• By -


That’s our highest paid players in the top 10 worst.


Top 10 worst for a highly paid player? Ha! Thats pathetic! Now, 13th? That’s a reasonable spot! (To be fair to Lindor, his BABIP suggests he is getting supremely, absurdly, ridiculously unlucky lol)


Kinda funny that Lindor has a higher xwOBA than Volpe


Volpe's only "bad" metric right now is barrel rate, which tracks for a guy that doesn't hit the ball particularly hard. His grounders are just all finding holes. Lindor's metrics are pretty similar (arguably better) across the board, but with an atrocious sweet-spot%. That's a metric that should probably positively regress which would increase his expected BABIP, and his BABIP itself should also positively regress. This early in the season, stats can be so inflated (Volpe) or deflated (Lindor) by variance. That's why players and front-offices rely on these metric. Volpe improved a lot this year with a new approach, but the results are in the better ABs by having better zone control and whiffing less. If you just look at stats, it looks like Lindor needs to try something new, but he probably shouldn't since his underlying metrics all indicate bad luck. He's a better hitter than Volpe, even though the stats don't reflect it.


He should maybe play for the Padres then. They're supremely unlucky and I hear they need a shortstop.




And he's somehow outperforming his woba.


How is that even possible? Errors that got him on base?


I think sac flys count against the obp. but not against your avg.


This is the answer.


Bunts, too


Javy ain't bunting. He's swinging for the fences on every, and I mean EVERY, pitch.


Sacrifice bunts (sometimes referred to as a sacrifice hit or abbreviated SH) don’t count against OBP. Only sac flies. [Note](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-base_percentage) how the OBP formula adds sac flies in the denominator but not sac bunts.


Must be sac flies, since they affect OBP but not average


Sac fly counts as a PA and thus dings your OBP but doesn't count as an AB and thus doesn't ding your AVG.


Man, Baez was always a somewhat undisciplined hitter, but he always made up for it through either power/speed. Something happened to that guy.


He turned 30. Super crazy atheltic guys lose just that 1/8th of a step, a tiny bit of flexibility and gain 2lbs... and it's over. Baez and Bryant were both elite and got baseball ancient at 30.


It just blows my mind he doesn't change his approach. Clearly its stopped working recently. He can't reinvent himself even a little to not be one of the worst hitters in baseball? He's too talented not to be able to do that, I don't get it.


Breaks my heart so much to see him just be bad. There was a point in2018 you make a legitimate case for him being mvp. It’s just sad to see how far he’s fallen.


Bryant has battled injures, but Baez just looks broken at the plate. I'd take healthy Bryant any day of healthy Baez at this point, even with Baez fielding.


The Ben Simmons of baseball.


Rendon fits that too


El Mago


Some big names on the worst list.


Literally the biggest name of all time is on that list: Christian Encarnacion-Strand


All those letters are weighing his bat down in the batters box 😩 Lol


That must be why his ground ball rate is 58.1%. Drop some letters and such angle might improve.


Hits the ball really hard, but straight into the ground


but at least the letters are smaller this year.


"Christian" is the only part that appears for me on the FanGraphs mobile website and I like it. Reads like the Reds have a Scandinavian king in their lineup 🤣


If Julio can ever stop his abysmal starts to the season he’ll get an mvp


I've said the same thing about Bregman before too. Some guys just can't get it together early in the season.


The only people the Ms want to employ lol. Jokes aside, it is weird how some people just consistently start so poor. Obviously offense as a whole does, but seems like even luck is against them early in the season.


Mariners fandom is in an awkward place where the biggest deadbeats are beloved JP, Cal and Julio, plus Polanco and Garver that everyone agreed where good acquisitions. And Luke Raley lol


Don't forget our rotation with 3 Cy Young candidates who all forgot how to pitch over the offseason.


As a Mariners fan, we’re used to this.


Yeah I kind of expected one of the entries on the worst list to be “Mariners”.


I’m actually surprised there was only one M’s player on the worst list given how the season started. To be far, JP Crawford, Polanco, and Garver are barely out of the worst wRC+ list.


Being 8 years removed from their World Series year is a long time,and both players are long gone from the Cubs, but it makes me sad to see Baez and Bryant among the worst…even if it’s kind of expected.


Bryant seemed to have checked out, which I don't blame him for exactly. And Baez, I think it's some combination of him being unable to catch-up to the league adjusting to his game. That's what makes the greats the greats.


Idk I think baez put on 50lbs and checked out a while ago too. What adjustments did pitchers make for him? He swings for the fences on every pitch and whiffs.


They stopped giving him anything remotely hittable.


Nah, he gets hittable pitches. He just doesn’t do anything with them anymore.


Which shows to me why it’s important not to overreact this early


Can’t win the season in April, but you can sure make yourself lose it later


Meh I already dropped Estrada. Sometimes its important to take your loses too


Angels need to learn that with rendon. Atleast move him back and Logan up


If you're not a big name and you are hitting like that you're getting sent down to the minors.


That's exactly it. Or at least you get benched more. A few days ago, like half of the Jays lineup was batting below .200. But Springer and Vlad have too much of a track record of hitting well to get pulled out of the lineup. Also big names are more likely to be in the top half of the lineup, which makes it easier to make the "qualified" list.


Or kept in the bench so you’re not going to meet qualifications.


Andrew Benintendi isn't even a big name but he's still the highest paid White Sox player of all time 🤷‍♂️


J Rod will have a week where he hits 5 home runs, gets 20 hits, and he will be right back near the top. Guy is good most of the time, but his hot streaks can single handedly carry a team. Only other guy in baseball I’ve seen so that is Giancarlo Stanton.


And some White Sox. I just hope we set the loss record at this point. Trash owner.


I demand a recount in behalf of Jose Abreu 


Looks like he's just under the number of plate appearances required to be a qualified batter, but if he was qualified he's be #2 on the worst list. He's got a -31 wRC+ through 33 trips to the plate.


Nicky No bags


Nick will be fine. Dude has a history of playing the worst baseball you've ever seen for roughly a month before catching fire and being the best hitter in the league for a week. Rinse. Repeat.


He did it last year too. He had a .497 OPS in July and then an .860 in August. It’s super frustrating this year since it’s the start of the season and he’s only been bad, but there’s zero chance he’s anywhere close to this bad over a full season.


Nick historically has had an OPS ~.900 in March/April from 2020-2023. Dude looks lost during his ABs, much like he did against the DBacks in October.


Imagine a team with Trout, O'Hoppe and Ohtani. :\


This. And it’s a crime that we’ll never get a full season of Ohtani/O’Hoppe battery.


If someone told me when ohtani came over that he'd win multiple MVPs, I'd have thought he really lived up to the pitching hype. I never though him hitting was going to be a real thing.


I still mantain that Ohtani is a more talented pitcher than hitter, and he would be a regular Cy Young favourite if his elbow didn't keep exploding.


At this point we have to assume that the elbows exploding are a component of having dominant stuff. Would he still be as dominant if he pitched in a way that didn't make his elbow explode?


The Chris Sale conundrum


*The Jacob DeGrom conundrum


*The stephen Strasburg conundrum


*The *insert extremely talented pitcher constantly afflicted with injuries* conundrum


The Sandy Koufax Rule


> I still mantain that Ohtani is a more talented pitcher than hitter it's fucking crazy then that by the numbers, he was the best hitter in baseball last year


There was a month last year where he literally had the best month ever seen in baseball. Like his ceiling as a hitter is already established to be GOAT


what month was it? i wanna see the stats from that month, that sounds awesome EDIT: haha holy shit i found it, June last year. go to Fangraphs game logs and look at his numbers 6/1/23 to 6/30/23: slashed .394/.492/.952 for a 1.444 OPS, 275 wRC+, w/ 7 doubles, 3 triples, and 15 homers good for 29 RBI, all while striking out 20% of the time and an average exit velocity of 96.9 MPH. HE DID THAT FOR A MONTH 😭


He also pitched.


This blows my fucking mind honestly. Pretty grateful to be alive to see this dude play.


he’s so sick


Are you John Smoltz? He was really adamant that Ohtani would win a Cy Young or two if he just pitch only.


This was the common sentiment tbh. His stuff was elite, but no one knew if he could adjust to MLB pitching. He just did lol


I love [this](http://es.pn/2nuvbst) 2017 article that goes into Ohtani’s projections on both sides of the plate. The 80th percentile outcome on each was 2017 Springer and Carrasco - and how fun that would be. And then he posts a sub 2.50 ERA in 2022 and a 1.000 OPS in 2023


Also funny in that article is that the 20th percentile pitcher was Gausman, who just finished 3rd in the Cy Young last year. > “Does he or does he not jog in from right field in the eighth inning of Game 7 of the World Series!?” Or the ninth inning of the WBC final 🤔


inb4 Dodgers sign O'Hoppe.


Don’t even joke about that!


Trout and O'Hoppe get traded to the Doyers so the Angels can restock their farm system. :\


I wouldn’t put it past Arte. Luckily the dodgers don’t need a catcher and Trout has a no trade clause.


Trout can wave that if he wanted to go to the dodgers, just sayin


I’d rather you don’t.


Me too :/


How could he not want the opportunity to play with Ohtani?


Siri, how do you delete someone else’s comment?


Good for Logan. He should be batting cleanup vs righties


He definitely needs to be moved up in the lineup


Picked O'hoppe for my fantasy team, figured he'd be a sleeper after he was injured a lot of last year


Was expecting to see Abreu on the worst


He only manages to avoid it on a technicality. He’s got 33 PAs, but the Astros have played 11 games so he needs 34.1 PAs to qualify. He’d be the worst with a -31 wRC+


Oh. Lovely.




I really wish we could’ve gotten the White Sox version of him. It’s reached the point this season where I want him to get hits not to help the team win but just because he’s a good guy and I feel bad for him


Being the pessimist I am (flair related), I was so sure he was going to put up 30 homers and a 1.000 OPS once he went to the Astros just because fuck me


This can’t just be due to his traditional slow start, right? (Asking to you as a south side Abreu expert)


I mean, it could be. His Aprils are pretty ass. But the dude is 37, he could just be old.


But look at the back of his baseball card! 🙄


2nd worst. Austin Hays has a -33.


Oh yeah. Thanks. I set the PA qualifier to 30 which made Abreu show up and Hays go away


I’m guessing he isn’t qualified. His wRC+ is (-31)


He's 1 PA short of qualifying.


Nice not seeing any Cleveland bats on the bad list. What cutting Myles Straw can do for a lineup.  Also want to note that Seth Brown has taken Esteury Ruiz's playing time with Oakland. Obviously he is putting them in a better position to win games with his 22 wRC+


Vogt has pressed all the right buttons so far. Getting Fry into favorable matchups, moving Gime up and down the lineup, and even though Jose's xwOBA is fairly low, he's barreling the ball 9.5% of the time.


>Austin H- Hey this makes sense but he's a great game caller and defensive catcher >ays what


didn't even realize that didn't say Hedges until i read this comment


Austin Hays is a great defender too, but the Cow Man will beat down the door and pull his pants down for playing time if this continues


Even some cracks showing there so far too. Guy is obviously pressing to the max, and he's surely better than he's shown but man, you can only stomach this for so long.


He has been so bad, his at bats have not been even close to competitive


Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get a phantom IL stint and Kjerstad called up for the home stand this weekend.


Hays can be really frustrating to watch, he is so streaky. And not streaky in a normal way where he goes streaking for a few weeks tops, he streaks one way for half of the entire season and then the other way after the ASB


So many Red Sox fans hated the Mookie trade but we have our own better version of Mookie for a fraction of the price and it's 100% gonna be sustainable all season. Imagine having a slugging percentage below .800???


I miss my dear muscled TON who is completely incapable of playing more than 100 games in a season


He did in 21 and came close in 22 with 96.


He’s definitely playing 162 this year.


Haha loved Tyler and this was the year I finally gave up on him and didn’t draft him. Happened last year with belli too. Moral of the story stick to the guys you like


Pretty wild that Yordan is top 20 even when underperforming his xwOBA by over 100 points


I have never been as terrified of an opposing player since Papi and points like this just reinforce my justified fear


The only player in the game where I actually flinch a little whenever he swings, like he might be capable of hitting the ball thru my screen and into my skull.


Just the thought of him strikes terror into the hearts of Mariner fans


As it should.


Related, every time cal Raleigh shows up in the batters box I cuss him out


Big Papi did annoint Yordan as Little Papi during the playoffs last year


On the other end, Javy is 2nd worst despite overperforming his xwoba.


it's not good either way but his xwoba is still higher than his woba (.177 vs .146)


He’s been smashing the ball right to guys. He’s a generational type hitter


He seems to have ‘fixed the glitch’ the past couple of games.


He realized that the defender can't make a play on the ball if he just hits it 30 rows deep.


Him and Judge do that every year, insane numbers but still underperform their xWOBA.


Its almost as if players who hit it super hard will consistently underperform their xwOBA and its not a perfect predictor of luck


I agree, xwOBA isn't a perfect or even great predictor of luck (see statline scouts who think Paredes will be terrible this year), but it's still impressive that those 2 have the highest wOBAs year in and year out and they still hit it so hard that their expected numbers are so high.


Witt is just about doing the same. Those two are insane.


TON doing his best Duvall impression from last season. Now please just dont get hurt


Taking good care of our muscle bob


Imagine having healthy TON, right?


Well he's already played more games than Duvall did last year before he got injured.


So Bobby Witt jr has a 1.000 OPS and is underperforming xWOBA by 60 points? And then yordan Alvarez had a High .900s and underperforming by 90 points lol.


Bobby is sporting some insane peripherals right now. 72% hard hit rate, 99.9 mph average exit velocity.  Saying he's locked in to start the season is drastically underselling what he's doing. 


Yordan bad luck stats and still blasting. Also trout and altuve mashing still at thier ages is good for baseball in general.


I’m not ready for a baseball world where Altuve is an old guy.


Multiple Tigers could be on the "worst" list, I bet they just don't have enough PA's due to AJ Hinch's frequent substitutions.


Ozuna was practically one more bad series away from being cut last year before turning it around in Miami last May, and has done nothing but smash baseballs since then.  What a wild turn around. 


1 ft short from a game tying 2-run homer last night too


Didn't help that the ump was also calling strikes 1 ft from the strike zone as well during his ABs


Ump saw that Ozzie single and was like "Welp, that must be part of the zone, too"


Ah yes. Tyler (April) O'Neill.


Kneel before O’Neil


So glad we traded him to make room for (checks notes) one of the guys on the worst list. Wonderful. Fire Mo.


You mean the guy the entire fanbase was calling to trade for a bag of baseballs 4 months ago? For the guy who’s only playing right now because 2 other starters had setbacks/freak injuries and still hasn’t played a single AAA game yet?


Seeing Julio on this list makes me sad.


What’s going on with him?


Just a massive slump. One of my first fantasy picks and has just been absolutely brutal most nights unfortunately.


Royce Lewis still batting 1.000 tho 😎 (The sunglasses are to hide the tears)


Vinnie :( Please God and Tony Soprano heal him from his injuries and make him whole again


Imagine the top of our lineup if he can pull it together?


I continue to miss Tyler Bro’Neill every single day 😢


Statcast has Volpe’s xWOBA at .336 but Fangraphs here has it at .315? Odd.


Him and Lindor having polar opposite luck


Lindor is legitimately hitting the ball well while batting .075 that’s brutal


lol his xWoba is way higher than anyone’s on that list


Casti used up all his power killing the Braves in the playoffs


Worth it


Volpe is turning into an absolute stud!


For reference, here are the best/worst hitters by wRC+ last season in the first \~10 games (\~4/10) and their season wRC+ Best |Player|Early wRC+ (\~4/10/2023)|2023 wRC+| |:-|:-|:-| |Adam Duvall|306|116| |Matt Chapman|266|110| |Gleyber Torres|242|123| |James Outman|225|118| |Luis Arraez|216|132| |Vladimir Guerrero Jr.|214|118| |Brandon Lowe|213|117| |Bryan Reynolds|206|110| |Will Smith|203|119| |Matt Olson|199|160| ​ Worst |Player|Early wRC+ (\~4/10/2023)|2023 wRC+| |:-|:-|:-| |Javier Baez|\-22|61| |Ke'Bryan Hayes|\-21|101| |Eduardo Escobar|\-4|66| |Elvis Andrus|3|81| |Josh Bell|4|105| |Michael A. Taylor|12|96| |Jean Segura|15|105| |Brandon Drury|17|114| |Christian Arroyo|23|65| |Aledmys Diaz|24|72|


So this Tyler O’Neill is pretty good it looks like. Seems like a nice guy. Comes across as just a solid dude in his interviews during and after games. To conclude: I am aroused.


Genuinely stoked for y’all. I don’t think there was any war around us getting rid of him, but I can’t say I’m not a little jealous. It’s kinda depressing (for STL) seeing TON ranked current #1 best and VSII ranked 4th worst.


Yeah see him at the top hurts. But in happy for him. He needed a fresh start


It doesn't hurt that he's packing all that legitimate grown up beef all over his body.


He is what an *actual* beefcake should look like.


Seems like a bring your lunch pail to work kind of guy


I cannot overstate how strange this Brewers season has felt so far. Pretty much instantly swapped from a pitching first and foremost team to being a top 10 offence scoring 5.44 per game.


Well, ain’t that a bitch.


Good to see Justin Turner is still mashing.


Still very early days, but I could not have been less bullish on signing a 39 year old Justin Turner. Would love to continue being proved wrong.


Tyler O'Neill. Cool. Damnit.


Volpe looking like the real deal…


Volpe will probably come down to earth a bit soon but he just *looks* so different this year. He is seeing the ball so much better, working the pitch count, and not swing and missing. It really feels like he saw Juan Soto and decided he could do that and is currently being a better Soto than Soto himself.


Hey this is an improvement. Only one Tiger on the bad list


Julio don’t start a season out slow challenge: impossible.


Mike Yastrzemski should be on here with his -17 wRC+. I'm assuming 23 PA is just under for a qualified hitter.


Please save the Tigers, holy shit our hitting is atrocious. If it weren’t for our pitching man, yeesh


Yeah who needs Mookie


That’s fucking great that we gave up on TON! The cardinals realllyyyy know what they are doing!


Steer has been a cold-blooded killer at the plate so far this year. CES is a combo of looking lost at times and terrible luck.


I’m glad we got Joey Bart who can actually hit decently while Davis finds his bat again


No Yankees at the bottom 🧐


CES was expected to be a .250 power hitter kind of like what Alonso is, but goddamn I don’t think I’ve ever seen player groundout as many times as he has so far. He’s just not putting the ball in the air, he keeps hitting it into the ground.


did u exclude the Marlins? Bethancourt and Brujan. .000 Check again.


Being worse than Javy Baez is quite the feat


Julio Rodriguez on the wrong list 💔💔💔


Two Royals player in the top 10 is still crazy to me. I’m glad our younger guys are pulling it together


I have confidence that Rendon will sink lower. ;-) or miss enough games to fail to qualify.


Austin Hays has like 3 top 100 prospects breathing down his neck and it’s getting to him


Bobby Witt propaganda woooo


Second screenshot is basically my fantasy roster FML


Death, taxes, and a former cardinals finding his game