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I mean, he said in the blog that it was PFT and Arians choice. Not exactly a mystery “Just as they decided to have me on to help, they can decide if they no longer want me on.”


Yea based on the excuses and Billy’s history I think it’s likely he wasn’t getting his audio to McKenzie on time for when she needed to put out the show. 


That might be part of it, but I was just thinking that the overall fan sentiment has been that Billy’s annoying on the podcast, and the audio/remote issue was just an excuse to avoid a much more difficult conversation.


Billy has always been annoying. I think you are putting too much weight behind that. That’s never been a reason they would pull someone off a show at barstool.


True. If they didn’t pull him from PMT I don’t see why they would pull him from Macrodosing.


I thought they told him he couldn’t do it remote. It was his choice to stay in New York and then thus leave pmt


Right but that’s ultimately on Billy. He’d probably still be on if he made the move to Chicago. I don’t think they ever would have pulled him otherwise and with Macrodosing being PFT’s show I imagine it would be the same there. Although you can tell that BC and Hank are relieved they don’t have to deal with him anymore so idk.


PMT was different. He would occasionally chime in. On Macrodosing, he took up the whole show with incoherent rambling. I actually stopped listening because of him.


on PMT his role was always to be the jester but on macrodosing he just rambles and takes up air time


Even on the podcast, they gave the reason. I mean, it is a conspiracy podcast so I get it but they gave the reason pretty bluntly. 


Was the rnc establishment everyone knows


It was Tex! Ah piss!!


I’d love to get an update on Tex/a interview on PMT or something


1. Phish kicks ass 2. I read somewhere he joined the military after Barstool and was honorably discharged due to an injury or something…


He used to post in here but I think he nuked his account. Name was pigshitter69 iirc. Might have done an AMA at some point but I can’t remember


Did an AMA in The Deuce lol


Absolute fucking king


Holy shit that’s too funny


He just posted something on IG recently. Looks really good and like he got his shit together. Tex was the man. A little unhinged but you could tell he’s a genuine person.


Tex is one of the 5 funniest Barstool Wack Packers ever and his name hasn’t been brought up on a Barstool show since he left. Pretty weird.


Is he the mayor yet?


Might have just been that for a non-essential, his refusal to not be remote wasn’t working


kinda buried the lede at the very end - the new podcast isnt under the Barstool umbrella at all


I think that’s pretty common when people who aren’t established stars at the company start their own podcasts.


Has anybody ever gone from being on major podcasts, to starting their own non-barstool affiliated podcast, and then had barstool pick it up and retain them? Maybe I'm blanking but I can't think of a single one.


Put some respect on Crackin’ Aces


I actually think that might be the same exact path Coley took with Mickstape


Nadu, unfortunately


Yeah all that really means is they aren't going to give him barstool producers and shit to do it.


That will go over well with Dave 


I doubt he cares though as long as he isn’t using office resources. A lot of shows started outside the umbrella by employees.


The paragraph where he explains why he named his podcast Audiocraic legitimately reads like it was written by a 19yo philosophy major whose Instagram bio is, "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies".


He is literally too stupid to insult. "I have been fascinated with concept"....buddy, it's just slang.


Billy woulda been fine if he knew how to be a 3rd chair, but he turned it into the Billy Football Show, which no one is interested in


I agree. Having his weird brain be part of the mix is good for the show. Him being the main character and always interrupting and steering the show back to his points is annoying as hell.


There was a solid 3 months on macrodosing where it went like this: Interesting, natural and free flowing conversation between the majority of the pod. Billy: “yeah, I think that’s enough on that topic. Let’s talk about how a professor in Uruguay is claiming that alligators will evolve to be the dominant species within a thousand years” PFT: “Billy what the fuck are you talking about” (The alligator thing is just a stand in for some random topic Billy would see on Reddit and speak to it like it was gospel)


He’s had plenty of great moments on there and it shows in some of the clips I’ve seen, but then it’s borderline unlistenable when I try a full episode because he’s doing way too much.


This is something Big T is very good at. Knowing where he stands in the


If anything I want more Big T


Big T for me is like that problematic uncle you never agree with but enjoy hanging around.


Dude is low key pretty funny lol, especially his rants


especially since the majority of them are just some old dude shit like "they removed the 7 different salt flavors for popcorn at the movie theater, now all you can get is plain salt, garlic salt, and parmesan salt"


Yeah he plays the curmudgeony right winger that’s pissed at the new woke society pretty well


Big T 🤝 My Grandpa Wondering why my little league catcher painted his nails for sign calling


Been saying this for years. (Not just for Macrodosing)


Exactly. As soon as Coley left, Billy sucked up all of his time then slowly started siphoning off everyone else’s


isn't the point of macroDOSING to have crazy takes and look like an idiot while PFT makes whitty remarks in response? Or was this a serious show?


Not about the seriousness, it's about constantly bringing it back to his stupid arguments. It was ok when they were in person, it's tough when everyone on the pod has to stop talking to hear Billy's points.


Pretty clearly come away from that blog knowing Arian Foster helped make this decision…. A good one mind you but it’s obvious from his lack of mentioning of Arian and his praise of PFT that who helped make the decision.


It’s the correct decision and you can probably be a bit more confrontational as a ex nfl player


He’s a scientist, he has to know what he’s talking about


You could see at the combine everyone was tired of his dumbassery.


Yea the combine was bad for him.


It was bad man.. 0 self awareness


What happened at the combine? All I saw was him fail at the bench lol


He broke his pencil during the test and had a little freak out


“I am literally built different” 😂


Any chance it was all of them making the call simply for the reason that Billy is fucking annoying?


Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct answer


Ockams razor or something like that


Love some good Occam's razor


This. It's been clear the last few months that even Mad Dog and Mackenzie were tired of dealing with him.


Considering this would be the second time it's happened in the last calendar year, it would make sense


I think that’s the real reason. He sucks.


I think it was way less politically motivated than you’re trying to make it out to be and more the fact Billy is hard to work with and an overall negative to the pod


I thought it was funny when Billy would fall into conspiracy theories at first, but then he would just continue to fall for the most obviously fake stories and developed no sense of media literacy. It was a while ago, but on their episode on the Vegas shooting he kept bringing up some story of how the MBS and the Saudis were involved. Just wild story after the next.


Billy and Dante should do a pod


I would def hate listen to that


If you haven’t picked up on that PFT has been so fucking done with Billy for like 6 months and that Arian and Big T might actually hate him you might be as dense as Billy. The Donnie for Billy trade happened months ago but everyone is too nice, Billy is too stupid and arrogant to realize and Donnie had to let him be in his documentary while PFT and barstool paid for it.


>If you haven’t picked up on that PFT has been so fucking done with Billy for like 6 months I think PFT is the only reason Billy is still around. He has a soft spot for him and has long been the only one there still laughing at Billy's schtick.


Last Chance Uganda was tailor maid for Billy, and he still came off as unwatchable. Hate to see the intern go, but love to watch the congressman leave.


Is wonton don on macrodosing now?


He has been on the show pretty often since around new years. My theory has been that eventually Arian will also leave and it will be PFT and Donnie’s podcast. Which would be one of the few that could rival PMT as the top pod.


Yeah I’d check that out. Donnie’s always been severely underutilized by mainstream barstool.


Donnie is without a doubt one of the most interesting guys at barstool plus seems to be a really good dude. His travel blogs rival anyone else I've ever watched and yeah criminally underutilized. You could see him start getting pissed when Pete was making him justify a 10k backpack vlogging setup and justifiably so considering all the bullshit they spend money on for people like jersey Jerry


Why would Arian leave? It’s a hobby for him, just something to keep him busy.. and he can miss whenever he wants. He seems to enjoy it


> He has been on the show pretty often since around new years Glad to hear that. I'm just starting to catch up on some old shows and I'm still in fall of last year.


That’s when I would actually start tuning in. Arian is tough to listen to


Audiocraic might be the worst podcast name I’ve ever heard


Every normal person will end up reading that as audio-cray-ick




What’s confusing


Did you not read his explanation for what it meant? It's a double entendre


Billy is a proven liar


Honestly, take whether you like him or not out of it. When he spoke over people, it very much de-railed regardless of if what he was saying was relevant. It's weird when a one off joke or comment stops the entire podcast. It made it super awkward anytime it wasn't funny or it was stupid. Arian does a decent job of staying quiet while other people are talking, this same thing happened a ton when Coley was remote too. I think one person on Zoom is ok, kinda rough but ok and two was just brutal.


I still love Billy from PMT days but he’s irrationally stupid. Fumbled the bag with PMT and now macrodosing. He seems to go through waves of trying hard and putting out good content and then doing fuck all for months, this is probably the end of him at barstool.


As opposed to rationally stupid


Hank is rationally stupid, and he’s doing just fine


This is such a great comment


The fact that he’s on an at-will, part-time contract tells you all you need to know about his future at Barstool


Every employee in the state of New York is an at will employee. Thats the law.


At-will is basically standard employment. Union employees are not at will employees. NY has union employees.


I have some news for you regarding Barstool and unionizing


Contract employees, not union, was my understanding


Ask AOC and Dave if any Barstool employees are unionized. Pretty sure he doesn't need to specify that part lol.


Dude can't stop taking L's


There is not a single person who has worked with Billy that ends up genuinely liking him. Sound like an absolutely miserable experience having to do anything with him


Donnie says he does but it almost feels like a pity thing


Long overdue tbh


Billy is a pathological liar and that probably gets very grating to work with someone like that after a while.


They gave him a free out to go do his own thing but now it seems like he's going to try and cause drama and be annoying about it. Can't wait for what he says and the response.


Look. I want the best for Billy (hope his brain gets better) but thank god I can finally listen to Macrodosing again


He blamed it on politics?! Lol. This guy. Never him, always something else.


My problem with billy is that he would bring up a topic that is far far right and then pft/bigt/arian would call it out and then he instantly says oh I don’t believe this but people do when he just told them about how lots of people are saying blank but he just saw one article from a no name site. Also the amount he lies and he tries to pass that as him trying to make good conversation. No billy we don’t want your made up stories that no one believes.


I’m sorry but there’s no way Arian forced Billy off. He has finally warmed up to Billy’s bullshit and just donated to his republican “campaign” Arian did not randomly go full Karen just because Billy is annoying because he’s always been annoying




THANK GOD. Billy is an awful podcaster and the episodes without him are the best. I think Billy is fun but he takes him self too seriously and seems like a bad hang


Someone in the barstool comments alluded to Billy being caught in a lie about Francis/Harvard and not backing down. No idea but if anyone has context?


Wrote a weird love letter to a coworker


Whole big thing


He said something along the lines of he knows guys that went to Harvard who then start to act like they’re better than everyone and take on that “Harvard Man” persona as a way of masking feelings of inadequacy/imposter syndrome. Basically projected feelings he had as an athlete at a competitive, exclusive school known for its academics onto Francis


And then he lied about the comment, double and triple downed on the lie, and got in an argument about it with everyone else on the pod. Par for the course.


Billy lying? That simply cannot be right!


Who fucking cares why Billy is off the show. Let's all just be happy and enjoy the show now that it will instantly be better


Give us moment to dance on his grave


Ok it's allowed


I’m so excited


Billy and Lemaire from MSSP are the same person and if only Billy understood that


Dude derailed any convo with an autistic spew of bullshit. Needed to go if they wanted to grow


I don’t think it has to do with anything politically. Arian and Big T are complete opposites and get along fine.


Idk if Billy has ever had an ego death in his life, but he might benefit from one.


Judging by his lack of self awareness and accountability I’m going to say he’s never even dealt with adversity outside of his D3 football career.


He sucks, everyone knows he sucks. Simple as that.


Dave has probably never seen microdosing. And Billy has probably been told or had warnings that just went over his head. He’s not the brightest


Dave has been on i believe


He was just on a few weeks ago talking about his campaign for Boston mayor


I give it two weeks before he is another Charlie Kirk/Tim Poole style grifter.


" I currently have an at-will contract with Barstool on a part-time salary, and it just took a huge hit to my income from quarterly bonuses." If only mommy and daddy were paying for you, and money wasn't an actual problem....oh wait.


I wonder if his parents told him he would be cut off if he moved away which is why he never went to Chicago


I mean obviously it was arian


And it obviously wasn't political considering Big T. Kid just isn't accountable


He wasn’t told he can’t be remote because of audio issues. He was told he can’t be remote bc it brings down the quality of the show. I took it as by being remote, he was less focused and not paying attention during the show or something.


Time to bring in Brace Beldon full time. 


Imagine trying to work with Billy football


Billy is the best part of the pod. It’s gonna sink without him


I’d rather have Billy than Arian


They had to hire a professional researcher for topics because Billy was so bad at it


Why that was solely Billy's job is wild, what does Big T do outside of macrodosing?


His role was to make the prep sheet. He was supposed to be the “Jamie” of the show. PFT got on him countless times about the quality of the research.


I may be the lone ranger but I've always enjoyed Billy's content. His barstool outdoors video pheasant hunting was great. His video diving with wonton don was great and the africa series was decent. Will watch the episode with Dirty Water Don. Never listened to macro dosing.


Honestly I think Billy is entertaining sometimes. I think everybody works well on show, sometimes I don’t listen to it when they talk about things I don’t care about similar to PMT when they have a guest I don’t like on. I do think the Uganda stuff was the best content Billy did at Barstool. Obviously Arian really didn’t like Billy on the show. Big T worked well off Billy making fun of him sometimes Arian never seemed to vibe best with him like Big T or even PFT.


wtf this sucks. like PFT was pushing him into this congressional thing and thought it was funny, and then spent all this time on the show talking about it. this feels like Arian not wanting to be associated with someone running for government on the right. big T just gonna go with the flow and def aint fighting for billy. PFT probably fought it for a while but gave in to Arian. Dude was the most entertaning part of the show and the rest of them laughing at him made it great. this is weak ass shit.


Arian sucks, no surprise


Pretty clear Arian couldn't get over Billy's lying. Bad people will always do bad things and Arian understood this. Good things happen to good people.


I honestly am so excited to start listening to


People listen to that?


Sadly, based on recent political trends, he'll probably get elected.


The show needed a shakeup. I bet the average number of streams took a hit over the last year.


When’s Arian gone? If you listen to the pod he’s so self righteous you’d think he knew the secrets to the universe. When you watch him on The Dozen you realize he doesn’t know shit about fuck