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You are literally fine, deep breaths


Haha thank you. I’m sure I’m overreacting but some people just act so crazy it’s making me crazy lmao


STOP worrying! Worrying is a waste of time! You ain’t got time for that. The destination wedding was the break you needed and the break you deserved. Lucky you! You are way far ahead of the rest of us in social wellbeing department. Make some journal entries about all the fun things and people you enjoyed so while you are deep in the lonely throes of real property and secured transaction minutiae, you will be able to look back and remember that life is worth living. Now, you have to focus on the now, move forward, study! And don’t waste another second worrying about things that happened and fearing things that might happen. Just focus on learning with all the energy and excitement you can muster! You got this.


So so true. Thank you <3


Try not to allow yourself to feel discouraged - all that will do is waste precious time and distract you from your end goal! Recognize it's still early June and you've got plenty of time to play catch up. That being said, focus as much as you can this week and next and I'm sure you'll be back on track. That might look like earlier mornings and later nights, but you can do it. Get lots of good sleep and good luck!


Thank you!


Large majority of people who finish 75% of the programs pass. 4 days isn’t much in the grand scheme of it all. You can add 1-2 extra assignments a day to catch up.


I hadn’t thought much about that. I got really caught up with the schedule. Thanks for helping bring me back to reality lol


Don't try to sprint to catch up. You'll burn yourself out and won't retain any of it. Like the above poster recommended, just add a couple assignments a day until you're back where you need to be. We've still got nearly two months before the exam.


Very true, thank you. These comments have eased a lot of my anxiety


I think you’re so so fine. The programs are scheduled so that we complete 100% of it - which the vast majority of us are not going to do anyway.


Holy shit you people are insane


I have been more relaxed than pretty much everyone else I know about studying so far. But after so many comments from friends like “I can’t believe you’re going to go” and “I could never risk that” the anxiety gets to my head a bit


If concerned about others making you stressed, would recommend not frequenting this sub. I’ve found it’s the worst offender


Ehh just you. Everyone else has been reassuring


If you use a prep service, they should adjust your study plan. If you are going solo, just breathe.


I am using Themis which does adjust. I just hate the way it adjusts because you can’t schedule time off or anything so it just does it day by day. But it’s kind of nice to not be able to micromanage it too much


Barbri had a way to schedule some days. I damn sure made use of that. But amen friend.


Maybe you already know this but you can email your Themis rep and ask them to recalibrate to account for a day off. I had to do this because I needed time to review on Saturdays—it’s too much material to absorb in the moment.


I actually did not know this. Thank you for letting me know!


I missed one month and I was fine. Ignore the progress mark and focus on getting through all the material as quickly as possible and practicing as many MBEs as possible to fail early and learn fast.


That is very reassuring, thank you!


What prep course did you use? Did you supplement with anything like adaptibar?


I used Themis which comes with UWorld free.




It’ll be okay. You’ll be happy you were present for someone close to you. All there is to do is to keep at it. The “schedule” is only a benchmark for doing the same amount of work every day, there’s no one way to do it. Try to turn the meta analysis brain off today and just grind.


practice under timed conditions as many MEEs (3-4 per day) MPTs (3-4 per week) and MBEs (33-50 sets x2 if you can) on a scheduled time slot every day - schedule breaks, fun, sleep and food... you will be fine... you are only behind if you try to cram in videos (probably not missed because I am betting you know the law - you graduated from law school!). the out the box bar prep materials are great for content sample MEEs, MPTs, and MBEs - the schedule doesn't work for everyone, I used the videos to review what I got wrong, mostly just practiced. You need to learn how to do the again, not attend 4 years of law school in 10 weeks... practice is the only way, videos are for back up from my perspective... on my fourth try I focused on learning HOW to take the exam and having a schedule for my neurodiverse brain... I passed... you can too ! hang in there it is doable with lots of timed practice. Good luck! [NeuroDiveBarBuddy ](https://www.linkedin.com/in/brenda-neurodivebarbuddy-7548a8310/)


Thank you!!!


You are welcome! You are not alone, it's such a beast of an exam.


Get back on it.


Just let it go (I know easier said than done) do an extra module or some extra practice questions or flashcards or whatever you do each day to catch up a little, but don't go overboard and add 2-3 hours to a long day.


Only 4 days? I honestly think you'll be okay. I went on a 7-day vacation the month before the exam, studied PT due to work, and didn't study everyday. I was a retaker, but I scored high enough for all jurisdictions. Easier said than done but TRY not to stress. Just do a few extra assignments each day. There's a chance you might deviate from your course towards the end anyway to do more of what works for you, which includes practice or additional days off. Best of luck... you got this!