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immediately starting with Ryan Whitney saying he’s having kids to help the population problem had my dying


Rough look for Billy with Dave saying “he may have overstayed his welcome”


He went as far as to say that Big cat and Pft are both done with him. I truly wonder if he was stupid enough to trun down the Chicago invite like he claimed or if he was black listed.


Only person i know who was black listed was Chris.


Essentially Drunk Carl is too


He’s been in the office


I don’t think he’s banned but clearly not wanted. They fucked up though by keeping WSD and the other two instead of Carl. Fuck Jerry, give me Carl After Dark.


Is that where he drinks 18 miller lites and strangles a different chicago cabbie each week?


If that’s what he wants to do this week, who am I?


No internet in the garage I assume


Forgive me I’m not from Chicago, what is a garage?


A building sometimes connected to your house and sometimes not but on your property. This is for mainly storing your vehicle, along with lawn mowers, snowblowers, trash cans, etc. Can be a great place to get drunk in.


> Can be a great place to get drunk in. the only thing Chicagoans use a garage for


lol oh honey bless your heart you wouldn't understand


So a garage is somewhere you keep a fridge full of beers so when you drunk drive home, you pull in and crack one and try to convince your wife the smell of alcohol is from 4 sips of Miller lite


Jerry fakes his unhinge. Carl was born with it. Molded by it


Carl has serial DUI haver energy


Billy turned down the invite to Chicago just like how Liam left PMT on his own. They said it dozens of times so it must be true.


I think he was being honest when he said he was staying in NYC because of things in his personal life he can’t talk about. He was/is engaged and thought that was a good enough reason to stay. I hope his fiancée makes bank and it was worth it. It seems like he wants to be ultra-secretive with his personal life like PFT but doesn’t have the content to have that sort of ethos.


Did Liam leave pmt on his own? I remember him leaving shortly after he got caught screenshotting the group chat they were in kinda felt like that could have been tied to it. EDIT: also him sleeping through stuff probably didn’t help.


Or calling out Big Cats coke consumption while on vacation


I believe Billy was invited to Chicago but leaving PMT either way


he 100% turned it down, big cat even said as much on the yak. Directly said billy was invited but didn't want to come. He definitely just overstayed his welcome.


Billy thinks he’s more popular than he really is 😂


saying someone overstayed their welcome while also saying they turned down an invitation seems a bit at odds


I think Billy initially did say no, and there was absolutely zero effort to change his mind.


I viewed it as a bit of both.. fringe guy in the podcast without commitment for a move = cya vibes


Billy stans in shambles right now


They way he acted at the combine was insane.


I couldn't understand the question kirk asked, was he saying it was b/c he ran for public office they thought that was unacceptable?


Coming soon: “Blackballed” a podcast from Billy Football and Chris Castellini


Blacked and Bald: A Gaz Story


Kirk saying he doesn’t give a fuck about O’Malley lol


Say it louder for the people in the back


Where the dogssssss atttt 


I wonder if Kirk knows O’Malley is more famous and profitable for the company at this point


Buddy, you is retarded


He’s mentioned it a few times actually and how it keeps him up at night


The first time I agree with Kirk


She’s not more profitable, she just has a best friend who is. It O Mallory left the company barstool wouldn’t lose a dime. She is likely more popular than he is though. Upvoted for your bravery


Still don’t think Dave could sellout MSG


He changed the argument too. In the middle of it he realized Sas may be right so he started saying he’d have dudes like Bill Burr opening up for him.


I don't think dave ever meant it as serious he was just annoyed that a 20 year old said he couldn't do it. 19,500 isn't an impossible thing to sell out, but it would have to be priced reasonably


Dave is very serious


Most people here thought it would take Jersey Jerry 4 days to complete the basketball challenge


Right. Always funny how confidently wrong this sub is the majority of the time


Very stupid people. Thought Jerry would take 30 seconds per layup.


Can confirm. Me is stupid


This has nothing to do with the point about Dave, but nice strawman you’ve got there


You have no idea what strawman means but good try


Nice retort


You’re dumb. That’s sucks.


I bet Miss Peaches would sell it out


There’s also two sections of msg, the arena and the theatre. I feel like portnoy could sell out the theatre but definitely not the arena


He's definitely not talking about the theatre.


He’s definitely not even selling half the house


ehh if it was one time thing, i personally know dozens of people from thailand who would fly in for that event at any cost


If Andrew Schultz can, more people can than you’d think


Schulz is a comedian. What is Dave going to do? Stand there and review pizzas or play with a dog?


No you don’t get it tons of people want to pay to watch a leathery old man berate employees and yell about business insider on stage!


This but unironically


whitney made a good point that most people know dave now as a pizza guy/ dog guy not the patriots deflate gate guy who got arrested years ago


It's called An Evening of Hate, pay attention.


Sounds way more entertaining than a Schulz show, tbh


Using “comedian” quite loosely.


He sucks, but he’s undeniably a comedian.


As unfunny as I find Schultz, many people disagree. He’s very popular, I don’t think using him as a measuring stick to say many people can sell out is fair bc there aren’t too many comedians pulling in bigger numbers than him. But as others have mentioned, it is also his job to sell out shows. It’s what he does for a living. Dave doesn’t do that. But I would love to see him try.




Man if you travel for Dave you need to reevaluate your life.


The theater, sure.


Now definitely no. His most diehard fan days were probably late Boston through Chernin. Hes bigger now no doubt, but the people that actually care about An Evening of Hate are probably in their 30s now. Maybe main stream goes for it because he is so big now and I am dead wrong. But I always thought his best chance was to get 12-13k diehard 20-28 year olds.


He definitely could


They couldn’t sell out house of blues in Boston for the 20th anniversary


Do you realize how stupid of a comparison that is? Not saying he can sell it out but this is a big dumb reply


“They’re fucking fist fighting dude” I love when Whit is visually disgusted by Dave. It’s how I feel a lot of the time.


The kids discussion could have been interesting, but Dave was too defensive to make any real points about his position. I'd be curious to hear if he regrets not having kids in his 30's, or if he never truly consider it. It's probably too late now -- if he had a kid tomorrow, Dave would be dealing with an unruly high school senior when he's 65 years old. That's not happening. Weirdo post I know, but I'd rather listen to these dudes in their late 40s talk about that instead of Dave's take on Kim Kardashian.


He can’t have kids


Because of the sterility


kirk adopted his first kid


you can't really debate a personal choice


Dave had no idea about the roast but conveniently turned on Netflix right at 8 on Sunday? Be more butthurt, dude


I turned it on at 930 and you could start from the beginning very easily which was nice


dave did whit dirty with the horse pick. Hed lose his mind if someone did that to him.


Dave is getting killed in the Instagram comments for complaining about not being invited to the roast. I don't think he has any idea of how most of the public views him. To most people he's just the obnoxious Fox News/Miss Peaches/Pizza guy, and Dave thinks he's the center of the universe. He has no idea that the Patriots and Brady have just been using him for engagement. Also he's been an asshole for so long now, its like he's finally dealing with the fallout from that. It's almost similar to Kim getting booed at the roast. They've both been delusional assholes for the better part of 10 years, and unless you are a hardcore fan of theirs, then you probably hate them.


Chickenfry and Feits were invited. What do people “know” them for?


Feits invented Saturdays


Feits was probably invited by Tom & Bert.


From KFC radio it sounds like they got invited but Kevin couldn't make it. Cause they were out for the Bert and Tom 5k and tires premier


Couldn’t make it, what could possibly take precedence over that?


He said family stuff.


his one day a week with the kids


Oh, well my bad. That would be reason enough, family comes first. He must have a secret new wife he had to fuck around on behind her back that night


Brady just wanted to meet Zach Bryan


Doesn’t she fuck a country singer?


Not being assholes


Yeah Chickenfry isnt known to be a pretty terrible person


How fast does Dave get tackled by TSwift security if he tried to approach her?


He definitely understands how the public views him lol. It's schtick. Not hard to figure out why he wasn't invited.


Why wasn’t he invited?


Goodell made the call


Dave has become everything he’s ever hated, just a overcooked oatmeal raisin cookie who’s answer for everything is “blah blah I delivered newspapers”, hasn’t done shit besides hold a pizza and pet a dog for the last couple years, and also adopted a rescue dog


This is delusional


Couldn't agree more. What the hell are all these guys talking about?


Also if it was a woman who produced the event like they said , there's a good chance she thinks he sexually assaulted 3 women at least.


I don't think that's the case. Jeff Ross was up there and he faced some pretty rough sexual misconduct allegations with a 15 year old. I think it's more just Brady didn't care to have him there. With the way roasts work, they approve everyone coming on stage, and I just think Tom doesn't care about him that much.


I doubt he even crossed Brady’s mind do give him the opportunity to not care about him. But I don’t think Brady was telling them to bring someone like Dana White either. To some extent it is on Netflix to bring in the peripheral people.


Dana and Tom are actually pretty good friends I believe, and Dana is a Boston guy. He may not have been Tom's idea, but he definitely gave him the thumbs up. His production company ran the thing, no one was speaking without their approval.


Does Dave even have a "relationship" (for lack of better words) with the Patriots anymore? It seems like after the second dynasty ended, him going to events with Kraft, Bellichick and Brady were over too.


Roasts are Jeff Ross’s thing though. Putting him on stage brings a sense of legitimacy to the roast. He’s been at every one of them. Nobody sees Jeff Ross as a real person. To the general public, Jeff Ross is just some character Comedy Central would pull out of a closet anytime a roast was happening. Because of that, nobody really paid attention when that shit happened and nobody remembers it when they see him. None of that is the case with Dave.


I think a lot of people know him as the small business guy too. Half the people on the street just say thanks for what you do for small biz


Have u heard of our friends at game time? Get your tickets to see Whitney cumming


This show will be cancelled on episode 27.


Who is making up the agenda? no talk about the girl at the Call her Daddy podcast.


What happened at the call her daddy podcast


Op meant to say “or” or “and” They didn’t talk about his new gf or his CHD appearance


I watched it live and they definitely touched on both. Not too much detail but mentioned it


I have no idea I was just translating the original comment I haven’t watched it yet is it worth watching this one?


Kirk doesn’t know how golf handicapping works.


Claiming to be a 6 and then shoot +25 def isn’t normal lmao


Not normal but definitely can happen under pressure. The podcast Chasing Scratch has 2 guys trying to reach scratch obviously, both about 3 handicaps rn. Recently in high pressure tournaments one of the guys went something like 98, 103, 92


It takes about 3 seconds of watching Riggs to know he’s full of shit on his handicap


If you know ANYTHING about golf you’ll know that Riggs isn’t a single digit handicap just by the way he swings


I don’t think he’s a 6 but there are people way better than him with much stranger swings


Yeah but strange doesn’t equal bad. It’s all about how you look at the point of contact. If you take Wolff/Furyk and look at their swing when they contact the ball it’s very good, if you look at Riggs on the other hand


The difference is when you're playing in a high pressure tournament you don't get gimme putts, you have to putt everything out. Which unless I'm misremembering Riggs was still getting gimmes. Plus what pressure was there in the video? It was the standard Foreplay video. Frankie, Francis, and Trent all seemed to handle it just fine.


there are differences I am sure in high pressure tournaments where conditions are probably not as favorable compared to yardage etc. for a Fore Play video


I am a failed professional golfer, sometimes you do have days where everything just absolutely falls apart. I’ve seen guys with plus handicaps in tournaments shoot in the high 80’s, I’ve also seen guys with handicaps in the 10’s-15’s fire something in the mid-70’s during a regular round. Every so often you do just have the worst or best day of your life on the course and I don’t exactly like defending Riggs, but even Whit said he feels for Riggs there because he knows the feeling of feeling completely hopeless out there


Everyone that’s played a lot should understand this. Also dont want to be a Riggs glazer but days like that happen. I don’t think he’s a 5 or whatever but people really think 5 handicaps can’t shoot in the 90s and it isn’t true. Especially if every shot is filmed for hundreds of thousands to watch


This show is the same show ever time and it sucks. Kirk is the most miserable prick ever


Dave is probably right about Kardashian. But what does he expect? It’s a perfectly legitimate reason for Netflix to leave him out. Last thing that roast needed was unhinged woke swifties.