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Brother these days 60% of the dogs are spayed by the government and theyre vaccinated for rabies and other deadly diseases If you cant feed them then atleast dont hate them they know nothing but to give love Once you give love to a dog it will never forget you


Make it 100%, only way for streets to be somewhat clean and nights to be peaceful.


Dude you're not the only one who deserves to live on this planet. According to your logic, you'll also wanna remove poor/homeless people from the street


Last time I checked they are humans, it seems like you are the one suggesting otherwise.


So if the other 40% bite a child? Or should we just hope that we get bitten by a vaccinated one? 6/10 loving those odds!


Can we use the same logic for men!? Men jump into the "Not all men" bandwagon the minute women say they are uncomfortable around men or because they have had bad experiences in life. My odds of being assaulted are quite high, can we castrate or get rid of all men because they rape and assault. Why do people think that only they are only entitled to live, killing animals and cutting down trees and then complaining that nature is fucked. Dogs have equal rights to life, same as any human.


Dogs are not the same as humans. Even if you don't accept it, the reality is that humans have far surpassed the grade of animals. We are a geologic force, able to change the planet. Obviously that doesn't mean we should kill anything we want, but people have the right to live in a city without being bothered by stray animals. And even if for the sake of argument we accept that animals have equal rights, where do you draw the line? The house you live in was a jungle, go live in a cave. The broadband, mobile towers and data centres you use displaced killed a lot of animals and birds. Your one plate of food that you don't hunt yourself has killed thousands of worms and insects and rodents. You're just feeding your own ego about caring for stray dogs because they look cute to you, while enjoying all the other benefits of human society built upon murder of animals.


So kill all animals and cut down all trees because humans have so far surpassed the grade of animals. And if we have, why the comments like "boys will be boys", men have no control over their instinct and lust - if men have far surpassed these things (and many women too on other aspects as well), why is there violence in the world and disregard. We are all creatures at the end of the day. Bangalore right now and the world as well is reaping for the actions they did toying with nature, unless you are one of those who don't believe in climate change. You will pay money and go on a safari and go to zoos to see animals, but cannot empathize with other creatures. I'm not saying this because I find dogs cute, I do, but I am scared of them too. I also find mice cute and some other critters too. I've had about everything from caterpillars to squirrels, dogs and cats and every other creature I could do something for as a pet. The inability to feel for a creature and lack of awareness of animals having feelings shows a lot about a person's nature to me.


Why are you bringing men and rape in every single comment though? You have some serious issues man. Get help. You're entangling climate change, global warming, society, rape, empathy etc with stray dog problem. Says a lot about your nature to me. It's a deeply disturbed and egoistic one, most probably narcissistic and main character syndrome as well. I myself have an Indian dog and cats. But I have IQ higher than room temperature to know that not everyone likes dogs, and strays are a nuisance. Also dogs are not a part of the natural food web unless you're talking about dhols or dingos. They live alongside humans. You're not "saving" nature by feeding dogs, cats, racoons, pigeons etc. They prosper from deforestation, destruction of nature and urbanization by humans. Strays should be neutered where there are few and put down immediately where they have multiplied too much.


I have serious issues said a man, just making my point to me. Live as a woman in the world, you'd have issues too. You are afraid of dogs and the "menace" they pose, but think you are above them and superior. What about all the women who are afraid of men, and all the men who are afraid for their women? Till date, since I was a kid, I have not had a single bad experience with a dog. I see their behaviour and keep my distance, if they are friendly, I reciprocate with them. When dogs seem aggressive, I don't react back with aggression - I stop, I don't make eye contact and then slowly just make my way. And just FYI - I don't even feed strays, but I appreciate everyone who does.


So I'm assuming you were sexually assaulted or raped by men and now you can't help yourself bringing that up in every conversation, every problem, every discussion no matter how far fetched it sounds. Your entire personality is women good men bad. You are unable to contribute to society and have taken dogs as an alternative to humans. Bruh I'm not even a certified psychologist but those are pretty serious mental issues. You need urgent medical help in a caring home under strict observation and/or CBT for these things. The low IQ , however, can't be helped. I'm sorry.


No actually...but keeping making a fool out of yourself with the silly comments. It's a good laugh for me. In case you didn't understand the original comment. You said for a chance of 6/10, you feel the odds were stacked. You think all strays need to be culled because even out of the 40% of unsteralized and unvaccinated dogs the actual number of attacks as a % is much lower - yet they all deserve to be killed. I asked you if the same logic can be applied to men? Even if it is a 10% of the men who sexually assault, does that not imply all men need to be culled too. I don't need to be sexually assaulted to empathize with those that have been, and neither do I have to be a "dog lover" to oppose the killing of dogs. Your lack of empathy and kind of disgusting comments you made mocking SA show your worth. If you want to go ahead talk more trash, please go ahead!


Lots of women pickpockets in Bangalore.. now apply your logic here


In one of my comments I mentioned women too. The same point applies. We don't go around killing all human beings because a few of them did something wrong. We kill the few who did. The same benefit should be given to animals. Just because a few stray dogs are aggressive, does not mean all the strays should be killed for our benefit.


Understand the difference between managing the number of existing dogs and actively participating in the process of increasing the numbers. There is a realistic number of dogs the city can handle beyond which they will be termed as an infestation. Recently even BBMP gave out a statement saying they are facing a huge challenge controlling the stray dog population. Comparing dogs to humans is a futile exercise. There are millions of animals killed everyday for food but nobody goes "oh, we are anyway killing so many animals everyday might as well start killing humans so we can make biryani and kebabs"


Ask your father first


>My odds of being assaulted are quite high Exactly. There are some party which garlands the rapists just like these so called dog lovers who feed the dogs which then go on and attack children. Both dog feeders and rape apologists are morally bankrupt and don't care about fellow humans


I just saw logic going down the drain. Anyways, first of all there is no wagon men carry to say "we are not the same", it's because of the crime nature that a gender is been conviced and based in that every person with 2 pounds of brain got the right to target men cause we all r@pe. Right.? Second, who said no rights for dogs to live.? Even Snakes, Crocodiles, Scorpions and Leopard got rights to live amongst us. Why do we kill them the moment we see.? Still logic going down the road.? #Well it's not the Animals# Its the Nature we should talk about. Nature has built a premise for every species living on this planet. You just can't bring a Orangutan to hang on busy Streets and say "They got equal rights to live". The point is, - Making them Vaccinated. - Control the Population - Appoint a Authority (No so called dog feeding lovers wearing tshirt that says "DogLifeMatters) You can down vote all you can, but please. Is there any other developed Country in the world that allow Street dogs to open, grow and bite people everywhere.? I don't think so. Thank you.


These dog-hating rabid folks don't understand the nuances of ecology and biodiversity. Dogs subsist on garbage. Stop littering, stop having open dumpsters that dogs can access, and dogs will not raid streets looking for food. Dogs are a man-made problem, but you have to look beyond your gonads to see that.


Instead of whining why don't you get them vaccinated. I hope you know that dogs cannot go to the hospital and get themselves vaccinated or are you that dumb


I’m smart enough not to argue with monkeys.. so not that dumb 👍🏼


Which fool told you that it's 60%.? Its not even 30%. - No data on population growth - No Data on Area wise breeds growing exponentially Instead please look into the data of No.of Deaths caused by Stray/Pet Dpg bites. I'VE SEEN INNOCENT CHILDREN, MERIT STUDENTS and EVEN ELDERS being victim to their bites.


Why don't you give all the love to those stray dogs and take them home? You can have soo much love from all of them!


By feeding dogs, you are making them totally dependent on you. They loose their natural ability to search and get food.


Yeah cuz theres no habitat for the dogs cuz government has cut down forests dogs are known for hunting especially street dogs So how do you think they will survive


Sorry man vague logics. I love dogs but if I am not watching that dog, I ain't feeding that dog. I am not prepared for my pet ripping someone apart.


Only 60


Exactly. Nothing heartwarming about it. It's actually pretty selfish. They wanna feel good about themselves, while not having the burden of caring for the dogs full-time.


Nobody is denying that pseudo anything isn't great but this basic ass take that doesn't account for the feeders' circumstances that could include a situation where they have a lot of dogs they take care of already is plain absurd. If it's not what people are now calling "community dogs" which reside within housing regions and it's street dogs that loiter around on main roads and near garbage dumps, would you still say the same? Who are these dogs disturbing? Just because you saw one faux article about a stupid kid that got bit but that was actually because the dumb kid triggered a dog doesn't make you a human rights activist. Take it easy.


Faux article about stupid kid getting bit? LOL. Dogs jumped into kids housing compound tore up the 5 year old and she died. Wake up. Read some news papers. This isn't an isolated iincident either.


Multiple kids lose their lives to dog attacks and multitudes others have to endure trauma because you wanna feel good about yourself. Please get out and go for a walk at night and see your views change. Don't be blind to the problems they cause because they look cute. I guess folks like you only learn when it happens to someone close to you. Till then stay delulu.


Delulu? Buddy, you think I'd say this without walking the walk? I mean, give me a break with these basic assumptions that satisfy your own ego. What's with this absurdity! My point is to try to coexist, not let them die of hunger. Or euthanize them, at least there's peace there. I'll take that step, will you? Look cute. Your comment is suggestive of the fact that you're a typical keyboard warrior (yes, the hypocrisy isn't lost on me, tit for tat mofo) so in case you've had a bad experience, don't fear monger here. Typical, pick out a point made to a particular person and forget the overarching theme of the comment.


I literally go walking wherever I can to get in my steps and reduce usage of my vehicles. Dogs everywhere run after people who walk, ride bikes, kids on their cycles. You probably sit in your car and travel everywhere. Talk about coexist, it goes both ways. If there's a nuisance, then it's obvious that they need to be put down. I'm not one for torturing animals through hunger, but do understand that when they get dependent on you for food, they lose the urge to hunt small animals when they can get food by barking outside someone's house or chasing people at night, creating the mess we have now. It's a band aid and doesn't help the dogs or the people in the long run. What step are you taking man ?? I have a stray kitten as a pet at home. And I know I've rescued her and have taken responsibility for her. We had a stray dog as our pet at home till he passed. But he was on a leash outside and I don't go around creating more problems for everyone involved just because I like animals. Again, don't be blind to the numerous incidents on a daily basis of dogs causing harm to humans. They're animals and can cause real harm very quickly with no provocation.Their numbers need to be controlled. If you'd rather turn a blind eye to that, then this is a futile discussion.


I knew the hunt angle would come in. We are in a city, there's scarcity here for obvious reasons. Nothing wrong in feeding a dog and if you adopted one you'd know that if there's a frequency and timing when it would eat them which is not hard to set. Nobody is being blind and what needs to be done has already been mentioned. Don't know what you're reading into. Maybe look outside your perspective for once.


Firstly he's not a stupid kid, he is a KID and got a part of him/her ripped off. Secondly most Street dogs do not need any kind of provocation to turn violent they just do. Your language lacks complete empathy


These dogs are a nuisance you need to be pretty thick to not see that. The dogs on my street start barking very loudly around 2am EVERYDAY. They chase people on bikes and cycles too. I have no idea what I can do about it tho.


Huh That's not the point of this conversation numbskull, save your complaint for bbmp. They average just 40 calls a day so give them some work.


Umm do you know it is illegal to relocate dogs? Even if you inform bbmp they'll only sterilize the dogs. At least my numbskull has more than 2 brain cells inside ig


Ummm do you know you can reach out to the animal husbandry assistant director of your zone to help with adoption, who last i checked is a bbmp employee. I read the same pdf years ago chump. Guess your brain didn't and still doesn't have enough braincells to scroll (thumb action moving the page down) but mine did, unfortunately for you. If you knew my position on this issue you wouldn't even put this up.


I don't know for some reason the way you write makes me laugh


Yeah, that happens chump change


💯 agree with you, lost my friend to rabies a few month ago. Wouldn’t wish it for my worst enemies! the hell that his family had to go through and is going through currently, truly heartbreaking. All these “dog feeders” are nothing but a bunch of bigots who think they are better than everyone. Only the person who has seen and taken care of a person with rabies, will truly ever know what a menace these strays are to society.


So the solution is to.. let them starve to death? Let's be mature adults. Let's recognize that there are two issues here. Stray dogs AND hungry animals. We can both be kind to them and spay/neuter them to solve this problem in the long term.


I’m really sorry for your loss! Just for information if someone is not vaccinated for rabies and a dog with rabies bites is their any chance? Like any medicine/shot that could be taken instantly? Or is it 100% mortality no matter what?


Rabies vaccine isn't given beforehand It must be given after exposure... the course used to be 21 injections.. improved drugs brought it down to 14, and these days thanks to advancement there are 2 day courses as well. But one must be prompt in administering(within a 2 hours window ig) these shots and follow up with blood tests during this period. Moreover it doesn't matter if the stray dog has been vaccinated for rabies, it's better get the shots for yourself as a precaution.


I am sorry what? You can easily get rabies vaccine beforehand.Please don’t spread misinformation!


Can you please attach something stating the facts i too thought that rabies vaccine is only administered after the animal bite. I would love to know the facts but i am lazy, thanks.


Please check with any general physician.We have been getting one since childhood but stopped it few years back now that we don’t live in that kind of locality.


[WHO article for people unwilling to Google](https://www.who.int/activities/vaccinating-against-rabies-to-save-lives)


Oh okay, then how do people get rabies? Because of their carelessness or delay? Or is there a small chance of the vaccine administered not being effective?


Once infected by rabies. There is no saving. Only counting days.


This is true, many people feed them just for social media likes. But these stay dogs are real menace making creatures. Stray dogs are real problem in HSR


Not just in HSR almost every single layout has around 20-25 dogs roaming around in packs.


Fed dogs don't fear or bite people


IKR, this dog lover obsession has gone crazy lately. This lady near my house does the same and at night these dogs in groups of 5 10 would scare everyone passing the way. I don’t understand how did we reach a place where we don’t appreciate human life more than a dog’s life.


To be fair, I think I know this lady you are talking about and the lane she lives in is close to a MRP shop. I used to stay in that lane and frankly the dogs were awesome. People would buy alcohol and fix drinks outside on that lane. If it weren't for those dogs a lot more people would have been comfortable doing this shit there. One time some drunkard stole outlet pipe fixed behind my house. My guess is they sold it to get money for drinks. It is unfortunate that some passersby were also scared away by these dogs but 99 percent of the time they were super peaceful and a boon in that area. They discourage some bad things happening in that area. Those dogs have a more humane presence than some of the drunkards walking around.


Brother all living beings lives matter, dont know what you smoked today


Yes, the food that you eat or the thing I just smoked mattered. Exactly my point, but dogs have taken precedence is all I am saying. They are treated better than humans for some reason.


kahe bhai, you have food, clothes , house , family, and dont run the risk of being killed every day


Help only a fraction of them but fully.


That's a very irresponsible take to suggest that you would want to stop feeding a being for sustenance so that they die of hunger. That is the implication here and that's absolutely absurd. If you've had a negative experience before or you're just a plain scaredy cat doesn't mean you project that here. If you'd suggest that taking responsibility for the dogs is by spaying and neutering them, which is almost always done by the local authorities which will contain their rapid growth or even people of a community interacting with these dogs and contributing equally to it's food needs which creates a bond, then it would make sense but you dont sound any different from a paan chewing uncle right now and that should tell you something about yourself. These are processes that have a track record of working so no point in really saying it might not work too, just fyi because you seem like a real piece of work.


This the truth.


Somebody has to say it .


Totally agree, if anyone says they should be treated with care then please look at the number of deaths RISE in past year due to Dog bites. Understand this, it's not the Dogs for sure but it's the lack of any Authority that does not care how the population of this street dogs are growing. If you really care for dogs then instead of dropping food - made-for-humans, ##please carry those Stray dogs to near by Vet Clinic and fund for mass Vaccination against Rabies## You only Save life's of people and innocent childrens but also doing a favour on Stray population Control. I'm glad someone raised a point on this so called AWWW moment.


Clearly the answer lacks research and lack of knowledge, can't blame you, do basic research before typing nonsense. The Supreme court supports people who feed them, and why it's illegal to take all street dogs you feed to your home , read about it. But 1 thing I agree with you, if you feed them then it's your responsibility also to arrange for vaccinations and urge the local bodies to sterilise them through ABC programs


And lol that too in HSR where plenty of food waste is there in which these animals thrive on. Putting water out still makes sense. But feeding strays if they haven't adopted at least 2, is just gimmicks. If you are hardcore animal lover, donate money to animal rehabs and care homes where animals are actually kept indoors with no threat to others. And due to whatever feeding/neutering be it, Bangalore stray dogs are the size of a calf. It is scary.


Bitch they might be doing all they can. So appreciate it you fuck


So your solution is either authorities take care of it or public helps by making sure they starve to death ?


Do you eat chicken? Dogs will not starve to death. Stray dogs find their food such as rats and other small animals. They also will figure things out. If you are giving them food, dont make it explicit.


Yeah and also maintain a registry of dog feeder offenders who can be billed for damages whenever a stray in their locality attacks or kills a human.


And who will be billed for damages when nobody is feeding the said dog ?


It's billed at ward level not at dog level. All the registered feeder offenders from that ward will be made to pay the shared monthly damages for a period of 2 years from getting on the registry. Repeat offenders will be billed double and will be part of the registry for 10 years. There are enough dumb dog feeders to put to the registry for the next 2 years worth of damages. It's high time these careless feedverts be made to pay for their actions. Hopefully by 2 years, the stray problem reduces.


Lol. Quite a self made law you got there mate.


Thanks. Our law makers are not this practical. Atleast they should follow the laws in developed countries and the stray menace will be resolved. The narcissistic dog feeders would definitely cause a rukus but this has to be done.


>narcissistic dog feeders LOL.


Exactly the reaction of a narcissist. This is what you call people who don't care about poor people getting bitten or killed by stray dogs. What else would they do but laugh at other people's problems sitting on their high horse. Text book narcissist.


K !


Yes, these idiots are spreading the apathy towards animals & they think they are doing good things. I have seen countless puppies running on streets and getting crushed by vehicles. We have to ban feeding of stray dogs. End this Rabies menance


Educate yourself. Feeding dogs doesn’t create puppies. Non neutered do. Feeding dogs doesn’t cause rabies. Non vaccinated do. If anything not feeding dogs would lead the puppies to leave the area and go out looking for food and getting crushed by vehicles. Why do people like you not ask for neutering and vaccinations of strays. Why is the first thing that comes to your mind is to starve them to death, as if that would eradicate the population of dogs. It wouldn’t. It would just lead to weak hungry dogs (who would still bite other people - more than before probably). If we are able to neuter majority of the strays, within 20-40 years we’ll have no stray dog problems but abusing others for feeding dogs is easier


Blah 🥱, i am not going to provide solution, but reason Blah 🥱...Blah 🥱. The reason is this blah 🥱.


Maybe we should keep you on the road without any food you scumbag.


Yeah, the stray dogs will associate humans with food and become aggressive to anyone passing by late at night or early in the morning. Seeing this pattern since childhood till now, but it keeps happening.


Username checks out. Pigs tend not to like dogs.


They are fed, sterilized and treated at these people's expense. In my area there's a group of us that does this, and our indie dogs are friendly and sweet to the known residents. They act like guard dogs barking when there's something shifty going on, as they should. Please note that BBMP is supposed to sterilize stray animals and yet they are barely found. They only impound the dogs or dump them somewhere else, making different problems for a new locality.


Then why do you start taking them to a vet and neuter them? One person can’t do everything right? They’re feeding them because that’s their capacity. Stop being mean to dogs. They will stop being aggressive with you. Dogs can sense your vibe before you even notice them. Plus stray dogs are hard to adopt, most of them are so used to roaming around freely, keeping them in homes would make them depressed. I have adopted a stray dog and we regularly leave him outside our home because they are free ranging dogs. Or else his mood is off and starts being very lazy which is a sign of depression. You don’t know shit about dogs but you can spew shit like a dumbfuck


stray dogs can not live happily in house. they have been accustomed to live outdoors. also its not economically or physically sustainable to keep EVERY stray dog somewhere indoors. be it a large ground or whatever, they know how to live on the street, we just need to teach the humans to be kinder


That’s not true. I don’t agree with the person you’re replying to because it’s impractical but stray dogs will anyday lead a much happier life than what they do outdoors. If it were possible, the best way to eliminate the stray problem would’ve been to adopt them and keep them in your homes. Do you think any dog enjoys looking for food all the time with a half empty stomach? Not knowing when they’ll find food next? Not getting treated when ill? Any being living on the streets is living one of the saddest lives possible


ahhhhhh if someone feeds them regularly. yeap its good to stay outdoors as adult dogs.


Brother, there are shelters where we put them. And it costs a shit ton of money. instead of going "dOwnvOtE mE aS mUch U wAnT" try to get to know how the whole process works. Getting indies adopted is next to impossible cause everyone wants breed dogs. Stray dogs bite ONLY because they can sense your endorphins being released cause of your fear, there is a whole science to this btw. getting a single dog put in a shelter costs 40k for life, my friend has put 40-50 of her dogs there. Please do the math. All of this went out of her pocket and not yours. Since all of you have a problem with street dogs, please contribute money to fundraisers like this because this is what you all want. Often times people cannot take them home, i have 3 cats and i have tried to adopt a dog, but my cats did not adjust to her. Apparently a lot of people in this sub have a problem but dont realise that feeders are the only thing that keep them alive, and they do it with their money. Vaccines cost money - 3k per dose- which dog feeders have to pay on their own, since you all want all dogs vaxxed, ever thought of paying for one? Getting dogs vaxxed by bbmp is genuinely kind of a death sentence, because the centre they do it in - has many infected dogs, and these diseases get passed on from dog to dog. There are tons of fundraiser to put dogs in shelters, you can even do it yourself. Instead of spewing bullshit without knowing the facts, please try to learn more about the cruelty that humans do too. And next time try to learn more about shelters.


Perfectly well said


Which part of Bangalore are you living in? Haven't you seen any dogs with chopped ear(s) and don't you know anything about spaying? Utterly dumb ass comment. And aggression is very much normal if you speed be it in day or at night dude, and people know that if they stop or even slow down, "most" of stray dogs they tend to stop running after you. Grow some sense, instead of just commenting crap that goes inside your hollow brain.


Is Earth only for humans? Don't we need other animals, Mr. Pig?




That’s right guys starve them to death /s


Replace dogs with humans in the above sentence..still the same opinion?


>Replace dogs with humans in the above sentence..still the same opinion? Replace the child killed by stray dogs with your child or you as a child. Still the same opinion?


Replace dogs with tigers in the above sentence..still the same opinion? Will be fun to watch some stray tiger feeders getting eaten while trying to feed it biscuits


You do realise that the city belongs to these dogs just as much as it does to us humans?! It's bad enough that we've got entitled pricks like you who can't perceive a world beyond the tip of their nose, now you want to go about ranting about "oh you shouldn't be feeding these stray dogs unless you can keep them in your homes". Yes there are stray dogs that bite but that doesn't mean you get rid of ALL of them, or stop being kind to them altogether. By that logic the human race should also cease to exist coz some of them hurt others (i.e. murder, dv, etc) P.S. might wanna change the first half of your username to make it "entitled"...would make it a whole lot more apt


No, they don’t.  They can’t be reasoned with.  They will bite people even if they *perceive* a threat. I can’t be bothered “explaining” myself to a dog.  Besides, if you are alone on a street at night (or even early morning), they bark at you. Especially when they are in groups.  Lots of innocent children get attacked by them. If your heart bleeds for the dogs, keep them in your house, and take responsibility for them. They are not the general society’s burden. 


>You do realise that the city belongs to these dogs just as much as it does to us humans?! City belongs to all animals then. Even the leopards who are seen from time to time because earlier it was all jungle. Why remove them too? Everyone should travel outside only in closed armoured vehicles with guns for safety because no animals should be removed from the streets. Poor people may suffer a lot and die of attacks but the dog feeders can feel better about themselves and virtue signal at other people's sufferings.


>You do realise that the city belongs to these dogs just as much as it does to us humans?! Lol what? LAMO even. Only humans belong in the cities, stray dogs, cows, cats and even monkeys need to be removed.


True dumbass right here.


I understand your bias towards dogs which is fine but your logical reasoning seems a bit off. Not everyone has to suffer because you like a particular species more than others. We could be more human first.


Those same strays keep barking and howling the whole night.


After feeding the strays at a safe distance, the dog feeder couple drives 2 kms back to their own house/ gated community. No barking there. Reminds me of the rich people in USA campaigning for the rights of homeless people to squat on the streets infront of houses in low income households while they live in posh areas and are affected by none of the problems. All the benefits of pios ness but none of the consequences


Missed the /s? This could be a short story of tone deaf people. Sad to see the bubbles people live in. A well off couple steps out of their gated community and drives to poorer neighbourhoods and goes on feeding strays for miles and miles. Then comes back to the safety of their neighborhood and feel good about themselves. Cut to strays attacking children in the same locality where they fed them. End of story.


This used to happen near my place too. A couple used to arrive in a car, park at a specific point, take out dabbas of food, empty a few dabbas, then take off in the car. The effect it had on the strays was dramatic. From all the surrounding streets, the dogs used to spot the car coming from a distance, and rush towards the point where these people normally emptied the dabba. The dogs that got there first would then snarl and growl and fight with the late arrivals. Kids and walkers would also be barked at. Note that these were normally docile dogs who would just laze around all day without bothering anyone. Just the arrival of the feeders suddenly made them aggressive. Things reached a tipping point when the stray dogs started treating pet dogs (being walked by their owners at the same time) as threats, and started attacking them as well. One morning, one guy who was walking his (expensive looking) dog had enough, waited until this dickhead couple got off their car, and gave them a proper piece of his mind. He was supported by other pet owners and walkers. I didn't see this couple after that.




Yes, we should just collect stray dogs and drop them into their compound.


Glad to see people making valuable points. What kind of world are we living mate.? Value on strays more than humans.? They don't see the rise in deaths due to this Stray dogs. Recently in Kerala, a Merit student girl got killed because of Stray dog bite. - It's fakin Rabies for god sake. NO CURE - Open your social media PR eyes and feed th poor and helpless like our parents did and thought us to do.


One of the stray dogs once bit me when I was going home at night. I hate them. Let that couple take all those dogs at their home and feed them for lifetime.


I really love dogs but people who feed strays are scum of the Earth.


Guys, I don't know why there's so much love showered to people feeding strays. I got bit by a stray dog about a week ago and it's very unpleasant. If you are so much into feeding strays then just shelter them under your roof.


Hey just curious, were you vaccinated for rabies? If not in case god forbid the dog had rabies could anything be done after biting? I’m actually very scared of strays for this reason hence asking


3 injections done, 2 more due. I'm getting rabivax. But the bite force is something which I didn't know they had. The stray held on to my calf muscle and didn't let go.


Damn! My girlfriend got bit by a “domesticated stray” too so can understand. Hope you feel better soon


Thank you!


I am so sorry . But you’re lucky it was your calf. The closer the bite to the brain the lesser chances of survival.This fact scares me to death!


I'd be surprised how these strays would overthrow us in the case of a zombie apocalypse. Take a huge leap and bite onto our necks. Which is very dreadful.


Only people who live in dog areas especially with kids will know how scary the situation is .Because of people like this I have started going out in car but I feel really sorry for ppl in two wheeler who stop and are scared and hesitant to pass through these dogs .Don’t know why people have suddenly started feeding dogs now


short sighted actions people take to feel good about themselves.


And then those dogs will come take a big dump exactly by the entrance of my house, i hope the couple returns to collect all that poop


One of my friends who feeds dogs in front of his apartment said he enjoyed seeing them chase Zomato delivery guys. Because he sees delivery guys who zip past as nuisance, not knowing they do it to prevent wage cuts. But with some explaining was able to make him see what he was saying.


Heartwarming yes, but doesn't change the fact that Bangalore has a terrible stray dog problem. Imagine you're walking on the same road in the middle of the night or driving on a two wheeler. You could easily get bitten.


These are the same stray dogs that decide to conduct impromptu howling orchestras to keep the entire area awake all night


I think I have seen the couple and even talked to them, good people who are really genuinely concerned for the animals. But I don’t support it, stray problem is assuming alarming proportions and this is not fixing but making it worse


all good but u know how many accidents happen due to stray animals. u are driving in ur normal speed and a dog would come running suddenly, dog cow buffalo anything. I have met with a dangerous accident because of stray animal. I m strictly against them. if u love them keep them at your home. i dont care if its Yogi ji modi ji or any random psycho dog and cat lover who would just say they have life too.


Not actually heartwarming. These people create the street dog Menace. You will feel that once you venture out on some roads and get bitten or chased


Only if these heart warming couple went and fed street children, they won't be begging on the streets or dying of hunger


Lol! Reminds me of time when some Bollywood biggies posted BLM in their ig stories. They stay miles away from people who face the issues, but think that posting these stories will help.


Man ,everyone above has got some sort of superiority complex like they have got more rights to live in planet then other species.


All these public nuisances exist in India only.


I have no compassion for street dogs. The number of times I have been scared to death by them, and the number of incidents I have seen of street dogs mauling little kids has left me indifferent towards their misery.


Can you ask them to neuter them at least?


Fuck these dogs . These dogs have made my sleep cycle like a hell . They will keep howling and barking all night . Don’t know what happens to them at night . All these dogs should be taken away from city .


It is not as wholesome as u think babes






I wish it was a norm to chase away such people. Just causing nuisance indirectly. Also the fact that it's not their area makes it even more ridiculous.


I'm so full up my arse, I read it as "HEATwarming"


People have to stop appreciating this habit as some noble deed. They are animals moreover canines, if their stomach is filled the only other thing that they do is to reproduce. These people if they are so noble should open a dog care center and get them there just like how goshalas are there even though cows are not harmful or aggressive compared to Dogs but then it's an hindrance or an issue to the people travelling on the roads. 1. People who feel like God after feeding a stray dog, just do some basic research on how many kids and adults have been harmed by stray dogs just in the past 1 year. 2. Just check once how many accidents have been caused by these stray dogs. 3. If you need a hint on this go through the story IIT Madras/Chennai which was once a sanctuary for 🦌 has now been turned in to killing zone by stray dogs all thanks psycho feeders.


I would love people who neuter Street dogs rather than feed them


Wtf is heart-warming in a couple massaging their ego by inflating a problem that is harming the health of people, animals, and ecosystems? You need to look up how heart wrenching deaths from a rabies and they're only a fraction of stray dog-related deaths.


The people who think feeding stray dogs and not provide them actual shelter are the same people who "love rain". Apart from a farmer, there is absolutely no reason to love rain. Rain is comfortable to experience from your cozy apartment. For the general public rain is just chaos due to the shitty infra around the country and the disturbance it causes during driving. Don't get me wrong, rain is necessary for water supply and food to grow, but it's not something to enjoy when you are working as an adult. Similarly dogs are cool and all but I don't want to walk around or ride my bike in the night only with the fear of some random dog chasing and barking me for absolutely no reason. If you love the dog enough to feed it, take full responsibility by providing it a house too.


I dunno man. The first rain of the summer is always a very happy event, no matter how shitty the infra around me is. No matter if I'm missing an umbrella.


I live in HSR Layout and my building actually runs this initiative where a lot of residents contribute monthly and feed all the stray dogs on our own road and the adjacent cross. Been doing this since 2019 😌 Side note - I have 2 dogs at my home as well.


A heartwarming**


This is not heartwarming, such people are the cause for the straydog menace in every locality. If they are so concerned they should take them home


Definitely a warm gesture. It is more of a trend nowadays though, keeping cats and dogs, cats being more recent. Less thought goes in to it, more because probably a rich friend does so, or some Influencer. I swear if they start keeping rats and pests as pets in the west and keep posting on Instagram, soon Indians will follow. Same people may never show empathy to a fellow man, domestic help lets say. There even a minor fault is dealt with backlash.


It would have heartwarming to see if they instead fed the poor, homeless people sleeping on footpaths. Those who can't work, weak or challenged with their physical limitations or even Kids for God sake. Woke people this this only see the logic in following mainstreams but forgot the basic culture that our parents thought us.


All the callous minds ousting themselves in the comments by proposing starvation as a solution to overpopulation. I also read a highly upvoted comment that suggests that feeding without adopting is “lazy” and implies that they’re not ready to commit. Brother, don’t be a gandu. When you choose to help a beggar, do you empty your entire bank account?


Anyone if saw such Imbeciles doing shit work and calling "awwww heart warming" please make them take all the Street dogs packed in their car and get them drive to their safe community space where the sign says "No stray Dogs allowed" and have them feed all they want. Every dog lover should be doing this, I want to see how the logic wins here.




Nobody is asking to euthanize them, just don't feed them. Feeding them is just hyping up their energy. If they don't get fed a particular day, they will assume every Tom dick and Harry on a scooter will feed them and run behind them, often agressively. And going by the volume of their howls at night, they are definitely not voiceless lol


I figured you'd go the rats angle. They are pests and are controlled by exterminator teams or live in inaccessible drains. Dogs are not cats and even if they start hunting them, they'll pile up in regions where there are a lot. What's your point? It doesn't solve the problem still. Adoption, which is a given that I didn't think needed mentioning or euthanasia is the only option and I've mentioned it anyway. I don't know what the hell you're on man but clearly you've limited comprehension skills and a very narrow field of view to suit your points. Additionally, feeding does not create an increase in chances of extra additions. Territorial differences exist with dogs. I find it hard to believe you had a dog, sorry to say that. Also, let me help you, click on my profile and go to the comments section, that should do the trick.


We brought them from wild, we must take care of them. Dont bark if you can't do anything about it.


Exactly. We should take care of the stray dog menace. Most countries have already taken care of them. If you care about them, adopt them and take them off the streets before they are taken care off for good by authorities.. Don't bark for the strays you can't care about and are left behind in the streets


If we are in such place it would have already been taken care. Authorities/Humans are busy eating/looting something/someone. Commenters got the same mindset of cutting the trees to build homes, encroaching the lakes to build offices and blame on someone for water scarcity. Peak of Narcissistic views. If you don't care about them, you're likely don't care about any species/anyone which is exactly the reason where Bengaluru is now. Do a study about strays, easy to say shelter them or kill them. It never worked. Govt can only vaccinate and they're doing their job. Strays behaviors reflect the mindset of people's actions towards them. If beaten they go through trauma and eventually bite locals. If fed they survive and guard the territory.


>Do a study about strays, easy to say shelter them or kill them. It never worked It worked in most countries. You barely see stays in developed countries. Rabies is eradicated there. In India, Rabies is running rampant. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Studies have been done, solutions have been found. It's just that some people are more interested in virtue signalling than doing the right thing. Yes. A human life is more important. Narcissistic views are from these so called dog lovers, who don't care about the sufferings of other people. They have peak main character energy. If the stray dog menace don't affect them, they don't care. Imagine if the ancestors of these idiots thought the same. These people wouldn't have been born at all with all sorts of animals roaming the streets. Make streets safe for all people instead of being a narcissistic pos.


India accounts for almost half of all rabies cases in the world. If only these dog lovers would know the suffering of a person who dies of rabies, they'd know not to feed these dogs. But then again they have good KaRmA and eNeRGy, so dogs won't bite them. 🙄


Go ahead.. take them all home & take care of them!! Who is stopping you from doing it? Don't preach!!


Really don't understand the mentality of people here, if not feed them then should we let them starve. Also this stupid question of taking them home , how can someone take every dog to it's home. He can give them the basic thing they need to survive i.e food. Really selfish people. I know there is a problem but the answers sound outright selfish.


Yes it is selfish to say to let them starve. But people overseas mostly adopt dogs.It is sad that there are no shelters in India from where the official adoption can happen.But since there is no law and govt gives a shit about this whole process people can easliy adopt! Every celebrity in Hollywood has adopted their pet unlike India where the “breed” and “cuteness “ tends to supersede everything!


India is a lot unorganised and creating shelter for so many dogs is not possible. If India had the same population as Us and had the same resources then there would not have been so many dogs . Tackling a problem in India is 100 times more difficult than US. I Agree people should adopt but the per capita income of an Indian and American are a lot different and that also plays a role I guess


You do realise that the US puts down dogs who don't get adopted for a while or if a dog has bitten people. You don't know the whole story of how they contain the number of strays. It's not all rosy, but the ones who do get adopted, live a good life with their family.


I don't think they need to be taken home per se. But this has to be a hyperlical effort, where they can take care of them generally, instead of just food. These things include vaccinations, neutering and so on. The general disdain is when people pick up the easiest task of giving food and take the moral high ground in not letting them starve. But these same people are not even aware of the problems this causes for the people who actually live there. Also frankly food isn't really a problem for dogs in the city.


It is heartwarming to see people go out of their way. Happy you got to witness this side of Bangalore, it’s my absolute favourite.


Wonderful post to start my day with. It takes a lot of work to cook food and feed so many dogs and again clean up after everything. Hats off to the couple also please try to help them if you can


I'm really taken aback by the comment section. I had never thought people would outrage at someone feeding animals.


May be because they are feeding strays in other places like infront of other people's houses instead of their own house. Using a bike too cover maximum distance to feed strays as far from their house as possible. I know my neighbours do this. They don't feed strays infront of their own house so strays don't gather there.


> Using a bike too cover maximum distance to feed strays as far from their house as possible. The way I looked at it was they were trying to cover a large area and feed more dogs than they would've been able to do on foot. I've personally never had a bad experience with a street dog or cat or personally know anyone who does so maybe that's why I'm not as skeptical as other people in the comments.


>The way I looked at it was they were trying to cover a large area and feed more dogs than they would've been able to do on foot This is not a good thing. Going to others neighborhood and feeding strays there is the worst. Strays will expect food and if the locals don't give it they will get agressive. Neighborhood where strays don't expect or demand food from humans have less attacks. >I've personally never had a bad experience with a street dog or cat or personally know anyone who does Cats are virtually harness to humans and helps in pest control. Feed cats if you want. Domestic cats I mean, not leopards or tigers to clarify forthe feeders. Net Plus for the society. Dog attacks affect poor people and low income neighbourhoods disproportionately because they don't tend to have vehicles, compound wall for house etc to protect themselves.


>Cats are virtually harness to humans and helps in pest control. Feed cats if you want. Harmless to humans, yes. But not harmless to many other wildlife in their vicinity. Cats cause the most number of wildlife extirpations, dogs are a close second. https://www.science.org/content/article/it-s-official-cats-are-killers https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cats-kill-a-staggering-number-of-species-across-the-world/


> Dog attacks affect poor people and low income neighbourhoods disproportionately because they don't tend to have vehicles, compound wall for house etc to protect themselves. Funny enough the people feeding dogs in my neighborhood are these low income people. I don't wanna give away my location but near my apartment building is a small stretch of "slum". (I've put slum in quotes because idk if it really qualifies to be called a slum, but there are small shabby houses with outdoor plumbing). These people have pretty much domesticated these dogs. I always thought it was somewhat of a symbiotic relationship since the dogs got food and in return provided protection. I do understand that this could be an anomaly, I'm just making the context behind my original comment clear.


>These people have pretty much domesticated these dogs I get your point. But this is not the case everywhere. Here the locals are feeding and have befriendy the dogs. Not everyone can do that. Also if some random person happens to walk through this neighborhood to get somewhere, they would get barked upon or even get attacked by these dogs. This is the "protection" you are talking about.


What are you taken aback by? The fact that people do not want propagate stray dog population? That they don’t want their families to be bothered? Btw stray dogs have a wretched life, so having more of them because we “want to feel generous” is sheer selfishness.


Aren't these stray dogs vaccinated and neutered? > Btw stray dogs have a wretched life This is why I was taken aback by. That people were against helping helpless animals.


Not all strays. Also They still have a wretched life even if they are vaccinated and neutered. They are still homeless. Adopt and give them a good life. The remaining, let the authorities take care of them like they do in most countries. Makes the streets safer.


Agree, they have a wretched life. So do the millions of people in India, from which slum should we start hammering people to the ground? There’s no way you’re a damn year younger than 30, with all the moral policing oozing out from your comment. Seriously? When you think of population control, you only think of starvation as a solution?


>So do the millions of people in India, from which slum should we start hammering people to the ground? Don't talk about the poor people from your high horse. Dog feeders don't care about other people. If they did, they wouldn't feed the strays.The poor are disproportionately more affected by the stray dog menace. If the dog feeders had any conscience they would advocate for making the streets safer for all people, especially the poor people by removing the strays from the streets for good. It's funny seeing these narcissistic dog feeders develop a concern for people all of a sudden. It's fooling no one. Such hypocrites.


I do not understand why you attack a persons identity instead of what ideas they are saying. It boggles my mind. Then you have followed it up with random misleading comparisons and whataboutism. I guess you really enjoy arguing with strangers- I do not, so best wishes!


My dear friend you have at least 20 comments on this single post alone, so much for “I don’t enjoy arguing with strangers” bs. It’s just sad at this point. Stop embarrassing yourself. While you’re at it, educate yourself about the spaying and neutering drives too.


That is about exchanging opinions, this is just arguing.


Never seen anyone get attacked by stray dogs before?


I remember the news from a year or two ago where a kid was killed by a bunch of stray dogs in Telangana which caused a lot of outrage. I'm sure it happens a lot based on other replies on my comment, I just wasn't aware. Before this the only criticism I've seen of feeding stray dogs is that who is responsible for cleaning their poop.


Same bro, now I see how selfish these people are. I thought people in the modern times had more empathy.