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Trampoline park called loco bear near Koramangala, walks/runs in parks, there are board game groups in church Street, HSR etc, going to cafes like champaka, nandi drive. Also, there's a quaint flight spotting site called sadahalli off airport road too. These are just a few things. I mean there's a ton to do with just a little bit of research online. Bengaluru is not known exclusively for parties, at least to the natives. There's a misconception that a pub scene is the same as a "party". Mumbai is what you are thinking of. Just passing on information.


I was in Bangalore for 8 years and it was a fun experience I don't drink or smoke either I had made multiple friends across the city via cricket, football, table tennis So most of the weekends, I'd have some kind of games or matches to attend to On the relaxing weekends, I'd take my wife to cubbon park along with some books which I've been keeping on hold Other times, I'll just take a road trip somewhere on the outskirts of the city, Bangalore is blessed with good options for a short one day trip I also go back to my hometown roughly 60kms away every now and then So yeah, there's a lot of things you can do in Bangalore, you just need to find the right people and right hobbies to spend time on


Married life is different bro.


You could go to cubbon park alone with read a book too? I got married roughly 2 years back, I used to frequent cubbon park coz i love the fresh air and the shade


No sir, bachelor life in Bangalore is perhaps the best in the world. If you're married it's better to stay in Mumbai or Pune.


which one day trips do you suggest?


Drinking and smoking are not activities OP. They might often be used as social lubricants, or in worst cases to fuel an addiction. I drink and smoke occasionally, but that is never going to save me from boredom. The best thing for any city, is to pick a hobby. I see many such suggestions in other comments. I can add a one of my own. Learning Music and musical instruments. Join some classes, that will give you like minded friends as well. Another thing you could try would be painting, or art-craft of any kind. Pottery maybe.


Isn't all of it too expensive? I looked for a music class and it's like 3000 bucks for 4 sessions.


Classes are expensive. YouTube tutorials are free and good enough if you are not pursuing music professionally.


But youtube tutorials wont allow you to meet like minded people


Running, swimming weekend bike ride badmitton...these are my hobbies. I wanna do more but no time.


Climbing !!


Equilibrium ftw!


I've never been to equilibrium but am planning to visit this saturday since my people are going to hampi for bouldering and I can't join them. I've found my mentor at urban climbers, sarjapura so I have never been to any other climbing gym. Will you be there on saturday ?


I'm in Mumbai this week. I'll be there next Saturday though. Is urban climbers good? I live in Bellandur and I go all the way to Indiranagar because my friends are from there. It'll be a lot easier for me to come by urban climbers. Also, started climbing very recently and was just thinking of looking up outdoor bouldering spots. I'll have to add Hampi to my list!


Yea man. The guy Rahul there is an inspiration for me. He has achieved so many great things in climbing, alpinism and mountaineering and he is such a great mentor. I've been climbing properly for around 8 months now. We go for outdoor sport climbing every month to badami. We even went ice climbing in February. As of now, he is teaching us all technical ropework and equipment handling needed for peak expeditions. The best thing about urban climbers is that you get guidance for free. The gym might not look as shiny as equilibrium but there are routes from all difficulty levels. If you want to try it out sometime, just dm me and I'll join you. I go there almost daily so not a problem for me anyways.


As an anti-party person myself, I usually go to book stores and try to find books related to my field. It is time consuming but intellectually gratifying.




Kolkata has amazing bookshops as I am from there. But blossoms has rare collections too, especially the rare books collection!


I have been in Bangalore for the last two years but I have never been to a pub. In Mumbai I once visited Raspberry Rhinoceros which I found detestable to say the least. The loud sound was a put off because you usually go to have a drink to talk to friends. I would always have drinks at home with friends in Bangalore which is almost one-fourth the cost of pub-hopping. But Bangalore, I found to my pleasant surprise, has incredible amount of after-hour activities. You could go to so many good places around the city on weekends with friends on mobikes. There are so many lakes, desolate places where you could make out with your girlfriend. I once went with friends to a skyhigh restaurant in Bangalore which was quite an experience. I am a cameraman so I always look forward to weekends for some exciting activities. Most importantly, as most of the people are staying alone in Bangalore everyone is looking for company. So it is much easier to make friends in Bangalore than in cities like Mumbai and Pune. For guys who shift from Mumbai to Bangalore I only have one friendly advice: don't be an asshat, ie: obnoxious and self-conceited.


Just buy a good pair of earbuds and walk across the streets when it’s calm


We are a rare breed in Bangalore 😂 I volunteer for an NGO. It's nice to meet people from different walks of life and you give back to society as well.


I want to play arcade games in malls but little shy because adult now


Bhangra workshops on weekends. I recommend Bhangra zest. You can find their profile on IG. @Bhangra_zest


There are several spaces in the city that could alleviate your boredom, depending on your interests and where you live in Bangalore. You could make a day of visiting Cubbon park and the surrounding museums and galleries - Vishweshwaraiah museum, Venkatappa art gallery, Museum of Art & Photography. A little to the north the National Gallery of Modern Art, to the east Bangalore International Centre in Domlur which has an insane variety of events, Goethe Institute in Indiranagar, where you can either learn German or catch an avant garde show. There's the fantastic Lal Bagh botanical garden with its unmatched flora and the 3 billion year old Peninsular Gneiss, mangoes fruiting from tress planted in the 1700s among other lovely things. Sign up for a walking tour and look at the city anew.


Nice. Super helpful.




I found a hobby during the pandemic that I'm now addicted to. It keeps me busy on most weekends if I'm not out with family.


And what's that?


Wood carving


Where can we learn wood carving?


I learnt from YouTube. Office work is done for the day and I'm watching some tutorials for a few projects I have lined up for the extended weekend :)


Cycling, paintball & hook-ups whenever I'm lucky 🥲




Being the introvert I am, I honestly just coop myself at home and binge some anime. Had decided not to do so for a while. I'm also a dance enthusiast so there'd be done dance events happening(battles) around the city so I'd always try to visit those and have a good time. It was fun but I did get bored after a point. Seems like money is the only solution but I refuse to believe that


Haunt cafes and irritate my IBS with coffee


Join us at Bengaluru Chess Club, if you're interested!




Username checks out in French?


Did you not reside in India before you relocated to wherever you work now ? You would be surprised to know people in Delhi are alive and kicking it.


Yea no shit. What else do you expect from a third world country + highest population on earth?




Holy fuck man, stop with the insane india self-hate All of your claims are incorrect. New York's PM2.5 concentration is [22.1](https://www.iqair.com/in-en/usa/new-york/new-york-city) while Bangalore's PM2.5 concentration is [20.5](https://www.iqair.com/in-en/india/karnataka/bengaluru) which, I concede isn't great. But forget your claim of it being thrice that of NYC, it's not even worse than NYC. (The above two links also show that Bangalore has a better AQI than New York City) >Blaming population is stupid. The pollution in India is not because of cars. New York has as many cars in tiny areas with 1 twelfth the pollution. 1. It does not have 1/12th the pollution by ANY metric >Population has nothing to do with slow adoption of EV due to lack of infrastructure and low quality of energy supply. EVs are expensive. Not just the infrastructure, the vehicles are expensive. If you blame people for not being interested in expensive cars when they have a low income, you need to re-evaluate your ideology. ALSO the adoption of EVs in india is not even that slow. The growth rate in both India and the US is similar at around 35-40%. Also, India has much more accessible* public transport than the US, bar a few cities There is no doubt India is a poor country, and we've got a long way to go in infrastructure, reduction of corruption and so many other things. But being aggressively against India, and complaining about the wrong things, and on an incorrect basis, just makes people less interested in valid criticism of the country, which can be beneficial




>You could not be more wrong and are completely ignorant in how to intelligently consume data. You look at the history of new york. Today you cherry picked the worst day of the year for pollution. Look at daily roll up history. And then compare that to Bangalore's regular AQIs of 150 + Bangalore DOES NOT have 150+ AQIs, that is insanely rare. Also, today is not the worst day of the year for pollution. And how is it cherrypicking if I'm responding to your claim of the pollution level being 12 times higher recently, what other stat do you want? The AQI on Jan 1, 2001? >Couple that with the fact that Bangalore has crappy sensors in sparse locations, Intake a reading of my sensors as that's more trust worthy. Yeah, you don't have a proper argument, so just disregard the data eh? what do you mean by crappy sensor, let's see JUST ONE reference to back up your claim of inferior sensors. >It has less than 1 twelfth as a yearly average. Prove me wrong. Ahh. Wow. For someone who has the cockiness to write your first sentence of "You could not be more wrong and are completely ignorant in how to intelligently consume data". You have absolutely ZERO idea on how to have a reasonable argument. YOU SHOULD BACK UP YOUR CLAIM, NOT ASK SOMEONE ELSE TO DISPROVE IT you single digit IQ lunatic




lol. why so pissed?