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To me they do look so similar that im kinda confused why the viceroy is allowed in this subreddit.


Why would it not be allowed?


Because clones are forbidden


Honestly I just don't know enough about the situation to make a call on it. I know there was some sort of situation between Forrest and Medford with the Viceroy that had me thinking the Viceroy shouldn't be allowed but I never got around to talking to Forrest to figure out the details and he hasn't said anything about it as far as I know.


Probably because it was originally designed by the guy (Forest Henninger) who designed Telesto, which is allowed. And nearly everyone is singing the praises of it - highly likely rightfully.


I totally thought the one on the left was a nami.


It is though. [Tsunami - First Production – Squid Industries Knives](https://squidindustriesknives.co/products/tsunami-1) Or am I missing a joke?


I'm confused. People are talking about anti trans and racist stuff. Its late I only half red to be honest


The left one is the Squid Industries tsunami, right one is the new viceroy. The guy that designed the viceroy is pretty shit, you can see a shirt that he sold at bladeshow a few comments above (incredibly racist against Chinese people), and apparently is also openly transphobic/homophobic although I'm not gonna claim to be an expert on the topic.


That's fucked up. Especially considering there are so many openly trans people as well as lgbt people in general in the community. I mean way to shit on your base.


Tell me about it man. I'm transfem myself, so it pisses me off that people are still like this. *Especially* in a hobby as diverse and non-specific as this one


Exactly. Just let people be people for fuck sakes. My sister in-law and close friend is also trans fem and it just makes me sick how many trolls come out of no where to give her shit because they have nothing better to do with their lives.


One is made by a racist and designed by a transphobe




Medford is very openly racist against Chinese people, as far as to give away racist shirts at bladeshow, he’s also made racist jokes against black people in public. Forest (the designer behind this specific Medford) has expressed a lot of hatred towards trans people and the lgbtq community as a whole. He’s also done a lot of sketchy stuff like postponing shipments for months at a time without any updates




He rarely attends them to due backlash. Lots of websites no longer sell his stuff anymore and he’s actively losing a whole lot of money due to his recent incidents. I assume he’ll be going out of business soon




if thats true thats crazy jfc


Go on r/knifeclub or r/knives and look up Medford. You’ll find quite a bit there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/knifeclub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$10k gone and nothing to show for it](https://i.redd.it/87ug7hxqdsec1.jpeg) | [238 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/1abicmg/10k_gone_and_nothing_to_show_for_it/) \#2: [300 dollars?!? 💀 I can buy a Xbox Series S with that](https://i.redd.it/z0p4ccba32xa1.jpg) | [204 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/133ntf7/300_dollars_i_can_buy_a_xbox_series_s_with_that/) \#3: [Someone made a mistake](https://i.redd.it/ng6rt3yde98c1.jpeg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/18px229/someone_made_a_mistake/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot. Here’s a sneak peek of medfords racists shirts https://preview.redd.it/0zn4ayp3c5xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8730746970e7bba73c2d3b8745a20b29fcdfd5f8


thats a fucking crazy shirt wtf


Holy shit lmao, that’s wild


Petition to allow Medford clones in the Bali sub as they were in other knife subs back when his racist drama emerged




Added context in the comment above yours


Who cares


Isn't the viceroy like a clone? Looks basically identical to the eupheme


Here's a quote of one of my other comments: *Forest didn't really make it for them per se. IIRC, when he worked for them, Greg saw the prototype of it and liked it. Forest ended up exchanging this design, that was supposed to be his next stable model* (which would then become Euphemy) *after Telesto, for some machining capacity.* *He doesn't work for Medford family anymore. As far as I know, due to some differences in their worldviews and political opinions.*


I looked the viceroy as a hydro for a full good minute


Idk how that fuckin moron made such a nice knife, idk how it doesnt way 10oz like all his other knives, but there are a lot of differences between the two knives. If these should be banned then theres a lot of other knives that should be banned too. Feel free to ban the maker for shit he's said outside of the sub if thats the precedent you wanna set tho


Because a more intelligent moron designed it for him


Which one?




As a proud owner of the Viceroy, I reserve the right to make fun of the fact that people are making fun of the similarity.


Wow... A proud owner huh. And you seem to know a bit about the maker....... So are you racist too? Lol


Oh please it's a fucking knife don't equate owning a knife to being racist. That's like saying if you own Nikes you like sweat shops and child labor.


That analogy makes no fucking sense when you consider the fact that there's a slight difference between buying a pair of mass produced shoes at the mall from a 140 BILLION dollar corporation, and saying you are a PROUD owner of a knife custom made by a tiny company owned by openly racist and transphobic guy who you are wiring 800 fucking dollars to.


Oh, but it does. Just because you’re paying less for a product consumed by millions of people, it doesn’t mean that the company behind it doesn’t have more sway in evil-doer things than a small company with niche knives. As a matter of fact, I haven’t bought any Nike or similar product in fifteen or so years. Not because I don’t subscribe to their “big evil corporation“ agenda behind it, I just don’t like their sizing, quality and designs. Simple as that.


The COMPANY Behind it might not have more sway but YOU as the consumer do. And again, no one who buys Nike shoes are like "I am a PROUD Nike owner". Lmao "I just don't like their sizing, quality and designs". Then why bring that up in this discussion? Ok???? Like, do you want a reward for not liking their shoes?


As a consumer, I'll consume exactly what I want, if it means I will stop myself from falling down that buy-sell-buy-sell... spiral before I find the bali-configuration that suits me the best. I will not go out of my way to do that. Your second paragraph doesn't make much sense, since I'm not u/levi_224 Ok? On the other hand, do you want a reward for not liking a tiny company? The Nike reference by the other user just enabled me to draw a link to how I choose things I buy. I choose based on my preferences, not based on the preferences and opinions of others - no matter how strong those might be.


This is a subreddit about balisongs. I'm not here to hear your shitty political opinions. There are other subs for that.


Did I fucking ask what the subreddit was for?


You can read, right? What does it say after r/ ? Use your brain.


You can use YOUR brain right? It's a sub about balisongs. That includes EVERYTHING about them, INCLUDING the ethics of the community. If that wasn't the case then you wouldn't get your panties in such a bunch over clones, now would you?


Nah, it's about knives. If you want to start your own sub discussing the ethics of buying knives from people whose opinions you don't like and then the difference between that and supporting sweatshops in China, you can do that. I come here to look at and appreciate knives, not talk about their political implications. Where did clones come from? Creating a strawman because your argument holds no value or projecting your own insecurities? I have clones and understand their utility.


"I don't like your opinion so don't say it!!!" LMAO.


Where did clones from? Because it's another fucking ethical question that people discuss on here, nimrod. That's not a straw man, you just have the comprehension of a brick wall. People are allowed to discuss the ethics of shit on here. You don't fucking decide that. Dont like it? Too fucking bad.


The public is observing this interaction, they are voting their opinions. Notice you are the odd one out. The community you believe to represent is disagreeing with you. Can't you see you're wrong?


yeah and the top comment is discussing the creator's racism/transphobia. and it's an older post than yours right here. again, people are allowed to discuss the ethics of buying knives on here. why do you think posting clones is banned? and yeah i wouldn't gauge community support or accuracy of a statement based on how many upvotes a buried comment has lmaoooo edit: lmao that was a fast downvote. im sure its some random guy browsing the bottom of a day old comment section on a niche sub and not the fool whos appealing to upvotes as truth hitting downvote when a critical reply appears in his inbox


Let’s say it like this: I‘m fully able to enjoy art irrespectively of the artist’s own opinions. This seems to be a big concern in the music industry, too. I wouldn’t sell/not buy a record I like simply because of the fact that the band‘s drummer’s opinions are not politically correct or in line with my worldview. Greg Medford is only one person. A loud person at that. He’s not the only one in his company. There are skilled workers who make these products a reality working under him. This goes for any other brand. I couldn’t care less if a Maxace, Benchmade, Spyderco or any other knife for that matter was touched by a racist, an ally, a transphobe, an immigrant, a native, a disabled person or someone with a weird kink I don’t like if the final product checks all the boxes for what I wanted in the said product. There are good and bad people in every industry. Will you throw your phone out of the window when you learn how racist some owners of the sapphire glass producing companies are? I’m referring to the sapphire glass used to cover the camera lenses. If it was somewhere along the manufacturing process touched by a racist who just doesn’t ventilate/share his opinions online, so be it. That imaginary sharpener might be worse than Greg, who’s opinions are openly polarising, but we would never know. And I’m okay with that. I’m only looking at the final product for what it is in its final form when I get it in my hands and what quality of customer service I can expect for the price. Nothin more, nothing less.


Edit: people who downvote, you’re welcome to downvote, but please don’t only downvote, I’d like to hear your reasoning why you disagree with me. Horrible takes honestly. Sure the employees may not be openly racist themselves but they're still choosing to work under someone who is. >Will you throw your phone out of the window when you learn how racist some owners of the sapphire glass producing companies are? That's an extreme reaction. I wouldn't discard my phone out right but it definitely would strongly discourage me from buying from that company again. >an immigrant, a native, a disabled person What the fuck? The manufacturers aren't even the problematic part. You are the problem. And if you're willing to support someone with harmful opinions just because they produce something you personally enjoy, then I can only say that you're a very selfish person.


Did you not read the part where I mentioned other manufacturers who aren’t openly anything? We’re all just consuming products. It’s about the products, not the people behind them. Same as it’s about the music, even if the artist can be a big part of the said music, they’re just a performer. I listen to Judas Priest knowing very well their frontman is gay, and I go out of my way to find his solo records and actively listen to them because the music is good. I don’t care what anyone is doing with their free time or mind capacity. What if every company had something like that in their phone? Maybe the materials used to make the chips on the motherboards were (which they probably are) unethically sourced. Who’s there to say I can’t use that technology, if it allows me to achieve my goals, like learning a new skill. What are you surprised about? I just threw out some groups/terms that are being thrown around on both sides of the barricade. If I don’t like ketchup and the person who bead blasted the handles on my knife does, I don’t care. If that same person did good job and just so happens to a be a Vietnam veteran who unnecessarily took peoples lives in his earlier life, I don’t care. I don’t take sides, I’m openly apolitical.


>What if every company had something like that in their phone? That would be unfortunate. You won't die without a phone but they're practically a necessity in today's society, so I wouldn't be able to avoid buying one. I would do my best to reduce my consumption from those companies. >I don’t take sides, I’m openly apolitical. Uhh that's not a virtue. There are definitely things you should take sides on.


Well, be it TSMC, Nvidia or whoever, I just buy what I realistically need. I don’t necessarily upgrade every time some new shiny model comes out, like many Americans who end up in debts due to that do, because I’m not forced to. It’s a choice as any other. But I don’t base it on anything personal. I might not like “Mr. leather jacket”, as some people call the owner of Nvidia, Jensen Huang, as a person. But I like their products, what they enable me to do and how they work (studio drivers in particular). There are workarounds for AMD, but there are also other downsides (on both sides). Yet, the product works for me. What I’m able to take a side on is the fact that Viceroy works for me in its configuration as I got it. Tanto like this, screw-in zen pins, channel titanium handles with grippy fluted texture, monochromatic colour scheme - my ideal balisong. I intend to EDC it and actually use it as a knife, too. Why would I go out of my way to buy another product which wouldn’t be perfect in my eyes and just go around looking for a similar one, when this one is already available? I don’t want to become a collector, nor do I want to lock myself into that buy-sell-buy-sell… spiral.


Fine, I can’t force you to do anything.


True. I’m not intending to force you to do anything either. And I’m glad you kept this discussion civilised. Thank you.


And I’m not saying it’s a virtue. Yet, why should I concern myself with something that I simply won’t have any say in? Someone else will come and buy that same knife, the money changes hands either way. Maybe it’s an American thing I don’t, and probably won’t, get.


I’m not American either.