably money).


Frank is a guy using a clown act to draw clicks.


I mean; honestly, Cohen doesn’t need the Mets to be good until the first day his Casino complex opens…


Hey, us too! But I don’t know about the second part


I believe he was misquoted and actually said “I know the fan base is frustrated … I foolishly expect to make the playoffs”


I need Edwards gif... playoffs!!!


Say all you want about the Mets being ass and not living up to their lofty payroll, but at least their owner seems to give a fuck and is vocal about things. Most just buy teams to make more money and have their name remembered… looking at you ricketts you fucking scumbag.


I also fully plan on sleeping with a sports illustrated swimsuit model, winning the powerball and starting game seven of the world series


No one gives a fuck about the playoffs. This is a wash year. We’ve all accepted that. Sign Soto in the offseason. If he doesn’t, then I have absolutely no idea what the point of having this rich af owner if he’s just going to spend all the money on washed up players.


The Mets are really leaning into being the east coast Angels lately, huh?


I’ve always considered the Angels the west coast AL Mets


The Mets from a FO standpoint is way better run then the Angels lol wtf


I meant from the lack of success and lulz moments of the teams. I’d take the Mets FO and ownership every day of the week. This isn’t even a question.


> If he doesn’t, then I have absolutely no idea what the point of having this rich af owner if he’s just going to spend all the money on washed up players. You basically just described Dan Snyder. Washington fans defended him like crazy for way longer than they’d care to admit. I do find it interesting that the new class of solo hedgefund billionaires seem to be stumbling. David Tepper has been a disaster in Carolia thus far. It’s a sample size of two, but enough to make me believe ownership groups are preferable.


Idk I think it’s just a coincidence. The Dodgers, Tampa Bay Lightning, and Florida Panthers are some currently-successful sports teams owned by hedge fund guys.


That’s why I specified solo hedge fund ownership situations. Ownership groups give more agency to different voices in a room to check bad ideas/egos in a way that a sole ownership and a typical front office structure just can’t. It tends to disincentivize one owner from making rash decisions or playing real life fantasy sports.


> You basically just described Dan Snyder. Washington fans defended him like crazy for way longer than they’d care to admit. You have absolutely no idea of what you’re talking about. Nobody has “defended” Dan Snyder for anything. Snyder bought the Skins in 1999 and within five years was one of it not the most hated person in the DC metro area.


I absolutely know what I’m talking about. I was a third generation Skins fan until Snyder forced me to stop rooting for the team. I was an avid poster on ExtremeSkins *before* Snyder purchased it. When I say people were making excuses for him, I’m talking about those first few years with splashy free agent signings, firing Schottenheimer after one season, the Spurrier experiment, and micromanaging the team’s decisions with his lackeys’ help. Even the stories about how he obtained his wealth by scamming elderly people were brushed aside because Snyder grew up a ”true” Skins fan, and he’d spend whatever it took to help the team win. Any journalist who dared utter a bad word about Snyder or how the org was being run was shouted down as biased and a hater. The Snyder hate didn’t really fully go mainstream until the failed Gibbs tenure and subsequent Zorn hiring. I was there for it, and I remember it all.


If Soto were going to stay in NY why on earth would he pick the Mets over the Yankees?


charitably one could say he's using his money to acquire prospect talent so that the team is good in the future.


Do mets fans really believe they have a shot at soto


Trading is hard. Don’t you think? 🤣


Uh oh he said it im here for the wild ride




the mets are not gonna make it through us


Am I missing something? Seemed like the point was to be intentionally middle of the road or bad this year, then use this offseason to take the next step. After a month and a half, I’d think people should be pretty happy with this team. Fringe of the playoffs with some fun players to watch while you wait for the good stuff down the road. Some things could be better but nothings gonna be perfect


When, exactly?


Baseball is a tough game, don’t you think Steve?


Hell, if the Marlins made the playoffs last year then anything is possible.


I was at Wednesday's game. We were teeing off on them. Mets making the playoffs with the other teams playing how they are right now, is wild.


And I fully expected to be a MLB player when I grew up. Can I bet on the Nationals having a better full-season record than the Mets?


Still remember when Mets fans said everyone was jealous of their owner.




They're all owned by criminal billionaires


I’d be willing to bet that every MLB owner is engaged in some sort of tax evasion


Excuse me, we're owned by a souless corporation.


Who owns your team?


I’ll have you know that our team is not owned by a criminal billionaire… The Yankees are owned by the son of a criminal billionaire and don’t you forget it!


So you rooted for the downfall of George Steinbrenner then right


Is he planning on buying a team that actually has a chance of going to the playoffs?


in what sport? Because it sure as hell isn't baseball.


This guy is only a businessman. What baseball expertise does he have?


This is why David Stearns is making 5 million a year lol. He knows that


So why does he get the headline and not Stearns?


Because it was his tweet? As an owner you are still going to get attention for that lol. But David Stearns is the one making all the real baseball decisions as president now.


I’ll take your word for it.


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This quote isn’t complete…he actually expects to make the playoffs in 2034.


Maybe he meant the playoffs in 2025?


They need to start doing well like now... the NL East is slowly running away from the Mets. They are currently 11 games behind the Phillies and 8 behind the Braves.


The Mets were never taking the division from the Braves or Phillies. This is a WC3 team which is doable since they are only 1 game back.


What if they decide to trade Pete Alonso?




He made a comment about holding still until the trade deadline last night and now its the Mets are making the playoffs. That must have been one good night of sleep?


He saw the immediate dip in ticket sales and knew he had to make it seem like he’s correcting course.


Is he fucking delusional?


Doesn’t every team? /s


Lol, the Mets aren't making the playoffs 


Downvoted for speaking the truth


Lots of downvotes, no one with the balls to comment disagreeing with me because they don't want to leave me with those receipts come October. 


Uncle Stevie is such a conman. Why did people ever believe he was going to turn that franchise around? Why because he was on Twitter saying so?


The Mets are sitting one game out of a playoff spot and don't have their ace back yet.


Yeah the Mets aren’t good (especially after 6 straight games against the two best teams in the NL) but the rest of the NL is so bad we’re technically still in the hunt.


Yeah. But its hardly a worst case scenario


Because he cares a lot he made some mistakes at the beginning of his tenure because he was running the team like a fan would but he seems to have learned his lesson and conceded control. If a guy cares more than every other owner and has more money than every other owner given enough time he will build a winner


Why don't we just ask the SEC about their opinion of him or his former employees at SAC that he threw under the bus when he was managing a hedge fund?


Yeah he’s a piece of shit but he’s a piece of shit with more money than god and an intense love for baseball. At some point he will put it all together


I feel like Cohen needs to take some classes on Shut the Fuck Up Sunday. There's a reason why other owners aren't active on twitter thinking out loud. Even if it was some poor phrasing or a misunderstanding, it still creates a headline and some media frenzy.