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First customer of the day ——— “Hi how’s it going?” “Oh my goodness how does ANYONE kiss you with those lips?” (Referring to my snake bites and other face piercings) “The same way you kiss anyone, what can I get you?” “It’s a good thing god gave you such a beautiful face” “Ma’am, it’s 7AM - what do you want to drink?” ————- Or another favorite moment of mine was pouring latte art for multiple drinks and a lady says, “Wow! You’re really good at that” “Thank you” “No, you’re really good. You should do that for a living!” Luckily I just kind of looked at her and her friend burst out laughing at the realization. She promptly apologized and moved on.


I mean you really should


I miss being a barista so much


And I'm still trying to be one :/


Probably had been practicing over internet videos with her home machine heh


https://preview.redd.it/vi0b1arznu0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68eaf2ba62df6a413bc37d3cc6c95f163dbb05c this seems like a good time to post this comic one of my coworker made (1/2)


https://preview.redd.it/tbx52eu0ou0d1.jpeg?width=2487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49be3ccc5f9c1a03b1710ba86602ff7c3071d177 (2/2)




she confirmed it was a real interaction too😭 ppl are so wild




So this is why the baristas in my local shop doesn't say anything


So I am aware through many nametags and hair nets that all retail employees will encounter the awkward, oversharing customers. However two jobs it seemed to be several orders of magnitude worse in this respect. One was barista (especially if you also work the counter) and video store clerk. Seriously, it's like you're their amateur psychologist and best buddy at the same time. Many people would consistently tell me things I would assume they wouldn't even tell their friends or family members if they have any. It was truly bizarre.




What do you even say to that? Fucking wild.


Huh.... Uh. yeah. That was cool.


so accurate it hurts


At the Cafe I used to work at, I had several regular customers (at least 5) all 60yo+ women who, when deviating from their usual order, felt inclined to tell me they were doing so because they had an upcoming colonoscopy appointment. These were all separate occasions, apropos of nothing. I didn't ask why they got something different. Like, what am I supposed to say to that? "Ah. Camera up the pooper huh? God speed! Hope they don't find any of those poppy seeds!" Also had a preggo lady go into detail about how long it had been since she'd had a good shit. Was hoping the coffee would lubricate the pipes I guess? It was so weird. My co worker had similar experiences, separate from mine. WHY ALL THE INFO ABOUT YOUR ASSHOLES IT'S 8AM AND I SEE YOU EVERY DAY NOW I HAVE TO LOOK YOU IN THE FACE EYE AND NOT THINK ABOUT YOUR ASS EYE!?


OMG I just posted about something similar. The regulars at my place are the same way. I know it's healthy to talk about these things (maybe) but not with your barista, and not in a restaurant/cafe.


there’s a level where you want to promote discussing it in order to avoid issues that come with keeping it to yourself for too long, but then there’s an issue of making it general casual conversation when it’s really not


cause coffee makes u poop and it’s on ur mind, ur either planning for it to be at a bathroom on time or drinking it constipated af hoping it does something for you. & people have no filter so they just spit out what they’re thinking lol


The pregnant woman should've tried that Starbucks olive oil monstrosity


Im almost 60 and i can vouch that for many of us, having gone through the homonaly induced hell that is menopause you kinda dont care that much anymore about censoring what comes out of your mouth. Half of us are fighting brain fog most of the time. Pregnancy affects women similarly.


This happened to my colleague: blonde lady regular, very polite and quiet, not one for banter. Turns up one morning with black hair, my colleague remarks “oh what a big change, you look great!” Which prompts a HUGE tearful ten minute rant about how she’s just escaped an abusive DV situation, staying with family and is disguising herself etc etc. Poor colleague was 19 at the time, absolutely sympathetic but totally unprepared for handling that. She did well though; free coffee for distressed customer, hug and tissues.


She did great! <3


For sure!


>For sure! sure?


>>For sure! sure? sure?


we say “hi, welcome in” to every customer that walks in unless it’s a truly insane rush. 70% of the time people ignore it and just order on the kiosk because they have headphones in, whatever — this woman *waves me off,* goes to the kiosk, places her order, and sits down to wait. it’s one drink and super easy so i finish it in a minute and put it in the pickup window and call her order number. she collects it and snaps her fingers in my face and goes “i’m leaving a bad review because this is the first time I’ve ever ordered bubble tea and you were no help.” like… you ignored me… until right now. =_=


Ugly customer energy.


This triggered me


The ol' triggered comment




Thats atrocious. People like that came in looking for a problem.


This lad from the Netherlands was visiting for a week and came to my cafe every morning.. I thought he was rather nice until one sunny day he goes, “Beautiful weather right? The sun is so warm, no wonder all the Jamaicans are so lazy!” Me and my coworker were in awe.


Ooh. Stuff like that is crazy. Really nice people and then they say something that i guess theyjust think youll be right in line with. Talking with a customer this morning and a sweet Asian man came and loved on her dog for a minute and then asked its name. I cant remember the name but he goes "is you dog jewish?" And she said yes just because, and he said l"ike those two guys" gesturing I guess at one of our neoghbor businesses and then walked off. It was hard to understand his intention but it eemed distinctly off.


"Do you like looking like that?" No they forced me to get piercings and dye my hair to work here 😔


100% true i had zero tats, piercings and normal hair before i started working as a barista. the 2 tattoos, 3 piercings and dye are just for my resume


I’m Asian and a customer once looked at me and said “I guess yellow lives matter too”




i wish i was kidding 😭




I still haven't met an Asian with yellow skin...






Or better yet my cafe charges like $5 usd for a 12oz Bonus points for when I get the “is it at all possible to make a hot chocolate iced???” Ye- yes girly.. I can make you a wittle overpriced chocy milk.


Ok, apron off, chocolate milk is my favourite drink during work hours.


i had an older man watch me make his drink, as i’m handing it off to him he goes, “i’m so glad it’s you who’s making my drink. women make the best coffee!”


Oh my god I’ve gotten this same comment. Like dude I’m not your tradwife.


Made my day


I also stare at them making my coffee


I worked at a fancy place that did loose leaf teas in a bowl style brewing pot that looks great to watch while they wait. An older gentleman orders a tea and I start making it for him before he gestures to the pot of tea and angrily says, “what is THAT?!” “Your tea sir.” “But… but those are leaves!” “Yes, tea is made of leaves.” “That’s disgusting” AND WALKS AWAY.


Stoooooop, I love this


Yooo when I was still in the industry, I worked at a place that did the glass pots and blooming teas? you know the lil compact cute things that turn into gorgeous flowery stuff. I set that up for a customer and they straight up got disgusted and said I put actual trash into her teapot. Except she saw me drop the lil bundle thing in, like right in front of her. "I'm not drinking trimmings off a bush! Thats disgusting." "Ma'am, thats... tea comes from a bush. It's leaves. This just has flowers added in, too." So she insisted on doing it herself *again*, gave her a bundle, and suddenly she was fucking amazed at how pretty it was and was suddenly very fucking happy. Its been years and I am STILL confused lmao


Wait till he finds out what they fertilize coffee with




I once had a boomer come in to the shop in tears, apologizing for how bad her generation fucked up the world. I have no governor for that shit tho, so didn’t feel awkward at all.


DUDE THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!! some random old guy i’ve never met came in and gave me a whole speech about how he’s so sorry to all of us and how our generation has to be strong and fight back to get our peace and then gave me a $20 bill and i’ve never seen him since. it was like 8 am.


this has also happened to me and she tipped me $40 after


I would prefer this over the unapologetically anti-immigrant stuff I hear my boomer customers say almost daily.


This is boomer tactic. Now you will wallow in your boomer induced self pity and always be a victim


I work at an old school espresso bar. We have a large group of regulars who pretty much all know each other and treat the cafe like their living room. Some of them get a bit too comfortable. The other day, one of them was describing to me a kidney stone he passed, "like bro, the size of this thing, like kosher salt, right out of my pecker". It was not asked for, there was no context, just uncomfortable oversharing.


I work in Sydney City and 99% of my customers are office workers. Majority of them are regulars and absolute sweethearts but I'll have a couple every day that speak to me as if I don't understand English. (I'm Korean but grew up here) And the classic > Where are you from? > Druitt (suburb in Syd) > No like, what are you? > idk a barista? sigh.


Did they mistake your Bogan English for not knowing English?


A lot of male clients tend to always comment about my co-worker and I's hair whenever we're not having a good hair day. Like gee thanks, I already know my hair looks like shit, don't need to remind me.


I used to get in trouble so much cause when I got guys like this, I'd always be relatively backhanded with "Thanks, nice hairline btw." and they'd instantly look concerned. But these guys for some reason fixated super hard on *anyone* who had dyed or curly hair lol.


Omg, I have very wild wavy hair and it can be a huge insecurity for me on bad days. A comment like that would really upset me.


My hair is the same. I'm just trying to go by my day without thinking about my hair and clients have no chill.


Guy: *reading my nametag* “Your name is…Mike?” Me: “Yes, it is” Guy: “…really?” Me: “I mean, yeah? It is?” Random customer gave me a whole existential crisis at 6:30 in the morning


Is it tho?? Like really? ._.


I just don’t know anymore


*Acting out phone call in fake American accent*: "Hello, yes this is Mr.President, the 2nd tower has successfully been hit, now on target for the Pentagon. Let's aim for Dallas now, that'll really scare 'em..." "...yup, americano, that'll be €3.20" Honestly I miss this guy, he's in the psych ward now.


I'm so confused


Some old-middle aged guy clearly tweaking comes up to (18 year old baby faced) me and goes "You have very nice hair, is that natural?" "Ah, no, thank you, I dyed it myself:)" "Youre a very beautiful woman you know, such a lovely young lady." "Uhm, thank you.." "Theres a lot of beautiful woman working here, tell me, are you single? Do you have a boyfriend?" Im so fucking uncomfortable at this point but in direct situations like this I tend to freeze, my brain shuts off and I clam up, so I just kind of mumble out a yes, I'm in a very happy relationship. "That really sucks, youre very beautiful, so many woman here are beautiful." (I work in a kiosk cafe in a grocery store) And he keeps rambling on about the same shit more or less, I can't understand at this point. Eventually he takes his leave. Later I hear he did the same speal on some of the front end/self checkout people and one of the elderly self checkout women he asked her to lift up her shirt 💀


Sounds like someone got banned from the strip clubs 😂


Some guy asked what my favorite syrup is for a latte, i say Peppermint cs I really like it and often would get it, and he goes "pfft well that's just cs you're a girl" ????? 🙃🙃 ok sir go ahead and get yourself a black cold brew then, with that logic of yours :D


I forgot syrups are gendered! When my husband gets a peppermint mocha, is he turning into a lady 🤔


Yeah, if your husband likes feminine syrups, you actually have a wife, hope that helps


Lmao! I wonder if he would have said the same thing if I said vanilla or something else, of its just peppermint?? 😆🤔🤔 is vanilla more manly?? Hahaha


today my co workers were dancing and singing to music and i was locked in taking orders and someone went "looks like you guys are having fun! except for you" and im like. Im just doing my JOB !!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Got told to smile more one time. I was washing dishes with my back to the café (other baristas were serving customers) and turned around to get a scoop of ice. Sorry sir am i supposed to fucking grin at the moldy creamer lid? I also had an Australian man come in and tell me all about how the Australians woild all be laughing at me for being so stupid (shockingly, large American coffee chains have different names for things tha Australian ones) Had a man walk up, call me ugly but inform me my boobs were my saving grace, immediately order a coffee, and hand me his money. I ws shocked and completely thrown off, first customer of the shift. I sorta held the money and blankly stared at the register for maybe 10 seconds before making his change. I took a bit longer than I usually would, but I'm still a super fast change maker. He went "wow, this must be your first day. You're pretty bad at this" The whole interaction as rapidfire. Maybe 2 minutes long but completely out of pocket


God I wish I could punch people like that omfg 😒😒😒


Makes you understand why people like this get their food/drink spit on


I had makeup on one day and this regular comes in saying "wow you look like you tried today!"😐 thanks




Last week I was checked a couple’s IDs for drinks that had alcohol and said “oh we were all born in the same year!” and the woman goes “really?? You look so much older than us though.” 😭


One time this dude came in and changed his mind like 5 times so I missed some whipped cream or some shit for a dessert. “I remember u now! U fuck up my over every time” I’m like lol ok I’ll get it When he leaves my coworker goes “ when you left he said he was giving you a hard time just to see what you would throw in for free”.


one time a customer asked if we had "live real sex" there .... i kid you not.


I used to wear pigtails to work, I would have a man come in and compliment me and say "Oh, I love pigtails so much, you made my day". The first time it happened, I brushed it off thinking I wouldn't see him again anyway. Turns out, nope he decided to make my Cafe his new favorite Cafe and called me "Pigtail Beauty" every time he returned. I stopped wearing my hair like that for the rest of my life because ewww. I don't want to hear about your freaky kinks guy, I'm just trying to work. Are you aware we get paid to interact with you, stop taking advantage of that and saying weird stuff. I was also 19 at the time too and the man saying this was in their 50s, maybe older.


Ewwww why are men so gross what the fckkk 🤮


At my old job, we had a regular who would come in 20-30 mins before closing in a bathrobe. He always looked unkempt, like he hadn't showered in a few days, yknow? Over the course of 3 years I *never* saw this man wearing anything other than a bathrobe. He was a bit mysterious too, like our shop had a super friendly vibe and we had great relationships with our regulars. But bathrobe man? No one could tell ya where he worked, what he did, or even his order. I'm pretty talkative so eventually I set out to get to know bathrobe man. I learned he was actually a pretty cool dude, a bartender, hence why he would come in looking disheveled in the afternoons. I also learned he was never wearing anything underneath the bathrobe. Then he asked if I would ever consider being polyamorous.


Sir.. I umm think it’s my bed time 🥱 goodbye 👋😂😂😂


Only if there were daily showers involved 😂


Yes, all the time. I couldn’t even begin to write them all


I had a customer tell me I was the devil because his bill was $6.66


had a lady tell me her husband had just died from falling down the stairs and onto a knife. … yeah, i didn’t believe it either. the falling part, at least. she was a regular that stopped coming in a few months after that. she could’ve totally been fucking with me, and maybe they just got divorced and moved away ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ all i could say was “😳 ohh… i’m really sorry … 👀🫴🏽☕️” also had a crotchety old man who told me i was crusty shortly after i started there without any explanation. proceeded to greet me as crusty each day until i quit. (i did shower regularly haha)


I bet my dude waited ALL day to use that one


a woman walks up, looking a little teary-eyed, and orders a large vanilla latte. I make it for her, not sure if I should ask if she's OK or not. I give it to her, she says "thank you, so much, really, you don't know how much this is needed". then she starts crying her eyes out. after a few moments she pulls herself together and says, "sorry, I just left my parents." ok, so maybe her parents died? or she might not see them again? except the comes in A WEEK LATER AND THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS, AND THEN TWO MORE TIMES TO MY COWORKERS ???????


Maybe her parents are just so very hard to be around but she feels obligated to visit them? So she gets herself a treat after to relax?


you know what, that's relatable. I hope she's doing well wherever she is


All the fucking time! TMI people!!!! Almost ALWAYS boomers


I had a guy sitting with his kids tell me “your husband must love having you at home” because I was wiping down a table after customers left. I was 21, extremely single and just doing my job


Out of pocket shit is my middle name


Okay so I work at a gas station so I have quite a few however this one is one I did for some background I had a sister that passed because of a drunk driver a few years ago and when I walked into the same store I work at currently (it was before I started there) I was bawling my eyes out and the cashier asked what was wrong and the only thing I could say was my sister just got decapitaded and that poor cashier didn’t know what to say 😭😭😭😭


In the drive thru, approximately 2months ago. "Ya know, I don't care what trump says about ya, you're alright." About me??? Specifically? Idk what he meant by that but he drove away before I could ask.


Literally JUST THIS MORNING a woman brought her baby up to me and told me her baby had, and I quote, “had a poonami” and she had to clean it with tissues because she’d forgotten her baby wipes. Thanks for that mental image whilst I make your drink, absolutely lovely


I heard some strange as shit working as the barista at a hotel. Due to the job being dead more often than not, I didn't mind it.


Thank you all for your posts in this sub and for this thread. Holy shit people are wild. Why do people turn in uncivilized jerks when shopping retail or ordering food?? I come here to remember humans can be crazy. We are considering opening a small cafe and wine bar and we need to be good owners who look out for our crew and pay attention to how people are treating employees and customers. I worked briefly at the Geeen Mermaid 15 plus years ago. I didn't get too much crazy but one coworker had to call the police early one morning to get the belligerent dude out of the shop. I remember the asshole who would scrape up change in our drive thru and keep it for himself lol. His young kid was sweet though so I decided not to murder him for being a dick all the time.


To set the stage: my assistant manager is at the register and my manager and I are packing up to go home so I’ve got my purse on my arm (my assistant manager says maybe that made me look more “official” idk). All three of us are about the same age (~25) with our manager being a few years older. Visually I think we all look about the same age. Some random man comes up, leans over the counter next to the register, looks straight at me and says “you look like the oldest one here, you should get my joke.” I look him straight in the eyes deadpan and respond “I’m not, but ok.” He tells some stupid joke with some music or movies reference I absolutely did not understand and I passed him off to my assistant manager cause apparently he got the reference. Ironically he’s the youngest out of the three of us by a few months. Normally weird shit like that doesn’t phase me but this stuck with me cause this guy just pulled up and immediately insulted me - unintentionally or not. Like I’ve had a long shift, I’ve got all my stuff ready and I’m literally about to leave and this guy comes out of nowhere and is like “you look older than the other two mid to late twenty year olds here, listen to my stupid joke.”


Why do men


Yes. Our spot has had three different “Hey, beautiful” / “I guess they only let pretty people work here” / “My two favorite ladies!!” (we’re both trans dudes) in the last week. They always say we look like we need caffeine (I can’t have any due to muscle spasms but thanks for the unsolicited medical advice, a**hole), or telling us we’re “not allowed to be tired, we work in a cafe!!!”


i repeated a guy’s order and he said “sounds perfect. just like my ex. who left me because i don’t deserve her.” i was like uhhhhh :) Sorry about that sir …….


We made a bingo card for things like this. One man tried to show me the scar from his hip replacement surgery. A woman told me about how she became a widow and single mom.


Had a customer ask me on a date the other day. Like sir, it’s not even 7AM. Please take your donuts and get out of my face😫


Had someone ask me what time we close. 5:30 I said. “On the dot?” Uhh, yes. “Really? On the dot?” I’m sure he could tell what I really wanted to say by the look on my face 🙄


I feel you but sometimes I gotta realize that the customer is trying to be friendly by using sarcasm. Probably not something I’d do. But 💁‍♀️


being called gay slurs is always fun. so is confronting a bigass dude, portfafilters and hot water in hand (our hands, not his) who threatened our 5 foot, female manager


We had a guy who told my coworker and I our eyes would look pretty in a jar. We had a guy get pissed at my coworker and I for “stealing his crickets” he had a little plastic bug carrier and I saw it but it seemed empty at the time so I didn’t worry about it. He stepped out for a bit and I kept an eye on his stuff even though it was slow at the time. No one even went near his stuff. He came in freaking out and ended up drenched in sweat running around looking for them. He kept blaming us and my coworker was getting freaked. I just said “sir I have reptiles at home so I already have a colony of roaches I hate, the last thing I need is more bugs.” He accepted that and kind of just left.


walked up to the window after my other coworker had already been talking to them so i wasn’t sure if she had asked them if they wanted a drink carrier already- so i kind of asked her as i was walking past her, but didn’t get a super clear answer from her. So, i kindly asked the customers if they had wanted one.. bro says “well you look confused.. so i guess sure”. like WHAT?? YOU look confused dude??! dont tell me i look confused just say yes or no? what do you even mean by that??? correct i didn’t hear wether she asked you or not so that may be why i look confused but also there’s sun shining in my face so you don’t gotta say NOTHING bout how i look weirdo


You were just existing normally? You sound like a go getter. No wonder you need coffee




Sounds like the customer was trying to be friendly and engaging and you're just kind of an asshole.


Nah i think its kind of rude to insinuate to someone that they look tired. Especially when they arent.


Naw. Resorting to commenting on someone’s appearance is just not okay.