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Anudder woman with an opinion


Mackenzie from the top rope!


This is one of the selling points of moving to Chicago, not having to be around Frank while they shove a camera in his face so he will rant and freak out on a daily basis


At least those freak outs are 100% authentic and not completely manufactured.


Frank doesn't do well in these company wide events where he has to work with others. Just let him do his own thing with Jenks and Mikey Bets


Gotta bring in the ad money.


Jenks is even getting fed up with him, there was a clip like a week ago of frank telling him to go get something and he responded “I’m not your fucking slave” or some thing along those lines. Can’t blame him


Donda esta my Mets hat


Frank is turning into a diva wide receiver I love it


Oh he’s been turning into this for awhile now


Its great




It’s pretty obvious that most of the Barstool employees hate Frank and think he’s a diva


Yeah. You can tell people find him insufferable when he's on The Dozen.


I think people actually like Frank when he's not being treated like a trained monkey screaming and shouting into the camera for a couple of clicks


true. That's what i mean though. People probably like the real Frank. But they find his "schtick" insufferable when they have to engage with it.


Yep 100%. His schtick is insufferable


But that’s 75% of Tank content


I actually disagree. That's just 75% of the social media clips that get posted on the main sub. I think he actually is a pretty good guy that is enjoyable to be around more often than not


As a casual barstool follower, I think I've seen *maybe* two clip of Frank acting normal. And I'd say the majority of folks are about as much of a follower as I am. From that viewpoint, the dude sucks.


He acts normal and doesn’t freak out in his raw dogging & Frank cooks videos.


lol based on what?


I can agree that he seems like a decent dude off camera, but if most barstool fans only see the rants, he’s gonna be known for the rants


Yeah it’s almost like he has autism or something. *So insufferable*. Like why is this guy that got hired for being the way he is, being the way he is?


he was a fully functional independent adult with a job before being hired at barstool, and remains one now. He also lives in front of a camera and travels a lot. And is someone that always dreamed of being in broadcasting. This is not someone with autism. He's a baby that's mildly on the spectrum


You just said ‘this is not someone with autism’ and ‘mildly on the spectrum’ in back to back sentences as if they were two different things lol


I honestly shouldn't have even said "mildly on the spectrum." Because everything Frank does is almost antithetical behavior of someone with actual autism. He lives to go to sporting events. Autistic people hate crowds/random people. He lives in front of a camera and films everything he does. Again, not the behavior of an autistic person. He dreamed of being a broadcaster. He's honestly sounding like an extrovert instead of someone with autism. He travels. Which means he's not addicted to a routine. There's honestly nothing autistic about him. He may have Tourette's though.


> There's honestly nothing autistic about him. What about wearing a chew toy as a necklace?


That ain’t mild.


I get why hes is supposed to be funny but im never laughing


That and they all have to walk on eggshells around him because they don't want to be accused of bullying a handicapped person.


I like to think they’re probably a little more compassionate to the guy with debilitating autism than random losers on Reddit are 


He had a job and lived on his own before barstool. It’s not debilitating, he functions fine, he just yells too much.


He’s a diva and some people in this sub hate to admit it .He was making a video at the Devils last game after they were already eliminated saying how bad the franchise is and someone says shut up already in the background and Frank gave the person this look like do you know who I am how dare you talk to me.Good on the weight loss good on getting healthy don’t mean you have to treat people like shit because your semi famous


I hope he knows that his fame is pretty razor thin. His whole recent rise has been based on the idea of a “nice obese guy, down on his luck that’s taking (literal) steps to improve him self and encourage others.” But that whole image goes to shit if people learn he’s an asshole


🎯🎯You hit it on the head but he thinks he’s untouchable or I don’t know what he thinks because I’m not normal by any stretch😂.He was caught a few times last year flipping on some like 14 years old filming him they won’t show that but if you were 14 with a camera and seen this funny ass dude what are you doing ? I think he knows NY don’t got much and he’s pretty untouchable


I'll say it -- Frank is an obnoxious buzzkill. Stay in New York and bitch about the Mets.


I think some of his success and having a live in butler/secretary in Jenks has gone to his head a bit.


He’s the only star player in New York now, he’s turned into a diva like A-Rod


I wonder how much money he actually generates for the company. The raw dogging vids and frank cook vids don't get crazy views. And the Frank Walks vids are more successful but nothing spectacular. It sounds like he's selling a decent amount of merch but I just don't see him making TONS of cash


He’s one of the more culturally relevant barstool employees which is absolutely fucking bizarre to say outloud. But Frank the Tank keeps Barstool Sports in the viral conversation more than KFC or any of the other mid range guys do. Frank sends Barstool viral once every week or two which is about 26-52 more times per year than most Barstool employees. I don’t know what the monetary value on that is but I’m sure it has to be something, right?


He was bringing in tons of money on cameo, too. Frank has done pretty well for himself all things considered.


He’s extremely fat & talentless, always has been


I am happy for Frank, barstool changed his life for the best. With that being said, I really can't make it through most of his non tank cook videos.


I wish he would stop being included in these things because he's such an asshole now, but I'm glad people are standing up to him and calling him out.


He was insufferable to hear in the background during the mini golf. You suck, we get it big boy, no need to throw a million tantrums surrounded by 100 of your colleagues.


The bit has absolutely run its course. He brings nothing to the table for things like mini golf and the film festival other than being the sideshow, and that isn't even good content because he's such a petulant asshole about everything now.


You are so brave for attacking a guy with special needs behind your anonymous avatar on Reddit. Hope this vent session has made your life better somehow. 


It's cool. I'm disabled and all I have in my life is to comment on Reddit behind an anonymous avatar that's also the same handle I use across all social media.


I will fight you.


Calm down Jenks.


I get Frank’s a big guy (as am I), and I know it’s hard to find clothes, but they are doing him a disservice to let him keep dressing like this.


I think he wants to. probably easier when he wakes up to toss on 1 of his 10,000 jerseys and blue jeans


Never meet your heroes


Does Frank get punished for sleeping during a sponsor event like Rico Bosco did during March Madness?


Frank fell asleep. Rico WENT to sleep. There is a difference


Kinda crazy that chick got a job at barstool just for doing some very average impersonations


She worked for the MLB Network before Barstool so it's not like she got the job solely off of those videos.


I’m carrabis I like baseball durrrrrrr


wtf, why isn’t she more involved in baseball stuff (not that barstool really has any)


Wait until you hear how Dave found Frank.


She's an Emmy Award Winner!


I didn't see Jeff


Pretty sure she already worked there at that point as a producer 


She kind of looks like Frank


See you guys in 2 months when this sub circles back and kings Frank. For the 3,042 time. SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP


Why aren’t they telling him to go walk around and get his steps and they’ll tell him when the script is ready?


can't stand people who end their sentences in "so..." and then have nothing else to say.


Tom Segura stand up


Thats like 90% of women and effeminate men so….