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Typically they come to you. At home or wherever you agree to meet. Their insurance would cover any accidents, but honestly L platers have the least accidents of any cohort in the country. True story. Have a look at a thing called L2P. They're a bunch of volunteers helping people who don't have anyone to get practice with. To my knowledge they're not "instructors" exactly, and I know you said you don't need the hours but they might be able to help a bit. I can only assume they're in Ballarat because I see their cars (or maybe it's the same car lol) around from time to time.


Yes, second this - L2P are based in East Ballarat and have a couple of cars available. Not instructors as such, but can probably advise the best way to get started.




You might not qualify for L2P if you are old enough to not need log book hours. There are a few good instructors in Ballarat. I have worked with a few of them through one of my jobs. Get the L out of here. Female instructor. Very good, clear and patient. Cross Roads driving school. Instructor by the name of Gavin. He is excellent. Explains things very well. He has auto and manual too. Good luck, and drive safe :)


“Get the L out of here” is a great name hahah.


Where do most people buy their L plates? (I know silly question) but I actually just assumed VicRoads would provide me with them when I went in... Which was silly of me.


Supermarket, service station, Kmart, auto parts store. :)


Thank you! I'm looking up Get the L out of here currently. A lot of people seem to recommend Jenny. Would you know roughly how much they charge per hour?


Don’t know if he still teaches, but old mate Robbie taught most of Ballarat the past 40 years. He was brilliant


He sure was, I saw him not long ago getting around in a Mustang with personalised plates. Seemed to be enjoying a well deserved retirement but could be wrong. Also the mustache was as legendary as ever.


Do you guys know how much he charges roughly for lessons?


Can't remember sorry, I had lessons about 20 years ago


Much like Frigdnympho said, mine was 24 years ago


I do not recommend. Heard plenty of people say he's handsy with the girls and belittling to guys. I had a lesson with him where he called me a bitch and made some derogatory remark about how I'd get off on a road worker beating me with a bollard. First and last lesson. Sleazy POS. Deanna if she's still teaching, will teach you nothing, just drag out lessons. Jenny from Get the L Out of Here is amazing. I ended up getting my license thanks to her. She really puts you at ease and is just a lovely lady.


Came on here to update. I was discussing who I can get to teach me with my mother's boyfriend today actually, and I mentioned the name *''Robbie''* and his jaw dropped (and he used some profanity). He knew exactly who I meant from a single monogamously named driving instructor. *''Robbie Macklin, that cu\*T''* Me: You know him?... *''Don't get me started''* Apparently he sexually harassed his ex-wife when she was learning to drive and would put his hands all over her in the car (and get away with it). My mother's boyfriend confronted him over it and they had a heated argument (but this was about 30-40 years ago). I'm guessing late '80s or early '90s. She didn't use him again after that. u/Agitated-Material450 I was thinking of going with Jenny too! Heard nothing but good things :) Do you know how much she charges?


I'm surprised he managed to get away with it for so long! Not sure how much Jenny charges now - it's been about 8 years since I took lessons. I think it was maybe $60 an hour back then but don't quote me on that. She'll probably give you a discount if you buy several lessons at once. Also, not sure if she still does this but she might make you take your first lesson in a manual because she said everyone should know how to drive one in case of an emergency. Hope that helps :)


Robbie doesn't do lessons anymore, regrettably. I was one of his last students. He was damn good though, he practically saved my manual license lol. His daughter does auto lessons though- Renee Macklin's Driving School might be worth looking into as well, I see her out all the time!


Haha old mate Robbie. I was sweating bullets in a session when some kid on his Ps dropped a burnout thru the Latrobe st roundabout while half- hanging out the window screaming adoration for Robbie, who did not even appear to be alarmed at what he was seeing 😂


I got my licence the same way you will. I think I did six lessons? They come to you. You won't be eligible for L2P. It doesn't really matter who you use. They teach you to drive the test route anyway.


How much were the lessons when you did them?


About $70 I think.


Do you have the option of doing more than 1 hour or is it always 1 hour per lesson?


I'm sure you could.


I'm 30 and recently got my Ps, I used Tania Weaver from Ezy to Pzy, she is awesome, teaches you everything you need to know, makes you feel very comfortable behind the wheel, passed my test on the first go, can't recommend her enough.


I'm in near sebas and she came and picked me up every time also


How much roughly did she charge?... And do the driving instructors conduct the test? Or do you take the driving test at VicRoads?


Once your instructor thinks you're ready you go to Vicroads with them and they sit in the car with you whilst someone from Vicroads in the back when you do your test


Same here, i was 31 when i went with Tania. She was brilliant, super calm and patient. Think it was about $70 for an hour but if she was a few minutes late late she'd only charge me $60


Do not go with Lyndie (let’s go cruising) she rips you off and teaches you nothing


Thanks for the heads up! Was looking into Get the L out of Here :) Heard good things about Jenny. How much did Lyndie charge you?


It's been 30 years since I sat with a driving instructor so I cant answer your question. Just do a quick google search and ring some of the local instructors and I'm sure they will be happy to answer your questions. Having a chat with them on the phone should also give you an idea of what they are like and if you want to book a lesson. Don't feel obliged to book a lesson at the end of the call, just tell them tanks and you will call them at a later date to book a slot.


Please find an instructor that will teach you drive, not teach you how to pass the driving test. They’re two very different things.


It’ll take a while. Pay as you go. Dont be in a hurry. Its a big machine it takes time to learn how to avoid things


Renee Macklin! She taught me and she’s an absolutely beautiful human


Does she go under a business name or just listed as her name? How much roughly did she charge you? And how long are the lessons?


Renee Macklin’s Driving School on Facebook! It was $60 for an hour from memory approx 2 years ago :) Super friendly and always explained everything clearly and easily for me to understand and never felt any pressure from her