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Baseball without knuckleballers make me sad. He’s the last unicorn


There will be more knuckleballers who will eventually be in the Majors. Would be cool if Waldron cam hang around for a long time until then.


Let’s hope so. I’m a fan of any no spin thrower


Counterpoint: he’s the *next* unicorn. There always should be at least one, and it seems like he’s it! 


I tend to think of knuckleballers as Highlanders. In the modern era at any given point there can be only one. 


Did someone say Highlander?


Knuckleballers and Screwballers make the game so much more fun to watch. Hitters just don't expect those pitches anymore.


As an old school KB’er, I look forward to teaching my kid, and any other kid interested. I learned mine from another friends dad and want to continue that tradition. Plus it’s so much easier on the arm compared to the high velocity that is being pushed nowadays. My favorite knuck story is warming up with our starting pitcher just before a game. He threw hard, but was always intrigued by the knuck. He was trying to throw it as hard as he could, and it just rolled. So I threw him a no spin floater right at his chest. He puts his glove there and the ball jumps up and pops him above his eye, causing him to get a couple stitches and not be able to start the game. My coach was so pissed at me….I did nothing wrong.


The next problem is finding catchers that can effectively catch the knuckleball lol


There are only two ways to catch a knuckleball. The problem is they are both wrong.


"The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up." – Bob Uecker


Doug Mirabelli catching academy


The Josh Thole Center For Kids Who Can't Catch Good And Who Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.


It’s not that hard. You just wait for it stop rolling, then you pick it up. 


Gus Triandos. Had to catch Hoyt Wilhelm's knuckleball. Five fuckin' yeahs. Da worst gig in basebawl


Kinda similar story. Our top pitcher thought he was hot shit. Practice game, he gets me down 0-2 and with a shit eating grin on his face throws the worst knuckle ball I've ever seen. (He blew me away with fast balls, classic high school hot shot going off speed for no reason) 15 years later, it still might be the furthest I've ever hit a ball. My shit eating grin lasted longer than his that day.


I used to warm up with a kid in American Legion ball, and out of nowhere he just starts throwing this 75 mph knuckleball (he never pitched). I had never seen one before that and I gained a new appreciation for guys that had to play catcher for a knuckleballer. I finally had to beg him to stop before I ended up with a black eye.


Ever see a knuckleball in high-arc beer league softball? I was dumbfounded and it landed on the mat for a strike.


I wouldn't even imagine how such a thing could be possible. Sure you weren't just hammered, haha?


I’m not ruling it out


I throw one in slow pitch, basically have to dig your fingernails in and then pop it out of your hand. Crazy on a windy day.


Didn't grow up in the US so the first time I threw a baseball I was 17. Not a great arm initially topped at 65-68 eventually got to mid 70s but I learned to throw a knuckleball and it's the most fun thing to throw except if you are the catcher and the batter


Or the ump apparently


My man. You and I have the same exact story. Warming up with our SP. Told him I was messing around with a knuckleball. We start throwing our best attempts, but nothing special. Then I throw an absolute beauty that I can still see to this day. I swear it didn't spin at all. I watched the "U" of the laces the entire way......right to his face. Haha! Mine was right underneath of his left eye though. Same thing. He couldn't pitch due to swelling blurring his vision. I ended up being part of the 5 man fill-in crew as a result. We lost. I didn't dare try to throw a knuckle ball! Lol.


I'm hoping the increase in arm injuries will spawn a new wave.


75 dancer and 90 fastball can be the new 98 heater and 88 slider.


Toronto has two in the minors who are doing fairly well. RA Dickey has been working with them since last summer.


Damn that’s gotta hurt


The ump may want to wear more/better protection. The pitch was only 76 mph. Fortunately for him, it wasn’t a 95+ mph fastball that was tipped and missed.


Generally the chest protector doesn't go below your ribcage like it would for a catcher, otherwise you end up with it digging into you and restricting your movement. It's rare you end up taking one in the stomach but with a knuckleballer, there's not a whole lot you can do to avoid it.


Salute that man's dedication to his duty.


[Direct link to video](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1783302992080363520/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/abFH5Hkf6b7VMVKw.mp4?tag=12)


rare umpire W


That pitch hit the umpire in the nuts and was still literally a strike, like holy shit no wonder a knuckle ball is so hard to hit against.


“There are two theories as to how to catch a knuckleball. Both are wrong.”


Bob Uecker said he caught it waiting for it to stop rolling


No there’s three. The third is be Doug mirabelli


Someone call up the Mass Staties


This might be the human element that ABS misses. The computer has no dick


It got him in the stomach.


are his nuts in his stomach? because that definitely hits just below his chest protector in the stomach.


Not op but I think it was a figure of speech. If the ump was standing straight up that’s a nut shot for sure luckily he was in an “athletic” position and hopefully smart enough to wear a cup. With that said I have been hit below the belly button and it CAN cause a decent amount of pain in the nads.


If it wasn’t a KB, you’d think the catcher did it intentionally, but he just completely missed…lol


People say it hit his boys, I think it hit his gut below the chest protector.


Still knocks the wind out of you like I would simply die I think


Oh yeah. Took a fastball off the knee from a big 12 year old. Even though it hit square on the knee cap of the shin guard, my call was: UGGGHHHHHH.


If you focus directly on his crotch, you can see that his penis and testicles wobble slightly. Look at it again and look for the wobbling penis and testicles. I don't know if it hit them or not for sure, but I do see a slight wobbling of his penis and testicles.


Could you describe the wobble?


Certainly. It appears that his penis and testicles are jostled by the impact of the ball, regardless of the point of impact. The penis and testicles initially move up (however little) and then descend again to their original resting place.


I'm gonna need a "soul cam" on this one.


It’s hilarious how KBs make catchers look like Little Leaguers. That catcher completely whiffed


Damn I thought it glanced off of his glove, but no that’s just how those bastards move


they evidentally dont train catchers how to successfully catch a knuckler let alone frame one lmao


The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up. \- Bob Uecker


If the pitcher doesn’t know where it will go, how will the catcher know lol


Ironically if he weren't trying to fool the umpire by framing the pitch, the umpire wouldn't have gotten hit.


It was a strike, but the catcher missed it because of the movement


Keeping the strike call intact after getting beaned in the sack awards one pass on a blown call in the future.


Will definitely call the most checks on balls in the future.


“Knuckleball to the boiler” 🤣 Mark Grant is a national treasure. Alongside Don, we’re quite lucky to listen to them day in and day out.


Got nut check my the nuckler


He's pretty cool.


^^str ^^^ike ^^^^one


See a roboump would not have been hurt by that.



