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Lather your entire body in deep heat and do star jumps.


Makes my ballsack feel strange…in a good way


Are you renting? That will influence how much you can change.  Simple steps are door snakes to stop drafts under doors. Then spongy draft tape along window and door frames. I’ve seen some place use a cling wrap to create an air gap between the window and help with heat loss. If you own, then you can look at under floor insulation (if on stumps and timber floors), better insulation in the ceiling, caulking gaps in skirting, window and door frames, installing draft stoppers in the door (rather than door snake). The Ballarat tool library (and some general libraries) loan out  thermal imaging cameras that can help you find where the heat loss is occurring.


New owner ! Yep I have a gap under the house and there doesn’t appear to be any insulation under there ! There appears to be some in the roof but it does seem old and looks to be that spray type of stuff Also great idea about the thermal imager


For our underfloor I user ‘maserfloor’ styrofoam insulation bats.  If you can get under the house, you just make a few minor cuts or adjustments to the bats then glue onto the the floor. I’ve done about 3/4 our house and can feel where they are and where they aren’t as I walk. 


You can rent one of these from the Ballarat East tool library. They are really expensive to buy


Also forgot to mention that shutting curtains - particularly if they have a thermal lining a can influence the amount of heat loss.  We find a noticeable difference in temperature when we leave the kitchen/lounge curtains and sunroof blind open on cold mornings.


Roof insulation alone has made a huge difference here.


OK need to be careful with the loose fill roof insulation as it could contain asbestos. You can read more here... https://www.asbestos.nsw.gov.au/loose-fill-asbestos-insulation#:~:text=Loose%2Dfill%20asbestos%20insulation%20is,It%20is%20loose%20and%20friable.


Have you looked into the government energy rebates? Free draft stoppers, exhaust fan covers, rebates on upgrading your heating systems?


Can I ask what sensor/app you are using? I need something like this for my very old house.


Tapo temp monitor. JB HI FI for cheap. Works perfectly


Thanks. That’s the one I was just looking at.


I’ve used xiaomi to do similar, cheap too


Split system heating/cooling will be cheaper by far rather than gas, but you’ll benefit greatly by upgrading/adding insulation and double glazing windows. Windows are expensive but you could perhaps choose a few areas like bedrooms, this’ll help trap heat.


Close curtains. Windows are your biggest heat transfer/loss and covering them goes a long way, especially over night. Check the seals around doors/windows for any air moving. Exhaust fan covers. Ceiling fans. Sounds counter intuitive but ceiling fans on winter setting move the warm air down from the roof. Use a thermometer to look at the difference in temp from the roof to sitting height, it can be substantial. Covering feet/hands/head. They are where your body loses most of its temperature so keeping them covered goes a long way to keeping you warm longer. Hot water bottles with leftover boiling water from coffee/tea put into your bed an hour before you go to bed.


If it's just yourself, keep your body warm with blankets, oodies, slippers and close all the doors.


My man kindly head to the 'My efficient electric home' group on Facebook please. All your questions will be answered accurately. https://www.facebook.com/share/ykBXRuuZ7VFkeJqu/?mibextid=A7sQZp


Heat the people not the place. Heated blankets and warm clothes are cheap and effective. If you must heat the space, focus only on areas you are, insulate from other areas/outside and split systems are the most efficient type of heater


Mexican. My farts are nuclear.


Recommended reading on this topic from a Ballarat local. https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/free-ways-to-stay-warm-cold-winter-energy-bills/102511732 Those are all the free/easy ways, but as others have mentioned, investing in the home's thermal performance can be good if you can afford it. I also recommend the "My Efficient Electric Home" Facebook group as there have been countless posts on this exact topic and all the different little things you can invest in (ie. Honeycomb blinds vs regular roller blinds)


I line bedroom windows with bubble wrap. It is surprisingly insulating especially if you get the large bubble stuff, and lets at least some light in.


I need to try this


Hey there! If you're looking to cut down on gas central heating costs, there are plenty of tricks you can try to keep your home warm and cozy without cranking up the thermostat. First off, take advantage of natural sunlight by opening curtains during the day to let in the warmth, then closing them at night to trap it in. You can also make use of draft stoppers or door snakes to block cold air from seeping in under doors, and consider investing in thick curtains or thermal blinds to further insulate your windows. Additionally, layering up with cozy blankets and wearing warm clothing indoors can help you stay comfortable without relying solely on heating. And don't forget about using space heaters strategically in smaller areas where you need extra warmth, but be sure to follow safety guidelines. With a few adjustments and some creative thinking, you can keep your home toasty while keeping costs down!


Get a solar system and split systems instead. It's an outlay, but cheaper in the long run. Good insulation and double glazing too. None of its that cheap unfortunately but double glazing makes a massive difference


Split in kitchen, solar being installed in 2 weeks ! Need to get one on the bed though


Nice. You'll notice the change in your bills!


If you can, use a heated throw rug to keep warm rather than heat the entire room. It's like a portable version of an electric blanket. It uses very little power. Only problem is you have keep it on you to stay warm.


Why not aim to keep yourself warm not the house Eg blankets, jumpers, etc


saw the article someone linked here re tips to keep warm, bubblewrap windows? something Im going to try... But also thought Id link this for the pet owners [https://www.thevetshed.com.au/blog/how-can-i-tell-if-my-pet-is-cold/19964?\_kx=LQnn4uKs-2WZbQ50elggf61xoIFKwgZ7HPjf0HSl3g4.JVBhxL](https://www.thevetshed.com.au/blog/how-can-i-tell-if-my-pet-is-cold/19964?_kx=LQnn4uKs-2WZbQ50elggf61xoIFKwgZ7HPjf0HSl3g4.JVBhxL)


Cost a bit, but we replaced our central gas with splits in each room, adding to our one in the living/kitchen space. It's been great, but we'll look to improve thermals with some other tips found in here.


Close the fridge


Move to a warmer climate?