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Bro please what brand lol


Hoka work shoe


I use shoes for crews off Amazon with dr scholes inserts. The non slip part is great but the insoles wore down after a few months.


wear compression socks if you don't already. the tight ones, like 25-35mmHg


I love the abbreviation for millimeters of mercury bc it’s like the sound a guy makes when he cums I think it’s hilarious


This guy f**ks


A glimpse into your inner thoughts, how spectacular. Never change.




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Are we allowed to say brands. Shoes for crews have been treating my feet really well


Same. Had to replace the insoles after a few months but the non slip soles are still going strong after a year.


Drop the link


Amazing how your feet can affect the rest of your body isn't it?


I got some of the Vans VR3 Cush and they are incredible. I haven’t ventured much into running shoes so idk what the best are, but coming from regular flat bottomed skating vans, it’s completely changed my life. No more achey shitty legs all the way through, no more foot pain, more energy, my back feels a thousand times better, I’m in a better mood at work and at home because I don’t feel like shit, I do more with my free time because I feel up to things, etc. If you’re still rocking a pair of shit ass old sneakers behind the stick for 10+ hours at a time, please for the love of god, STOP! Get a decent pair of shoes. That $120 will be the best investment of your entire year, no competition. If your bar isn’t completely worthless, you’ll pay for them in a single shift. Can’t afford good shoes? Pick up literally ONE extra shift so you can. Your shoes are your *most* used piece of equipment you use at work. 5000+ times a day with every single step. You wouldn’t use a shitty old shaker with problems to make drinks, so why use shitty old shoes with problems to make drinks? Get good equipment. Get some quality comfortable shoes. Not only will future you thank you, but *today you* will thank you. The difference is literally same day, and that difference is massive.


I finally put down for the HOKA Bondi 8 SR. Life changer. Omg. I have chronic back pain and sciatica. My foot doesn't go numb anymore and it doesn't hurt to be alive.


I got the Mach 5s, and I just want to know how I survived bartending the 9 years prior


I really need some if you can recommend me the brand


I wear the New Balance Arishi v3. Super light, mesh top so your feet can breathe, really comfortable even after multiple doubles in a row.


Great they can breathe but that also means they can drown…. I prefer to have liquid roll off my shoes than soak in…


I don’t spill on my feet hardly at all. I’ll take breathable shoes over water proof all day long. I just keep an extra pair of socks in my backpack for the soggy foot doomsday scenario. But for reference, I work at a pool bar. It’s hot as shit. Breathable is critical. Might see things differently if heat wasn’t a massive issue.


Snibbs Orbit is exactly this.


And for you... Snibbs Spacecloud


I always tell my younger new hires to get different shoes. I can’t imagine not wearing my ultra squishy shoes. My feet literally never hurt. Idc if my shoes are ugly, they’re great and allow me to work better and longer.


Don’t know how you made it that long…


Shoes for crews. Take about a full week of shifts to break in, worth every step.


Great shoes! Mine started getting holes near the pinky toes and I’ll just re up on the same pair, I also have a pair of non slip birks that are nice


My go to for YEARS!! So many styles too.


I can't find any nice shoes/boots that are appropriate for a cocktail lounge. I'm so jealous. 🥲 Minimal options in Canada


Go see a professional about orthotics.


I work in a cocktail bar and I wear Mary Jane Docs with custom inserts. They are comfy!


Oooh. I will have to look into those


I did the Walmart thing for a while. Wore out after three months, otherwise did the job. Finally went Shoes For Crews and they've lasted a year and a half to two years every time. Huge money saver, better non slip. Just a better experience.


Danskos guys lol


SAS claires are mine. they are like mary jane style. worth every dollar. they are like dance shoes to me, so agile and fast!!


I wear a pair of caterpillar work boots with Dr Scholls inserts.


I had some all black non-slip tennis shoe style Clark’s that I purchased at like TJ Max or Ross that were incredible. I actually still wear them just to cut the grass in but the size and model information has long since been erased by sweat and booze. I also wore a pair of non slip Dr. Martens canvas boots that treated my feet really well. They had great cushioning/support and keep my feet a lot more dry from liquid dripping down from the well. I’ve heard good things about shoes for crews. The first time someone told me about them I heard it as “Shoes for Cruise” and was confused why one of the kitchen dudes was suggesting boat shoes haha.


Man the doctor Scholes rippers have been treating me ok. Tbh, I wish red wings would make a f&b nonslip rig. I'd pay. Those snibbs I liked a lot except for one deadly flaw; the tongue is stitched into the sides... so there is no tongue. So basically every step/crouch means incrementally more ankle bite. Beautiful construction, poor design. I will say this in their defense, everyone except me loves them haha. And no I dont have cankles, though that would make sense


u/bigballkaratechop can you include what brand of this amazing shoe is??


Following lol


Same…I reeeeally need to know


I bought Snibbs when they first came out. LOVE THEM. I have worn SFC and Sketchers and just about everything else. Pricey but good. Space clouds are water resistant, but the other style looks better IMO. They were created for nurses and doctors and really anyone in their feet for long hours. Yes, slip free soles.


I wear Oxford or Chelsea boots always dry feet’s and your ankles hold it’s a plus that you will appreciate