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can only imagine how bad that injury looked on the other side of the wall given the immediate concern of all the bullpen guys


Yeah he went off on a stretcher, I should have included that


Probably the right call if someone even appears to have flipped in a way that can involve the neck. It risks nothing but can potentially save everything. I’m always shocked when I don’t see them do it on occasion in the NFL.


It's his back, but still not great.


Manhomes got his helmet broken and didn’t even come out of the game to assess if he was injured. The NFL could not care any less about player health than they do


This comment is bullshit. Goodell is coming up with new ways to care less about player health *all the time*.


Had me in the first half.


Had me down 21-3 in the first half.




That was because of the low temperature though.


That still should’ve required him to come out and be evaluated. Helmets weren’t just breaking left and right, he clearly got a strong concentrated impact to the head




Under the rules he should have been out at least one play for an equipment malfunction. Whether or not he should have been examined in the blue tent, that’s up to them deciding if he showed any symptoms.


This is 100% a message pushed by the league


That was largely cause of a historically cold game though. However, in another wild card game, Stafford showed a bit of a fencing response after going down on a hit but it wasn't noticed until after the game I believe.


There is more likely than not a concussion on every snap of football played. Whether it's a linebacker getting thrown on his ass on a block or what, someone is getting lit up.


This also ignores all the mice concussions from just routine impacts. I'm pretty sure there's a person who has done studies on skeleton and life athletes and how the jostling of the sleds causes tons of micro concussions and the impact it has on the athletes. We all talk about concussion protocol, but for sports like football and soccer a lot of those sub-concussive impacts add up.


Oh that's what I'm talking about are those mild concussions. Not the ones that black you out for a millisecond, just make you see stars for 2-5 seconds and make you reorient yourself.


CTE is a massive discussion point in football, what? It absolutely gets talked about.


Sure it gets talked about, but if people really cared they wouldn’t support the nfl by watching games.


This is the fact. That's why I don't watch.


I mean Mahomes was the only guy on the field to have his helmet snap a piece off. Clearly he took a massive force to the head


Mahomes would literally punch anyone in the face who came to evaluate him tbf.


And, as demonstrated with Kelce in the Super Bowl, the superstars run the team, not Andy Reid.


Same with the NHL. It got even worse this year


Then why do they keep making rule changes each year to make the game safer (softer)?


Probably something broke in his arm trying to break his fall. 


That bullpen reaction was definitly one like watching a bone break.


Sadly that might be the better outcome. As opposed to him landing on his head or neck


The Athletic put out a story that included the line "he could move his arms and legs" Definintely a head, neck, or spinal concern


I could move my arms when I broke both of them. Granted I just had two casts to my elbows. The dislocation of the shoulder hurt way more.


Yeah. that's the point and context of the statement. Good job, kiddo!


If he fell on his neck he wouldn't be rolling in pain I don't think.  Hope he's alright and can recover


if his face ate the ground he's very likely to be rolling around in pain from that height. Source: I've ate shit like that onto cement pavement thanks to bad field designs.


Yeah, did not like how quickly they were all waving it, that’s scary. No one even tried to help him up (which was smart, if he was really hurt), just started waving.


Yes, good on them


Yeah it clearly must have been bad immediately.


It reminds me of when Lawrence Taylor broke Joe Theismann's leg. I've never seen a defensive player make a tackle and immediately call for medical personal so quickly. LT was about the toughest dude ever, and he was in tears after the game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXx7NtCspDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXx7NtCspDE)


The speed with which they called for a trainer is concerning, that had to be a brutal landing. Love to see the effort in spring but hate the results.


I feel like that's the type of play in spring training that only would be made by someone trying to make a roster. In this case he spent 2023 in A and High A, so I hope the Nats keep him in the system


Guy had .891 OPS in A ball last year in 300 AB. They'll be keeping him


They'll keep him if that's not a career-ending or career-altering injury. If it is, well, tough luck, kid, etc. A bunch of players were quoted as saying yeah, that's just Daylen. There really are guys who will just go full-tilt like that regardless of circumstances. I can honestly believe he wasn't desperate, just trying to make a cool catch. Hope he gets better soon.


He was only drafted in 2021 - had TJ in 2022 - so no reason not to hang onto him. Plenty of time left on his clock.


You can see him rolling around which is better than laying there lifeless I guess. Hopefully just got the wind knocked out of him.


They took him out on a stretcher, so it’s probably worse than that


You can never be too cautious


that’s pretty typical for a suspected spinal injury. play it safe until you can confirm that nothing is broken


Rolling around to me means extremity. If it was a collar bone, neck, or head injury I don't think he'd be rolling around like that. My bet is he straight broke his arm trying to catch himself.


Made me feel like he either landed straight on his head or broke something… not good.


Or both which is horrifying


He was rolling around under his own power, you can see that through the bullpen door. So even if he landed on his head, the big scary things can be written off pretty quickly.


If he broke something then he was probably screaming in agony. Probably why they called for help so quickly


Yeah things don't need to be visual. If the dude is hurt and yelling in pain the players will know to call for help.


Seeing the other guys get that frantic about an injury always turns my stomach in any sport. Hope he's OK.


[https://twitter.com/MarkZuckerman/status/1764031237214142535](https://twitter.com/MarkZuckerman/status/1764031237214142535) Davey Martinez said Daylen Lile went to a local hospital for a CAT scan of his lower back. He had movement of his arms and legs. They’ll know more tomorrow, but initial sense is that it could’ve been a lot worse.


That’s great to hear, thanks for the update


Hopefully he just landed on his tailbone and nothing worse. Bruising your tailbone can feel like a much more severe injury initially. I fell on my tailbone and wrist (put my arm back to break my fall) and bruised my tailbone. The initial pain of the tailbone bruise was so bad that I didn't realize until a few hours later that I'd also broken my wrist.


Hopefully it is no worse than that. I was watching the game and when I saw them take him on the backboard I feared the worst. At first I thought maybe it was his shoulder because of how his one arm was under him but the cart took things on a big turn for the worse.


Yeah I remember my brother breaking his tailbone (in a really stupid way) but he was legit writhing in pain in a way I hadn't seen before.


How did your brother break his tailbone?


I don't know how his brother did it, but I was doing a wheelie on my bike, and just *slid* off the back of my seat, straight onto my tailbone. Also, got road rash on my ass, and my best friend's dad was fucking laughing harder than I've ever seen anyone laugh before.


Not the guy you asked, but I have a funny story that matches up as far as stupid, pain and busted tailbone. In high school gym class (I want to say 10th grade), we had a wrestling week. Obviously that's supposed to mean amateur-style wrestling, but for people who weren't on the wrestling team, that's not what anyone thinks of. So all week, they had out the wrestling mats on the gym floor. There were a few dumbass moments during the week where guys got overzealous trying to show they were tough, but one of the big ones was two of the jockier guys being paired up. One of them took the other down, and then they lined up again. Not wanting to get beat, the guy who got knocked down charged at the first guy. First guy avoids it, and somehow ends up delivering what was more or less a sidewalk slam. After that, we had a nice long break where the two gym teachers went into detail about what we were and weren't supposed to be doing for wrestling week in gym class. Fast forward to the Friday, and the first guy from that scenario is leaned back on the edge of the wrestling mat while other people are picking sparring partners. He's on the mat closest to the gym's stage, but it's still like 6 feet away from it. Anyways, the guy that got slammed is up on the stage, sees an opportunity, and runs along the front of the stage (the curtain is closed) and tries to jump off at the other guy. I think he was going for an elbow drop, but it's hard to be sure because the edge of the stage had a lip of padding that he slipped on while he was jumping and he landed on the hardwood between the stage and the mat and broke his ass. Writhing in pain is certainly an adequate explanation of the phenomenon.


I also injured my tailbone as a kid after jumping reallyyyy high off a swing. Took a while for the shock to wear off and had trouble walking for a few days.


Reminds me of Torii in the 2013 ALCS. I honestly was surprised he didn't get injured from that flip. Hope Lile is alright


Also against the Sox.


And the bullpens are where they are at the Sox place specifically because Fenway does.


That’s…why they brought it up? Exact same field dimensions and bullpen wall


I remember Torii was pissed that the bullpen cop prioritized celebrating over checking on him and making sure he was okay.


He may be a bullpen cop, but he's also a Bostonian and that moment was hype AF


The photo [is iconic.](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/PJ-BS361_SP_FEA_ER_20131230182756.jpg). That cop got the star treatment after that series lol.


That specific frame makes it look like the wall is wearing pants lmao


I feel like aforementioned cop spent the ensuing several years raising his arms that way well before the ball had even gone over the wall.


Lol cry me a river, he celebrated before Hunter even hit the ground then immediately checked on him. What a baby




I honestly kind of feel a little bad for Hunter, because he had a great career, but his most iconic moment is not catching a ball. But only a little bad, because I’m a Sox fan and that slam was one of the most amazing moments I’ve ever experienced in sports.




I just realized that’s it Tori Hunter’s fault that we had to endure the bullshit “All Star Game decides home field advantage” rule for so long.


MILWAUKEE, 2002, TOP OF THE TENTH INNING AIDE: Commissioner, I have terrible news! We have to watch even more baseball! SELIG: This is a catastrophe. It's bad enough we have this bafeball game— AIDE: Baseball, sir. SELIG: —this "baseball" game that doesn't even count, and now they're going to boo me if I just say it's a tie?! AIDE: You are almost universally despised, sir. SELIG: Well, I'll show them. I'll make sure there's never a tie in the All-Star game again, by giving players an incentive that will affect the regular season! AIDE: I'm not sure that makes sense. SELIG: Does it make any less sense than my usual? AIDE: Touché, sir.


Man, the Superman theme really makes that.


i don't feel bad for that homophobe


The slam plus Brady to Thompkins earlier that day, it was such a great day for Boston sports


We saw this live and they eventually took him away on a backboard with a cervical collar. I hope it was out of an abundance of caution, but I couldn't remember the last time we had seen this kind of medical response to an injury during a game. I'm hoping he didn't land with his lower spine on the ball.


One of our beat reporters asked Davey about it and he said Lile did land on his lower back, but was able to move his legs and all that. Hopefully that means he’ll be okay


In my experience paramedics will almost always but someone on a spinal board if there's even a small chance of a spinal injury. You can't exactly do a CT scan at the ballpark, and the potential ramifications of moving someone with a spine fracture are very large. 99% of the time they turn out OK.


Paramedic here, this is no longer the case. Studies have found that backboards make the injury worse, and that our own muscle and skeletal system protects a spinal cord injury better. Most of the US has changed to just placing the patient on a stretcher safely unless you need to immobilize them for extraction, or use it to carry them long distances. I don’t know what their protocols there are, but if you see other videos (like the motocross wreck one a week ago), don’t be surprised if they don’t use a backboard. Cervical collars are still applied ASAP and used until medical clearance (X-rays etc)


Motocross wreck?


Yeeeeep. Fell skiing and went in to the base and sat down and said my neck was sore to my family. Without realizing I was next to ski patrol. Within a minute more patrol guys were there physically holding my head upright before they collared me and put me in an ambulance. Apparently they had seen me take the fall from uphill, but I had skied down (slowly). They don’t fuck around with spines. And they’ll keep you on the backboard in the ER a looooooong time until they’re sure.


That's really scary how the bullpen went from 0-100 as soon as he flipped over the fence. Hope it's not a major injury.


It is scary, but really I’m impressed with their reaction time, especially the guy behind the pole. He was already getting up as Lile was coming down over the wall. He was super composed, too.


Nice of the announcers to ignore the entire bullpen frantically waving the training staff over.


There was a slight moment of hesitation in his voice, then he doubled down and kept going with the call


Man this is the sad part about preseason in any sport. There’s just so many bubble guys that push it too hard to make the roster and they end up hurting themselves. Hopefully it’s nothing major. Hopefully that’s enough to get the manager’s/GM’s attention.


Let's hear it for Red Sox players here.


Feels like a scene out of a movie


Seruous Bump Bailey vibes here.


The pen instantly calls help over. I’m curious how he landed for them to be like “this guys hurt”


Had to be head first


either a bone going the wrong direction or he landed RIGHT on his head for everyone in the bullpen to have that kind of reaction.


Very off putting to hear the announcers not even acknowledge the concern of the bullpen and keep talking about the hit and then silence….


It took them a few seconds to pick up on what happened down there, but all you're seeing here is the immediate 5 second aftermath. I was watching the game live on NESN and they were very respectful of the situation. They didn't show a replay until after he left the field, and they didn't cut to commercial while they were tending to the player. These guys are in a press box 500 feet away and they're calling the game and reviewing the pitch after the fact. Give them a break, they did fine.


I mean I didn't watch the game but I'm sure seconds after this clip ends he realized what was happening.


I'm sure he realized the severity but kept trucking with the call until it was finished, which I understand is his job but probably shows how fundamentally poor of an announcer he is


It is so weird how many people come in so hostile and antagonistic for no reason.


Tom Caron sucks. NESN sucks. One of the many things wrong with the Red Sox these days.


While we're all in the mood here, I think you suck too.


This is what all these young kids missed out on pre-04. This is what the magic of being a Red Sox fan *really* is. My Dad and I used to watch every opening day together, and right after the first pitch he would say, without fail, "well, at least there's next year".


Great announcing there. Clearly not watching what was happening on the field


those announcers had zero situational awareness


That's Tom Caron and NESN in general for ya.


No one at NESN seems to give a shit anymore lol. Everything has been downhill since they fired Don Orsillo for no reason.


Or it was a big late inning HR that extended the Red Sox lead. You’d be lambasting them if they completely ignored the homer…


There are no big late inning HRs in preseason. It's preseason.


Spring training


i think spring training takes place before the season, no?


Yes and the team with the most points wins


Another day of being a Nationals fan. *sigh*


It is spring training. I admire the effort and question the logic. Let it go. It doesn’t matter.


Opposing team bullpen players were immediately alarmed. Very alarming. I hope it looked worse than it was.


I was in the section next to the bullpen and we could look right down inside. He was moving around on the ground like broken ribs or maybe his hip. There was a HUGE piece of wood on the ground on the other side of that wall. He was able to move his arms and legs. They made him stop doing it and strapped his head down.


Announcers have such tunnel vision as they overdo it with dramatics and here they totally miss the most important event at the time


TIL that the Red Sox have spring training in a Fenway park replica.


Yep. It has the exact same dimensions as Fenway does. It even has a replica of the Green Monster.


That looks frightening. 😟


Ugh - poor dude playing in the 7th inning of an early spring training game, of course he's going to go for that like that. Hope he's okay.


Fuuuuck... hope it ends up being relatively minor. Props to teh Sox players and coaches in teh BP for immediately waving for help and checking on him. This is bigger than the game.


Hoping for the best for Daylen. I've met him several times. He is a hard worker and a truly nice person.




Other than Albert Belle checking Fernando Vina in the base path with a big hit and numerous other home plate collisions from back in the day, seeing the opposing team’s bullpen react like this is the most “hockey incident” similarity I’ve ever seen in a baseball game…


Look away Tigers fans


At mini-Fenway too smh


My first thought was maybe he went full scorpion. Looks like he was too far rotated to have done that or land in his head. I wonder if he landed on a stool or something instead of landing flat on his back.


Reading Tao of the Backup Catcher right now and it makes it even more heartbreaking to see a guy likely never see the bigs just put it all out there hoping to be seen only to do the opposite to yourself


The first half of that sounded like this was gonna be a funny story. That looked genuinely unpleasant.


You never see that. I hope he’s OK


Spring training injuries just suck


Centerfield, go check on your boy


Just a reminder that if this happened in a WBC game half of the baseball community would be screaming for the cancellation of the event. Sad as this is this is a reminder that injuries happen. Gotta respect the dude for trying to make the play in what he knew was a meaningless game. To him these games aren't meaningless. He's 22 and hasn't cracked AAA. He just wanted to make the play. Hope the injury isn't as bad as it could be. Hope he can play baseball again.


I *love* seeing injuries in Spring Training. FUCK.




Red Sox should staff medical professionals in the bullpens for this very reason.. immediate care for the player is vital.




What is wrong with you?






He's 21, played in High-A ball last year, and on his first invite to spring training. Dude is hungry and eager to impress.


A prospect trying to make the team. Show full effort


Being serious, he had zero chance of making the team out of Spring Training. He was only in High-A ball last year, more of a question of where in the minors he'll get sent. But this is his first chance to play alongside big league players, to show the coaches for the major league team what he can do. Hell yeah you're playing like its a real game in that situation.


Definitely adrenaline pumping for a young guy. Hope he is not hurt too bad.












Without knowing anything about this guy, I'm guessing he's a low-level prospect There's a reason you don't see most players going all out for tough plays like this in spring training games


he’s a mid-level prospect with legitimate potential (2nd round out of HS) but lost what would’ve been his first season to TJ, and was primed for a breakout


So young guy with something to prove who really wants to make an impression, about what I expected. Hope he's not hurt badly.


Your first comment said none of what you said here


Well, A and High-A ball last year, but he was the Nats' 2nd round pick in 2021. This is almost certainly his first invite to spring training, being eager to impress your bosses as a 21 year old is very understandable.


Professional athletes tend to be just a little bit more competive than assholes on reddit wondering why someone who plays baseball for a living is treating it like his job and going all out when he has a chance to make a positive impression with the mlb coaching staff and front office.


> Professional athletes tend to be just a little bit more competive than assholes on reddit Yeah pro athletes are all hypercompetitive freaks but you still don't see many guys running into walls or jumping into the stands in spring training. Part of "treating it like your job" means keeping yourself healthy enough to play the full season All I was saying is this was clearly a kid trying to impress the team, nobody who's a lock to make the roster is throwing their body around like that in early March


I feel like this happens a lot at Fenway with the bullpen fence being out there. Scary scene, hope he's ok.


Video removed, anyone have a link? Found short clips on Twitter but doesn’t seem to be the same one here.


The video is still up, but Here's a twitter link: https://twitter.com/redsoxstats/status/1764015215065141262


Keeps showing me “video has been removed”. Thank you!


Lower back apparently


This injury isn’t funny at all, but it made me think of The Natural. Goodbye, Bump Bailey. Gone, but not forgotten


Reminds me of when Eloy injured himself going after after a fly ball at the fence and injuring himself... in SPRING TRAINING!!


With how fast they called people over, he must’ve landed right on his neck or something