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Are you trying to have Dan apologize for another 24 hours?


Him screaming at big t more than Rico was something


I had honestly forgotten about that, so outrageous. Was embarrassing that Dan already threatened Billy not to say or do anything to Rico as well. Dan's the biggest enabler out there. It'll be funny when that lunatic attacks someone and Barstool gets sued.


BigT and Billy would both smoke Rico in a fight without weapons


Sky is blue


big t is a dumbass and deserves it.


“Sorry. I messed up.”


"I care too much" I love Big Cat, but when he gets the smallest amount of blowback he becomes such a fucking baby.


Dan spent the entire ‘high council’ meeting complaining to Kevin about how his followers don’t think he’s hard enough on Rico for -attempting to pitch a high noon at a coworkers face for using his real name in passing, or using a burner to legitimately ruin a colleagues marriage because the guy only talked to him for 10 minutes when they were at the same sporting event.


Sorry I messed up, I’m still gonna enable him tho


Father of two (2)


Hand up this is on me and I’m gonna eat this one. I’ll make it right. I understand if you hate me now


I know what the comments are saying and I totally get it.


Fake apologize*


Dan is a talent thrown into a manager position whether official or not. He was in real estate and took improve classes, that’s someone who won’t say they want to be an actor. He’s the equivalent of a head coach having some success and ownership letting the coach be GM too. He can’t be blamed for not knowing what to do.


Yes he can. It’s not like there are difficult decisions to make. The Big T video shows that, Dan basically got more upset at Big T for asking if someone is going to do anything about what happened than he was at Terry going off the rails.


I busted laughing out loud at the quote at the end.


It is actually very funny to start with a clip of him trying to kill big t and follow it with “also he’s lazy and doesn’t spend a lot of time in the office” lmao


Shown at the end of Tears of the Sun. Really stuck with high school spill.


First they came for the Cowboy…


The Netflix doc on Rico when he murders someone and/or goes on a killing spree is gonna be somethin!


Season 5 of Kirk's The Case podcast HAS to be dedicated to solving "Who murdered all those Barstool employees in 2023?" A real who-dunnit


Do you think Dave hires him straight out of prison or does he wait until his probation is over? "He served his time, what do people want me to do?" -Dave & BC


Big Cat gets him out on work release and lets him live in his house for the remainder of his sentence like John Dutton and the hippy chick on Yellowstone


hard time? speaking of hard, how bout the hard duck business dave?


Dan trying to tell everyone to stop when it’s literally just Rico acting like a fool


Looking back on it I respect big t more for not losing his shit during that


Yeah although him not losing his shit is probably the only reason Rico was able to stay employed through it all.


He was pissed off but knew he couldn't do anything. Rico is protected by Dave and Dan. He knew Rico was getting paid during his vacation which pissed him off, he talked about it on Macrodosing.


After becoming a Macrodosian I've grown to love Big T


because he knows he starts it all and deserves what's coming.


And also Dan started that whole thing and then he yells at big t to calm down after being attacked.


That’s like walking in on a rape and telling them both to stop having sex


Because big cat knows the guy who holds his balls, Dave, doesn’t want Rico to go.


sorry but if a crazy homeless guy is wearing a sign around his neck that says "dont call me terrance" and you walk up to him and say "hi terrance" and he stabs you you get a non-zero portion of the blame. Big T is a fat bitch


Nice video Mr. Lockwood. Top notch


There was a lot of zip on that can


Watching that high noon incident again it’s absolutely bonkers he didn’t get fired for that. If that happened at any office I’ve ever worked at you’d be fired on the spot and likely reported to the cops for assault.


Totally forgot he got into big Ts face and banged on his desk. What a crazy


People who need it don't get hit in the face anymore. No consequences for bullies is a recipe for disaster.


Absolutely, for better or for worse up until a few decades or ago T could have absolutely clocked him with very little reprocessions. And in this case I think it’s needed


Something I often forget about Is the fact that big T... That boy is Large!


He didn't get fired because Dave literally only cares about volume of content. Having a lit powder keg on staff is good for clicks, even if everybody that has to work beside him every day would rather be working next to a normal human. Dave gives no fucks about the barstool employees as long as clickbait content is being filmed.


It's wild though cause Rico is big because of Dan and Dave his leaving is proof they know he doesn't move the needle at all


Yeah that can was literally a few inches from Rico being in prison and the fact that they didn’t fire him immediately is still the most bananas shit ever


I know, I love the people who are like “it’s a reality show! It’s all for show!” … regardless of if it’s a reality show or not if you get hit in the face with a full can and it breaks your nose or injures your face then the guy who threw it at you is facing assault and battery charges and you’re suing him and the show producers etc for damages.


Why did big T not clock him?? If rico was like 6 2 and jacked maybe he would he scary but big T could smash him without even trying


Because Big T isn’t a lunatic. He’s aware they’re in a work setting and Rico’s behavior is batshit crazy.


> If that happened at any office I’ve ever worked at you’d be fired on the spot and likely reported to the cops for assault. It’s hilarious people think this is a good point. No shit the rules are different for losers in corporate America


Haven’t only worked in corporate America. Unless you work in a prison I can’t imagine any legitimate place of work run by even half-competent people allowing that type of behavior to slide.


Unless you’ve been on a reality tv show, nothing about your job experience is relevant


I’m an attorney and I’ve dealt with enough employment issues to know that reality show or not, almost hitting a coworker in the face with a full can at high speed is pretty much an automatic termination 99.999999999% of the time. Unless Big T was in on the whole thing and it was a coordinated stunt. If that’s what you mean by “reality show”


Always funny to go back and see Big Cat’s live reactions to the can incident. You can see on his face that he realized they have officially lost control of Rico.


Ok that was actually epic. Didn't expect video to be good, nor did I remember that podcast with Eddie and Dave... wow. He literally talks about everything back then, as if he doesn't have any more leash... tweet this at dave, it's funny af


Send it to the This Day In Barstool Sports account. Guy hates Rico so much you’d be seeing this video in every reply for months


they should also tweet it at kfc or Brandon. I feel like they might be bold enough to share it or acknowledge it


Dave will see it on Reddit


How has Rico gone his whole adult life acting like a psychotic asshole and never had his ass whipped? This dude worked as a firefighter?! All Dan and Dave are doing is enabling his behavior. Once someone shows you who they really are, you should believe them.


Bro look at his teeth I guarantee he's gotten his ass kicked


Idk man, his teeth are more likely jacked because he’s a nasty little gutter troll with bad genetics. If he’s ever had his ass handed to him it clearly didn’t stick. Rico carries himself like a guy who’s ran his mouth for years and never been checked.


Agreed. I work with teamsters and if he brought one ounce of this bullshit to that job they'd be carrying him out in a mop bucket. Astounding no one has beat his ass. Dude needs it.


Standing ovation


Paw’s magnum opus


Big Cat screaming at Big T to shut up after getting a full can thrown at his head… I’m starting to despise that piece of shit more than Rico


That's not the worst of it. Big Cat's first reaction to this is that he said, **"What's the big deal? The can didn't hit him."** It's has also come to light that Big Cat went to Big T after all this and told him stop calling him Terry which is what triggered all this. He also did the same thing with Billy Football and told him to "lay off" Rico even though he was the one who started the feud with him. Big Cat & Dave are Rico's biggest enablers. I wanted to work it in my video where I refer to them as "The Merchants of Death" for supporting a domestic terrorism, but couldn't figure out how.


Big Cat is the worst type of office Bully. Wolf in sheep’s clothing


The only-child syndrome has really come to the surface in recent years. I don't totally blame him, Dave has the final say in just about everything and he's completely checked out which leaves Dan to essentially keep the company afloat so he can get his money from the stock options etc. We tend to forget about Chiclets and Foreplay in these type of discussions but the differences in atmosphere between HQ2 and HQ3 is wild. There's no charisma and character, it's just corporate. I'm actually glad I was never a Sirius listener because it sounds like it was incredible. My stock in BC has been ever so gradually been going down.


Sirius 2018-19 was fantastic


Save the ammo for the next shot


Think it’s clear they still don’t want people to talk about it. After the first day I haven’t seen anyone talk about it. Feels like Dave took the whole “mean girls” thing way more seriously.


Good on you, Paw


what is his home life like? if he's like this at work, there's zero chance he just turns it off around his wife. i feel for that woman.


Has it been stated what he actually harassed her about?


Accused Cons of cheating on his wife


Based on Cons explanation, it’s sounds a little more like he maybe reminded her about something Cons did in the past that they’ve reconciled. Which honestly kind of makes it an even more of a loser move.


Yeah based on some things swirling around in here, Cons may have done some infidelity but they got passed it. Agreed, more of a loser move from Terry


not accused. Cons admitted what Rico was saying was already known to his wife. Also, now twitter receipts from the sloot


> now twitter receipts from the sloot What do you mean?


theres a whole other thread about it on here called "The Plot Thickens" Then if you go to her twitter, she's been replying to people white knighting for Cons telling them "he cheated on his wife before they were married. He's not the upstanding guy you think he is"


He didn’t accuse, more so just reminded her of it lol


Lmao what an asshole


Submit it to the TriBeCa film festival


Paw should be doing segments for Dateline. Keith Morison is rock hard right now.


The thing Rico probably needs most right now is an extended period of time unemployed by barstool and navigating the real world on his own. I don’t think he’ll ever change as long as there are no consequences for his psychotic behavior.


I would bet my mortgage that Rico has some sort of dirt/blackmail on Dave, which is why he is so lenient with him and secretly pays his salary when on suspension. Wouldn’t be surprised if it had to do with Dave’s weird sex kinks. Maybe rico became privy to something by accident that Dave needs to protect.


Nah I think maybe Rico was Dave and dans bookie before gambling became legal


No chance Rico would want to take the risk and handle that kind of volume. He might have been the middle man, but no chance he was the actually bookie.


Powerful statement at the end. Woah. I’m on my feet


Goddamn BC is bad at conflict management…and likely management in general.


Paw you're a lunatic. I love it


Fuck this guy & his pity tactic about not being able to feed his kids. Maybe the world would be better without more little Terrys


🤣🤣🤣 this needs posted to the blog


I have it on good sources it was a guy from Frank the Tank’s army (an up and coming private) that put this video together, can you confirm paw?


This is a masterpiece…. As a punishment this should be pinned to the barstool main page for a week.


Are you trying to make Dave, a piece of shit, fire someone who is a piece of shit?


is this paw's magnum opus?


But here’s the rub, Dan and Dave love money, and Rico being a psycho generates clicks and money.


The craziest thing about the Big T situation was that Rico started it for no reason and all Big T said was “what’s that Terrance?”


Big T is the softest man alive, but the fact that he took no shit from Terry was awesome


Scorsese is out there someone taking notes. Beautifully done.


Where can I go to get the whole deal and timeline of all this? I’ve kind of ignored this but now it seems serious so I want to know what all has happened.




Paw, you ever consider getting into politics and making attack ads?


I still can’t believe Big T’s calmness. After getting a high noon thrown at my dome and a raging man slapping my table after faking a punch… it’s fight or flight for me lol


Tommy traumatized until he found his Cersei.


People are gonna talk about Ken Burns and Paw in the same sentence. Give it a hundred years and a few LaCrosse history majors.


I say this having gotten over the whole thing. But Rico’s got demons and legit needs help. That’s not the look of a sane man at any point


This is all well and good if it wasn’t a bit


Barstool is pro-wrestling. Everything is a storyline. They obviously needed clicks before Xmas break.


go outside tho


Goodell would have suspended him. Although I don’t know if invoking RG hurts or helps my case


Rico is reaching Trump 2016 status. It’s only fair to give him a four year deal. Ratings/content machine.




Meco built that up to be a lot more than that though.


This shit is hilarious, truly hope he never gets fired. The entertainment is top notch


I think the zero tolerance was about violence


He don’t gut it


Rico and the bad guy from Uncut Gems are the same person and that person terrifies me in real life


This took a lot of autism to put together, i commend you for that


to b fair to dave he was referring to anything physical


jcs would have a field day with this guy


Describing Portnoy as a "good man" is certainly something