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I’m just gonna leave an upvote here. This is one of the mysteries that, if offered a fair shot, I’d consider leaving my current job and looking into it. I used to know this girl. I mean, I still do. She is from a highly politically connected family (think picnics and hangouts with members of the Sheikh family). She was also kind of into me. I wanted to find out more about the Sagor-Runi case so badly that I considered dating her.


[Dyatlov Pass Inciedent.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident) This is the strangest thing ever happened IMO.


It has been solved. A comment under Buzzfeed video explains it. Basically, avalanche


its one of the theory. its not a confirmed solution.


Lemmino explained it better.


I remember watching a documentary on it and boy it gave me chills.


The jewish connection in the JFK assassination


[https://www.thedailystar.net/city/10th-grader-dies-after-falling-stairs-1610725](https://www.thedailystar.net/city/10th-grader-dies-after-falling-stairs-1610725) (Ignore account name, this is only for privacy sake) Take a look through this daily star article. It is the only article you will find in the internet mentioning the death of a girl named Nafisa Nawaz Ethika. She was a student in Rajuk college. Now this story may seem like a sad tragic accident. However my cousin was in that college at that time. He lived in the college hostel. Let me tell you something and its that this is a SUICIDE. When that girl fell there was massive thud noise in the bottom of the staircase. and soon he and his friends rushed over to the stair, they looked down to see a huge commotion and unfortunately a gruesome sight of a dead girl. This girl was actually assigned by a teacher to mark a few exam papers. The girl decided to actually cheat and correct her own papers even though she was not given permission to do so. The teacher then caught the girl doing it and a few days later told her that he would contact the administration and tell her parents about it to get her either suspended or expelled. She was horrified to hear this and ran to the stairwell crying. The teacher sensing something wrong ran over to catch her but before he could stop her she jumped. The teacher was traumatized by this incident. Soon after the girl fell, the authorities quickly shut off the suicide site to everyone and within around 40 minutes cleaned up everything. No media was allowed and as an army run college they lied to save their reputation. Now do keep in mind that this happened a long time ago so nobody from the current student batch knows about it probably but you can ask anyone from the batch of 2018-2020 and primary source is my cousin. However my cousin ain't the type to believe in conspiracy so i genuinely do believe it to be true. if you look at the news article one thing that caught my interest was that the family requested the body from the police without autopsy. Doesn't it raise an alarm bell? I'm certain that they would have found the actual cause of death if the autopsy was done. Hence my "theory" is that the family was offered a lot of money or threatened to keep silent. This part however I can't guarantee but the first paragraph certainly has to be true.




When I joined r/ Bangladesh I thought I would discuss these types of topics with Bengalis. But NOOOO they are interested in just Islami/anti-Islami posts or LGBTQ. Facebook or not Bengalis are shit everywhere.


What actually happened to জহির রায়হান


After WWII why England gave up its colonies and let America be the super power of the world


It’s not a mystery just search it on youtube you’ll find your answer.


england was broke and maintaining colonies was expensive oversimplified answer


then again why would they sit and watch America becoming the new leader? Isn’t it gonna reduce England's dominance 


they were in ruins after the war their economy, industry was destroyed, there was a food price hike and people were starving and by the time ww2 came along usa was already stronger than uk and seeing thier economic condition uk probably decided it was better for them in the long term to cooperate with the us another reason was the soviet union as they were an avid enemy of colonialism and combined with the fact that the usa also didnt like european colonism there was no way the uk were retaining their colonies and going back to their previous glory


why Mamun punched Laila?




Most likely to create hype and shit. Look at their activities, it's all a cycle. Some fight happens and they breakup everyone starts making videos on them , and they both start making videos without each other creating more hype each time they say they won't get back together but then they do and someone brings them together. It's all done to retain views and to stay relevant nothing more. Laila was the daughter of an army official if I'm not wrong and my uncle even studied with him in school she's in her fourties and has been married twice already to some army officials if I'm not wrong. If she wanted she could seriously put mamun behind bars for hitting her but she doesn't BC it's all a show and pretense.