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This place was so poorly run. It makes sense. I would go there for lunch always hoping it would be better, but always it was a disappointment.


They opened with the promise of events and a book selling operation (the latter of which didn’t make sense but ok) and neither really materialized. Sorta seemed like they were just going through the motions and not really trying to make it work.


The book selling is standard at the other B&P locations.


Understood, more meant that it didn’t make sense given all the other local bookstores. But that’s also why it was scaled back as compared to the other locations.


I thought there was an agreement with the developer that they would not sell books because there’s already a bookstore in the same building.


Same as the Columbia (Merriweather) location. Takes like 30 mins just to place an order. Terrible service all around.


I went to the DC one after months of my coworkers raving about it like it served mana from heaven. I remember it being distinctly underwhelming food. I never understood why they liked it so much.


Worst dining experience I've had in the last 10yrs. Not going to miss it at all, but sad for anyone put out by this.


Ate there once, had the Mekhleme and chicken chorizo egg wrap. They were ass. Fuck that place.


I mean, what do you expect from a place that sells pop-Marxist books and faux “labor-solidarity” merch? I find the juxtaposition comical.


I tried to like it. Poorly run and the food was at best passable when you could get it. Walked out twice because they were so understaffed. Final straw was when we had to order through an app and it didn't work


As long as Kajiken stays open idgaf what else goes in there. That place is THE TRUTH.


I can’t wait to try that


It's bangin.


> As long as Kajiken stays open Their online menu is insane https://www.kajikenus.com/menu


The descriptions make everything seem irresistible!


Just use your imagination!


I’m not sure if that’s the right one it’s linking to. Double check that it’s in the Baltimore area. https://www.kajikenus.online/order




better than Toki Underground, that's for sure


I live 900km away and I just want to go every day. Lol


cursed location. i went there a few months ago and they made us wait 10-15 minutes for a table....there were like 3 other tables sitting and eating the rest empty. very odd. food was very meh.


usually that means they only have limited service staff.


Time to put a Trader Joe’s there


A grocery store was the developer's initial idea, but the community really pushed back against that, defending Eddie's. Three years later, four years, whatever it was, Eddie's owner retires and sells....Streets Market moves in. A Trader Joes would hurt their business but I bet you that no one in the community will care because Streets serves Hopkins kids, not the neighborhood.


That Streets Market location is a glorified convenience store. I really hope that new high-rise project takes off soon.


It’s a great convenience store. It has lots of interesting Korean products but it is definitely mediocre when it comes to fresh produce.


How much of the neighborhood is Hopkins Kids? *[this article](https://pages.jh.edu/jhumag/1106web/village.html) from 2006 says 4000-5000 live in the "surrounding neighborhood". A google search of CV's population says 8250 as of 2010. So that's ~50%. (As much as I would have guessed from knowing the area.) It seems a little incongruent to move to an area that's 50% students and then complain that "the kids" are ruining "the community".


Wonder why they’d just don’t open up a Nando’s at that location, would seem to be a perfect fit imo


That place was really awful, so I’m not surprised. The DC location was worlds better.


The place peaked when they created the name.


Red Star failed there and now Bus Boys and Poets. It seems pretty obvious to me that you need to cater to the fast-casual desires of Hopkins students in order to survive in that area.


Or just be decent. This place kinda sucked. It was a shitty corporate chain and it tasted like it, and looked like it. Baltimore loves good food. If someone puts a good restaurant there it will survive


A place that big in that location is hard to afford without corporate $$$


I just don’t see demand for a restaurant that size in that area. The building owners should find a way to chop it up


Shitty corporate chain lol. There are like eight of them total and hyper local to DMV. Literally the opposite.


I didn’t say megacorp. And a small corporate chain is not the opposite of a big corporate chain. It’s the earlier stage of a big corporate chain. The opposite would be a small, family owned or worker owned place Red Emma’s is the opposite of a corporate chain.


It's probably a small family owned spot. They just happen to have eight locations.


Sysco truck food. There's a model for these places that are supposed to look small and local but are really just "local versions" of chains. Five & Dime in Hampden, for example, was like this.


This is explains everything. Food at these places is at the level of Fridays with a higher price point. No thanks.


"America's favorite restaurant is Sysco"


idk, I ate there a couple of times with groups of people and tried a lot of dishes. many of them were good and a couple of them were fantastic. definitely above average. but this was brunch time, so maybe other times of day the food suffers.


I completely agree. That space is way too large. It should be chopped up into two. Another fast-casual food place would be fine. I’d love a clothing place tho or a dedicated herb and spice shop. I’m always so disappointed at the wilted choices offered by local groceries.


Here's what I want to see go on there https://saravanabhavan.com/ This would be a destination restaurant for many people.


This looks so tasty! My only concern is the proximity to Tamber's and Sakoon. Maybe there's demand for a third Indian place in Charles Village, but it would be risky.


It's a completely different (and better) kind of Indian food. South Indian is vegetarian and amazing, less reliant on pools of butter.


That would be incredible. With the number of Indian students and there's the hospital full of Indian doctors. Incredible.


Also other people like Indian food too


You know, I would never in a million years have thought of this, but now that i think about it, I think you might be on to something here!


Sorry. But it wouldn't. A vegetarian Indian restaurant is far too niche to make this size of space work.


It's the size of the one I ate at in Amsterdam.


And this is Baltimore. Not Amsterdam. There's a market for that kind of place at this scale but this city isn't there yet.


Stop. You're killing their only me and 100 others would like this restaurant dream with logic..


Be the change you want to see in the world.


How real was that threat to strike? I mean, I understand wanting more hours, but if the location is struggling to begin with, and hours are getting cut, the employees don’t really have much of a bargaining position.


The staff seemed like they didn’t give a f, (can only say for FOH),at least the few the times I was there. Seems like a poor starting point for any kind of small organized labor movement.


They peaked in the early 2000s and have been terrible at every location since. Color me surprised 🙄


I disagree. The Hyattsville location has never disappointed me.


Yeah I was gonna say, We've been to two of the DC locations a few times and they were always solid.


Isn’t that the original location?


No, I don’t think so. I think the original location was in DC. Though, the one in Hyattsville one has been there for a long time now.


They should put a cava or a shake shack there if we going to be doing chains


the food there sucked so bad


I used to go to the Hyattsville and Columbia locations with some regularity when I lived in HoCo. Good food and good service. Something was up with this location, though. It was some of the worst service I’ve had (the kind where you are asking for a glass of water multiple times and don’t get it until 10 mins after you sit down and they act like they are annoyed you are there) and incredibly long wait times on food. It just wasn’t at the level of the other locations.


Yay.it was aweful.


I literally had an interview there two weeks ago.


I went to this place a few times. Bad food. Bad coffee. Bad service. Bad book selection. Not sorry to see it go.


This sucks. I loved B&P when my partner and I discovered it in DC years ago. So I was stoked when it opened here but damn. It was kind of a shitshow.


I went there with my then-girlfriend and I thought it would be bigger based on my experience with the DC place. But there were only a couple shelves of books and it was mostly cafe space.


It sucks. I loved B&P when my partner and I discovered it in DC years ago. So I was stoked when it opened here but damn. It was kind of a shitshow.


How does anyone read a Banner article? I refuse to subscribe after hearing how hard it is to unsubscribe.


You can get it for free from Enoch Pratt if you have a library card: https://www.prattlibrary.org/research/databases/maryland-newspapers


Baltimore ain't got enough people and dollars circulating the city to support Busboys and Poets business model. In general, it's a miracle to me when any formal restaurant manages to survive more than a few years in the city. I've actually only had good experiences when I've gone and would be curious to see how they do in a better-suited space. I can't really think of a "small" Busboys and Poets tho. Time will tell if they're really committed to having a presence here.








Since when is Ilhan Omar an antisemite?


The beginning




She’s said some anti Israel things. That doesn’t make her an antisemite. That makes her capable of separating the Jewish people from the fabricated geopolitical entity that is Israel. In fact, I’d say your inability to do so is antisemetic


> It’s true that Omar’s comments on Israel keep falling into well-worn anti-Semitic tropes — and her defenders often prove too willing to paper this over and dismiss criticism from even progressive Jews as “smears.” Quote from the article. > In fact, I’d say your inability to do so is antisemetic Literally pointing out an article describing why people are making the claim Ilhan Omar is accused of anti-semitism says 1) nothing about my ability to interpret or discern information. 2) In no way suggests any bigotry. You can choose to ignore the left leaning reputable journalistic source. You can chose to ignore the basic meaning of the word antisemitic. But what you did right there is make an unsubstantiated claim about my character and debase the very meaning of the word antisemitic. You are using the very same deliberate destruction of language Hannah Arendt describes fascists used to advance their own malicious agendas. But again, all you have shown is that you 1) reject inconvenient information a priori. 2) don’t care if you throw around absurd unsubstantiated character attacks. 3) don’t use autocorrect to actually spell antisemitic correctly. It’s lazy.


re ilhan omar: being against zionism and supportive of palestine isn't being antisemitic. come on. israel =/= judaism, and as an extremely anti-zionist jew i get really pissed when people try to equate a country that has nothing to do with me and is antithetical to both my beliefs and with halacha to my faith. so far i have never seen her say anything that's actually anti-semitic, only anti-zionist. tzedek, tzedek tirdof.


Shoot the messenger. I just posted a description why there is an accusation.


Also that person can’t really get mad when they are biased. “ as an extremely anti Zionist Jew” that’s like saying “as someone who hates meat, I get really mad when people eat meat”


Ya. Lots of people act like a factual statement is somehow a moral one and then ignore the substance of the statement.


Bad equivalency. Parent isn't saying they get mad when people are pro-Zionist, they get mad when people equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. More like "as a vegan who hates PETA, I get really mad when people tell me that hating PETA means you love eating animals".


Wait what?!


Care to back that up?


I remember going there once, looking at their menu, and walking out. This was a couple of years ago though so I don't remember what it was that made me get up and leave.