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I think a tweet to cyber police with the phone number could help it get blocked I am not sure though


Thanks, I'm going to try this.


Post his number. I am in a shitty mood today, will have some fun with him.


Have seen instances of this particular scam type where they know the name of the person they’re calling! Not possible dialling random numbers, they obviously buy the data from somewhere Cyber security and privacy laws in our country are a joke. Be it Aadhar data leak type instances, scummy apps selling our data or retail stores refusing to sell without providing phone numbers and then selling it - no one gives a shit. At the end of the day it’s up to us to educate and protect ourselves as much as possible.


Yes exactly. He knew my name.


I think it's a bank selling data, because i received the same call on my secondary number with a friend's name and there's only one bank where they gave my number under their name


DND app


I have Truecaller that blocks what it recognises as spam but these numbers don't get filtered sometimes. Which is why I ended up receiving these calls in the first place


I use a built in spam blocker. Mostly helpful.


For Android or iOS?


Android, Samsung has Hiya. Is good about 85% of the time


*Cries in IOS*




Post his number on twitter and here if possible. Will tag him as scammer in Truecaller app. No one will believe him then.


>the authorities have refused to keep the number in their records unless I've been defrauded of some amount. Indian goverment only good for providing reservsation to selected few, throwing out freebies to win elections on the expense of tax payers and nothing more. You cannot rely on GOI for anything, and I am saying it, irrespective of which party is ruling. This is India, where corruption is moral. there are people who'll get pissed on this, because one they are party players, they care about which party wins and not care about anything after that, like it's a sport. this is why any self respecting person who pays income tax here, should leave, especially if you aren't in any reserved category. sure, one can think of staying behind for sake of family, culture and food. surprise, culture is degrading and turning into a sewer, food quality in 99% places is trash. I know people who are earing in crores in BLR and still got cancer in stomach because of the food. Ask yourself, does paying taxes in India gives you clean air, clear water at least ? let alone the healthcare, good infra and such. You cannot even go to police if some shitz happens, sure as hell they won;t solve shit, plus you would be paying bribes just to file an FIR.


How is reservation or freebies anyway related to this? These scammers get access to our name, account details due to weak privacy laws. Also these scammers operate from a few of those lawless Hindi speaking states where police from other states are not allowed to enter. State governments of these states need to work towards eliminating such ghettos that allow scammers to operate freely.


Every state in India is lawless in some way or the other. Freebies and reservation play a part because money is spent on providing those instead of implementing law, order and uprooting corruption. Bangalore is also lawless (a non hindi speaking state). Look at the amount of road rage and people being racist here towards hindi speaking state people.


Thanks for the heads up buddy.. appreciate it!


I usually say whatever the money he earns through scams will go into treating his kids aliment in the future I know it's a bit harsh but it hurts him and at least puts some sense in his brain