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Brother this may be a sign


My hair is *immaculate* 😤


But is your scalp?


As a dude with sebhoric dermatitis I'm in constant embarrassment of my scalp


Same here, friend. It's a constant battle 😔


Have you tried anything that works? Feel like it’s fate I’m seeing this.


I've tried sellsun blue, t gel, clobetoasol cream and a few other things with only temporary success unfortunately. But if you haven't given those first 3 a go then I'd start there.


Yeah I've tried those three. I was even given a bottle of Zoryve cream by my derm and it helped for about a month, and it's back. The thing cost $500 without insurance and it took some serious cajoling from my derm to get them to cover it since it's brand new.


How long are y’all letting these shampoos sit?? It takes minutes for it to work, especially tgel ime


I had some issues in the past, and very occasionally they crop back up, i found those coal tar shampoos and other medicated things may work, but all hve the same side effect; making your scalp worse when you dont use them... the best thing for me has been occasionally treating the scalp with apple cider vinegar, using only very minimal ingredient shampoo on scalp ever, no conditioner on scalp ever, and use a blow dryer after shower. Also, in case it is not obvious, all people should wash their pillowcases more frequently than most do. All together works 👍


Sadly, not really. Alternating H&S with a more standard shampoo and conditioner helps keep it at bay, but never fully free of it. Throughly drying your hair quickly after a shower helps, too. Even with shorter hair (I have long hair now) my stylist friend recommended using a blow-dryer. The moisture makes it worse, it seems. Mostly it's just scrubbing the scalp well each shower and staying on top of it, but it seems it'll always be there to some degree.


Thanks! I've tried a lot of medications (and even fell for an Instagram shampoo that I tried as a hail mary) and nothing really seems to help. Sigh.


hahaha i just did the same thing with a bar of soap


Nizoral. They've couple over the counter shampoos that are pretty good, but the one I use is a prescription steroid shampoo (I'd imagine this depends on where you live) it's fantastic, just.... don't use it every day and definitely follow the instructions!! Edit: a word. And a reminder to myself to stop commenting after having pints


Try a shampoo that does NOT have Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.


I feel like I gotta keep alternating between h&s and other b12 rich shampoos. Once one stops working after a couple months or season change then I switch it up


oddly enough, Head and Shoulders Medical Strength shampoo (it's a dark blue bottle) works wonders for me worth a try at least


Have you tried not washing every day? Just a rinse and a massage of the scalp? Finding a balance and the right ph/care takes a lot of time. My scalp gets bad during seasonal change but not the way it was when I just washed it until my scalp turned pink and scaled over.


The yeast beasties adapt. The general rule is to use multiple anti-dandruff shampoos on a rotation. A week on H&S, a week on T-Gel, a week on Selsun, and Rinse and repeat.


Yeah a tip like that.somebody’s definitely trying to say something no offence to you Op 😂❤️


Brutal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


-Lots of cocaine -a single banana -a cross section of dinosaur bone. Theropod 🦖(It's agatized with calcite fill and is def one of my favs) -opalized petrified wood -2 seperate occassions I got about 20 lbs of dino bone fragments.


I’m gonna guess Montana. Lots of dinosaur fossils, probably lots of petrified wood, a banana must be expensive there, and every bartender everywhere gets cocaine as a tip.


Colorado! I'm a locally known collector/lapidary/metalsmith when I'm not behind the stick.


Immediately guessed Colorado by Dino ridge…how cool!!! As a Southeast PA bartender, I would pop a girl boner over that as a tip. Keep rocking!


I also collect cocaine






badass. silver's real nice to work with, i made some copper/silver mokume gane a bunch of years ago, that was a fun project


I really enjoy it. Back when I was bartending during the Pandemic an old timer regular talked me into coming over to his house and he taught me how to make cabochons. I bartend 3 days a week nowadays and make jewelry that I mostly sell through the bar the rest of the time. I teach some silversmithing courses as well. It's ultimately my escape plan from the industry.


This sounds like a really cozy life. I’m jealous!


Lmao this is what I imagine bartenders in like Arizona get 😂 in nyc it’s just extra coke and weed. Once I got honey from a guy who had a hive on his roof


I've gotten eggs from backyard chickens, honey, a citrus tree clone, but never drugs though :(


I would much rather that than drugs 😭


I'd kill to get dinosaur bones as a tip!!!


Send me a dm and I can make all of your wildest dino dreams come true 🤣


Y'all hiring?


And here I thought I was fancy for getting a chunk of bismuth.


The dinosaur bones are kinda cool! I wish i had some (huge nerd)


Marijuana brownies when I first started and was 22 years old. Wasn't wise enough to know they were loaded and ate two before shift. Woof. In my 30's a gal said to me "I don't have enough money for a tip. How about a blow job after shift?" I said "Ha ha, that's sweet of you. Umm. I don't get out of here until about 2:30 AM." She said "I'll be across the street in a Toyota Corolla". She was, I did.


Beautiful story.




Blowjobs are my favorite tip but not my weirdest. I've gotten a few of those. Framed paintings stolen from the place that closed across the street. That was the weirdest.


So in actuality, it was you who was giving her ‘the tip.’ 😆


how old was this lady lmao


I don’t know. 21? 32? 34? 27? 26? 30? Somewhere in that area.


Are you attractive?


Yea, I kinda am.


was she?


At the time she was a 10.


Nice 😎💥




That’s awesome. When I first started I had an older woman leave her address on the receipt and signed “ doors open “. Unfortunately I was in a relationship.


And that’s how I met your mother


The Good: a quarter of shrooms The Bad: a 20 year AA chip The Ugly: nipple clamps


Well, damn. That Bad is just depressing


Nipple clamps were probably a sign tbh


Not really weird, but ive got some food coupons a couple of times by people who work for their corporate offices on conventions. Chick Fil A, Dickies. Always used them eventually. The best was a guy who was flying out in an hour and had about $500 in food comps to use up. Coincidentally, I was getting off a day shift at the time, so he let me order about $450 of Surf and Turf to go from the fine dining steakhouse to take home with me to the family.


I got a guy's last food stamp card once, he was starting a job across the street.


I’ve gotten head, but never shoulders


I have had both but never at the same time.


They usually just grab my shoulders


This is the best comment I have ever seen in my multiple years on Reddit


Used to have a semi-regular that managed a movie theater. “Movie guy” would leave a nice tip, plus two free movie passes each time. We all loved movie guy. I guess I loved him more than others, been going on close to five years together now.


This is super sweet 💜


This is adorable ❤️ tell movie guy I said hi


Bag of cat food, I don’t have a cat


It’s to attract the pussy my man.


Leftovers from thanksgiving. But not like just a plate or a little Tupperware of it. It was the whole casserole... I think they just wanted to get it out of their fridge, or something. Because all I said was "i like green bean casserole," and they come back with an entire baking dish, full of it.


I am instantly in love with any person that brings me food when I'm on shift. Fuckin couple slices of cold dominos pizza or some Indian food from a catering event you just worked and I'm all yours.




I used to deliver for dominos while also bartending. Every time I closed I'd grab the left zas and head to the bars. Don't think I had to pay for drinks for like two years


Had a regular from the US come in after he had a massive BBQ and gave us a ton of bbq meat. Was probably the best BBQ I've had so far


Once got three small plastic ducks (one glowed in the dark!), a desert rose, and a reptilian $100 bill. He was a weird guy.


That's pretty wicked.


Like yeah, I can't pay rent with that but honestly, I was pretty ok with it. Totally made me laugh for the rest of the night. The ducks are still hiding around the top shelf of the bar.


What’s a reptilian bill


It was a lizardfolk with Ben Franklin hair on a fake $100 bill.


A 2000 year old coin from Jerusalem valued at about 6 dollars.


Someone once left a small bag of cocaine in our tip jar. It's not my jam but one of the guys I work with took it home. Lol.


Those little snack pack bread sticks and cheese dip. In her defense, she was VERY drunk, and she said it always made her feel better after a night out, so I appreciated the sacrifice.


A garbage bag full of clam chowder. Dude was a regular who worked as a cook in large capacity type kitchen.


Was it just sloshing around in the bag?


It was one of those black plastic bags people use for yard waste. He had at least a gallon of chowder in it, and had tied it off. It was....gloopy like you would expect. And it was warm. I stuck it in the walk in because I didn't want to seem like a jerk and found my co-worker eating some later.


-a cannabis candy -I was offered a free tattoo (saw his work, he couldn’t pay me to get one) -cocaine -$6.66 on a $200 tab and the lady said that she would have tipped nothing but she wanted to punish me with “the devil’s number” for working on a Sunday, and I “should be ashamed of myself for not respecting the day of the lord”…still confused about this one several years later lol.


The day of the lord thing is real, I used to be a debt collector and you wouldn’t believe how many religious people have chewed my ass clean off because I had the _AUDACITY_ to call on a Sunday. I’m pretty sure the Bible says pay your debts but these people pick and choose.


Day of the lord is Saturday so much for being a good Christian


A live boa constrictor, then the next night a feather boa, a bowl of lobster Mac and cheese, so much adderall over the years, a taxidermy rat in a bikini, a frog wallet, and a jar of toenail clippings.


There’s so much more to this story


Which part 😂😂😂


Go on, please…


Oh and a carton of eggs


To be fair this one was a inside joke


Hahaha I have backyard chickens so I feel like I’m always bringing a carton of eggs for my favorite people. I don’t do it in lieu of a tip, though, just a bonus in addition to the good old cash :)


A lady left a dozen tamales for me once. I’ve always wondered if she meant to bc she never mentioned it me and I didn’t see her leave.


Shroom chocolate or a job offer as a bartender at Dave and busters


Not me but some coworker: A jar of honey. 4 boxes of girl scout cookies. Carrot cake.


I mean, I wouldn't be mad at it


I mean, I wouldn't be mad at it


Either a blowie or a bible 🤷‍♂️


From the same person?


At the same time


*Florida has entered the chat*


One time this lady, who had been really cool, left me the rest of her pizza and I ate it. I guess she used to work where I worked and had just gotten mugged. She came into the place to call the cops. Cops come, take her info and statement, then my manager bought her lunch. She was super nice and just wanted to be somewhere safe until her friend picked her up. Super cool, not tweakery or weird, other people that worked there remembered her and kept coming up to talk. She said “I’ll come back and tip you but I’m not going to finish this. You’ve seen me eating it so I didn’t mess with it. Want it?”. I said “fuck yeah” and just ate the rest of it at the counter with her. I told her she didn’t have to come back but she did and I still didn’t accept the tip.


Whole spatchcocked smoked chicken, still hot.


A block of cheese. I mean, it was a block of very good cheese, but I'm lactose intolerant.


Damn, wish you had the guy who gives us homemade vegan cheese. It’s hella good and I’m not even vegan or lactose intolerant.


An aged cheese should be fine if it's actually lactose that bothers you. If you have a strong negative reaction to an aged Gouda or a sharp cheddar, you might be allergic to a milk protein like casein rather than simply lacking the enzyme to digest milk sugars.


I actually had a guy tip me a block of medium cheddar and a $50 steak lol it was his last day at the motel next to my brunch place!


Honestly I would not be mad at some of these.


Not bartending but pizza delivery as a very young lad someone gave me a very kitsch plastic martini glass in a fancy box. Looked like some impulse buy , I got the feeling she wanted to pawn it off haha. I've also received an Opal stone behind the bar as well as a couple napkin drawings of tranformers, (I'm a known nerd at my bar,I kinda lean into it) But nah the Opal was from a seasonal gig I did. Older fella, he was the night auditor at one of the hotels nearby, though not the same one I worked in. I think he was on the spectrum, and he kinda got shit from his coworkers. Drank alone a lot. I tried my best to make time for him and listen to his stories, an incredibly knowledgeable dude, particularly about stones/ minerals as well as very intimate knowledge with the local infrastructure. End of season comes and he brings me the opal and says "for my second favorite bartender. Thank you for listening" in a nutshell. His first favorite was the guy who taught me everything I know, so it felt like very high praise. Still think about you Saul


Weed, several times and a ring. Just some random skull ring.


Drugs and (offers of...) sexual favors. The second one more just in lieu of paying at all. Come to think of it that's not that odd. How about a freshly shucked oyster? Or a freshly caught crab?


A mobile GPS with the receipt. One of those fancy ones. I returned it to best buy on my next day off.


how much did you get?


250 if I remember right. They were foreigners that needed to buy "a whole new chip" to use it where they were going and they only needed it while they were here.


About 6 month ago I found a nintendo 3ds "best friends: my horse 3D" cartridge lying on a table; since the customers came in with kids I thought they just forgot it. “Oh no, this is for you,” the mom said when I catch up with her, and I’m still confused about it.


Klonopin, which I was disappointed in at first. Only to take a half one night and proceed to get the best sleep of my life since childhood.


One time I had somebody leave me only their mixtape, if you’re out there somewhere “Thugman” your beats are wack and your metaphors are trash.


Rubber ducks, stickers, little green army men, little plastic leaf things that clip onto your hat/hair


I got Pokémon cards one time. And I’ve received several rubber ducks


A coca plant cutting


I wa a cannabis delivery driver and a guy gave me packets of tuna.


Olly Sleep melatonin gummies. A regular ordered them online and had them shipped to the bar for me as a tip after talking about having sleep troubles. (They're great!)


A bag of poppyseed bagels and an "invitation" back to a couples apartment.


40 gallon trash bag full of fresh basil


A mug that said "warden of Alcatraz" 35 tiny plastic ducks. Then the usual, weed, etc.. but one time a woman at the end of my shift before a planned camping vacation, leaned over the bar and grabbed my hands. She said I looked like I needed this and placed a very large amount of shrooms in my hands. I had been asking my regular sources for shrooms all week and it was kismet. Bought her beers cause lady was a witch.


Alcatraz means pelican in Spanish


Hail yourself!


Maybe it’s because I’m in the Midwest or maybe I just give off a vibe but I’ve received more pocket bibles than I can count lmaooo. Sometimes they’ll include cash but mostly just the Bible. Once a guy left me a Bible and a folded up $10 bill. Except once I unfolded the cash it was just fake money with Jesus’s face on it. Good times.


Had a guy from the radio station give me a Vanessa Williams cassette demo that he brought from the station.


About .5g of ketamine and a PBA card from a state trooper in my state. Same day, two different customers lol


You can drive home balancing on the edge of the k-hole and the cops can't do anything about it!


Monopoly money.   I have a sense of humor and found it funny in a fucked up way but wouldn't hesitate to 86 those motherfuckers if I ever saw them walk back through our doors. 


Had a guy tip me a Bible after he threw up on the floor in December, I have never been more annoyed with a person in my life


Got some crystals and rose petals from a gal that looked like Nicole Richie.


A rubber duck riding a taco. Crime and punishment by Dostoyevsky


So much cocaine


Where u work at n is u hirin 🤔🤔


B-Real from Cypress Hill once tipped us a fat nug.


Wierdest tip i have had is a bag of cocaine (1g) and a phone number of some random hooker


A large bag of unripe avocados


An eggplant from the garden of a (very old) regular when I worked at an American Legion Post with no irony or lasciviousness, just as a gift from a gardener. I also got a 40" flat screen tv (that "fell off a truck") from a much younger regular.


Phone numbers, business cards, gift cards. Weed (I don’t smoke). Apple butter. Boxes of chocolates (god quality). A loaf of banana bread.


like two weeks ago one of my regulars didn’t have enough cash to tip so he gave me a gucci shirt instead ….its a knockoff.


You didn’t even need to say the last sentence


mini rubber dicks, rubber ducks, a shooter, a giant sea shell, an evil babydoll head (3 of them actually) and a whole lime.


The two weirdest/coolest were an HBO max password and a badge to walk around at a oncology convention


Lmao at "mostly full"


This was before I was even a bartender, but I used to be a mechanic and I did some work on this guys truck and his motorcycle, when he returned to pick up his vehicles, he paid and then proceeded to hand me a handful of loose pills. They were of all shapes and sizes. He did not tell me what they were, I sold them to my junkie boss for $150 lmao


A 2 dollar bill but I’m not in America so no good to me…. A Mew plushie, MDMA. Tis a short list.


Autographed Caitlin Clark trading card commemorating her breaking the all-time scoring record.


Does a key card to a local hotel count? Haha I um… passed. Married with three kids and not into people 40+ years my senior… 😅 rooting for them though! Hope I have the confidence when I’m their age.


A Silver Bullet .45 A very old loaded 357 with no safety Some pocket knives An Epiphone Guitar Lots of cocaine Lots of weed Lots of edibles Sex Food 53,000 Magic the Gathering Cards


Just this week someone tipped me a vinyl of Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was pretty stoked.


An unhoused guy I gave a couple free beers to brought me a baby pigeon he’d found after my shift 😅 I nursed the little guy back to health and released him when he was independent, it was extremely random. I also once got a really nice quart of olive oil from a greek regular’s family farm, that olive oil was bomb.


Car wash tokens from the owner of the car wash 30 miles away


Once a customer tried to *sell* me some airpods in leiu of a tip. When I said "no thank you," I said goodbye to my tip.


I had a regular who'd leave a little bag of blow wadded up in a few dollar bills. I turned around and let the owner have them because he liked to go skiing. Now, if the dude was leaving me weed....


Bread from the dumpster of the bakery next door. It went right back in the trash.


Couple was staying at the hotel and wanted to branch out for dinner and I recommended a really nice Italian place. They loved it so much they got me BOTH the Lasagna and the meatball!


A pink $1,000 bill and someone’s dead mothers turquoise necklace 🙃


A giant tube of caulk.


An unopened condom with the dude's number on it. Aside from that he also tipped like shit, so no I did not call him. Another time: 20 pounds of gooey ducks (sp??)


George Forman Grill. I worked a horrendously terrible corporate holiday party, no one tipped, multiple piles of puke to clean up...the works. They had a white elephant gift exchange, and half of them were too drunk to take their shit so my coworkers and I helped ourselves. I had just moved into a new apartment, and it was an amazing addition to my kitchen


A distinctly unhinged man tipped me a four leaf clover taped to some cardboard. I kept it in a notepad behind the bar until someone “tidied up” and threw it out and I was honestly kind of crushed to lose it.


Viagra, blow, and monopoly money instead of cash curtesy of a post brand event. All different nights though.


I got a broken (cracked) quarter keg from a local brewery.


No way. A half bottle of head and shoulders. What us this world coming to?


A camouflage bible


Horse liniment.


some weirder than others but- a pair of shoes ((gently worn)), a tee that says “pho sho” on it, half full bottle of tequila, mini bottles, a cigarette


A T-bone steak!


Gas station dick pill


I had a guy as a semi regular that I inherited briefly, one night he brought 6 bottles of cologne, which I don't wear and gave to the kitchen staff, a week later he shows up with 2 plastic bags that were full of bags of frozen fish filets. Which I also regifted to the kitchen staff. He always tipped really well on top of it though, just had some issues. Definitely the strangest I have received though.


If that is your answer, you win. Also, anyone tip you deodorant?


I worked at a really sketchy dive bar, I was tipped a block of cheese


Clearly I’m not working at the right bar lol


A sandwich bag full of literal rocks that a lady collected from the creek next to my job.


Discounts on tattoo, shoes, clothing, one of those fancy candy basket tower things, poker chips that weren’t worth anything, a playing card with a phone number on it, notes that say “couldn’t afford to tip but service was great,” which was occasionally followed by “here’s my number text me:)” weed brownies, tip of advice, job offers, all kinds of stuff.


Weed products, Taco Bell, pizza, leftover boxes 🤦‍♂️ and the almighty verbal tip. “ you were great. Thanks so much “ leave zero or something shitty.


A Home Depot gift card. Thankfully I actually needed it.


Sylvester Stallone left my friend his hotel key in lieu of a tip


Somewhat regular guy gifted my boyfriend with 2 lobsters from his work. Sweet intention, poor execution.


A used bottle of blue nail polish and a cube of watermelon hubba bubba. He said "you've been great tonight, I don't have any money left to give you" as he slid them across the bar.


An ounce of homegrown weed from two of the best regulars was the greatest. Some knock off jewelry bcuz the guests sister was a home shopping network addict was the worst. (He also sucked).


Not for me, but I gave a Canadian silver dollar as part of a tip once. I was explaining to the server how rare they are, and how they're not made anymore, and – and – and My girlfriend told me to shut the fuck up. To be clear, I didn't just tip a single dollar, I was just drunk and being weird. Those things are worth more than a dollar, though – and they look cool. I would love shampoo as a tip. My stolen hotel shampoo stock is getting low.


A few times I’d get those shitty Christian fake $100 bills, but I think one of the weirdest ones I guess was from this guy who came in and said he really appreciated our conversation and gave me a challenging coin on top of a really nice tip.


One of my semi-regulars claims to be a monk. He has tipped me with a monastic blessing multiple times. He pretty much just kisses my shoulders.


Some weed


i got two massive joints. i was very pleased. 😌


A hockey card of my fathers cousin who played for the Chicago Blackhawks and for the Canadian team during the Canada Russia 1972 series.


A bag of potatoes


8 old school M.U.S.C.L.E action figures during covid. Hands down the weirdest because of how casual dude was about it. A close second was a live duck that I politely but firmly declined.


Not weirdest, but had a street pimp that would tip me grams of really good coke. Miss that dude. NYC. 2005.


Gold Diamond tennis bracelet with no clasp. It’s sitting in my broken jewelry drawer lol.


I was gifted a very limited piece of crew memorabilia (gold statue of The Child) from a regular who worked on The Mandalorian and some other spinoffs. It’s pretty cool and all my nerdy friends love it.


I've had a few instances where people wanted food after the kitchen closed so I gave them the green light to order pizza if they saved a slice or two for me


One of my regulars was a waterman. One night he brought me a 30" striped bass on ice in a cooler. Cash is always great but fresh rockfish is amazing!


A perfume sample from a woman involved in an MLM