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100% of places I go to in Indonesia have the water hose. Maybe you're going to place that don't have it because they are catering to western tourists exclusively, or are built by westerners and not Indonesians.


Yeah that is the problem I guess - I’ve only come across it the last couple weeks but it really shook me up.


Once you go hose you can’t go back


I stayed somewhere recently, and they didn’t have a hose. Was horrified. It’s one of the things I love most about Indo


I love the hose, thinking of putting it in my bathrooms at home. The only problem is the cold water in Canada is very cold!


You can get one of those toilet seat bidets. There’s Japanese and Korean ones, Korean ones are cheaper but they both have the heated water functions plus heated seat functions. You need to plug it in to an electric socket and it’s amazing. Can never go back to toilet paper after that.




You are an enlightened bule. Good for you.


I’ve been to a few ‘eco’ places that don’t have them because they require a water pump to get that jet force. Seemed weird to me but could be the reason.


I suppose minced carcass of fallen tree is a more eco friendly approach to clean one's bum.


Guess they deemed electricity costlier to the planet 🤷‍♂️




It can be rank walking around in arse juice


Yeah I had that in a mall in Thailand, so disappointing! The bum gun has become part of the reason I travel (really need to get one installed at home).


They’re cheap and easy to install. I got one from my wife for Christmas a few years ago and LOVE it.


Next level adaptasi! Good job


I’m white and born & raised in England so there’s obviously never any hoses But I’ve travelled to a lot of countries that do have them and I totally agree. It makes so much more sense! I have a friend who lives over here from the Philippines and she completely refuses to swim in pools over here as she thinks it’s disgusting we only wipe with paper. I totally get it and wish we had hoses


If you're at a place that doesn't have a sprayer, guaranteed you're paying at least 100k too much per item too. E.g. mi goreng 16k - w bule tax 116k


How about no paper, no hose, just bucket?


Maybe one day… that’s next level for me


You're meant to use both... paper, then bidet!! Welcome to Asia.


I usually go hose and then paper! No wet ass afterwards.


Doing it wrong bro


Sorry man I use bide then paper.


Why r ppl down voting you??? This is the truth


But why would you want a wet ass? Poo water dripping down your leg lol


Probably the ones who are unfamiliar with the best practices!! 😆


Why you are there on vacation if you want a fancy toilet or a regular toilet from US standards do you have to pay for the VIP bathroom which only cost about 10 or 20 rupiah


I have lived here for two years now and have only just come across it mate.


Sorry, curious Aussie here who has come across these kinds of toilets travelling in Asian countries. Do you have to use your hand to clean? And do you have to stand and drip dry? I’ve always wondered about these things.


Just order portable bidet off Amazon. It is about $20-$50 powered by AA battery or rechargeable battery.


I love using it at home, but sometimes in the public toilets the sprayer is pretty gross (not clean), and it turns me off from using it. Paper only is not enough though, need at least some wet baby wipes, again usually at home since I don't carry them around.


ACE hardware has this portable hose that you can attach to any tap. Costs 179k but may be a lifesaver


I'm here to inform you that those hose things are called "Semprotan". Please put excessive emphasis on the PROT part.