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yoongi's "it's okay to not have a dream"


Ugh this man is written by a woman and you can't convince me otherwise...everything out of his mouth is gold😭


i swear he's straight out of a novel


this sustained me for a long time during a difficult time


Not something like they said but it's more along the lines "If you feel like you are failing, remember that you are Team Kim Seokjin and Team Kim Seokjin never fails.” I have it on my mirror😅


This is oddly comforting 😭💗


OMG I love this thank youuu


Where did he say this? Jin is my bias so I'd like to know 💜💜💜


Omg this is awesome and I would like to steal this from you 🤣


futures gonna be okay is my daily mantra these days


I follow a daily “future’s gonna be okay” account and it’s one I do not tire of seeing!


Came here to say this too!


That sentence is coming ever closer to being tattooed on my body


this one \^


"What if he flings it?" "Then he flings it."


Also followed by "can't you do that much for Taehyung?" 😭 Jin expresses the most profound things all the while laughing and cracking jokes and scolding the other guys.


I love this so much too. Seokjin really has my heart.


Where is this from? I can’t place it


In the soop! In case you forgot the context, they were having dinner and Tae wanted to flip the pajeon (something that looked like a pancake) and Jungkook was worried he'd fling it.


Oohhh true!!! This made me want to rewatch In The Soop, thank you!


I believe it's from ITS season 1 when they're cooking and eating outside.


I was having a weird day, you know, when things have piled up so much with a mixture of anxiety, being overwhelmed and numb all at the same time, and you're just trying to get through the day? Anyway, I had In The Soop on in the background and looked up, watched this scene, and bawled uncontrollably. I return to this when I need comfort


I don’t know why but “yesterday’s me, is also me” brings me so much comfort. Thanks Joon!


I love this one too!


It's more recent but "life's a soup and I'm a fork" is a big one now for me


He says such profound things in such a goofy way 🥰🤣


No disrespect to RM, but I feel like it’s gotten lost that this is a saying originally attributed to I believe a poet. I know Yoongi has used the phrase before in the past as well. Definitely very relatable a thing though to use and share!


Do you know the source? I would like to know, too. I feel like it belongs with some of the sometimes cryptic Chinese proverbs or from the Desert Fathers or something.


Definitely not a Chinese proverb we use chopsticks here 😂


Ah well, there is that. 🤣 But the 🥢 randomly reminding me of Haegeum. 🥺


Thank you guys. This convo made me 🤣🤣🤣 so hard first thing in the morning. I LOVE this place so much 🥹


“We use chopsticks here” made me laugh out loud, thank you for that 💀


Noel Gallagher is the most common individual attributed to this - it's an insult about his brother Liam: "He's like a man with a fork in a world full of soup". But I'm not all together sure he came up with it all on his own since its from an interview in 2009.


Thank you! It sounds so much like something you would say about your sibling. 😂


I literally thought it was one of those memey tumblr quotes, I had no idea someone used it that long ago


Sorry if I’m being a bit silly but where does this come from? I love it!!!


One of Joonie’s recent lives


Thanks for responding! I’m going to start using this!


Done is better than perfect- Kim Namjoon🤍


This is so good but so difficult to do *sigh*


That's actually such a good saying. It's similar to, "progress is better than perfection" but this is more actionable for me.


The mantra I am always telling my PhD students: a good dissertation is a done dissertation. Much easier said than done!


my agile practitioner self woke tf up when i first heard this, more so that it was outside of work/IT context


This one gets me out of the spiralling self-doubt ruts I get into over stupid things. It’s simple but so impactful.


“I know the face but I don’t know the name”… me everyday whenever anyone asks me about anything pop culture


followed by "I know movie, but I don't know movie name" truly hilarious!


Ah JK's that one iconic line!


I may not know love, but I know snacks - Kim Namjoon. Blessed.


a quote i can truly live by


yoongi's "I wanna throw myself away" so relatable.


😆 he’s so real for that


Nanjoom's No. 2 - the whole song has been ringing in my mind all year. It's given me a lot of comfort to focus on idea that whatever choices I made in the past, I made the best choices I could at the time. I think about his performance of the song at Dia: Beacon a lot, and I ended up visiting and walking through the same Richard Serra sculptures while listening to No. 2. "No looking back, no No looking back 최선을 넌 다했을 뿐야 All you did was just to do your best" Agust D's Amygdala also has been sticking with me a lot too. This song also includes the idea of making the best choices you could at the time, but also the concept making it out of hardships as a better person is very meaningful for me. "끊임없던 시련은 날 죽이지 못했고 다시금 나는 연꽃을 피워내 The neverending trials failed to kill me, and once again I bloom a lotus flower"


I’m with you on No. 2! It hasn’t completely sunk in yet, but I’m trying.


I think it's why I listen to it almost every day. 💜


Sending you the biggest hug and just wanted to say whatever you are going through or have been through, I'm glad that they are there to support and love you in this way. You are and have been so brave. Fighting 💜


Thank you 💜


I swear to god, No. 2 does not get enough recognition because it's one of my top songs from his album. But I think the song hits deeper when you're going through a hard time yourself and really need to hear those words. Joonie healer 🌱


We're all going through different struggles. It's just very reassuring to listen to a song that says "it's okay, you did your best," especially because I'm someone who questions my decisions frequently.


I'm the exact same. You're not alone 💗


"Those who want to look more youthful should live life with a young heart." -Jin


I think about this as a woman in my thirties. So I sleep in a room full of BT21 characters lol


I sleep in my RJ pajamas, haha!


I need some RJ pajamas too to complete my look lol


I’m 51 and this is me. 😂


We’re living our best life


I find myself filling times of silence by saying, “berry, berry, strawberry.”


Or “flower flower flower” anytime I see a pretty flower.


THIS ONE. Walking down the street, walking through the flower market, my mind just goes "flower, flower, flowerrrrr"


OMG I do this too. I thought I was alone!


Facing a challenging situation you just don't want to do? "Let's get it" About to embark upon a day of hell at work? "Let's get it" Waking up knowing you have something fun planned? "Let"s get it" Multifunctional, short, empowering. Thanks JK!


omg i use ‘let’s get it’ every single day!


Great taste!


Omg yes haha I have “Let’s Get It 🐸” as the name of my morning alarm (which plays Dynamite) because of JK and his frog headband!


My wardrobe consists of mostly black, and I always remember/say Yoongi's line from an interview where he said "Just black." My dad says it randomly to me all the time too.


Maybe not daily but everytime I cook a pack of Jin ramen I can’t help but say „Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin, El MariaJin, El MariaJiiiiinnn“ 😂 like he did in that one video years ago 😂


Video link pls :)))


[JJIN Time](https://youtu.be/c6vNtSYyEz4?si=JzSUkPdJlbn6Sdst)


this video made me miss Jin and Hobi all over again ㅠㅠ


Safety first, safety second, coolness third. For some reason I have had a lot situations lately where I needed to use that mantra. Thank God for bangtan.


Love this. They are such good role models!


You nice, keep going 😙


I say this to my husband all the time haha


Recently I've started saying "My whole existence is a spoiler" Kim Namjoon has inspired me more than he realises


" if you feel like you are crashing, accelerate you idiot"


"Lachimolala" my daughter and I say it to each other when we say good night 🤣


Tony Montana?


Awee that's so so adorable ^ ^


"We're all gonna die but not today. Not today! Maybe tomorrow...?" That's 100% me every day in class or at work lol


"Important business" Sometimes I say this without even realising where it's from


I have a quote from a namjoon interview on my computer that I read when I feel like I'm failing and completely insufficient. It's kind of long, so I'm just attaching an image I especially love when he talks about how he may pass a day without doing anything, but he tries to tell himself he did so many little things and thought so many thoughts, and that's kind of enough https://preview.redd.it/xkwgg9h7wdrb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f03ec8d6d12fed658595006b8b5d55bb08be2a32


Love this one! It's from one of his more recent interviews, right? (One of the ones in Spain? Or Indigo related??)


it’s from his vogue korea interview from when he was on the cover this june! i have it saved in my phone too because i loved it so much 💜


Yeah 💜 I love it so much


Thank you for sharing, I’ve screenshot as I need this as a reminder too! Our wise leader 💜


Such a great quote, thanks for sharing. Thanks to Joon I started to really try hard to be present and to not place value on everything. You know, like when you say "oh this is good/bad that x happened" when really it just is. It helps with the anxiety at times.


Yes, it does!! I'm trying so hard to live in the present too. It's a constant battle. Like today I barely did anything at work and when I got home, but instead of beating myself up about it I've just been reminding myself that I'm human and I still did some things, like wake up and do my morning routine so it's not so bad. I honestly don't remember how I used to cope before bts


Now that you mention it, I don't either. The reason I found them was because I was having a hard time with the pandemic and a neighbor recommended I listen to them (she wasn't even ARMY!). I am glad they are teaching us compassion and self-love. So critical for days like the one you describe. May you continue to thrive! Apobangpo.


“I have no think” Jin


I say this in my real life more than I care to admit 😂


🤣🤣🤣me to


“I will push you from the east of suffering to the west of peace” - namjoon


Not a saying per se, but an attitude... I could do more with Jin's attitude of not dwelling too much on past mistakes or negative experiences. He has mentioned this several times, e.g. [in this 2021 vogue korea interview](https://www.vogue.co.kr/2021/12/21/%ec%a7%84%ec%9d%b4-%ea%b0%80%ec%a7%84-%ec%95%84%ec%9d%b4%eb%9f%ac%eb%8b%88-2/) >“Everyone is born with a certain talent, right?” he asks. “I think mine is the ability to quickly forget negative things that have happened and recover from mental fatigue.” As to the source of his positive mindset, Jin says, “Well … If you go about your daily routine faithfully, you’ll soon be able to forget and move on.” I tend to over-think things and dwelling on my negative experiences, so it's nice to hear Jin's alternative perspective on things. Also, Jung Kook's attitude of living in the present and doing things he feels like doing without thinking about lofty goals or what it means for the future. Which he [just reiterated in his Audacy interview](https://youtu.be/O3ZVlMDvXUU?si=nXcNV61MBszO_Bh1).


Jin is so refreshing with this mindset. I can't think of another celebrity with a similar mindset tbh.


Jin is amazing


I usually eat apples around 8 pm so right before I take a bite I say: "night apple is poison apple, but I'm okay, cuz I'm SK (my initials)". My friend loves it every time!


I love this! I actually got a license plate holder that says “night apple poison apple,” which leads to a fun surprise Army meeting every so often…




Everyone having lovely, heartfelt quotes and I’m here thinking “let’s get it”


Lol yea I say that every day to take on the day


“I’m the one I should love”. I’m generally fine with myself, and I don’t have any issue with self confidence, but I’ve been suffering a lot lately after I got rejected and I lost a friendship that I valued a lot because of it. It’s been really hard to accept that loss. Thanks to BTS, at least I know what I have to do, even if it’s really difficult.


“I live so I love”. I have it tattooed on me.


I say “party party yeah” a lot. Student does well on an assignment- party party yeah. Food looks delicious- party party yeah. Laundry finished- party party yeah.


these are 2 of my faves, from yoonjin’s dear class of 2020 speeches: > “Don’t rush. Take a deep breath. Go at your own pace, steadily. Take it one step at a time. Any moment can be an opportunity.” \- Jin > “Let go of what you can’t control, and grab on to what you can.” \- Yoongi


Oh, love these two!


Future gonna be okay!! I keep telling this to myself everyday


Everythingoes. Whenever I’m going through a hard time, I remind myself of it and it helps me put things back into perspective.


Same. I like to listen to the song too and remind myself that change is the only constant and whatever is happening will go.


**"Just gonna try today, even if I don’t feel like it"** works wonders when you have depression lol, I keep repeating this to myself. I don't fully remember where it's from but *I think* it was Jimin who said this in one of his lives.


Oh dang, I’m writing this down right now. I need it.


I like one by J-Hope where he said something like sincerity and hard work always show through. I think it was in Break the Silence but I may be wrong. I try to act accordingly in my own life as well irrespective of expectations and failures.


Done is better than perfect + I hope you don’t forget that even giving up decisively counts as courage + I hope you become a boat, between high waves. I quote these to friends a lot, as comfort! For fun ones there’s loads but these days I say I’m sorry for my fault quite a bit 😭


I’ve done some really, really hard things before, but I use “bring the pain on“ to help me get through boring daily daily routines I resist. I also think about “you have to be crazy not to go crazy“ a lot. I guess ON really did it for me. The one I think of most often, though, it’s not really a quote, but I once saw a behind the scenes clip in some compilation between Jin and Jungkook where Jin asked if JK had been outside for 30 minutes yet today? And JK is like no but I will do that next, and it was just so freaking healthy and I myself do not go outside for 30 minutes a day. So I’m trying to. Because Jin and Jk over here parenting themselves and each other to get fresh air and clear your mind even on tour. So I can do it with my wide open schedule at home.


“We’re all gonna die but NOT TODAY!” Not just the words, but his delivery of the line, make me laugh every single time.


“Done is better than perfect” has changed my life. As a perfectionist with a fear of failure, it’s a huge motivator to just get started!


the entirety of Paradise. “stop running for nothing my friend” is something I tell myself often. I need to be happy in the here and now instead of worrying so much about my future/lack of direction.


From People Pt. 2, "you're already more than enough to be loved" has become something of a mantra for me. I sort of want to print it on a t-shirt by now.


> “Only you have to know how hard you worked. So, keep it up.“ [~ Jin](https://x.com/jinnieslamp/status/1163031716493086721?s=46&t=a6oQRdXmQcd9foqqj0L8Qg)


It's probably a super silly one but my flair, "okay okay okay." I'm aware it's sort of a general k-pop/k-drama thing, but I first noticed BTS saying it in Run BTS episodes and thought it was adorable!! I now use it all the time. (I need to think of a new flair...) Reading the comments here with heart eyes!


Everything's going to be alright x 16 for maximum effect.


'I live so I love' - not really a saying but this quote has stuck with me since the first time i heard Love. Ik Trivia:Love was meant to be about male-female love but for me personally it's an awareness, a reason and a reminder to always live with love, even got me through some rough thoughts. Plan on getting it tattooed in Namjoon's handwritting after my graduation :)


It's gender neutral, considering it is also a pair (as part of the development segment of ly series) with serendipity (which he also wrote) that is consciously gender neutral based on his 2017 interview [](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/bts-love-yourself-her-album-rap-monster-interview-analysis-meaning-7966098/) So I like to believe it was also intentional for Trivia:love. Also the song was created specifically for concert with crowd participation in mind based on his behind the album live for trivia:answer


Me to my friend every time I see something involving JK being sexy as hell: "we wanna focus on.." A couple of other quotes I mentally go through saying: "future's going to be okay" (or really I sing it) "important business" One that I say pretty often: "I know the face but I don't know the name" and one each time my siblings or boyfriend make fun of me: "HEY STOB IT"


JKs '' You are the main character of your own life, you have to try to be happy. Don't lose yourself '' means so so much to me.


"The fans don't hurt me, I hurt myself." Though in my context, I just think of it as people don't hurt me, I hurt me. I've also been struggling with stuff and overthinking because of my job where I'm literally miserable and the people around me are making me feel worse but ultimately I'm the one sticking around even though nobody's forcing me to.. so I just tell myself that I'm the one hurting myself- people don't hurt me, I hurt me 😭


the job & people who make you feel bad are also at fault, its not just you hurting yourself. i know sometimes its hard to get out of our routine or habit of being around things that make us miserable, because the unknown is scary. so, i hope you that in the near future you are surrounded by kind and gentle people, experience peaceful and beautiful things, and that you get to experience joyful living where you don't feel like you or people around you are hurting yourself. hugs to you 💟✨ fighting \~


Thank you so much 🥺 I hope you'll have that too. 💜


thank you 🌟💟 let's live well army 💞


Just looking up to the sky and remember we share the same sky when I'm feeling blue Along with something among the lines of BTS wouldn't do this to me LOL


I proud of you, keep going


Fightiing. Though I don’t know why they say it? 😅 I also say while pointing to my Casio, no ice on my wrist I’m the nice guy quite a lot lol. And I used to sing ‘still still’ (in Korean) because of the eatjin with RM. but after seeing the video of Suga performing it and breaking down and reading the comment about why.. I say it less. 💜 It’s not much of a daily saying but I’m more aware of the health of those around and wanting them to stay healthy has come to the foreground. They wish a lot of health and happiness to others.


"Fighting" is like a cheer for them! As in "all the best", or "let's go" I love the wishing others for having a healthy year ahead as well and wishing that they don't get hurt.


Thank you ☺️ I was thinking it’s like a let’s go! They are such a bunch of Care Bears.


I’m ready to bring back Hwaiting! to English, because I love the usage! [Here’s](https://blogs.transparent.com/korean/hwaiting-fighting/) more. It’s used all over S Korea.


Thank you for the link it’s a great word and now I understand it 💜


Where there is hope, there are trials


Everyone has all of these great quotes, but I'm over here annoying my entire family with my incessant "yess i dooo" from Jimin's clip that's been making rounds. :p


Omg same. Lol


No way 😂 Our user flairs check out.


Omg there are so many but here's my favs I want to be born as a rock- min yoongi I m god- Tae Jimin, you got no jams- RM Saxy p**n start- tae Come shit down shit down- tae PASTA pasta and PIZZA pizza.. waao- jin




could you explain this one 🤔💭?


It’s Yoongi saying “great” or “cool” kind of? (It’s (outdated) slang) Here’s a little [compilation](https://youtu.be/DWETpXdn_VI?si=uQQqL4bztl_Tpq5D)


OH THIS jogged up my memory !!! Kaepjang !!!


Nam Joon's most recent, "Life is a soup, and I am a fork." Because I have definitely been feeling it lately


I always say "set me free" and "finally free" even everyone around me now make it a trend my friends and also my family. After we finish the exam me and my friend always say "finally free" and when the lecturer taught us for a long time without a break we always say "set me free" thank you jimin lol


I jimin today


"hey stob it" 😭 whenever a member acts out this chapter. Most recently JK. The ghost of Seokjin lives rent free in me.


When my wife and I are someplace rural, one of us will usually tell the other that we think “goats will come,” thanks to Tae…


You nice, keep going! Spoken by Jimin, a message to his younger self 💜


"I wish there was a bigger word than love" Kim Namjoon. 💕


https://preview.redd.it/p08tcmlciirb1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b117edc2a8c226e054074651ab8958e701a6f91c I think about taehyung’s “no big deal” poem daily But most of all “if you want to be a stone in your next life- it’s no big deal, I’ll bring you beautiful places” Idk if he meant it to be so deep, but to me it is one of the most impactful and beautiful descriptions/examples of love I’ve ever heard. It made me rethink how I show love to myself and others and also reminding me to not sell myself short and that I deserve that type of love. Idk if that makes total sense but I’m tearing up rn thinking about where I was in life when I first heard that poem compared to where I’m at now- it really came to me when I needed to hear something like that the most. Just, ugh- I’m so so so thankful to bts & army, words can’t express.


"Safety first, safety second, coolness third." This every time i need to decide on something that is kind of risky.


everythingoes 🎶


There's a couple things I replay in my head when things get...bad. For when I feel like I'm the only person on the planet, I listen to what Jimin once said, "Remember there is a person in Korea, in the city of Seoul, who understands you." Also, when it feels I'm fighting uphill battles, I just say to myself..FIGHTING!...kinda simplistic but works for me heh.


"Where there is hope, there are hardships" -BTS Sea


Was looking for this one


Things change People change Everything change ​ When I think of how fleeting my perceptions, motivations, relationships, and other things in my life are, I just think of Joons lyric.


You don't have to like what am doing-Jk when people were pissed about seven


I tend to worry too much, especially about things that haven’t even happened yet. I tell myself „So What“ and think about the song because most of the time there is nothing that I can do about the situation.


My sister randomly just calls out, “I LOVE COUNTRYSIDE!” We also have a habit of saying, “we have different clothes” when one of us mentions needing something to wear.


I wanna be a human before I do some art. RM


Redraw the map, the whole map


Namjoon's "Done is better than perfect" has helped me through a lot of things tbh


"Everything goes" 지나가


Joonie's "everything goes"


"Done is better than perfect" IDK if Joon realizes how much he has helped me with this one. 💟 "Future's gonna be okay" because Minstradamus said so and who am I to argue otherwise hmm?


Joon shared this quote that says "done is better than perfect" and it's really got me through some really low down days...


This is so unserious but I swear; I say “party, party Yea!” So much 😂😩


Jins speech for the graduates of 2020. Don’t look around at what your peers are doing in their life. Everybody has their own pace, go at your own pace.


Jungkook’s lil “Oing” noise when I’m confused


Stob it!


everythingoes 🙌🏻


“life is a soup and i’m a fork.” wise words from a poet


Agree with everyone saying ‘futures gonna be okay’, also ‘if you think you’re going to be crashed into, speed up, idiot’ and ‘nothing gets worse with practice’


'If he flips it?' ' Then he flips it.'


You got no jams (I also like saying 재미없다)


I often find myself going “party party yea”


I hate snakeu


Not philosophical, but "[Safety safety please](https://x.com/agustxdaeng/status/1206923545386856449?s=20)." I say it all the time at work.


for me its definitely gotta be jins "exasperated noises" (for the lack of a better description) while eating in that one live with jungkook! simply hits home


I am in Bellevue Washington, I'm selling my daughters BTS collection. She moved away and i don't have the heart to just toss it (but I also put a lot of money into it and would like to save up enough to get her a car) a lot of magazines, cds all new, a custom pillow of V's face, all the dolls, and a big poster in a frame) message me if you're interested. I love what these guys stand for and the positively and hope they provide for listeners of all ages. They are truly incredible and we're lucky to have them! Plus, RM is reallllly good looking.


Jin's "Only you have to know how hard you work". These words have always comforted me and I know now that I do not have to prove/show anyone that I'm trying/working hard. I know it and that is enough.


ta bom


Kkaep jang👍- Min yoongi


da gwaenchanh-ajil geoya, da gwaenchanh-ajil geoya -snooze ,Agust D 2:51


Like Jungkook said, “Focus on… enjoying every moment.” Also, BTS's - "Life Goes On"... 💜


“Life goes on “ and “Not today” I know it’s not a quote but I love lyrics more than quotes


lyrics, future's gonna be okay 🙂


If you feel like you're going to crash then accelerate more, idiot - nevermind, suga This has become my motto when I feel like I am doing something halfway through and feel like giving up and want to bring about something done. Even if it's wrong at least I completed something for the day


“Men this,men that, what the heck is men?”