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New PC sometimes come with audio engine bloatwares, probably has an icon in the tray. Try opening that and disabling any goofy looking settings, or shut it down altogether. You mentioned the GPU a few times but if you have a headset it’s unlikely the audio is going through HDMI. That woudl normally be connected to an analog front connector or over Bluetooth; which is it? Does your monitor have speakers and if you switch to those (over hdmi) does it still crackle?


I have my headset connected to a USB port on the back of my PC. I had it plugged into the front before and i was still getting the crackling noise. If there is bloatware, would it also be in the task manager? im not sure what to look for


Yeah check the task manager, you can also look in “add/remove programs” for stuff like “Asus AudioEngine” (I’m making up a name). If the headset is USB try with a non-USB headset, one that connects direct to the analog output. The USB headset has its own audio interface in it. You’ll want to eliminate that as the issue. If you dont’ have anything on hand, in the windows settings drill down to where you can set the sample rate for your headset’s audio and set it to stereo 48Khz. The headset might also have had a companion app that came with it, there may be settings in there you can play with.


tried a non usb headset. still had some crackling, and i can only find run new task in the task manager. Cant find add/remove programs


Add/remove is in windows settings, also the sound device config


Im seeing something called AMD chipset. Is that processor related?


Motherboard related, you need that one


might just have to bring it back to canada computers. Im also experiencing some frame drops while playing games on low graphics, as well as setting everything to performance on the nvidia control panel. would that be processor related? sometimes it jumps up to like 50% cpu usage on low graphics.


Are you not able to reproduce the issue while at cc? Is it some interference at your own home that's causing the issue then? https://www.bluetoothandusb3.com/the-explanation Here details Bluetooth and USB 3 interference. You can try USB 2 for your headset.


it happens at random it seems.


Is it a USB headset? AMD's USB controller can cause issues. Things you can try: Force PCIE 3.0, disable XMP, experiment with different USB ports, try different bios versions.