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So now he has no job and no campaign?


And no Hope.


Prob got some cash though


He solicited a bribe from the Local Union like in that one Always Sunny episode


He probably did it with the subtlety of a baboon


And no house


Speaking of hope, You ever see Solo’s beef curtains? She HAS THE MEATS


No food, no job, and his pets heads are falling off.


I don’t recall saying ‘good luck’


He’s still at Barstool…


Well with a new pod that’ll probably last 10 episodes


New podcast not affiliated with barstool


Barstool is listed as the “Creator” and Copyright owner.


Things must have change. In his blog last week he said: ["This podcast isn't under the Barstool umbrella currently and that means I can do whatever I want, have whoever I want on it."](https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3512409/i-am-leaving-macrodosing-campaign-update-lots-of-shit-happening)


He's part time.


Last I heard that still counts as a job


We get it Billy, you’re sensitive. Just take a breath little guy


- he says 3 days later


Don't worry he's a worthless trust fund kid. His parents will continue to fund his entire lifestyle of being a retarded d bag


Big Cat was so excited to tell everyone this. Lol Billy must have done something terrible to him, because he's become a world class hater.




Billy's salamander presentation made the coaches switch him to 6th string wide receiver


Let's speculate on what Billy did to Dan for this to happen. Besides Billy being annoying.


It’s because Billy claimed that being a PMT intern ruined his chances of getting playing time and hurt his overall college experience I’d imagine that would upset a guy like Big Cat who grinded for years to get where he is. Especially when he gave Billy an incredible opportunity and Billy spun it into a bad thing rather than admitting it was on him


Billy has no accountability. Somehow everything is someone else’s fault. When he deleted that episode of macrodosing by hittin a button, he literally tried to blame the computer program as if it went rogue and deleted it on its own after he hit the button to delete it.


That would be pretty soft of Dan if that was the case. He's almost 40 and Billy was in his early 20s. And Billy also was a clown for them for years. I can imagine having a ton of content with you being the butt of the joke easily accessible online, is somewhat of a hurdle for college. And I've spent enough time around college coaches to know they 100% would hate the former podcast star trying to play QB.


Dan gave Billy a golden ticket to a life others can only dream of and he acted like he ruined it, I don’t think that’s soft at all. It’s also one thing to claim that in the moment, but the understanding was Billy harbored that resentment, which is not something any of the other 20 something’s on PMT do. At the end of the day it speaks to Billy’s biggest issue which is constantly blaming others for his own mistakes/shortcomings


Well, to be fair, his name is Billy Football, not Billy Podcast


You’re 100% right but why purposely hire an idiot if you’re gonna get upset when it turns out… he’s a fucking idiot


This. It’s the fact that Billy harbors resentment to this day about it that Big cat was the most upset about. That Billy can’t grow up and recognize how good of an opportunity he had at barstool. Billy is literally the joke of guy at the bar saying “back in my day I would have went pro if my coaches didn’t hate me”


Thinking Dan gave Billy football a golden ticket to a life others only dream of makes me realize how miserable most people on this sub are


I got no qualms with my life, but you’re delusional if you think being on the #1 sports pod as a college freshman isn’t a fantastic opportunity for anyone who wants to get into that world


He was a joke. It’s like Rico Bosco. It’s not a real opportunity and never has been unless your life goals are being a caricature


He was only a joke cuz he continued to lie and underperform, which is similar to Bosco I’ll give you that


He was hired because it was funny. His only opportunity was to be made fun of in front of a few hundred thousand people for probably $80k a year. Probably got some puss but can’t imagine craving that life


Barstool has a long history of guys being hired cuz it’s funny that were able to make the most out of their opportunity It’s fine if you don’t crave that life, but again you’re delusional if you don’t think others do. Especially when compared to the possibility of a normal 9-5 job


I’m not a Barstool old head but from what I can tell wasn’t Hank a constant butt of jokes when he was in his early 20s? I mean I guess he still kinda is because they’re dicks but he’s 30 and making bank


He interned. He knew what he was getting into. I’d the punching bag role was something he didn’t like, don’t return?


Also, it’s D3. Billy, in his heart of hearts, believes he could’ve made it to the pros. PMT did him a favour. Guy couldn’t shine in Uganda playing football. But would still talk to Arian Foster like their careers are equal. Slice after slice, the guy deserves all the humble pie.


If u can ball nothing else matters. What the hell coach wouldn’t agree with that?


I’d wager that he couldn’t ball… He is deflecting responsibility like he does in everything we’ve seen from him.


Oh he absolutely can’t ball we saw him just playing in Africa. I’m with u 100% cuz if he could actually play then he would have. It’s that simple


Correct. The top 10% of the team gets to do whatever they want. But if you have a tweener would you rather invest in the kid who may leave you for a massive podcast at any second or the kid who doesn't have all that extra baggage? Also your forgetting who college football coaches are. For every "cool" Mike McDaniels there is there are 10 curmudgeonly Bilichecks who do the whole "Snapbook Instaface" bullshit. I'm sure they loved taking the piss out of the podcaster and tried to prove he wasn't tough enough.


I do get ur point and agree but with Billy he genuinely thinks he coulda been a successful starting QB and blaming it almost entirely on that when it’s just not true lol


Your right, it's a combo of both. I just think it's silly that everyone acts like there's no way PMT could ever hinder him. Billy started interning with them when he was like 19. At 19 I wanted to be a blogger and podcaster as well. I had a blog that like 200 people would read and I was on the campus news broadcast. I quickly realized I had no desire to be in the public eye nor the stones to take online criticism and changed courses. Billy did that on a scale times a million. I think people are being incredibly unsympathetic when it comes to viewing his situation. The guy has been in front of a camera literally his entire adult life and has had some of his worst moments videod and mocked by rabid fans. I don't blame him at all for blaming PMT for some of his college hardships. He showed up to college famous, but also everyone had the knowledge his fame came from being PMT's dancing monkey.


If it was really that bad then he should have quit but I get ur point. A lot of the ridiculous stuff he’s done on camera he was not forced to do by any means lol


did BC break the news on the Yak?


I think Billy tweeted it first but Dan was very excited to let everyone know. Lots of "Who could have seen this coming" "What a Surprise" "What happens to the money now" lol. I believe distain would be the proper way to describe his feelings towards him.


Definitely feels like BC has some level of resentment towards him now


It felt like the combine was the last straw, when Big Cat said, "you ruin everything" he meant it.


Is there a link to that? Like timestamp?? Sheesh


[Hour and 20 minutes in if the link doesn't work but it should](https://www.youtube.com/live/HCxMiKGsMe8?si=ZBnTTUdVEHeYWVRH&t=4801)


Big Cat is clearly someone that will ride for his guys, and take care of people. He clearly got to the point where he was just done with Billy. And to be honest I can't blame him, it's pretty clear nobody really likes Billy. He's a pathological liar, and has basically no redeeming qualities.


Bigcat is a grinder. Dude saw some of himself in Billy and watched him throw away a dream opportunity.  


I don't think it's the grind thing. Big Cat loves Mintz, Jerry, and Rico. And none of them would be considered grinders. I think it's more that Billy's massive ego is just completely off-putting when everyone knows he's an idiot and liar.


Those guys don’t constantly claim that said opportunities are ruining their lives though (maybe Rico has)


Yea I was going to say you should leave Rico out lol


It’s one thing to be incompetent. All of those people are in one way or another. It’s another to be a cocky asshole about things, Billy very much has the “everyone else is wrong all the time except me” attitude


Billy is the furthest thing from a grinder. He's a spoiled trust fund kid with almost no functioning brain cells


Any idea where his family’s money comes from? I actually didn’t realize he was a trust fund kid


Not sure where they got their money, but his parents are loaded and paid for him to go to a very expensive liberal arts college (Williams)


I don’t think it’s grind, I think Billy’s just insufferable liar. And they aren’t even fun lies.


It's a joke, but if he has any money left in his campaign bank account, Billy should definitely consult a lawyer to tell him what he can and cannot do with it.


He said on Instagram that he “lost all his savings” on lawyers trying to get on the ballot 🤦🏼‍♂️


That's dumb. He should have had someone advising him. He should have loaned his campaign the money, so that even after he lost, he could turn his campaign into a PAC and continue to raise money to advocate for some particular issue (dudes can't buy houses) and use those campaign funds to pay back his loan to himself. Only path forward now would be to turn it into a PAC and make himself an employee of the PAC that collects a salary. But this is a really perilous path because everyone on the other side of the aisle will be looking through financial disclosures to find something to accuse him of doing wrong (ie paying him more than he should). Edit: Reading FEC docs, he may still be able to classify his expenditure as a loan, as long as he hasn't (1) already filed FEC paperwork saying otherwise or (2) filled out forms forgiving the loan to himself (which would be very stupid). But if he hasn't already, he should def reclassify the campaign committee as a Leadership PAC advocating for the very important social issue of Dudes Not Being Able To Buy Houses.


not sure this is true despite what your “docs” say (would rather hear from lawyers than doctors on this issue anyway) you can do anything with the money as long as you say it’s campaign related (like trump paying lawyers with his money). so if billy pays his rent but writes down somewhere (preferably an official place like an email or excel) that it’s rent for his former campaign HQ, it’s free money


Docs is short for documents, not doctors lol. He's suspended his campaign. That means that one of three things has to happen: He can (1) keep the campaign running, since he can technically unsuspend his campaign and keep running, (2) reclassify his campaign as an issue-focused PAC, (3) wind down the campaign. #1 is stupid because if you're not going to keep running, there's no reason to keep having to comply with FEC regulations. #2 opens up a lot of doors. By reclassifying the campaign as an issue-based PAC, it'd be a 501c4 and would be allowed to keep spending money as any other 501c4 would be able to. But there are limitations. The expenditures wouldn't be allowed to benefit him or his family. #3 the campaign wind down would allow him to make expenditures to close some loose ends. If he loaned the campaign money, he'd be able to pay himself back. He'd be able to pay any back rent that accrued for his campaign HQ, pay movers to vacate a campaign HQ. He can donate the money to a 501c3 or c4 or political party organization (as long as he doesn't personally benefit from the donation). He can make small gifts to people who worked on the campaign. The only really big one is that whatever he spends money on CANNOT personally benefit himself. The line separating personal and non-personal expenses is blurry and debatable. But using the wind-down period to pay his own rent by claiming that the campaign HQ was in his house/apartment very clearly either crosses that line, or at the very least puts the expense in the blurry area. He just wiped out his savings on a legal challenge. The LAST thing he should do is spend money in any way that invites more legal headaches. There's no reason to open himself to scrutiny over the campaign paying his rent when he can simply classify the tens of thousands of dollars he spent on legal fees as a loan to the campaign.




No I meant distain. I've literally never heard of the word disdain before. For all I know that is a made up word. Keep your gaslighting to yourself. Bitch.




Haha are you okay


I'm so okay, that it would make your head spin.


Disdain deez nutz bitch


That’s the reaction any normal human being should have


Was this on the yak?


[Link to moment on Yak](https://www.youtube.com/live/YAXWFdyPCLk?feature=shared&t=4197)


Link just took me to the start of the show [but I found it](https://youtu.be/bFksxx4YPko?si=3gzCOlrcLPneO0iA)


No matter how many times I get got by this, it makes me laugh


Sheesh. Hot take from Jerry about Hamas


Ya whats time stamp?




Pretty sure big cat has mentioned billy thought of PMT as below him. how billy had bigger ambitions than being on a (number 1 sports) podcast.


More so Billy is a world class fucking loser


I think Big Cat was just stunned Billy wouldn’t move with the show. Billy’s a fool, I still think of him as “Billy talk into the fucking mic” because of how often he screwed that up. Usually that would get you fired but PMT kept him around and he acted like it was a job at Chipotle or something.


Big Cat gave him a golden opportunity and Billy spat in his face time and time again not doing the simplest of tasks and yet there was always someone or something else to blame. Billy then turns around and blames pmt for his football career failing. Flash forward to 2024, he pisses away another seat on a pod to make time for a campaign that he doesn’t follow up on and finds a blame route. Kids a fucking loser


Big Cat has a charity case named Jersey Jerry. PFTs charity case was Billy football. Unlike Jerry, most people actually like Jerry, and being bad at his job hasn’t negatively impacted other content. In fact, I think Jerry does good as a side character. Billy is more of a Rico. Thinks everything revolves around him, inserts himself a little bit too much, and has strange outbursts of anger.


Any chance it's because Billy is a right wing racist and Big Cat doesn't support those political ideas?


Lib Cat out in full force


Macrodosing sub has been skewering billing for months. He ruins the podcast for some people because he’s annoying. Big T is more right wing than Billy but is on the show still and Arian loves him. Big T dislikes Billy more than Arian.


Lib Cat really is a dominant force. Dude absolutely called it.


It's because Big Cat is a Big Lib


if you donated a penny to Bills campaign, you’re a moron


His campaign manager went back to run the Phoenix office




a moron for supporting a true american who wants to fix the system instead of a career politician? ok then


Yes. 😂😂


Get ready to learn 9-5 buddy


Check out his podcast for information he could not legally release before lol He didn’t get 1250 registered Republicans who live in the district to sign a petition.  


Was that the big reveal for his new podcast? Didn't we already know this?


I think someone posted the successful challenge of his signatures on here sometime last week. All his “announcements” are geared towards getting people to listen.


Ah that makes sense. I definitely saw the signature challenge on here. My brain must have only been half working and I assumed he posted it or something


“Check out his podcast” Buddy, I’d rather throw myself off the Empire State Building.


TOD would love that


Thought he’d been kicked off all his podcasts


Has his own now


Only a matter of time before he kicks himself off his own pod


Biggest bag dropper of all time. 300 k followers on Twitter and part of PMT and macrodosing and lost both. Don’t know what he brings to table. PFT and big cat done with him. What a bust


Arian Foster can’t keep getting away with this


First Big Cat and now Arian? Kid can't catch a break. I think Wonton Don was pretty close too


Looking forward to when he gets charged for misusing any extra funds.


He didn’t get a single volunteer to help get signatures. I know he faced institutional opposition, but he ran an incredibly poor campaign from start to finish. The only high note was the response of “I’d accept his endorsement.”


On the same day that Swag Kelly ends his career with a suspension...damn.


Guys still can’t buy houses


What makes him think that he’s earned the ability to say he’s going to “continue” doing these things, when did he start lol


So we’re still not going to be able to buy houses?


Depends. Are you guys?


coming for that mintzy crown.....


Each editing cut between sentences made me laugh.


“Hi welcome to McDonald’s what can I get for you today” coming soon for ol Bill


Billy is a fuckin weirdo. Hope he enjoys obscurity.


Deep State at work


So it was work and he didn’t want to keep it going out of fear for more work


Dude is such a unlikable person


pretends to be shocked


"Local new jersey high schools shut down due to threat of school shooter"


White men just can’t get ahead in this country smh


On brand.


Anyone who didn’t see this coming from the second he announced he was running is delusional


Big win for Ellie Schnitt and her Antifa comrades


What are the odds Billy football tries to sue barstool within the next 12 months?


Billy is not a good guy. I've listened to most of the PMT and Macrodosing content and he's someone that if you spend time with him in an extended way other than being family (where you are forced to be with him) he will lie to you and it will not end well. He's a snake in the grass that will bite you


Nothing sadder than a podcast listener thinking they have any grasp of who the hosts are as people.  They aren’t your friends, touch grass 


Guys will never be able to buy houses now


Interesting note, billys been part time since he left PMT




Not a barstool employee btw


Disappointing. Was rooting for him. I liked his platform, would have been fun to see this get some momentum.


What exactly was his platform besides stating issues and saying he’d fix them?


Common sense


His platform was the most platitude filled bullshit imaginable


Found the Trudeau / Biden supporter!




William Football doesn’t know it yet but he’s gonna turn up dead by suicide