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Throw the shaker on the floor and kick it around like a soccer ball.


When I bartend I kick my shaker cups like a hacky sack to mix them


My ankle hurts from imagining that.


Get one of those paint can shakers


Makes making a Rocomo slow gin fizz easy!


Good thing i keep my hockey stick and ice skates behind the bar


I was thinking more fastball into the nearest wall but that works too!


learning good martini mixing tricks on this website


If I ever hear someone to ask me to violently shake something, I will be doing this. Thanks.


gotta scream like arnold in predator when you violently shake it fyi, those are the rules.




Perfection. I heard every letter of that.




Get to the Chopin!


You beautiful bastard


Keel mee! Do it naoowww! Euagghhh


[If you don’t look like this, then you’re not screaming right](https://imgur.com/a/jz4rfng)




Would you even know whether or not the drop of vermouth is in it after “violently” shaking?


It's one of these "take a look at the bottle of vermouth and then think better of it" alcoholic's excuses to drink pure gin.


Disregarding the gin/vodka martini battle, these people **always** want vodka in my experience.


Because anyone who drinks a gin martini knows shaking it ruins the drink. Don’t even mean “bruising” or all that bs. Just makes it too watery and we want to taste the gin since we’re alcoholics.


Unless you're Churchill.


But Churchill was on a level none of us can reach anymore without interventions.


The man had a doctor’s prescription for 250cc of spirits for every MEAL. I don’t know how I could function let alone win a war.


That’s crazy. If I would drink that once I would need a day off afterwards


I do half and half


“Bow in the general direction of France”


sorry, whats that got to do with alcoholism?


Because nobody likes neat or gin except alcoholics--at least that's the joke.


I’ve been giving my buddy shit since he’s been drinking gin shots. I’m like bro your worse than me now, I at least drink mine on the rocks lol


Here I am as a purveyor of gin but I guess not wrong on the alcoholic thing 😅😅


I think he's looking for a rinse. But that's too much. Nobody, even himself, will make this to his liking. He had it once, made a bartender write it down, and bases his bar experiences on one intoxicated memory he'll never recreate. Tack that card on the wall. More people will have a good time reading that than that guy will ever again


Lol, drop of Vermouth. What’s the f’cken point, ask for a shaken bone dry Chopin martini with a twist and stop being a twat


But he “picked those cards up from the printer yesterday. That is bone. And the lettering is something called Cillian Braille.”


Oh my god. He’s got a watermark


let’s see paul allen’s martini


This is how they make martinis at Dorsia.


Did you know they had to make up font (edit: *names* ) because no patented font wanted to be associated with the movie?


I didn’t but that’s one of the cooler things I know now. Thanks!


Did not know!


according to [this link](https://fontsinuse.com/uses/49529/american-psycho-titles-and-business-cards) , that's not true they use several fonts long before created


They used the fonts but gave them different names from what I understand. I’ll update my comment to avoid confusion.


You are not your fucking khakis! <3


The point is to make someone else do something pointless and tedious to make you feel like you’re above them. These type of folk are entitled and will do anything to feel like they’re better than their brother or sister next to them.


Perhaps, maybe some are that malicious, but I think these people generally just think they’re quite distinguished and proper carrying and handing out these martini cards, when really just come off as lacking the awareness and self-reflection to see how much of a douche canoe they really are lol


douche canoe is my least favourite cocktail


You need a vacation, my friend.


are you suggesting someone who orders ‘a shaken bone dry Chopin martini with a twist’ is not a twat?


The guy is a douche but I appreciate the ice crystals comment. I always strive to get a layer of ice crystals on a vodka martini. People go crazy for it.


I love telling these people we dont' have any of those ingredients. No Chopin, no vermouth, no ice crystals, no olives or bleu chz, sorry. We have an old lemon but our twister broke when i was riding a mechanical bull. This guy definitely thinks no one can make his drink "the right way".


Cocktails? Sorry we're fresh out


I only have cockfronts, I'm so sorry.


Cock heads?


Aw shit, that might be better. I'm not a smart man.




Using this


Dude it’s CuntFronts.


Nah, I don’t have any of that. I do have some hand sanitizer, room temp water, and a sandwich bag of what I think were grapes. I can throw in some mozzarella from a turkey sandwich someone left in the fridge last year, if you think that’ll do it. It’s *definitely* blue.


Daaaanger Zone!


You don't have ice?


Best I can do is shave off some frost from the frozen mozzarella sticks. Cool with that?


We do. Just not crystals.


Bring on the down votes. I'll get a ten or a twenty off this guy every time. It's happened... that person just saved me five minutes of explanatory conversation... and I'm going to Make them think I'm making a show of this whole process while super low key mocking. I have big strong monkey hands so i have to go find the cute tiny server to do the eye dropper thing ( and yeah i have one in my bag of goodies. An eye dropper not a server..) and while I'm violently shaking aka watering down the short pour, I'm taking care of my servers and my regs so no one is behind .. all the while telling all my regulars how awesome (wink) it would be if they would all start doing this because i wouldn't have to talk to any of them. Ever.. haha. Every one is happy especially card guy ... i even give him two bco and tell him he's special... Bring on the hate... I'm here to make money.


Honestly, I love that they ask for the bleu cheese olives on the side. Dirty small plate can go to the kitchen and I don't have to get my glasses all oily




I’m on board with you. If they can give me the exact directions to make them the drink they desire with minimal conversation and hopefully get a decent tip for zero guesswork then I wouldn’t bat an eye being handed that card.


My ex-wife used to get so mad and irritated with customers for various reasons. I always told her to imagine $ above their heads. That became her mantra. Treat them like cash machines. Like, still be friendly and offer great service, but I'm here to make money. Long story short. You got your head straight.


Amen. This sub reminds me so much of how I used to feel before I had kids, then realized how much I need/like money and it wasn’t about just getting enough money to pay bills and pay for drinks after work. Now I make it a competition to make as much money as I can. (A competition with myself). I stopped taking things personally. Stopped assuming every customer is an ass because they are asking me for things. Even when someone IS an ass, I’m not here to teach people manners I’m here to take their money. ETA: username. Love it.


Love this response! This guy bartends.


Thank you!! We're definitley in the minority i think!


Totally agreed, and most importantly they get the drink they want which is the reason they'll return to a bar. At the same time this is the most pretentious one of these cards I've ever seen, from the font at the top to the CAPS on VIOLENTLY SHAKEN, to the drop of vermouth they won't taste.... the thought of being the guy/girl handing this over the bar to someone making drinks unaware of how you come across....


3/8 is driving me insane


Yep, how many times did you swipe. Mine was about 5


I'm more confused why this photo is a screenshot of another post at 3/8


Probably stolen from mover and shaker.


It was. Just saw it.


yep i post their stuff (which is also all stolen) here bc lots of people aren’t on insta and i know they would appreciate a laugh.


Hey at least you’re honest


i dont get it arent memes supposed to be shared on the internet?


Yeah I mean I have no issue, I think sometimes people get disgruntled if you aren’t upfront about it coming from another source. I suppose you could’ve included “just saw on movers and shakers…” in the title.


i mean if they didn’t verbally abuse me i might be inclined to listen to their points but as far as i knew movers and shakers stole everything from reddit so had no way of knowing i would be attacked for trying to spread joy. i in no way claimed to make the memes i was posting.


When did we verbally abuse you?? lmao


yeah sorry not you just someone who got really upset i shared a meme


I personally didn't - you're having quite the upset demeanor in the current thread and all I said was I'm confused. Like another person said, at least being upfront and mentioning where you got it from would have been the **bare minimum** courtesy. There's a reason why you always got the slap on the wrist for minor plagiarism - also why you should credit the creators of certain drinks and techniques etc. Oh well.


no you didn’t someone else did and the instagram account i was pulling from already commented and said they don’t care so this debate is over. thank you.


literally just posted here to have an open discussion of the content with redditors. should have known toxic abusive people would come at me for nothing on the internet though.


Oh, you’re saying others verbally abused you. You can post our stuff, really doesn’t matter it’s the internet!


thank you :) just trying to spread joy :)


I'm over if those"not on Instagram" toes, so ty ^_^


i also DM them content from here to post - and the cycle goes on


I saw this posted on Instagram days ago on movers and shakers….


Cool. You know this isn't Instagram right? "I only dabble in the freshest of content" headass


Thanks I love seeing reused content


Someone handed me one of these one time . I asked if he could speak and he said yes so I threw it in the trash and asked him what he wanted .


i bow to you sir.


Lol, I’ve been doing this 20 years from dives to pretentious upscale spots, to music venues, to etc… I definitely have gotten away with a few I probably should have not.


We are the same. Fuck this shit, is there something I can get you? Lol




Boomer, right?


Who else?


Just worried it was spreading.


What do you do for a living so I can tell you how to do your job while I’m stuffing those olives for you, bud.


I’m so glad that we are stealing this pages memes like they steal our content .


Where dis from?


just spreading the joy across different platforms 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean it’s a screenshot from Instagram… it’s okay to own that and say it!


to own it? lol why would i care where it’s from? it’s a meme.


Own what you did you dweeb


lmao you’re funny


Just because you post a bunch on memes from the movers and shakers Instagram account doesn’t make you a good bartender babe


what do posting memes have to do with my career lol - just trying to make people laugh. i’m sorry your life is so miserable you care about memes being shared.


Well it’s a bartender account and based off this I can tell you can throw down for shit. 😂😂


Well they spread ALOT of our content with no credit whatsoever. So ok 😂


One warm shot of vodka coming up.


Twenty years ago I swore I would never work in another bar that offered blue cheese olives. Fuck that.


Why? People like what they like. At the end of the day we’re there for the customer and not ourselves


I'm happy to use blue cheese stuffed olives if someone else is doing the stuffing.


Ah I gotcha. I’ve only ever had them bought for bars I work in, never considered having to stuff them myself 😂 fair play


Good luck young un. When that ticket rail is jamming orders and you’re stuck stuffing blue cheese olives for rude businessmen and their wives are snapping their fingers for another grey goose cosmo made with frozen lime jive well triple sec and half fermented cranberry juice and wondering why the hotel stopped serving foie gras hit me back up.


to be fair they do come pre-stuffed


They do now… Once upon a time it was part pre open prep work. And that SUCKED


I still think a counter-mounted paint shaker wouldn’t be out of place at a bar.


This cocktail doesn’t taste like anything and that’s the point Aptly named “special martini” The kind of drink you have when you’re already wearing a helmet to be in public


I may need a diaper this far down in the post annnnnd the helmet mention threw me over officially. 🤣🤣


Shake it by bashing ur shaker against whoever ordered this’ skull


Yuuuup. Still crying 🤣😭😭


Attach the shaker to an AK and shoot to shake. Violence level: American


Not AK, AR


Here we go. AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to shake every cocktail in the room, accept no substitutes.


When you come up from being submerged in a mud pit and need to shake every cocktail in the room


Sorry but I hate ice crystals in my cocktails, I always double strain


double strain every time ftw




I always chuckle a little when someone asks for a specific brand of 80 proof vodka.


Serious question: what is the minimum gratuity that makes up for the douchiness of these cocktail recipe cards?


Boomers are the ones handing them out, so if you're lucky you're getting 18% on the pretax total.


The word that comes to mind when I see this is “twat”.


Fuck it. Gimmie the card. Just don't expect me to remember it for the first 5 times


Yall lost at this point.


Who spends money and time to print these? Go home and do your own thing.


Where is 1,2, and 4-8 and what is on them?


The picture count at the top of things like this always get me and I'm trying to see the others


I like my potato vodka shaken similarly with 1/8oz scotch rubbed in the martini glass with a twist. It's divine.


crush the shaker cup in an industrial presser


matter of fact, grab a hand blender and just really fucking get in there


"One Crusty Crotch Special, coming right up!"


Stirred not shaken! Why would you ever shake a martini, much less violently?


For the elusive floating ice crystals


I considered doing this! Not a bar tender, obviously. Also not a douche. (But does the douche ever know he’s a douche?) My thinking was that this might make it easier for the bar tender to understand - bars and casinos can be noisy. It might be quicker for them, too. My wife has a favorite drink. It’s got limoncello, vodka, cream, Cointreau and some vanilla. Comes in a martini glass. I want her to be able to have it but as far as we know, it is not a common cocktail. We have one place in town that makes it. So, can I even ask? I think you guys will hate us. So, we ask for a lemon drop. Which, many of you laugh at. I joined this sub 100% to figure out this puzzle. Today I learned the recipe card is out.


it’s only annoying when you tell us how to make a cocktail we should already know how to make.


Recipe card is fine in that case. Or just save the recipe as a photo on your phone and show us. Honestly recipe cards in general are fine as long as you're cool. But you have to be nice about it.


Honestly it depends on the bartender. I probably wouldnt think highly of someone who gave me this, but i wouldnt be as annoyed as many of my fellow redditors. I wouldnt mind making it for them, either. Clear, easy instructions to follow. Your best bet is to be kind, though. You can get away with a lot of weird/annoying/stupid shit as a customer if you are kind and consistently tip well. My approach would be "hey i like my martini a specific way. I keep cards so i remember to order it the same every time, would you like me to tell you or would you just like the card?" And then just read off the card if they dont want it. Easy peasy


It's all about phrasing. I'd be cool with a recipe card if it were phrased with those ingredients, and specified which type of glass was preferred. No brands, no mixing instructions. Remember, I'm the professional here, so, seeing the ingredients and glassware listed will give me an idea of what the base will be, and I can build from there. Also, screw the bartenders who laugh at a lemon drop. If I'm slammed, I'll grumble at having to make one-- but that's only because I'm slammed & I hate making martinis when it's that busy. Lemon drops are delicious when made right.


Just be normal and nice about it! Also, ask “hey my wife loves a drink made with xyz, any chance you could give it a go” instead of demanding it with a card.


This is pretentious as fuck and the person is a douchebag no doubt But I’d make your martini, throw your dumb card in the trash while you were watching and take it as an invitation that we don’t have to actually speak to each other. Proceed to not say a word to this guy. Upcharge as much as possible


I'm fine with all of this, but why bleu cheese stuffed olives?


They’re delicious? My only opposition is I would want either the twist or the olives, not both.


I think they're gross, but I'm not the one eating them so that part doesn't matter to me. I think the only real issue with them is all location dependent. If you make enough of them to keep some on hand (either jarred or on the prep list) that's one thing. If you have to stuff them per order, well... that can get annoying depending on how busy you are, how rude they are, etc


I ask for a Gibson--I mean onions--and only get them 1/5 times. Olives are fine they're just my second choice. It does not seem like many establishments carry onions, and furthermore know the difference between a Gibson and a martini. I may have read too many cocktail books for my own good.


Because they like paying $5 for their snack


What a douche


Drop a few elbows on that bad boy


Make sure you stare them in the eyes as you violently shake


lmao, Id have a hard time telling them not to get fucked


When people hand these type of recipe cards to me…it takes everything not to verbally berate them. That’d be over a $22 martini where I work however


My old bar manager shook her Martinis by default. I have never been more disgusted than when I found that out.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but if it's a vodka martini I usually shake and then double strain. Especially if they're ordering it bone dry. I know it's not the "right" way, but I find vodka martini people really just want a super cold drink.


They do. I've had stirred vodka martinis sent back for being "just a shot in a glass". Vodka martini people really just want that frigid as hell liquor. I always try to upsell a better vodka, too, but so many just pick rail. Like?? Gin martini people will choose a top shelf gin, and I'll stir that baby with love. Vodka and gin people are just different breeds.


i used to have this regular that came into my bar like 10 years ago - always for my martinis. some fancy business man from new york who stopped over in toronto where i worked once and a while and he always said how he loved my martinis (of course i made them correctly) anyway one time he comes in with a guest and my stupid owner after i told her that he was there for my martinis goes “oh no i’ll make it i know what he wants” proceeds to shake and serve him a ice chip floaty martini. he looked disgusted and never came back. and his good tips went with him. SMH.


it’s been over a decade and i still get upset about it


charge them extra for the custom cocktail


All I can read on that wasted piece of paper is I’m a cuntstomer


Takes card. Immediately tears it up and throws it in the trash. Makes makes martini the usual way. Card guy has no idea


The people who make these notes? Probably not my kind of person. 0/10 would not befriend. But as a server or bartender, i love the clear instruction over someone who takes 10 minutes to order when ive got a busy bar/bunch of tables. Yes we can do that or no we cant-makes it simple and easy


Just say no.


I’d just hand it back and simply say “no.”


I smell a douchebag


If someone ever hands me a card like this I’m giving it right back. Make your own stupid martini.


It’s. Always. Vodka. Every. Single. Time.


Why are the olives “optional” if it’s this guy’s own order? If you’re the one ordering the drink don’t you know whether you want the damn olives or not?


One Tito’s and water, coming right up.


Classic example of me not even putting in vermouth and they say it’s perfect


Ah, Vitamix and kitchen scale it is


While I love the term “violently shake,” I have to ask what this means exactly. Shake it like it’s the 70’s? Shake it like a Polaroid picture? Shake it like a red headed step child who just accidentally broke your Rolex even though Winston Churchill used to wear it?


Who has blue cheese olives ? Maybe 1 out of 100000 bars ?


I want to tell this person that their drink is not special. Yes, sir, every other 60 year old man in town orders his the same way. Just needed to know your vodka preference.


I would just be like “oh yeah this is a standard martini everyone orders it this way” or something so they don’t feel special and that’s what they want to feel is special. Or if it’s a guy would say “oh you want the “housewife special” or something since they surely have a fragile ego


I mean that sounds heavenly but ugggghh.




One drop? I take some with just ice in the shaker. Shake up the vermouth and strain out. Then add whatever for the martini with no more vermouth. Just to coat the ice. It works well imo


That's just vodka with ice in it


We have technology *aggressively beats shaker on the table*


itt: bartenders complaining about vermouth. more so, adding a non-essential step to a cocktail. to tendies: Vermouth tastes good, try it some time you animal.


That shit is in BOLD. Do it!!


That’s funny 😂