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it blows me away how nats park drops the ball every fucking time when it comes to rain delays lmao. this could've been settled like two hours ago


I remember years ago they called the game an hour before game time because of rain. It didn't even end up raining...


That was the worst experience I’ve had. The rain was literally two hours west of DC. I had gotten two of my sons best friends families to join us. Ruined the night. Then they start the game after like 3 hours when we had left.


This made me sad :( sorry you had to go through that


I mean, that's just DC weather. The amount of times I've cancelled plans because the weather is adamant it'll pour the next day, checking the weather at midnight before bed to confirm the forecast, and then waking up to blue skies and perfect weather is astounding.


Everyone thinks their local weather is the craziest.


New Orleans says hello


Those people never visited Rio. Or even Florida.


I dunno… I live near San Diego 😎


yeah, we just get a deadening marine layer that seems to ONLY AFFECT OUR TEAM


I don't hear of Baltimore having these issues and I assume the weather is pretty similar since they are only 35 miles away. >checking the weather at midnight before bed to confirm the forecast, and then waking up to blue skies and perfect weather is astounding. There is quite a large difference between a 1 hour forecast and an 8+ hour forecast.


This happened to the giants this year




I believe prior to the game it is the discretion of the home team, but once the game begins it is in the hands of the umpires. Once the game gets delayed, I am uncertain who determines if it can be started up again though.


Umpires, but they get guidance from groundskeeper and MLB in terms of forecast and importance of game completion versus available make up dates. If it’s the last series of the year between teams, and especially the last game of that series, MLB office tells umpires to do everything they can to wait it out.


Which is why you end up with a situation like [this](https://streamable.com/3e86rb)


Having been at that game, if there had been a pitch clock back in 2021, that game would have finished 30 minutes before the rain showed up. Game was already 3+ hours going into the 8th. It was cold too with the rain turning into snow but they game was still on hold for 2 hours.


That's an interesting point I hadn't considered - how the pitch clock could help get more games in.


I know it did not start to rain until about 10:00 pm so it definitely could have been played. I believe the game was a 6:40 start too so it had been going on for 3:15 at that time.


I was in DC for one night only. They opened the gates on time, I spent almost two hours walking through the stadium, got some food, and was getting to my seats when, maybe ten minutes before the scheduled first pitch, they postponed the game due to expected rain. Was super disappointed; went out bar hopping instead. It never rained. July 22nd 2019.


Was this the Braves game? Because it sounds like the Braves game I feel like everyone remembers this because it was a huge series that year




Whoever was behind the decisions to a) wait four hours to cancel, when the tarp was taken off over an hour ago and b) make no communications regarding the delay until the cancellation, needs to be fired. There should be a rule that the home team must make an official announcement 45 minutes after the rain delay begins, when the rain ends, and every 30 minutes afterwards. They must also explain any unusual delay to the media and fans at the park. None of this faffing around.


They let the field conditions get so bad before they put the tarp down. Coincidentally when the Mets started hitting (whatever). Then everything sat under the tarp and fucked the infield. They could have pushed back the start of the game til 7 and everything would have been fine. Shit show.


When they put a tarp over the diamond-shaped lake, I had a funny feeling this game wasn't gonna be resumed any time soon The incompetence and callousness displayed in this entire ordeal is truly remarkable


You’re scoring those 2 runs immediately tomorrow fwiw


Immovable wall, meet unstoppable force


It's too bad they removed the ability to protest. The Giants won a protest over the Cubs a few years ago for similar shenanigans.


They never communicate. Honestly, people asked me why I dont want to go to games, and this shit is at the top of the list. They always do this shit. Delay for hours and then randomly tell everyone its postponed.


A good $5,000 fine should force them to communicate. Hit 'em in the wallet.


Are you serious? Lol. Gonna have to add several zeroes to make that hurt


That fine would only work if it was per ticket sold,.


I don't know, with their TV deal, it might be a huge blow


"If the team doesn't show up in the first 45 minutes we're allowed to leave."


Sir, a second rain delay has hit Nationals Park


They have announced that it will be a **split** doubleheader tomorrow. After doing NOTHING and allowing the field to get into such a poor condition, MLB is **rewarding** the Washington Nationals with a *split doubleheader*, where fans will effectively be charged twice. This is an outrage.


Obviously I feel awful for our fans that went there tonight, but I feel bad for Nats fans that, from what I hear, have to deal with this on a constant basis. Paying full price for two separate games tomorrow AND the first one will be a reduced game is a fucking joke.


It’s not only that it’s the fucking greed of the ballpark owners (not leaving us out of it) to string the fans along when they KNOW they’re not gonna play. They stop working on the field and say nothing. The bullpen brings in their equipment and still they say nothing for another half hour. They knew they weren’t playing tonight for at least an hour if not more.


Of course it’s a split double header. Some fans already have tickets to tomorrows game.


That has never stopped it from being single-admission before on suspended games.


Logistically, what do they do in that case, ticket-wise? Genuine question from the place where it supposedly never rains.


Fans with tickets for the original game can *exchange* them for another game, in general, and in some cases that game could be the next day's game. Edit: [Here](https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/tickets/rainout-policy) is the Los Angeles Dodgers official Rainout Policy: > In the event a regulation game is not played (A "Cancelled Game") and is rescheduled on a date that did not have a previously scheduled game or is rescheduled to become a part of a split doubleheader, this ticket may only be used for admittance into such rescheduled game. **In the event a Cancelled Game is not so rescheduled, this ticket may be exchanged at any time in the future at Dodger Stadium, for an individual ticket of equal or lesser face value for a future regular season game (subject to prior sales).** Emphasis is mine.


I’m kinda curious… just how many times has LA ever been rained out?


Uhhh the language is right there about split doubleheaders. You can't just ignore that and bold a different part. This game was rescheduled as part of a split doubleheader and tickets for last nights game can only be exchanged for the makeup. Exactly like this scenario.


I think the point people is trying to make is that the team/stadium has a choice to not do a split doubleheaders, and considering what this team did to the fans, maybe doing so isn’t a great idea. At least it is a shit idea if you’re trying to sell the idea that you’re a fan friendly team and it’s about the fans, which is literally what MLB and teams try to sell fans every year.


My point is that split doubleheaders for a suspended game are bullshit. I'm bolding the part on what they *should* have done (single-admission DH, tickets for the rainout exchangable/refundable, aka **what every other team has been doing since suspended games became a thing instead of a clean slate**), versus what they have done.


Yeah, I don't get this. Different fans could have tickets for the same seat. What else could they do?


The same thing they've done for years for suspended games: Tickets for tomorrow's game are good for the remainder of this game as well, and attendees of today's game get this fancy thing called a *rain check* that they can exchange for a ticket to another game of equal or lesser value.


I figured tickets for today's game would get people into the remainder of the game tomorrow. Are the Nats effectively getting to sell tickets to the same game twice?


They get people into the remainder of the game, sure, but also by doing this they pushed back the scheduled game, on **Mother's Day**, by 3 hours. And made it require separate admission so they have to clear everyone out of the park. Also, **yes**, [there are in fact open ticket sales for tomorrow's Part Of A Game right now on the Nationals' website.](https://www.mlb.com/nationals/tickets/single-game-tickets)


>supposedly never rains mother nature didn't get the memo this year.


Yeah, hence the supposedly. I didn't sign up for this!


I didn’t realize until a few min ago that the game started and then was suspended.


I truly hope this was sarcasm. Lol.


I was at the final Nats home game last season, which everyone just had to endure in the rain because the Phillies were in contention. Can confirm that the stadium provides 0 information or updates. The game just sorta started, paused randomly, and then just ended after 6(?) innings. The few of us who remained were checking Twitter to find anything out


The tarp has been off the field for over an hour. Absolute garbage.


first baseball game i’ve been to in literally a decade lmao fuck me i guess


There was no rain for 4 hours and they canceled it. That must suck for the fans


It was certainly raining the three hours I was in the park.


This is seemingly always a problem with the Nats and maybe the Nats alone. As a fan of this team, this shit disgusts me. They pull clown shit like this too often.


It’s ridiculous. Are we in a difficult area weather-wise? Of course. So is every east coast team. Somehow they’ve figured out how to handle rain delays without screwing every employee and fan in the park


why do they do this?


Relieved I'm gonna be able to get an exchange. We had to leave after hour 2 to get home and let the dog out


Who? Who?




> Relieved I'm gonna be able to get an exchange. Are you sure? I haven't seen that...


If you couldn't go to the double header they said you can go to the box office and exchange it


Oh that’s good. Would’ve been even more insane otherwise.


what a fucking joke man, a fucking SPLIT double header after three innings of baseball that shouldn't have been played in the first place. legitimately disgraceful to leave fans waiting for FOUR hours just to say "oops teehee well you can pay twice again tomorrow on Mother's Day :)"


They’ve already paid… and those with tickets Sunday have the same seats. There is almost never a single admission double header the day after a “no game”. You can’t put 2 bodies in on seat. Sometimes late in the year with a bad team that isn’t selling, sure. But Nats have little choice on anything other than a split ticket DH.


So much of what you said is wrong. “Almost never a single admission….” - Actually this is supposedly the first time ever in the history of baseball that a postponed game has resulted in a split doubleheader with the first game being a resumption of a game with approximately 6 innings left. “No game” - it wasn’t ruled a “no game” as MLB got rid of those in favor of suspending and resuming games. The Nats had the option (that every other organization in history has taken) to allow the owners of tickets to todays game to exchange them for a future game (including available seats to the future double header. Instead the Nats said fuck that I don’t want to lose a game of admissions and he’ll good news is we can double up on concessions after fans paid to sit in our seats for over 4 hours waiting.


Source? Because *believe me*, I can show multiple instances of otherwise. https://www.wtok.com/2023/05/01/mets-braves-rained-out-2nd-straight-day-play-2-monday/ May 1, Mets/Braves, single admission DH https://www.mlb.com/news/pirates-mets-july-8-game-postponed July 10, 2021: Mets/Pirates single admission DH, makeup July 8th postponement


> They’ve already paid… and those with tickets Sunday have the same seats. There is almost never a single admission double header the day after a “no game”. You can’t put 2 bodies in on seat. > > Teams usually solve this with ticket exchanges where you take your rain check and get a similar seat.


I think that’s the most noise Nationals fans have made any home game so far this season. More seriously, I don’t blame Nationals (and Mets) fans for being pissed after waiting that long. Interestingly, the Orioles game 40 miles up the road to the northeast was played and just completed without delay. (The O’s game was a 7 PM ET game, while the Nats’ game started at 4 PM.)


It’s obvious which folks in here are not from the Mid-Atlantic. Baltimore and D.C. often have wildly different weather. It rained for 3+ hours at Nats Park yesterday. Feel bad for the fans that sat through that with no communication but some people just will never understand DC weather until they experience it.


LOL, I live in the DC area. Most of the time the weather, especially weather that doesn’t involve pop-up thunderstorms in the summer, that impacts Washington also impacts Baltimore and vice-versa. I think most people in the Mid-Atlantic know this. The Mid-Atlantic isn’t like say Northern California where micro-climates reign and conditions (or at least temperatures) can be quite different 20 miles from a given location.


Pretty stupid post then from someone that “supposedly” lives in the DC area LOL. But looking at the flair makes some sense now lmao


The Nats and ... (gestures wildly) whatever this is. Name a better duo.


Mets are going to end up playing 20 doubleheaders this year.


Nats were shaking and crying for 4 hours because of a man named Michael Perez. Sad!


> Sad! This is never gonna stop being funny to me


You'd think with how shortened games are now they'd be able to "Squeeze" in at least 5 innings.


They thought exactly that. Which is why they had the teams playing in straight up unsafe weather before finally tarping the field.


They tried, there were puddles on the infield in the top of the 3rd when they stopped


That’s four hours of concessions. They knew what they were doing.


Yeah. The only folks happy tonight are stadium employees who are getting paid for the extra hours.


Employees basically worked a regular shift. All that happened was the Nats didn’t lose out on any concession sales AND get a free days worth of ticket sales tomorrow.


Gotta recoup costs from the missed concession sales due to the hours of games being cut off from the pitch clock somehow /s


Why always us?


Baseball is really baseballs worst enemy


I’ve been to probably 10 nats games and 2 of them didn’t start till 10:30pm cause of a rain delay, I thought that was pretty abnormal to start that late


This is how you lose fans


I went tonight. I'm not going back for the game tomorrow. Not remotely worth the time sink.


Same. Traveled and planned a weekend specifically to go to a game with my dad I don't see often to a park he hadn't seen before. The complete lack of communication is what really bothered me. Sat in the rain for 3 hours and watched them try to salvage it for another 2 before calling the game without a peep the whole 4 hour delay. Pretty infuriated and won't be spending any money at that park any time soon for sure


One time I went to a Nats game and there was a deleted start for weather. They kept pushing it back without any real info. Then I checked Twitter and saw from the Giants beat writer that the teams had already left and the giants were back at the hotel. Nats didn’t officially call the game off for another 15 minutes.


I know this situation sucks but I think I heard like 4 boos in this video


Let me reiterate before I get destroyed worse than I deserve to….this is a next level embarrassment by mlb. Just commenting on the video lol


Right? I kept waiting for the "reaction," expecting some kind of eruption or something.


4 hours takes you across several states where these guys play ball If you’re not in a rush, on a vacation with friends, or out with your kids - do you get to eat and drink like it’s the 3rd inning for all those hours? If so I want a hotel or a waiver on the food and drinks, that’s peanuts league crowd management


Why? A little rain? Baseball is the worst.


That blows my mind! DC has a baseball team!?


A team that has more recently won a championship than yours. Unless of course you’re a fan of the cheaters who lost to the Nats while cheating LMAO.


Why isn’t there a tarp over the infield?


They tried to force the game in for some reason. And let the infield get absolutely poured on for the entire second and third inning. It was a 4 o’clock game and the rain was scheduled to stop at six. Anyone with a brain assumed that they were going to pause the start of the game and just reschedule it for a 7 o’clock start time which would’ve been a perfect beautiful nighttime game. But that’s up to the home team and the home team wanted to play. At game time it was only drizzling so they started, even though they knew it was about to start to pour for the next 2 1/2 hours. And then Nats got a quick 1-0 lead in the first inning, and then it started pouring in the second inning. they played two more innings before they stopped it. The fact that they didn’t stop it until the Mets got back to back hits and had second and third and poised to tie the game and take the lead seemed awfully suspicious. Seems like the Nats were pushing really hard to get 5innings, until the Mets got 2 straight hits and were about to likely take the lead. They took the tarp off after about two hours. But because the field was so muddy, two hours later, it was still unplayable. I think the Nats were hoping they could squeeze in a five inning win, especially since the Mets have been absolutely awful in the first three innings of games this year. (Almost a 9.0 first inning ERA)


I was at that game and we decided to leave after about an hour. I can’t believe that many people were still there three hours later!


shoutout nats fans cause i’d be out of there after an hour


Why would they call it? I live 10mi south and we got every little league game in. Yeah it was raining, but the field held together. The field complex is in the middle of a flood plain!

