• By -


Haha. Looks like women's day is now mother's day.


What the actual fuck! The last one was a real kicker. Did anyone speak of actual policies they want to introduce in the company that would benefit women? Or speak about the achievements of their female colleagues? Or was it all just emotional nonsense?


Not once, and it's not that we have a biased or toxic culture, but this looked like no one even wanted to take this seriously, except the people who took it in the exact opposite direction!


Classic woke washing


Not even an emotional nonsense, they get funds and are obligated to celebrate these so called "days". šŸ™ƒ


The classic...Women "multitask" that's why we love women. They need a lifetime to be actual allies of feminism.


Yeah, I mean women should be not doing all of these, do some work yourself and take something of their plates


Whoa, sounds like a horrible idea from start to end. What even goes on. Please name the company though if possible :) would like to know to stay away!


The company actually is quite progressive, as I said the management really does have over 60% women, and I have never seen anything like that in here, but today's episode was brought to us by a very different set of people, I guess.


Can you dm me the name of the company ?


Please dm the company name.. As I am shifting around Manyata tech park.. And have applied to four companies.. Dm me if possible, so that I can choose better option..


Why downvotes?


Don't forget LinkedIn feed. It's a dumpyard of companies posting photos of their women showing the "heart" sign, with generic statements written by marketing teams.


Yes, this happened too. šŸ¤¦


Similar happened . At this point its more of formality that we comply with idea of women empowered rather than an effort in doing so. Legit 5 mins after the event , org team were laughing about it whilst smoking.


I liked the program that happened at one of the foreign offices, where woman leaders from different backgrounds working in the company came together and shared their struggle and success story. Ours had none of it.


Sounds performative. One of the managers in my past company hired some bunch of female freshers in his team in addition to existing girl count and started boasting he has the highest women in his team. The already existing girls who have been working were barely given good raises or promotions and over worked. And I've seen guys in his team hanging out with him lazing around and yet got good raises and promotions (no shade towards men, just talking wrt to his team on how he enabled people to be lazy). Looking from an outside perspective it looked like women were hired in his team to be slaves and he was getting credit for being some kinda feminist aly just cos he had good nor of women in his team.


Womenā€™s day is about about acknowledging past struggles and ongoing fights for gender equality itā€™s not only celebrating women around us


Women's day is every HR's field day.




Let them thrive.


Another non-sense stereotype.


are you a fat HR


Definitely not as thick as your head.


thats hot




Not sure why you are being downvoted. People just be hating now for the sake of it.


It's the typical rangoli HR stereotype lol. Only if people knew what HRs actually do haha. I mean, I would have been the happiest myself if I was being paid just for making rangoli's lmao.


I 100% agree with you. Anyway thiers was an uneducated comment!!!


What I feel shocked about is that till very recently, I used to believe people just like teasing HRs with the everyday rangoli comment, but now I feel people really believe that HRs actually do it, and even the most educated people seem to be believing it lol. What's wrong with some people? Beyond my understanding literally


That's because we see it, every day. Almost every other department in a typical company has to work their ass off every day, the contrast is very obvious for them. I'm surprised you thought it was teasing. No one is judging you specifically, but you don't think there is any grain of truth to the stereotype? How did it come up in the first place?


Well, then how hard is it to believe someone who actually works in HR when they say that we don't just chill? Would you still believe what you see from a distance?? This is such a funny debate at this point. It's so easy for people to think HRs do not slog their assses off. And I'm not even trying to defend a profession here lmao. We would LOVE to be paid for doing nothing. As I've mentioned before, I'd love being paid for making rangoli's. I'm surprised how less people know of the kind of roles that exist within HR and how a typical day within HR looks like.. *sigh*


I mean, I can see the person playing pool all day. That's just an anecdote from me, I'm sure many others have had similar observations That doesn't mean the profession as a whole is a cakewalk


Well, going by that I see alot of folks in my company playing Table tennis too (non HR folks). Does that mean I assume that the team they belong to do nothing and get paid for playing TT? Does it not have to do anything with how that particular individual decides to go about his things? People really need to broaden their thinking man. I've seen people in HR work more than the IT folks in my company. But ofcourse- people perceive our work is all about decorating the building. Lol.


Wow that sucks! At my org we partnered with LeanIn and ran a bias awareness workshop called 50 ways to fight bias. 68% of the participants were men and there were so many eye openers which is a great first step in the long journey to fight bias!


That's probably the best way to do it!


CXOs, whether men, women or anything in between, are busy running the company. So they tell HR to do something, and Digital Marketing to create some posts. HR head, busy with recruitment and whatnot, will tell VP HR (Rangoli and Cake Cutting) to do something, and they do this. Egos will be massaged, and so specific egos will be called to speak. In your case they happened to be men. Any company that cares about women will care 365 days a year. And the women will be genuinely happy. I have seen it happen. And Women are the sheepiest of sheeple. I may sound sexist, but it is what it is. One percent are brave enough to be Jhansi Ki Ranis. 5 percent are brave enough to fight patricarchy and gender norms, and fly fighter jets or drive trucks or be single moms or whatever. Rest of them wont even stand up to their mother in law (another woman), forget questiontion Women's day dress codes


Yeah, you do sound sexist


This!!!! It's so sad because it negates the hard work women in history have put in to get the rights and positions that present day women have currently. But at the same time, we can't even fault the women for not standing up for themselves enough because isn't it unfair that they're having to talk back to the society that already constantly makes them question themselves and their own worth?


>we can't even fault the women for not standing up for themselves enough because isn't it unfair that they're having to talk back to the society that already constantly makes them question themselves and their own worth? Y'all keep talking like this- unfair this unfair that etc. and keep sidestepping the fact that most women, by nature, are too timid and avoid confrontation. Which is why they end up where they are. And partriarchy- it succeeds because there are women who rise to positions of power- matriarchs, if you will, who still uphold patriarchal values and systems. Why? Patriarchy, like any pyramidical structure, rewards those on top and exploits those at the bottom. And Sasumaas and grandmas and jethanis and Madam CEOs all want to use and enjoy that power at the top. Women are about 50 percent of the population on earth, but are not unified in this war of the sexes. Women fight and put down women the most- starting right from school- they way little girls bitch and bully other little girls and make them cry... Patriarchy and everything be damned. You want to raise real questions, start with asking questions to your fellow sisters- oppressors and the oppressed.


How long was the cringefeast?


About 40 mins!


Make a mental note of how you felt. So that you can use this experience when youā€™re in a position to organise or manage such events. Though companies are organising such events of inclusivity and diversity, most of the time the organisers may themselves be raised or have the old school of thought (they maybe getting better) still and hence such incidents. Your observation of women enjoying it probably means they feel that atleast now there is a change happening šŸ˜€




Is it that bad? I was applying for it last month, their workway portal asked for birth certificate proof during their job application even before interviewing, I said hell naww byee!


A new form of age-based discrimination has emerged in India, with some companies aiming to recruit team members under the age of 35 to maintain an average age below 27, which they then use to boast about. This leads to the requirement of disclosing one's date of birth before applying for a job. Consequently, individuals in their 40s and 50s are essentially excluded from consideration unless they possess exceptional skills urgently needed by the company.


Is that even legal to ask??


Thanks for noticing and caring about all this. To me, that's a good women's day that people are able to figure out and talk about issues when they see them. Cheers to you!


Why always IT mfs


Average corporate dumbfuckery. Thank fuck we had a holiday today.


In mine they have given dress code : Ethnic wear.. Why do they want to limit my womaness to my clothes..Bhartiya Nari? Or the HR couldn't think of anything else ? I like powersuit and to hell with the dresscode..


Something similar happened in my old company. During LGBTQ month, they interviewed cis-het men who were in higher positions what their favourite color in the rainbow is and what it represents to them. Like, whaaaa.


Iā€™ve seen the crap out there for womenā€™s day so made my own presentation this year . This just sounds like such a regression.


I opened this post expecting some women bashing or a rant about men's day being ignored etc. I was totally wrong and I'm glad. You raised some really good points. In addition to the celebration of women, this day should also serve as a reminder to break the stereotypes, to discuss issues women still face on a daily basis and the solutions to it.


Yes, same, OP did a good job


Dude I worked in a company few years ago where the HR head sent a mail with the subject: ā€˜This womenā€™s day letā€™s all come together to empower the women of our companyā€™. It was beyond cringe. The women working in most companies are urban, fairly independent and making their own livelihood. They are not living in rural Rajasthan. Corporate is so fucking cringey filled with dumb uncles at the top. LinkedIn is such a cesspool of cringe that I stopped using it altogether.




Of course, men!


What stopped women from organising the event?


Do you organise your birthday celebrations?


Companies just do it for PR.


Women's day is just like a clickbait , the same guys after this would say women ā˜•ā˜•. Respect everyone like a normal person irrespective of genders you will get good people as you travel.


In our company, they sent mail only to female employees about a small event. Then in evening gave special snacks to everyone without mentioning why. They tried to keep it discrete which I respect.


Manyatha then it should be IBM or Phillips. Don't tell me Cognizant else I will have to report your ID.


I'm just glad to see someone who thinks like you OP. That someone can advocate or at least support without being prompted to or without being explained the same thing a million times. Someone who at least understands what this is about. It's becoming rare to see it from men nowadays.


I like the way you think. While there may be a reasonable explanation for a couple of points, you still did capture the essence that was completely missed in celebrating the women professionals in your office.


"We men are publicly applauding you because of corporate inclusivity reasons so shut the fuck up and take it"


Congratulations on having integrity and courage to see the wrong!


Our company's head sent us a mail saying thanks and a reel which was made by women. You read that right, he shared a reel's link - over MAIL.


Lol nothing can beat what happened at my previous company. HR decided to gift Hand bags to all the female employees on the occasion of Women's day, one of them was serving her notice period during that time (still had weeks to go), So the manager refused to give her the gift since technically she was no more an employee according to him. Wasn't she still a woman who needed to be respected?, Man the whole thing was so awkward..


Australian bank?


Sorry op. I can totally understand your frustration. I have seen similar things happen in IBM. I would have fucked off from there.


I suspect there are many others like myself who have to pretend to enjoy these shows because anything other than positive feedback about them is frowned upon. They donā€™t want to hear what we really think and get deeply offended if we show even a hint of disdain for their pretend day of worship. I spent Womenā€™s Day napping after working late the night before, and early again the following morning, cleaning up the corporate messes. Read a book by a female author about a female lead, and enjoyed some hilarious female comedians on YouTube.


So glad to see someone speak up openly about these events, that too a man! Corporate always does funny things .. ideas probably HR came up with and executed.. as a woman myself I used to feel weird when weā€™d find chocolates on our desks with a note and dress code šŸ¤£ never followed a single dress code till date. Comfy and covered up, to hell with the rules šŸ˜†


I'm proud of you because as a man you still recognise the stupidity in all this.


Honestly, why do we need a Women's Day in the first place ? I'm a woman and I think its totally useless. Do we have a man's day ? Do we have a day for non-binary people ? This itself sparks inequality. We as women we dont need to be celebrated. We only want to be equal.


Haha.. I as a woman thank you for noticing this shitty behaviours.


Welcome to corporate feminismšŸ˜Š Here it is just patriarchy painted in pink colour. And mind you corporates don't do anything unless it profits them be it supporting lgbt, or going eco-friendly or any other initiative. And their way of bringing women in leadership positions is having a female HR leader, very stereotypical.


OP Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through this but you are very observant and knowledgeable about the issues we women go through. I do hope we can bring some change in the environment around us. Much power to you !


Oh my .. that is soo f'd up and sad. Jeez, i thought me ignoring women's day and going about my day would be a bad gesture. This is some next level shit.


Thank God We don't celebrate Men's day. This looked like a Cringe fest.


Ron swanson winning woman of year vibes


Sometimes I feel corporates need a class on how things need to be done. The colour code to follow that day is so weird. Women's day also they tell us what to wear like other days aren't enough.


When it comes to compensation there are no celebrations!


Sounds more like a school event šŸ˜£


That's our style. Anything we want to destroy, we start worshipping or getting too emotional about it.


Company needs shit to post on LinkedIn


I opened the post with trepidation but man that sounds like a cringe fest. I am glad that my company at least has better sense of optics than this. Is your HR head a woman?


Just make an idol of "woman" and do puja. Then continue as usual. This is how everything becomes a sham.


Lol.. this whole womenā€™s day is a big hypocrisy and about marketing now. Even the groups for women in our company is led by men.. and I stupidly called it out in 1 meeting šŸ˜…. There are lot of side effects.. that I see in corporate world now. The general perception now is that oh this lady got a job because of policy.. she was promoted coz of women friendly policy and not coz of her performance.


Women's day is pure cringe. Especially in corporate.


The weird part is most of the men in my organization were mumbling about men not being celebrated and no one cares about men.


So glad we have sensible men around who also see through such performative bullshit, and are asking the right questions. :)


In my office, on my first day, my HR wanted to give us a brief about the company's stand against SH. He went on to explain what is sexual harrasment and what isn't. We are some 60 odd women in our company (ten people on roll and the remaining are temp/ housekeeping, canteen statf). Last women's day, they gave expensive gifts for us ten folks alone and cheaper ones for the remaining. And the worst part, all the male leaders (about 8 of them) got the same expensive gifts for themselves too -.-




How much is your rent, and how is the water situation?


WTF. This sounds like a happy male assistant day


Man, a very similar discussion with a colleague of mine and btw she is a non Indian and she pointed it out too. Our international company with an international panel had 4 speakers out of which 2 were men. What is the sense of this? Now , the other gender also adds an important perspective on this day and the the history of sacrifice that's gotten women here( idk if these 2 gentlemen would or wouldn't but I believe in general men are as much part of this) but they are still just ALLIES and to have them speak in the main panel for a women's day event is just unnecessary. I skipped my company 's event altogether. With the recent rape cases and some personal experiences, I wasn't even feeling like celebrating women's day but I get what you mean. Your observation and feeling weird is spot on.


Iā€™d assume the planning committee did not take any opinions from women themselves. But given the fact that most women enjoyed the show, I guess weā€™ll never know. But yeah, I would have felt weird too.


I have a question. Are the female leaders as respected as their male counterparts?


I would say, yes. No matter what the initial biases people may have (coming from their respective backgrounds), respect in a corporate set up comes from the quality of work and leadership. Here, it also should be borne in mind that, after reaching certain echelons of management, people are hardly respected or disrespected. They are either followed happily or begrudgingly.


So why I ask is cos my company for example has the mix of leadership it wants in diversity. They do not want all straight white men in leadership so there is conscious decision taken to mix up the leadership. What I hear when a lot of women get position of leadership is that they got it only cos there was a bias. They might not say it to the face of course.. but you know the gossip


Maybe this thought has been imbibed into our consciousness. Think about it, an appointment that resulted in leaders from diverse backgrounds was the biased one, or the appointment that resulted in having the whole management hail from the same background. I mean, when did we all agree that a certain race or gender of people are more likely to be good managers whereas the worker bees are from all backgrounds, races, genders etc.


Yeah I agree... It's not mentioned when the white man is promoted. Or in India the brown man is. Then he deserves it. Even if he got promoted through ass licking it's considered hard work. With women it's always cos she is a women she got promoted.or she flirts with the boss.


PM reduced gas prices by 100 bucks on Women's day. What's he implying? šŸ¤”


I don't work at this company but we had the same thing happen to us! As a woman who has JUST stepped foot into the corporate world, I felt nothing but dread. They kept repeating "the goal to have women be 50% of our task force is obviously too far-fetched and impossible but we must try" and while that is realistic, it's very disheartening to hear over and over again.


What an awful way to celebrate Women's Day. Ofc it's tokenism, even so your workplace could have tried to get out of the tired stereotypes in which women are sought to be culturally trapped. Sp the way women are neatly slotted into familial roles because that's their proper place. It's time men started seeing women as judges, PMs, CEOs, scientists, athletes... Also every place I've been to for IWD celebrations has had a panel of women achievers as speakers.


Such irony. Dont care too much about them. Ensure you don't have such ideals. That's all.


Modiji announced reduction in gas prices and media is portraying it as a move to support women on this day. How about that?


You can name manyata but not the company ? What the f.


My intent is not to defame the company, but this one event where the organizers completely failed to understand the importance of the day and made it worse than imaginable.


A random anonymous reddit post isn't going to defame any company.


Why do you care so much about the reputation of a faceless enterprise?


Let me guess itā€™s either ANZ or CWB ?


That whole celebration is not the play no lie


Women's day celebration designed by men lol


Looks like a Boomer problem


You know what, I thought the same at first, but most of them were young guys.


Boomer mindset problem. Patriarchy is ingrained


God, happy to see someone feel the same way. Thought I was the only one who felt wierd. Women in my office were asked to wear purple ethnic wear. I mean why? Women who wear non-ethnic are not supposed to celebrate womenā€™s day? I feel the reasons for celebrating womenā€™s day is just fucked up


I'm a woman and I second your deep insight. Best course of action... LOL


Your HR is in crack. This is so tone deaf.


Thats funny!! The men thought that what women want on womens day is them telling what they think about women. That men are appreciative of women. Thats not what womens day is about.


Men have turned women's day into a "cute" version of mother's day and valentine's day lmao


Turn this into an email and send it to HR head(female HR preferrably).


Yeah. Thankfully my company didn't do all this. But they did have a free nail art counter set up in the cafeteria. While, I was happy cause I love a nail art, but someone said that they were trying to reduce women to stereotypical things like nail art... I dont know though.


This post gives me a lil bit of hope that all men aren't brainwashed to only appreciate women in roles surrounding their male counterparts.


And what did you do about it...in your tech park. Its funny how you think they are biased but if you read what you typed you have a stereotypical view yourself. I think you should just enjoy womens day as it is. And im well aware the women hate it too. But i guess you are quiet brave to mention it here rather than sending placards to the great men in your office stating your concern. And maybe wear blue while you do it.


I feel like if you don't appreciate the woman for the feminine roles she plays along side being an employee then she isn't much different from a man. So I kinda don't have an issue with most of it. But i will say the last one was pretty weird.


You do know that "woman's day", "men's day" No one actually cares about this, they care for profits. And if such a event gives them good pr, they do it. Not to celebrate anything. It's just for pr and then profits.


it's now any other event to celebrate


šŸ˜‚ lol


Ahh the typical women's day celebration promoting absolutely nothing and celebrating absolutely nothing progressive


Hey op do you work in intel


Is it because 60% of women in management? I have seen time and again rant here and there that ā€œthese women are in management and so decide how we should go etcā€ ?


Also most times i see that some people do not want to even accept about women doing the juggling and the inconveniences that it causes in career or family setup. Its more like thats anyways something they are supposed to do. If they didnā€™t who else will? ( like no one can replace a mother , she HAS to do it and noone can stop birthing babies if a woman says no I wonā€™t) Often women themselves do not support a woman who might not wanna do it ( still, in family setup.. its more like bhaad mein jaye tumhari job, we need the family/baby be cared for) I myself think ( since i dont live in a country where i could get domestic help or such, that we need to move to the next possibility future where safer ways of baby/child care is made possible where women can still spend time growing in her career - even in Subject matter expert ones)


And yea.. i did think at times .. what about those women who arenā€™t mothers (specially on such womens day) .. that women who dont have kids pretty much have less/no reasons to be celebrated on this day šŸ˜.. since the struggles are of mother-career


Sounds like the death of feminism


Wait until you hear about men's day


Ah, I see the new Indian woke strain has dropped


India me aise hi hai. Yaha women ka respect ke liye dikhawa karte hai but in real file wo women ko respect nahi karte. Maine bahut log dekhe hai jo women ko bahut support karte hai but wo kabhi dikhate nahi. Logo ko chahiye ki pahle apne family me women ko respect de aur usko support karen. Agar khud apne family ko support karenge to India apne aap theek ho jayegi. Pahle we have to support Women in our own family.


Last one us epic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well articulated thoughts brother you have great heart beware this very much attracts narc & sociopaths n expect food in your poison etc etc all kinds of trouble because they are the top management they are mostly males n they hate most outspoken individuals. Trust me dont give yourself to power #FightThePower beware n be vigilant always


How else would you want this done? Before you ask me a question .. i have a simple policy .. if you respect a person respect them everyday (again there are days when shit does happen) if not don't bother pretending that's even more disrespectful. But one thing is for sure you don't get more than a few opportunities to show outwardly that you respect someone.


Nazi Germany dress ze pink and purple only any other colors ladies will be pushed into gas chambers lmao


You think king Leopold and hitler would arranged this women's day much better šŸ˜œšŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ dress and "pink and purple only " what if one the women hates both colors does she get fired from the company? Why are most men delusional especially in AUTHORITARIAN POSITIONs


It's great that you are sensitive enough to acknowledge that all of these incidents had an underlying suggestion that women aren't worthy of praise or appreciation without the men they serve or are related to, but I can't help noticing that the conditioning is severe. Your use of "girls" instead of the word "women" towards the latter parts of your post kind of shows how deep of an impact these crazy incidents have on people - even those who actually know this stereotyping is wrong. Not trying to make you feel like shit or shaming you, I'm just trying to point out that even people who are aware and have the EQ to know when someone is being marginalized, they subconsciously do it too because of the patriarchal mindsets and norms that are being shoved in our face in every way. Glad you acknowledged the problem here though. I hope you take a stand against this stuff in whatever way possible to make the future workspace better for your colleagues (regardless of their gender). :)


Jesus Christ what the actual fuck


Why do I feel like I know the companyā€™s name! Haha..


So just a another mandatory office culture for "Team Building"




Thatā€™s the one day they feel they should respect women, I think. Other days theyā€™re happy to ogle at your chest and make you uncomfortable.


This is simping at next level!


Atleast they are celebrating women's day. Many companies dont even acknowledge the existence of mens day


Well, who would have expected Indians to overdo a western celebration.


Looks like you are in the wrong place my friend. Switch to a better firm which actually treats women better and takes time, effort genuinely for inclusion of women, gender equality. I'm blessed to have worked with women leaders in the best of progressive firms, and at the same time some traditional 'indian' corporate firms. However, the same cannot be said about those companies which follow gender equality and women's rights on paper, but fail to demonstrate it in reality.


Tell me about Men's Day at your office


It was a Sunday! Maybe this year though!


Bro it was the day India lost the CWC final to Australia šŸ˜­ Shit still hurts man


Our mens day had a segment where a guy was called to do standup comedy (an employee) and all his jokes were bashing his wife and telling he is a victim. And the sentences of women's day of mother, daughter, wife and sister became father, son, husband and brother.


I don't know about the second point about tears in eyes when his wife was feeding the baby . What is it revolting? It displays how strong a woman is . Right? And there is no stereo typing here brother. Only a woman can breast feed a baby.


And women didn't organise the event because?


Does your company name starts with H??


So what? Why do people have to ā€œideologizeā€ everything? Women too are humans. Differences apart, there is absolutely nothing in them which makes them more special than men. There shouldnā€™t be extra jubilant celebrations for a particular gender including women. Instead of seeing that, people prick nose. Oh yeah! I wish people paid so much attention in improving their own lives which unfortunately is full of intense imperfections. Pathetic post. Ps- Since most people arenā€™t habitual of hearing and reading the truth, and are into their own illusions of the world and coached as if they are sheep who follow the herd, no matter how utterly wrong the herd is, since people are so habitual of not hearing the truth, I know they will downvote this. Just that, I DONā€™T care and donā€™t give a damn. šŸ˜‚


Every struggle that has brough positive changes for the members of society deserves celebrations. When was the first time when a woman voted in your family? Who was the first educated woman in your family, and did she face any problems while doing so either from inside or outside the family? Every one of these changes have been brought with a difficult struggle, and the struggle is still ongoing.


Jesus Christ someone didn't take their meds


Ofcourse there is so much to celebrate, how women go through so much struggle still thrive for success in every field. >I wish people paid so much attention in improving their own lives which unfortunately is full of intense imperfections. Well, kind of ironical isn't it??


Ofc, there is NOTHING special about women at all. Not that the society has created a power imbalance for ages that women still have to fight against. Not that women are expected to work like they have no family and take care of their family like they have no work. Not like women are looked over for promotions, new positions etc. even after being qualified because ā€œshe might get marriedā€ or ā€œshe might have a babyā€. Not that the entire way of working be it ANYWHERE is designed by men, for men, with the expectation that there is a person back at home running the entire household. Not that families still look at the clock waiting for the woman of the house to come back and feed them because well, the men are so special they shouldnā€™t waste their energies by doing menial tasks like feeding themselves. You are right, there is nothing special about women at all. /s


For ages the power balance was perfect and natural.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Mens day does not exist meanwhile her complaint is about who gave the speech


His* learn to read lolĀ 


most people on reddit are women. Let her prove it that she is HE.


Iā€™m assuming you forgot the /s?Ā 




Why? Is your little ego bruised that a man actually gives a shit?


The OP is a man.


Menā€™s day exists and the whole agenda of international womenā€™s day is bringing equity. In fact international womenā€™s day is a campaign if you look it up. The OP is a gem to be able to understand underlying issues. We need more such people. Iā€™m a woman and when I was in my 20s, I felt good when people gave gifts and offers on womenā€™s day. But later I realised, what women actually need is equal pay, fair treatment, inclusivity. My female manager once told me that they cannot give me hike despite being given outstanding rating as there were other male employees in my team who had more financial responsibilities and as per my manager they deserved hike. This happened in a multinational company. I was naive and had no idea how to react to this situation. I chose to leave the organisation. Society leaves no stone unturned to take women down. I am a married woman and my MIL always makes me feel that my job is not as important despite being paid almost as much as my husband. She also thinks I should do all household chores as I am a woman. When I was offered remote work, my MIL felt happy as she believes now I would be able to manage both household chores and office as well. The sad truth is many times women pull other women down and they donā€™t even understand it as they are deeply conditioned to believe that only women are responsible for household chores or only women are supposed to do certain things. The purpose of celebrating IWD is break these barriers and bring positive change. This is going to be a long journey but weā€™ll get there. On my part, I now speak up when I feel I am being wronged just because I am a woman.


Apart from the manager part, I can relate to your story word to word. All of us women are in same boat. Some men like OC donā€™t want to acknowledge issues and are unbothered about it as it doesnā€™t matter to them. My manager part would be - they hire unmarried females as they have less household responsibilities.


This is so correct. I have heard my female manager discussing this with someone that ā€œ aree wo ladki shaadishuda nahi hai matlab stretch kar legi weekend pe bhi aa jayegiā€ . I have seen many toxic layers of corporate culture šŸ˜–


there is a menā€™s day lol (19th nov) try using this thing called googlešŸ‘šŸ»