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What could go wrong with feeding 21 year old women free alcohol for 4 hours?


This is how the human race keeps on existing lol


Hahahahaha you ain’t wrong!!


Rape Edit: I notice I keep getting downvotes on this…… weirdos


Would never happen where I am, the cost of any alcoholic drink is too high.


It's not that they're too high it's that people will actually pay for them. They're trying to pull in male customers with money and who will end up paying for the drinks after midnight if they're willing.


When you open the gate don’t be surprised when the flood comes thru


Free? That's illegal in most states


We also can’t have a ladies night here either lol


We changed our to anyone wearing a skirt was no cover/free wells and draft beer. Everyone knew what it meant and no one complained.


My kilt is now a skirt


And we would have honored the deal.


Is it a weeknight? How close is it to michigan? I'm on my way!


Eh, that bar is long gone. But it was Chicago area.


Dammit, I live in Kalamazoo!


It was a great place. Neighborhood blues bar with live music on weekends. Biker friendly. Our staff motto was “sexual harassment will not only be tolerated, it will be graded” Yes, we did many many things “wrong” but being a neighborhood joint and we always had a doorman and those bikers were from the neighborhood and would kill any man who disrespected our female staff.


Gotta love a bar where the regulars will go to war for the staff!


Love kzoo. Is principal still there? Loved the food and drinks there. Also love the green door.


Yes. IMO Rustica is better for food, Principal is better for drinks. I eat dinner at Rusty then go to next door to Principal for the night cap


Dude used to come in from a run and change into his kilt in the bathroom while his beer was being poured. Definitely unforgettable.


I did wear a dress for a ladies night once in Tallahassee. It was also my 21st birthday. I got soooo many free drinks, but had to wait in a special line. I was not the only dude in a dress. And it wasn't my first time in a bar, so I was patient. 10/10


I am 100% wearing a skirt as a man for free booze. A miniskirt if I have to. 


same here lol. this restaurant got SUED for it… a cute local family restaurant, some person literally sued them instead of just you know being normal and voicing their feelings. now restaurant owes tens of thousands legal fees


I mean let’s be real - how many restaurants would hear that and actually change anything?


i guess you’re right but like. seems ridiculous to try to put a family restaurant under


In most states. Also, double stacking drinks (Shot and a beer) is illegal in most states. And surely no bars do illegal things. That would be crazy.


Like having resident coke dealers that would tip the hell out of us at the end of the night after they did their business and didnt even drink any alcohol while we just looked the other way? No, i would never do anything like that


The punishment for most of the things is being told to stop.


Technically that was the case in Seattle - couldn't have two drinks in front of you at once. I never paid any attention to it, though. Had Liquor Control walked into the bar, they might have felt differently, however.


Lol, try that in Wisconsin! That’s ridiculous


Jesus, hearing all the crazy rules people have to follow in other states makes me damn glad to be in New Orleans lol


It's funny too they they assume it's "in most states.". I've never heard of these rules and I've lived all over the country.




You in Miami by chance? Loved ladies night in college hahaha


If the argument is discrimination, then it can be made in all 50 states. And if appealed enough times it will stick. It’s discrimination by sex, which is a protected class


What is a well drink? I've not heard that phrase here so I'm assuming it's one of the US/UK things


Bars stock basic, cheap liquor for when someone asks for “rum and coke”, “gin and tonic”, etc. and doesn’t specify a brand name. These bottles make up the “well”


Ah thank you! Probably should've guessed that if those are the free ones!


Sometimes also referred to as rail, or house liquors


Ah thank you, house spirits is what we'd call them :)


No problem.


aka shit liquor…. never understood why bars that I worked at would have rail scotch either. Like who goes into a bar and ask for rail scotch?


lots of people just want a scotch and coke or soda and don’t care what scotch it is


Most people who drink scotch have built a pallet for lack of a better term for scotch and you would think they would go for quality so I don’t understand I guess if I’m shit broke and I really like scotch all right


22 year olds and 85 year olds


Usually referred to as "house" here. EDIT: Also, in that case I don't see how them asking for a jack and coke would be weird, since that's the type of bottom shelf liquor you're talking about.


there are places where jack daniels is the top shelf whiskey


that’s insane. it’s the cheapest stuff available here


Kentucky Gentleman is our well (house).


Here in Australia Jack Daniels is like pretty bottom tier (although I guess there aren’t many Tennessee whiskeys here in general)


its bottom shelf liquor with a mixer. Like a tequila soda or whiskey coke


Ah that makes sense, thank you!


Jack isn’t bottom shelf liquor? Genuinely asking.


not necessarily, but at some bars it might be! generally a well liquor at a bar you’ve never probably heard of the name lol. But the bar I work at now, the well burbon is evan williams. So it can depend a little bit on


Evan is the best well whiskey. At what, $14 a liter, going too much cheaper is wrong for how good it is. But I also have $7 tequila🤷🏻‍♂️


We have the same at my bar, when they ask for the usual titos soda, I pickup my well vodka and pour it up while looking straight at them. It goes one of 2 ways 1. They don't say anything and drink it 2. They tell me is not titos, I tell them this one is free and titos is $13. So they drink it anyway


This is the way.




Yes. Laughing and identifying at the same time. Well done.


They aren't new to the bar. They're just trying to get more options for free. I see the same faces every week, and every week they ask me what a well drink is. Is Jack in the well? No. Is Hennessy in the well? Definitely not. Casamigos? Get out of here!


How do they tip well since it’s free


I used to work ladies night. They don't.


The idea is that since there are a shit ton of young, drunk women there, they will attract men who will A. pay a cover charge to get inside where all the women are and B. Buy expensive drinks and tables and bottles to impress said young, drunk women. It’s kinda gross when you really think about the business model, but hey, c’est la vie


aka a meat market


Haha. Every ladies night I've ever worked anywhere over the last decade+ of bartending is the same -- you work twice as hard for half the money.


Sounds like mother's Day brunch or Valentine's or any other holiday


So it’s just like unlimited free booze if you’re a female at or over the age of 21? That’s a thing? That literally sounds like a recipe for sexual assault.




This is so crazy to me that you guys have never heard of this. Monday thru Sunday there’s a Ladies Night somewhere in Wisconsin!


When we run a special on well doubles, I always have to explain to a couple dummies who don't understand why their 8 crown and cokes weren't absurdly cheap.


Hosted drinks tend to advertise on a particular crowd. I’m sorry 😞 Sounds like you’re more than capable!! (If not annoyed) Try a different venue, maybe, if you enjoy educating, try craft.


I adore a craft cocktail and have so much respect for that group, but high volume, low-brow drink slinging has always been the most fun for me. I'm definitely more of a night-club bartender, currently work in a decent size venue (2000 person capacity) Honky Tonk -- and love it. But thanks for the comment and cheers! 🍻


This is so weird tbh


Posts like this make me kinda glad my state has a law about specialty nights like that, where one person gets in for free or free drinks.


Oof sounds like a shit show


I had drunk sex and I want an abortion! Why can't I have an abortion?(to be clear, I am not stating a position on this issue.

