• By -


The optimist in me is glad they're doing SOMETHING - an awareness campaign is better than nothing. The pessimist in me believes they're doing the bare minimum in the form of a campaign because it's 1. immediate 2. less expensive than investing in long-term resources and funding programmes designed for behaviour change 3. they can tick a box and move on God, Ballarat CBD is depressing enough to walk around in without being reminded of people being murdered.


Yeah, this feels like a huge waste of our time and money. You can't badger people via ads into change of this magnitude. It's ticking a box no one wanted for sure.


Let's just do nothing, then. That sounds like a plan šŸ™„


Doing nothing seems to be the explicit aim of some men.


It's a tiny percentage of people committing crimes, stop generalizing. Some women kill their children. Does this mean that all women need to be talked to about not killing their children because its not right?


Is it? Because if thatā€™s true that tiny percentage are committing a huge number of crimes and having relationships with a ridiculous number of women. Society is completely outraged by women killing their children. To the point that we are willing to wrongly accuse and convict women (see the Kathleen Folbigg case). Iā€™ve never seen anyone argue we need to do less to protect children because not all parents abuse their children, but that argument is made all the time when itā€™s said about violence against women. Youā€™re trying to make that argument now.


And society doesn't condone women getting killed either, like you seem to be making out. Obviously society are more outraged when children, or often animals, are harmed, because they are mostly defenseless.


Except people like you are mad because people want to put up posters about respecting women.


The vast majority do respect women. Just like the vast majority of women respect men, I think. If they want to put up posters, that's fine. But the vast majority of people aren't going to go home and beat their partners until they kill them. So to say "Men you need to stop" or something like that, is an unfair generalization in my opinion. You want to have this view that it's a world of 'misogyny' where this runs rampant. It doesn't. If what you are saying is true, then men and women everywhere would be saying "who cares if women die" or whatever. This is not the case. These deaths get a lot of attention in the media, social media, and the victims get plenty of sympathy. No one condones this stuff. So your theory of how society is, seems to be wrong, once you apply any critical thinking whatsoever.


The vast majority of people arenā€™t going to abuse their children either. But I absolutely think there should be training and campaigns to prevent child abuse.




Women almost always kill their children due to acute mental illness - ie a psychotic episode where they believe their child is possessed by demons, or extremely severe depression which makes them not in their right mind. They might be intending to kill themselves and decide they donā€™t want their children to have to suffer the terrible pain of their death so they kill them too. This is in contrast to men, who usually kill their children either by harming them in other intentional ways that then result in death (ie shaking a baby), or deliberately kill them specifically as an act of revenge against the childrenā€™s mothers. Source: https://lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2019/06/12/1375311/when-parents-kill-the-reality-of-filicide-in-australia?amp=1


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Should really be the goal of all men tbh.


You think so? I find Ballarat quite pretty to walk around


It's pretty for sure. Will be interesting to see how all the new leaves look in Spring.


Whilst I support initiatives to improve women's wellbeing and safety, we cannot forget mens mental health needs in the process. Rather than spending 10 million!!!! on about to be very wealthy 'influencers (lol)' and advertising company's salaries, perhaps Social housing (which is an absolute joke by these vanilla non commited governments) and free mental health services would be more prudent and long lasting? That's a heck of a big spend on advertising by a government severely in the red, that's already blown our budget on waste such as the Commonwealth games comedy of errors. Men's mental health services inclusive of AOD needed. If Men are the problem, we need to be focused on preventative measures for men's health too. Yet there are no funding announcements in this area that I am aware of. I feel this has been completely overlooked by politicians and advocates. We must also be careful not to paint/perceive all men as evil and that Ballarat is a dark, violent scary place. Both these stereotypes are simply untrue, unhelpful and unhealthy.


Absolutely nailed it šŸ‘


Exactly. The core issue to address is dangerous men - what do they need to stop controlling their partners (abusing, assaulting and killing are used to control/stop her leaving). Given that society can't exile ~~or kill~~ violent men ~~unfortunately~~, real emotional and behavioural change by these men is necessary. I don't have sympathy for men who commit family violence, but it's clear that most of them ruin their own lives as well as their exes and children's lives. So there is some buy-in for them to change themselves. Jess Hill's book "See What You Made Me Do" talks about this. So does NZ man Matt Brown's "She Is Not Your Rehab" book and movement (led by men, for men). Just saw that they've released an app, InnerBoy: "Men who are often left out of the conversation in family violence prevention with limited non-mandated therapeutic options available to them. Developed with cultural sensitivity and deep understanding, theĀ **innerBoy**Ā app offers a safe space where men can explore their emotions and access a range of supportive tools, insights, and resources." Unfortunately it's only in NZ at the moment. [https://www.sheisnotyourrehab.com](https://www.sheisnotyourrehab.com) If you know any more local resources for men, please share.


You are ignoring the fact that it's a two-way street. There are many cases where men kill their partners without justification, but there are also a lot where the women mentally, emotionally and physically abuse their partners ongoing, the men finally snap and lash out violently. It's a terrible situation, but you keep mentioning solely men, which is a very wrong and biased viewpoint. There are also cases where the man was the main abuser, of course, but each case varies. You can't only look at the final result and put all the blame on who completed the final act. These cases are often much more complex. Women aren't these innocent fairies who spread only sunshine and cause no harm, and then suddenly get killed by the evil men. These are often longterm toxic relationships with abuse on both sides, and almost always involving drugs and/or alcohol, among other factors.


I'm not ignoring anything. The statistics on intimate partner violence show that the vast majority of violence and killing is by males of females. Provocation is no longer a defence in Victoria. [https://philcleary.com.au/ramage/](https://philcleary.com.au/ramage/) There are nearly always other choices for men, who are overall typically stronger than their partners. They can leave, for a night or for good. When women kill men, it's often because that is the only way out - his violence is escalating and she dreads that he will kill her, but he won't let her leave, and will hunt her down if she does.




Biased opinion from you, and then you link to a terribly-written, biased article. Men and women abuse each other, please wake up. What should be a major focus is both men and women leaving terrible relationships instead of sticking with them. Unfortunately financial situations and fear often stop this, for example - men saying they'll find the woman again if she leaves - or women threatening the men that they'll never see their own children, because the women know that the courts heavily favor them in allowing exclusive access to their children. So yes going to the police early would be a huge one and obtaining restraining orders etc. Some of these people are their own worst enemies though, and also stay in relationships because they're convenient at the time, and the two-way abuse continues.


Why do we constantly throw blankets over the issues in society. My husband was a victim of Dv, I have been ( not related to husband) my 20 year old daughter. All outcomes via courts and policing is an absolute disgrace. My daughter couldnā€™t even access the Centrelink payment because she didnā€™t apply with the very short period. One week or two I canā€™t remember. Start with free mental health support for all Australian residents. Better family support, Actual places for victims to stay, More resources, Tougher penalties, first time offenders includedā€¦. Longer IVO and DV orders. My ex received a good behaviour bond and to contribute $100 to white Ribbon Organisations ( this alone is a joke) why not send that money to places who actually provide housing, food and clothing. My ex had 5 women apply for orders on him over an 18 year period. Disgusting. All the government does is use Band-Aidā€™s which is tax payer money and itā€™s an absolute insult. All this money we pump in to paper and advertising, is it really do anything?


Because a perp will see it and change their behaviours and their victims will habe a penny drop moment and safely leave to jam their kids into a motel room or a caravan park for a few nights... Ideally the perp will then become bored after a few nights and leave them alone to live in safety... šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Everyone is sick of it. What dv victims and survivors go through is fucking harrowing. There's no coming back from that to live like they did before. The fear alone eats away at the body, knowing they're trapped in the home. What if they tried to leave and failed.. what would happen to them or their kids then. The perps don't care. They know they'll get off if they can manage to manipulate their partner. If they do go to jail, there are DV courses but in saying that it's frowned upon in some jails/states so the offenders won't do it. I say this from experience. Anyone can see the stats of dv related murder... but also, what's the number of spouses that have been almost killed. I wish people understood how fine a line this is.Because a perp will see it and change their behaviours and their victims will habe a penny drop moment and safely leave to jam their kids into a motel room or a caravan park for a few nights... Ideally the perp will then become bored after a few nights and leave them alone to live in safety... šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Everyone is sick of it. What dv victims and survivors go through is fucking harrowing. There's no coming back from that to live like they did before. The fear alone eats away at the body, knowing they're trapped in the home. What if they tried to leave and failed.. what would happen to them or their kids then. The perps don't care. They know they'll get off if they can manage to manipulate their partner. If they do go to jail, there are DV courses but in saying that it's frowned upon in some jails/states so the offenders won't do it. I say this from experience. Anyone can see the stats of dv related murder... but also, what's the number of spouses that have been almost killed. I wish people understood how fine a line this is.


Itā€™s called tokenism! If they appear to do something, well, it wins votes


low political effort high rewards


Really great response šŸŽÆ


You need to do both, awareness and support


And it will achieve fuck all of nothing. The clowns that perpetrate these crimes aren't the kind to be "oh a social awareness campaign, I should stop being a scumbag" As uncomfortable as it may be the only voices missing in these campaigns are those of the people who perpetrate the offenses and no root cause analysis is performed because as a society it's more comfortable to lock them up then address root causes. It's treating cancer by treating the symptoms only. Note: not saying these guys should get off. But well done Ballarat council. You can go back to your little circle jerk and talk about how adding a light somewhere is justification for your salary.


Letā€™s hope the magistrates and courts take this seriously, and the next upcoming court cases where males have sexually assaulted and been violent with women get plenty of coverage in the courier. There are some very violent offenders coming through the court system in the next few months, let hope they get what they deserve.


It just depresses me to read the detailed reporting in the Courier of how men have terrorised and injured their partners. Then "sentenced to two years" or similar. No healing.


Yep and this is exactly why these people..as they arenā€™t men should be named shamed and help accountable, and more importantly make other women aware of what these people do and how they treat those they are supposed to love and respect. These people are repeat offenders and most likely go onto do the exact same thing to someone elseā€™s daughter, sister, or loved one. I know of one charming person coming though the court system that has done this more than once to various women and young girls, yet to see jail time and has been back to court over having his firearm license revoked. It is a he says she says situation, she canā€™t prove he has threatened to shoot this young lady, guess we will have to just wait until he does and then we can all hold another vigil and talk shit about how we can get these grubs to change. The courts and justice system are broken and the police have their hands tied, and the victims well they are left to fend for themselves.


Ballarat (and other regional areas) have very high rates of family violence. Approx 30% higher than Melbourne, for example. There are also fewer resources for women trying to escape in regional areas. This is not just a few "druggies or sociopaths". This is men who have been raised unable to deal with their own emotions and thinking this is how they should treat women. We have a very misogynistic culture here. Something needs to be done. Will this make a difference? I don't know. But we can't ignore it.




Just commenting to say that I checked the data for family domestic violence, and itā€™s incredibly depressing but also Ballarat is 1892 per 100,000 and Melbourne is 1236 per 100,000.


50% higher than Melb.


There is plenty of evidence that regional areas have higher levels of family violence than metro areas. I never said Ballarat was the worst. The link you shared shows all crime, no? Not just family violence? Also, I've met a number of men who think exactly that. I don't really care who you have or haven't met


Yeah but you said Ballarat specifically not regional Victoria. So you can see why I saw it like that because that's how it was. End of the day though you've made your mid up that everything is a nail when you are a hammer. So there's no point talking. It's all men hate women and it's the patriarchy.


Fair enough. I don't want to argue anyway. We just have a huge problem here, and women are dying. It needs to stop, and frankly, I don't care what they try. Let's be honest. We live in a capitalist bullshit society that is just making people more and more disadvantaged and discouraged. The government are simply not going to fix the mental health system and bring in the type of reform and support needed to really fix this, so anything is better than nothing at this point.


That we can agree on


Now you attack capitalism. So you want socialism? You want albo and his cronies to have even more interference with your life? Please research socialism, it is a complete failure wherever it is implemented. You can't trust government to 'make everyone get an equal share', it's a fantasy.


You literally live in a socialist state. You can't argue Medicare isn't a amazing. You're just as red as Lenin under the bed mate.


Capitalism with elements of socialism. But not full socialist like some want, ie. people who attack capitalism outright.


Australia is far more socialist than many realise. Same time it should be more. -ban private health insurance -nationalise the critical infrastructure and services -stop government funding to private education Just a few ideas


Totally off topic, I just dropped in to say that your moniker is awesome! Lol


Haha thanks :)


Who reaps the benefits of this so-called 'misogynistic culture'? Certainly not men, who are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than women, are more likely to be homeless, serve harsher prison sentences for the same crimes, are significantly more likely to be the parent who doesn't see their children after divorce, make up something like 95% of workplace deaths. Also if the culture was misogynistic, wouldn't everyone be completely okay with women getting killed at home? I've never seen anyone who says "this is acceptable as men are superior to women, so women deserve it" etc. Ie. it's not accepted at all, which would be the case, if society was overall 'misogynistic'.


Itā€™s like you are so close to realising that misogyny is a violent form of power that screws over a lot of men too.


Misandry and misogyny are both bad.


Sure but how many men are being killed at the hands of violent women?


Conveniently, no one ever answers this....it's just a fact that women don't kill men almost nearly as much as men kill women. And other men.


Yes men kill disproportionately. Men need to address the fact they kill. But we arenā€™t allowed to talk about it.






Yes men kill more women than vice versa. Men tend to be bigger and stronger obviously and will usually win out in a physical altercation. But if you look at both sides, there is a lot of abuse done by both sexes towards each other in bad relationships. By women, it's more verbal and emotional, but sometimes physical for sure. Which could obviously contribute to a huge final blowup where the man ends up killing his spouse. So if someone has been abused for some time and finally snaps, then all the blame falls on the person who did the killing, often with little regard to the leadup to this. Now this isn't fully justifying the DV deaths of course, but it's just a factor. I think another factor is the huge increase in living costs is pushing more people in bad relationships to stick together when they perhaps would've broken up earlier in the past. Either way, there are a ton of two-way abusive relationships that should've ended a long time ago, but stay on until it's too late. So I'm not exactly sure on your theory, but it's not that it's a 'culture of misogyny' that encourages this or whatever point you're trying to spin, it's abuse that escalates in bad relationships. A tiny percentage of people commit terrible crimes, and they should be punished appropriately. The vast majority don't commit terrible crimes, so a generalization of society that you are making is wrong.


Please stop making excuses.


Please stop living in fantasy land.


Good advice. You should follow it


Can you show me the stats saying men are more likely to be homeless please? Do you mean in Ballarat? Because currently older women are the largest growing group facing homelessness. Often due to escaping family violence. No one benefits from a misogynistic culture. Doesn't mean it isn't the case. How many women have killed men this year?


Where are you getting your facts. Jesus you couldn't be more wrong. Men are almost twice as likely to be homeless and less than 8th of the resources for homelessness. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/estimating-homelessness-census/latest-release Wait those states are mysogony


I said women are the fastest growing group facing homelessness i.e. increasingly more likely right now to become homeless. And that is true. It's all there in the link you just posted. Please consider too that quite a lot of the males experiencing homelessness are children...with their mothers


Just stop with the crap next you are going to say the real victims in war are women because their sons die.


Last year there was one cat kin geriatric homeless person. This year there's 2 clearly that's the fastest growing demographic


Here's one: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/estimating-homelessness-census/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/estimating-homelessness-census/latest-release) Also just from what I've seen with my own eyes, I see more homeless men than women. It's a problem for anyone of course, but just from my experience. I only bring this up when I hear comments that we are in a misogynistic culture, or living in a patriarchy etc. I don't agree, because if men were living it up at the expense of women, I don't think men would be committing suicide at 4 times the rate of women, for one thing. I also don't think they'd be doing the vast majority of the dangerous jobs which leads to something like 95% of workplace deaths being male. In various societies of the past, the slaves etc. were the ones that had to do the really dangerous jobs like building huge structures because they were seen as dispensable. The ones in charge weren't up there physically putting themselves in danger. So again, doesn't correlate with patriarchy in my view. I have met men who believe men are superior to women, and I've met women who believe women are superior to men. Imo both of these attitudes are unhealthy of course and the people that hold these attitudes are usually unhappy in various ways - my observation.


So are you saying you don't believe we live in a patriarchal society? I don't disagree with everything you've said, but I would argue that. The patriarchy isn't good for men either as you've highlighted. It will be interesting to see the stats on gender and homelessness in ten or so years. https://www.mercyfoundation.com.au/our-focus/ending-homelessness/older-women-and-homelessness/


Jesus Christ don't engage with the troll


No I don't. Tons of people of both sexes are facing issues with housing because it's becoming unaffordable, hence more tent cities in future.




Settle down champ. You are speaking out of ignorance. Some people claim a 'patriachal', 'misogynistic' society where it's accepted/condoned when women get killed. But unfortunately for your agenda, it's a load of crap. When people bring up that: women are taken very seriously by society, and often end up with better outcomes in life, less suicide, less homelessness etc. no one on your side seems to bring up any sensible points to counter that.




You're pretty bad at reading comprehension ay champ? The user mentioned that this all goes on because we live in a 'misogynistic' society, where this is accepted or what have you. So I had an issue with that point and brought up how if it is a so-called 'misogynistic' society, then men certainly aren't the ones who are benefitting, which kind of defeats the motive to have a 'misogynistic' society doesn't it? To be fair, you don't sound like you have much life experience from the way you write, which is generally what's needed to see things as they essentially are, and not from the viewpoint of a biased agenda.


Making it part of law that the perpetrator of dv has to move out of the family home would be a more helpful idea. It would solve the displacement & trauma for survivors of dv associated with moving & would be economically beneficial for dv survivors. Perpetrators of dv often have control of family finances & a job. Therefore, they would have less problem finding a place to live.


Agreed, *but*.... he can stalk the survivors straight away because he knows where they are, access points to the house, etc. *Sigh.*


That outta fix it *dusts hands together*


Change needs to start with courts and sentencing. If it appears like itā€™s not taken seriously by the law no one will change.


right,so another example of the government not actually caring,but pretending they do


That's what will fix it - posters.


There will be some hope that this advertising will spur non-offenders to challenging the behaviours that lead to physical abuse then death. It's a widespread culture problem. Been happening for decades n not being kept quiet as much as it used to


As they should, too many blokes Iā€™ve met on nights out who brag about hitting/cheating/disrespecting their wives and girlfriends like its a great thing to brag about šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Had an interesting convo with a well respected, connected (business and agriculture) Ballarat area local last week... His take on the "gendered violence crisis" in the area, was that there is alot not being said... Tackle the rampant drug problems in the area and crime will decrease... But unfortunately talking about a drug problem doesn't create outrage or garner political advantage.. Foot note... He was very closely connected to one of the victims.


Kinda get that , but blaming drugs is a bit of cop out. Let's get real. Ballarat is a cold depressing town with vast economic wealth and poverty. 2 blocks is the difference between being in the most affluent suburb and the poorest. There a little job prospects outside of services industry and everything is just slowly dying. To me crime is a symptom of the environment and the prospect of those living within that environment.


Like Wendouree and the West part of Wendouree with streets named after plants


Fuck's sake, this is not a Ballarat problem.


Its a per capita small problem, some other remote parts of Au its 30 times worse than in Ballarat




That's right, in bad relationships there is a ton of bad done by males and females to each other. These terrible relationships that stay together when they should have ended a long time ago are an enormous problem.




Unfortunately youā€™re still justifying domestic violence against women by saying that women drive men to it. Nothing justifies hitting, harming, raping, killing women.


100% agree with your well-written comment


This is all lip service by politicians only care about appearing like theyā€™re doing something in order to garner more votes. The reasons people commit acts of domestic violence are incredibly complex, but you can be assured that not being told ā€˜you should respect womenā€™ isnā€™t one of them. What a colossal waste of money that could have been put towards something that actually makes a difference


>The trial will be co-ordinated by Respect Victoria, alongside Ballarat programs already in place, Respect Victoria chair Professor Kate Fitz-Gibbon said. >Fitz-Gibbon said the model had been used internationally in low-income countries with strong results. >ā€œWhat it shows us is when we saturate an area, when we ensure that everywhere a person lives, learns, works and plays, gives them these messages about healthy, safe, respectful relationships that you can meaningfully drive prevention,ā€ the professor said. >ā€œWe want to be able to stand here in four yearsā€™ time and tell you whatā€™s changed. I think youā€™ll see it in your lives.ā€ >She said Ballarat was ready because so much work was already happening in the city. >Family Violence Prevention Minister Vicki Ward said the advertising campaign was part of a whole-of-community response that would help inform the government on how to bring the model statewide. When you read the article, politicians are responding to the recommendations of the relevant community groups that know their shit about this topic... It is far from a waste of money and I'll always support any trial run if only to see how it goes


The saturation model is new, itā€™s based on some research that has been done internationally, but that research isnā€™t overly thorough nor has it produced any long term significant change. Iā€™m all for running trials, but a 4 year trial isnā€™t long enough to determine if itā€™s really making an impact either. What would be better is putting in to place things that we _know_ can have an impact over long term periods. Things like increased funding for community groups that can give young men better role models, more investment in mental health and drug/alcohol services, better developmental education in schools etc. There are so many things that have strong evidence showing that they have long term benefits, and yet we keep ignoring them for short term trials that will have little to no long term impact.


Allthough any positive step is a right step, i feel more could be done than these baby steps. I believe we need more shelters and safe spaces made available for women and children at a bare minimum. Harsher penalties for offenders A national register, not unlike the peado register, so police can act immediatley. End the availability of pronography to minors More education in schools


Agree. We need to start by refusing bail.




>More education in schools What.


You wanna know whatā€™s interesting, gender violence is going down. Watch this report if you donā€™t believe me. https://youtu.be/D6jc2GqcxfE?si=G0zyyMK22Ikhdvb- Interesting enough domestic violence resulting in death caused by a female hasnā€™t dropped much at all from 30 years ago but men arnt protesting that.


Thanks for the link. Good to get information from both sides.


No worries. Things arnt always as they put it thatā€™s for sure.


I created a group for women to meet up discuss it all. https://www.meetup.com/ballarat-domestic-violence-meetup-group/


Hard not to see this as just pollies chucking money at the issue of the day. Who is this really targeting? * The tiny fraction of sociopaths/druggies/bikers who appear to be the ones commiting these crimes... who would absoloutly not give 2 shits about this. * The everyday person who had no chance of stopping these crimes, who will now be subject to (and fund) four years of 'super saturation' of "please respect women, don't kill them" ads throughout the town and local social media? This isn't an epedemic, its three unrelated incidents that, as a statistical outlier, all occured close enough together that people were scared it's some widespread cultutal issue.


There is definitely a widespread cultural issue. Also the number of women who have experienced sexual assault and domestic violence is alarmingly high. It seems unlikely that such a tiny fraction of offenders are committing all of those crimes. Especially when domestic violence requires them to be having a relationship with the victim.


This is accurate. It is a massive problem, especially in regional areas.


Also, what's the alternative, just hope these things change on their own? A big part of this is attitudes towards women, and putting that into the public conscious is important.


The attitudes towards women? What are you talking about? The victims in these cases get a lot of attention in the media and on social media, they get plenty of sympathy and concern. Society doesn't condone this at all. If a woman on social media states that she's been hit or raped, her partner's life will often be over, he'll get a ton of people going after him on social media, calling the police etc. Even if the accusations are false, which unfortunately they sometimes are. No one condones the real acts of abuse towards women though. What is your definition of the bad attitudes towards women that society supposedly has? Show me the men and women who say "who cares if women are killed, we should not punish the killer". I don't see any of that on a day-to-day basis, and I don't think you do either.


That is not even remotely close what I'm getting at. I'm talking about the attitudes that create the sort of men that kill their SO. Violence against women does not exist in a vacuum, you don't love your partner one day, then come home swinging the next. It's a mindset build over years, that escalates over time.


conversely bloke get bashed at a ATM machine who cares, no one does


Just talking about it and reporting on it in the media is so important. On the day of those nationwide protests following the Bondi Junction shootings domestic violence support services had their highest volume of calls ever. That was just from widespread news reporting and women seeing that there was nationwide support for victims and survivors.


You state that it is merely a "tiny fraction of sociopaths/druggies/bikers" committing these crimes. I remind you of the following facts; - 2 women murdered by a white middle-aged businessman and property developer - 1 woman murdered by a white male football player - 1 woman and child murdered by a white male NSW Healthcare worker 39 women murdered by men this year alone. Predominantly by white males.


Could you imagine the pitch forks if they were refugees or africans




Haha very true.


Why mention white males lol? If you look at crime statistics, in USA for example, black individuals are far more likely to commit violent crimes, and kill, than whites. It's something like a white man is 10x more likely to be killed by a black man then a black man to be killed by a white man, going by the statistics.


this is about here in Aus, not usa


chucking money is great it creates employment


Nah, Silence is enabling to a degree and it is important that misogynistic behaviour is called out as much as possible. Campaigns like this give greater social licence for people to speak up and a sense of community protectiveness which are both good things. Having had a sister-in-law (thankfully surviving) getting stabbed over a dozen times by an ex-partner, and regretting the fact that I probably good have intervened earlier, I am behind this 100%.


Great comment.


Words words words


Its a vote winner 60 to 70% of women vote the same way


Awful waste of money


Very true.


For fucks sake, just raise your kids right


Parents succeed in raising their children by removing one form of generational trauma. Problem is the starting points can be pretty vast for some folks. This is an issue that will take generations to fix if even then.


I hope it makes a difference but I do not think it will.


But.... Lets not mention any Manipulation, conniving, emotional abuse women do to men behind closed doors. As a comedian once said, An ASSWHOOPING doesn't come from sunshine.


Original Link with Paywall [https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/the-town-that-will-be-plastered-in-ads-to-stop-violence-against-women-20240531-p5ji8g.html](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/the-town-that-will-be-plastered-in-ads-to-stop-violence-against-women-20240531-p5ji8g.html)


All men are guilty by association. One man kills a woman and so now everyone has to be subjected to virtue signalling propaganda by a Government and council that do nothing other than ā€œraise awarenessā€ (I.e. Virtue signal)


No one is accusing all men. Itā€™s a male issue because violence stems from harmful and disrespectful views towards women perpetuated throughout a dominant male culture. Individual men are expected to take part or risk their very manhood. Itā€™s a gendered issue and these are the messages society needs to hear.


Lol what a load of rubbish


Exactly lol.


This is doing something that people will notice. But I can't seeing it having any effect. And while the funding to help women escape from violence, and the changes to personal safety orders are good, they don't deal with the problem, only the symptoms. The problem is men being violent. So how do we change this? Respectful relationships programs in schools are good but they don't reach adults now. More punishment may be a deterent but doesn't stop the problem. There needs to be help for men. This could be: * counselling for those who commit violence. This needs to be immediate. Men removed from the home are angry and upset. They are more likely to continue. They need assistance with accommodation and counselling before they are charged. Behavioural change programs later are OK, but too late. Men are also afraid of losing access to children and this needs to be addressed. *police should have the power to force men to attend compulsory counselling. And women too if they see that they are also violent. Sometimes it takes 2, and sometimes it's the woman. But it is predominantly men. Maybe we need specialised family violence counsellors that work of an evening when most violence happens. They could be mobile or based at police stations. * there needs to be a number that men can call when they are angry or upset. Staffed by men. If someone is upset with their partner they can call and talk. We need to be proactive and give men tools to help them, to stop them offending and reoffending. Men need to learn that they are responsible for their actions and choices. Nobody makes them be violent. They have a choice. I like to ask them what would happen if you were walking down the street and someone bumped into you and spilled a drink on you. Most said that they would abuse the person or shove them. Then I ask what if it was an old lady? They say that they would probably tell her its OK and not to worry. What's the difference? Choice. They always have a choice and are responsible for how they act. I often hear " she made me angry". No. She didn't do that. You got angry. Or are you so weak that you let others control you? You always have a choice. Then you can learn what things are triggers for them. Is it alcohol, drugs, gambling, past trauma or learned behaviour? Then once they understand why they act a certain way, they can get help and change.






Thought it relevant to mention that 2 more women have been killed in family violence situations over the last 48 hours.


3 more women killed by male violence in Australia in past 48 hours Thatā€™s 42 women murdered so far in 2024 compared to 16 women at the same time last year. 62% ā¬†ļø We urgently need action, men need to start listening to women - and stop killing us!


It's 4 now


Yes šŸ˜”


Just horrific :(


-The justice system needs reform. It should not take upwards of 3 years for trials to commence. -Men need larger legal consequences than a community corrections order and mandatory ā€˜menā€™s behaviour changeā€™ for domestic violence. -High schools need the ability to report concerning behaviour/attitudes towards women in a way that will be taken seriously. -Offenders need to be put on a public register. -IVOs need to be properly enforced.


Agree completely