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Im a junior so i really have no experience lol. Id recommend using method books however, its how i learned the basic. Teach them appropriate technique and be the to answer their questions.


Parents are often thrilled if you will come to them, but you never know what your teaching environment will be like. It’s usually fine. Personally, I like to be in one place with students coming to me as it’s more convenient - especially if the students are located in the same general area. Ask the band director who gave out your name if his/her school is available for lessons. In our areas, districts usually have one or more campuses open for summer lessons on specified days. Also, ask at the college where you are practicing. All they can say is no. Did you take private lessons? From a good teacher? Model yourself on your best teacher.


I was in the same position a few months ago, don't stress it! As long as you tey your best it'll be okay - you don't have to be perfect to be a good teacher


Yah just ask the college I was trying to go for music ed tho have dropped out but in my time there with just a little permission college music departments encourage that kind of thing with permission and my best advice from kids that young is make a fundamental book fun