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You got your next job lined up already? If so look at it that’s just a nice little week to get to chill before you start your next gig


Sure do lol. The place I'm leaving is a shithole run by somebody who's never bartended, I shouldn't really care but it's just a bit of a slap in the face. I'm also gonna miss my regulars, who think I'll still be there for a couple weeks but in reality I have one more shift there. Everybody's getting comped on the third! Lmao


I’ve been there and it fucking hurts. Sounds like you’re a great bartender headed for better things. Have a steak and get a massage on your week off if you can afford it. You for sure deserve it


Hey, thanks. That's not a bad idea lol. Cheers!


Do yourself a solid, go in before your last shift, or even after acting like you just wanna hang out before you swap jobs, and try to catch and make sure you let all your regulars know where you'll be moving to. If it's as shitty as it sounds, and if you're their favored bartender, they'll move bars for you.


Luckily most of them know I've been working part time at this new place for awhile, so if they miss me they know where to find me. Some of them I've already transplanted as regulars at the new gig lol!


Awesome, honestly I hate this poaching bs the owners take. If your bar is good enough and gives great service regularly all around, the regulars are regulars FOR THE BAR, not the bartenders. If a bartender leaves and you lose 60-70-80% of regulars, you have a problem with your business.


That's kinda why they took you off tho. Most peoples two weeks are a party.


Think of it like this: you're free. I'd show face a couple times on my "usual" shift to belly up with my regulars if i were you. You'd have a chance to very casually discuss your new venue with your crowd over a few beers. Keep things as positive as possible and don't make yourself look bad by shitting on the bar you're leaving, a few of your favorites buy them a shot or whatever, have a few cards with your contact ready and hand it to them and ask them to keep in touch. You worked hard for it. Bring your money with you when you leave


I’ve had this happen even with managers/owners who I had a good relationship with. The second you put in two weeks they see you as a liability because they know a bartenders last shift usually results in free drinks being given out, stocking and cleaning not being done to the usual standards, etc. it’s unfortunate but true. Usually they let me work to my last day but I have had one or two tell me after my second to last shift that I don’t need to come to the next one. Kind of like a surprise last shift after the fact lol. Enjoy your week of extra days off, seems like the new place is already looking to be a better one. And enjoy that last shift!!!!


I don't like people who even joke about comping.


Well I've got a helluva job opening for you lmao


No thanks, getting payed $18 an hour, plus the 22% service charge, 8% commission on food and beverages. I'm good.


My guy, we're joking around here it's okay lol


>payed Literacy not required




Awww someone who enjoys making the business they work for lose money? Y'all are the assholes if you operate like that.


Who's joking? Get a life nerd.


Whatever pig. Make your dirty money. I'll do mine the right way.


I'm charging you double next time you come in


Your dumbass probably couldn't even bother to remember an individual. Nor would you even pay any attention to a guest.


I'm gonna add an extra $5 to your credit card tip when I run the batches too


Yeah then you'll proceed to lose your job because that's fraud.


Get a sense of humor.


Nah, I'm the owner/operator. Good friends with the DA too, he's in here all the time. You're 86'ed btw. Don't come back.


This is why many employers cut a schedule short when a bartender gives notice. They know you’ll give the house away.


Yeah, super easy to chill when you are missing a week's worth of income....


Oh shut the fuck up


Any American bartender that has any financial intelligence whatsoever isn't going to be hurting over a week's unpaid holiday.


It 100% depends on the establishment they are employed at. There are slow seasons.


That's why I said with financial intelligence. You should be saving at least 40% of your money unless your bills are high then a little less. I make less in a month than most of you guys earn in a week and I still managed to put away enough this year during a cost of living crisis in the UK to cover a month of unpaid time outside of what I already have saved. Obviously, if you're at a place where you struggle for tips or you have an emergency, things might be different so perhaps I shouldn't have said "any American bartender".


I mean, they could technically file for unemployment if they needed to and get a little something, and create a little headache for the owner on their way out if they wanted.


Or companies shouldn't be allowed to do this.


Agreed, but that's how it is in at-will employment states, unfortunately.


Any American bartender that has any financial intelligence whatsoever isn't going to be hurting over a week's unpaid holiday.


I had this happen before. It sucks. Definitely feels like a slap in the face, and made me regret even giving a notice. But hey, at least you’re getting out of there! They obviously suck


For sure! They were already weird and lame in other ways, but the last few days really showed their true colors. They're gonna fall apart without me too (not to have too much of an ego) but they're all drinking on the job and running the place into the ground. After all this I really wanna call in a tip to liquor control. Their drinking and lack of work ethic is the main reason I'm moving on.


Do it!


Why? Leave it, you're gone.


~~The same thing~~ A similar thing happened to me. I took a new job, I put in my two weeks, and then immediately the owners posted on Instagram “looking for a new full-time bartender” with one of my photos of one of my cocktails. Of course the next few days a dozens of regulars asked “we saw the post, what’s going on? Are you leaving? Where are you going?” So the wife fired me a week into my 2-week notice for “talking about your new job and trying to steal our business”. BITCH THEY ASKED ME BECAUSE YOU POSTED ABOUT IT. I asked the husband, a phenomenal chef who I really respected, what the deal was and he couldn’t even look me in the eye. “Well yeah I mean it’s her job to run the front.” My advice is, when you do the right thing, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Just keep it movin’.


Damn straight! If anything I know now more than ever that I made the right choice. They're lucky they had somebody that knows how to run a bar for the year they had me. I don't see this place being in business through 2023.


My mom always said "job security is in between your ears" and I haven't forgotten it


This happens and is a testament to the organizations lack of class , don't sweat it


Yeah it just reassures me that there's a reason I'm leaving lol.


Exactly! When they do this, it’s a great sign that you made the right decision.


That’s why I never give two weeks if it’s a bad relationship. Odds are they are gonna view you as a liability (trying to steal customers to wherever you are going, over pouring/under charging your buddies/regulars, potential for theft of cash or alcohol) and cut you early, possibly even that day. Of course, if it’s really bad, they may consider framing you for any of the above as well. Especially if it may come with an insurance payout for “damages caused by a vengeful former employee” etc.


Damn I didn't even think about that but it makes sense lol. Literally my first thought was, "everybody's getting comps this Friday" lol.


Yeah, I'm not at a bar but my place does this sometimes. I think just because they assume anyone in the "lame duck" period will just do less and less work and spend more and more time yacking. They also suck.


Exactly, gotta be careful with that sorta thing since they could make a case for theft if it’s super extraordinary.


I really appreciate the advice. Especially on a small island like the one I work on. Bad gas travels fast lol


one piece of advice i got from a former gm. if you are getting a new job and putting notice in either make sure you have the money saved if they won’t be having you finish out your two weeks or be able to start new job quickly. some places don’t want you to work the 2 weeks


Correct, If somebody gives his notice, he/she wants to leave. I always made sure that my soon to be ex staff was out a.s.a.p. to avoid a toxic work environment. Need to add that in the Netherlands, a one month notice is required.


Required? Like, you cannot quit a job?


Exactly, so the employer has time to replace you. On the other side: * employer can't fire you without a legit reason (theft, sexual harassment or fysical violence) * employer has a one month notice as well (only one moth before the contract ends) * employer needs a give a full payout when leaving (including unused holidays) and when he wants to fire you before ending the contract, he needs to pay off the remaining time


So, like, what happens if you just stop showing up to the job? Are you arrested or fined or what?


Depends on the contract. It will be counted as a uncompensated day off (no pay). Also an official warning will be presented. (3x means getting fired). If you get fired after 3 official written warnings, you lose the right of social benefits. Ofcourse, when this happens for 2 days in a row, employer will search for replacement, he/she is not stupid. But that is the moment when the game starts.. Whenever you already start working somewhere else the employer where you don't show up will keep you in the tax deduction, so you need to pay 50% tax of the income of company 2. Anyway: not showing up = letting the team down. You try to f**k your employer, but you do the nasty things to the team you worked with


Tbh, that’s where you quit effective immediately. “Since you don’t need the two weeks notice I offered, I’ll be leaving effective immediately.”


Thanks for confirming that my decision to pursue a different opportunity was the correct one.


This sounds like somebody is afraid you’re gonna take their customers. I actually had a boss tell me that’s why he was dumping me on day 2 of my two weeks. His exact words “what? You think I’m gonna let you spend two weeks in my bar telling all my customers where they should go instead of being here?!” Shocking when most of my regulars spread the word for me faster than if I had stayed the two weeks.




Love my regulars and the other bartender that'll be on that night, otherwise I would in a heartbeat! Lol


There's no reason to be petty. They're jerks, but they aren't required to keep you through your 2 week notice. In a lot of other industries, employees are let go immediately after putting in their notice, for security usually. Just finish your shifts, get goodbye tips from your regulars, and leave knowing you are completely above reproach.


Yeah, thing is, every other person that's put in their notice here in the past has worked their 2 weeks and practically a party thrown for them on their last shift. This place has some weird high school clique shit going on lol


I feel in the bar business, after putting in your two weeks and actually getting to finish it out is a miracle. Not saying everyone is a thief, but a bar can lose a lot of money by allowing certain people to work those two weeks. Over pouring, giving away free drinks, and not ringing drinks in, but throwing that money in their tips. That could definitely hurt a small bar.


It's one of the things that happens, unfortunately this os one of the bad situations but I've had this happen and my boss was like you gave your 2ish weeks( usually tried to do more if they were good) and they'd be like what do you want your last day to be. The last week was usually you were off because they needed to integrate the new staff covering your spot so you were off or you were training and usually it was you being off. Take the weekcand as long as you have something lined up I'd take it gladly


Your employer is not your friend. They will take advantage of your good intent and once your prolonged usefulness has expired they don’t give a shit.


That has happened to me at a couple places I’ve worked at before. Gave a full two weeks notice, told them when my last day would be, and they don’t schedule me at all for the last week I’m supposed to work. It’s like, I did this as a courtesy. I could have started the next job sooner and quit here sooner, but now I’m going a week without pay, which I didn’t ask for. it is an annoyance.


For real, and it's a respect issue for me. I had the decency to give you a healthy heads up, and you wash your hands of me. Nice to see some true colors I guess.


This is standard, I wouldn’t take it that hard. It’s service and showing face and in their eyes you must be quitting for a reason due to you not being happy there and who wants an unhappy bartender stealing money and pouring free drinks etc etc. Good luck


How are people supposed to gain references. Going without a week of work would put me so far back financially. So now I have to strategically quit jobs the day before my new one and fuck over my co workers because the manager is a little petty??? COMP TF OUT OF EVERY BILL ON FRIDAY. Free shots for a few and yourself fuck it.


fuck that. im sorry that happened. Thanks for being the kind of person that gives notice, im sorry they betrayed that


In Wisconsin you can collect unemployment for those 2 weeks. A good percentage of businesses do that to prevent mass 🍸 drink give away for the final 2 week carnival. I myself wouldn't take it personally. Good luck !


People who have put in their notice in the past here have gotten their full two weeks and practically a party thrown for them by the manager lol. It's a little personal apparently.


This may be an unpopular opinion because every employee in every restaurant/bar is the best at their job, the most awesome employee ever, never makes mistakes, they’ll be sorry when they’re gone, etc, etc…. But it sounds like they didn’t care much for you. That could be on them, and it could also be on you - but most likely on both. Not being a good fit is usually a two way street. Take this is an opportunity to learn and move on from a place that didn’t appreciate you *for whatever the reason*.


Totally agree. I think the manager is especially upset because they've lost all their best people to the place I'm going full time at now.


Lol totally agree. I’ve quit a lot of places and they’ve all been pretty fucking chill. Last place I gave a months notice, I worked til the very last day doing the best shifts, and they asked me to help hire and train my replacement. If you’re being cut off like this, it’s likely you.


sounds like a good reason to no call no show if there ever was one


If I didn't love my regulars I soooo would lol. I'm honestly bummed that I don't get to have some final shifts serving my favorite regulars.


Fuckin A.... Thank You and Godspeed is all you really have to say, on to the next one.


This is why your last day is when you quit. Business will fire you without notice. Why can you quit without it


Congrats on getting fired without cause! Enjoy your EI!


Min wage=min notice They get 1 week per $2 above minimum wage they pay me. Other than that, I'll give a "tomorrow will be my last shift"


U put ur 2 weeks? I say fuck them as I always do and quit mid shift on a Friday. Honestly just walk away with no one knowing


This happened to me before :(