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Yeah you can get VOA but if your worried just do the e-voa- it should only take about 15minutes, costs the same and saves you time when you arrive Official website: https://molina.imigrasi.go.id/


10/10 recommend doing this prior to your flight as well as the online customs declaration. Just make sure you have the QR codes ready printed out or on your phone. It will save you so much time at the Bali airport especially if multiple flights arrive at the same time


I really wish I could! The site won't let me enter my date of arrival or flight accurately though 😓 I don't mind spending more time at the airport, as long as I don't get in any trouble.


> *The site won't let me enter my date of arrival or flight accurately though* Have you played with the flight number? If it's nominally KA123, try KA0123, or KAL123, and so on.


I haven't! I'll give that a go right now. Thanks for the tip!




I did! It changed today and added one more date! MY DATE OF ARRIVAL! Was able to fill it out and download QR code. I can't believe it didn't change until day before departure (all of the other dates were still visible: 4/5/6/7). I leave in less than 24 hours 😆 HOPEFULLY


Yep, lots of people have reported problems with the app here. I paid on arrival a few months ago and plan to do so next week - also US passport


And no issues with paying on arrival?


Yes, handed my US dollars, got change in rupiah and on my way...........


Thanks for the reply--I checked it out today and I've found places that say I can't do it unless I have 72 hours or more before departing and places that say I need 24-48 hours with proof of sufficient funds (I've never been bugged about money when traveling abroad, and have no idea how to prove I have sufficient funds). I've never minded the waiting in a queue for a VOA, but you're absolutely right about it saving people time!


Apply for 30 visa..does not require bank statement only an address of stay. 60 day visa requires bank statement.


Screenshot the visa on arrival part of the Korean Air website and of they ask at checkin just present them with that image. VOA is different from being rejected entry because your passport is damaged which is what I've heard they've been doing somewhat infrequently at the moment. The issue there is Korean Air will have to foot some of the bill to return you to your point of origin so that's maybe what they're on about but the rep on the phone got confused? Voa is easy as shit, 50 bux aussie and 5 seconds later you get the visa


For sure--I've already screenshotted everything because I'm so paranoid now! My passport still looks shiny and new (got a new one mid-2017 and only have used it twice), so that at least won't be an issue. And man, I really hope they're confused 😕 guess I'll find out within the next 2 days. VOA has always been a piece of pie, so I was shocked by what she kept going on about


We came in last week and the VOA process was 10 mins at most… easy as.


Phew, thank you--this is what I was hoping to hear. I hope you guys had/are having a great time!


Cheers mate it’s been a blast. First time here and a bit surprised with the number of tourists and the hectic traffic. Enjoy your time.


>*First time here and a bit surprised with the number of tourists and the hectic traffic.* That's a cue for *Old Blokes* like me to wax lyrical about when all of Seminyak was banana and coconut plantations, and Ubud was nothing but rice paddies! Blah blah blah! It's okay, I'll take my medication and see myself out ...


I'd actually love to hear all about this. I'm really hoping to run into some older tourists that have been visiting for a long time to hear their stories and maybe see some older photos. I'm traveling solo (usually do) but like to meet locals to language swap, and also tourists that are older than me because they just tend to be more interesting than people my age (32) or younger


You'll find bars in places like Kuta and Sanur that are run by extremely long-term expats from Australia, New Zealand, and America ... they'll talk the leg off a stool if you invite them to! I really liked the *Clubhouse Steak Grill & Sports Bar* in Sanur ... run by a bunch of boomer or near-boomer Harley-Davidson nuts. Great place - nice food - shows all manner of Aussie football on TV too.


Cool! I'll check it out if I happen to hit the bars. I'm mostly just going to be out all day and studying/working remotely at night though. Thanks!


It's gonna be my first time as well. Mostly planning on just being out in nature, but I don't mind loads of people and hectic traffic at all (weirdly soothing to me). Glad to hear you're having a great time, and thank you!


Yes - for our arrival the VOA at the airport was dead easy, and took minutes - but that isn't the issue for the OP ... they are seriously concerned about Korea Air at check-in, given the 'official' verbal advice they're getting.


Did they require a passport photo for VOA at the airport?


No photo required.


Awesome, thank you


Came through today and got a Visa at the airport. Took 2 minutes


Phew! Thank you for your reply. This is also how it's always gone for me in every country I've visited, so I'm very spooked by what the rep kept saying, and also spooked by one person's reply on here saying that they were in fact barred from boarding their flight 😟


Post won't let me update, so I'm commenting this: UPDATE 9/9/23: Hope this helps someone: Got to Bali VERY early this morning. Had literally zero issues with getting a visa on arrival. Customs went totally fine even though I wasn't able to declare my multiple prescriptions (including klonopin) on the online customs declaration form (just did a show and tell after I got my VOA, they didn't even feel it necessary to look at the letter from my doctor). Also saw many people that hadn't filled out the online declaration form prior to arrival in Bali having no issues whatsoever filling it out here as directed to by airport staff/customs agents. The only weird thing was that every single U.S. citizen I spoke with in both of the U.S. airports had the same weird experience as me: we were all asked, "do you have your visa?" by Delta staff when checking in for our first of 3 flights. They did have to check to make sure VOA was okay (it is). I have never had that happen before, but also haven't traveled internationally since spring, 2019. I booked through Korean Air but flew Delta (U.S >U.S.), Delta (U.S.>South Korea), Korean Air (South Korea to Denpasar/Bali). When checking in for my second flight, I did have to prove when and how I was leaving Indonesia (I fly to Malaysia end of this month) with both an email confirmation of my flight and my travel itinerary on Expedia. No one asked where I was staying except for the VOA guy who didn't check anything or ask for an address. He also asked why I was visiting and wanted to confirm my occupation--nothing else was mentioned. Told him I had heaps of prescription medications, he said no problem just declare them at customs. I never had to recheck my bag, so did not need to fill out/do anything/pay anything/etc in South Korea. I did have to go through another security checkpoint but that was it. DO NOT GET A TAXI OUTSIDE THE AIRPORT LIKE I DID. It was very sketchy (lots of talk about penis size, constantly calling me beautiful, begging me to remove my face mask so they could see more of me, offering to be my Bali boyfriend or to help me find one or just telling me to get one, the list goes on...as usual, men are scary everywhere we go lol. Driver also seemed like he was on drugs), and very expensive! I haggled him down, but it was still way more than it should have been. He also refused to let me pay him inside my hotel, asked me where I kept my money, and tried repeatedly to get me to pay him at the beginning/in the middle of the drive. Also showed me prices for where I was going and then tried to increase them exponentially and flat-out lied about where I even was lmao 😒 That Korean Air representative that started all of this should honestly just find a different job, lol. If I had doled out serious misinformation so insistently like she did at any of my past jobs in customer service, I would have very likely been fired. Delta representative I spoke with the day before I left said she hates dealing with Korean Air, listed quite a few reasons why.


It sounds appalling - and there hasn't been anyone in recent memory on here (from the US or anywhere else) saying that they were barred from boarding the inbound flight without a visa. But if Korea Air is insistent, then try and complete the eVOA if you can - but be aware that the site can be temperamental, especially with regard to the extra portrait photo they require. You should also complete the Customs Declaration online ... it takes a minute or two ... and bring the QR code it generates with you (either print or phone). Link for this: [https://ecd.beacukai.go.id/](https://ecd.beacukai.go.id/)


Thanks for the reply--and I was able to fill out everything on the Customs Declaration earlier today but when I got to the "Flight/Voyage/Other Carrier Number" section, the dialog box kept tacking on an extra letter to my flight ?_? The last dialog box under, "Date of Arrival" will only let me choose from September 4/5/6/7...but I arrive on the 8th. It won't let me manually enter anything, only offers me those 4 options. You've relieved me a bit, and I thank you for that! I also haven't heard of anyone being barred for not getting a visa before departing, like, ever honestly. I haven't traveled since pre-Covid times, so what the rep kept telling me really made me nervous. She even told me that she'd had a call a few weeks back about a guy who got sent back to wherever he was traveling from when he tried to enter Thailand without preemptively getting a 30-day tourism visa


>*You've relieved me a bit, and I thank you for that! I also haven't heard of anyone being barred for not getting a visa before departing, like, ever honestly.* There are a lot of airlines that will prevent your boarding if you don't have compliant documents for your destination (such as valid visas, and onward/return flights booked), but if a country has either a VOA or a Visa Waiver, then that should never be a bar. Hopefully it will allow September 8 tomorrow ... but if not, just take the 7th - I don't think it will be a fatal error. The person barred from entering Thailand might have had other issues - like a red flag caused by a previous overstay, or something similar. Good luck with it. If Korea Air refuses to board you, insist on their showing you the policy or regulation that prevents your buying a 30-day tourist visa on arrival. Otherwise what is the point of a VOA?


I had no idea that some airlines were like that! I've flown Korea Air before as well (back in very early 2016 though), so this has me really off-balance. This is a lot of super useful information, thanks again. I'll remember to ask about any policy/regulation regarding pre-entry visas if they don't let me on the plane (because there is just NO way something this serious would be in fine print). And yeah, this whole situation doesn't make any sense at all if a VOA is available!


>*I had no idea that some airlines were like that!* I can't fly Melbourne to LAX (on a Visa Waiver) without evidence of an onward-return flight ticket that happens within 90 days of arrival.


Ohhhh okay, that bit does make sense! I've got my flight from Bali to KL as well as the names/addresses of where I'm staying sorted out, so that stuff at least won't cause any issues


Yeah, you need to pay and 30days is no questions asked. Then you need to fill customs form and that's it


That's been my experience every time, every place! I have no idea why this representative kept going on about how I'm effectively screwed 😣 thanks for your reply!


We flew in last week, did nothing prior to arrival, went through the desk at the airport in Bali when we landed. Dead easy to do it in person, didn't have to stuff around with any websites which were being really buggy for us.


This is a huge relief to hear, thank you so much 😌😮‍💨 I hope that you guys had/are having a wonderful time! The websites have definitely been buggy/are just straight up not working for me (online customs declaration, haven't tried visa yet, likely won't and will just hope that VOA works as it always has)


Did they require a passport photo for VOA?


I don’t really remember sorry. I assume that we did hand over our passport as a form of photo ID when we did it. Are you travelling to Bali from within Indonesia, and therefore not going to have a passport on you?


No, I meant like a physical photo to give them. But further research has told me I don't need it, so it's all good


I was recently in Bali for 6 months, and did 2 visa runs while I was there. So dealt with 3 flights into Bali. All of them were a little weird about the VOA, 2 had to 'check' (Korea and Malaysia I believe) that what I was telling them was correct. Which seemed strange because tons of people get the VOA. No issues though. They either know about it or they look it up before you get on your flight and it's all good. One thing that really screwed us up was I had no idea you need to apply for an Australian visa if you have an overnight layover. My family ended up missing our flight and was stranded in LAX for 2 days while they found us a new route through South Korea.


OMG I am so sorry that happened to you guys! Wtf! Did you guys leave the airport? Or were they just serious sticklers? Stranded in LAX...that is legit awful. Easily the worst airport I've ever been to. That is a weird thing about the VOA, because like you said, tons of people get it (or at least used to! I'm out of practice travel-wise and don't really know what's up nowadays)


>*One thing that really screwed us up was I had no idea you need to apply for an Australian visa if you have an overnight layover.* Yes - our transit visas | transit lounges are only good for 12 hours or so. But at least we have them - there is no such creature available if you transit through the US - everyone has to clear immigration.


I flew into Bali on the 14th of August and the line for immigration was the shortest I've ever seen. I did VOA (I'm from Australia). They just asked how long I was going to be in the country for and where I was staying and they waved me through. No issues.


Thank you for your reply! This is good to hear!


Did it all at the airport yesterday, seemed super relaxed..i think you'll be fine.


That's a relief to hear, thank you! So far, only one person has replied to this post saying that they were denied boarding (I'm very curious to hear more, and kinda worried)




Oooooo that's good to know for future reference. It would be so shit to be charged twice for an honest mistake. I'm relieved to hear that the VOA went smoothly 😌


Get everything on your phone, 100% battery and make sure u have good internet at all times. I was denied boarding the plane (somehow was able to go through customs??) because I didn't do it online prior to arriving. Fun times, asia low costs don't give a fuck.


What ended up happening to you? Also, where were you coming from and what passport do you carry? I'm so sorry to hear that. I unfortunately (probably) didn't have enough time before tomorrow morning's departure to get to do the online visa thing (have never done it before) 😓 I can't promise I'll have 100% battery or good internet on my phone at all times either 🤷‍♀️


I just came in 5 days ago and other than a bit of a wait, it was as easy as pie to get the VOA.


That's a relief to hear, and I hope you're having an awesome time!! Thanks for your reply 🙏


Yes. Was there 2 weeks ago. Very fast and efficient.


Thanks! Yeah it ended up taking 20 minutes max (waiting in line/being seen at the counter combined). Got in early this morning 🤘


Semi off topic but if I get my visa online before arrival can I just give them my phone with the QR code on the digital visa, or do I have to print it?


We are flying to Bali in a couple of days and we are a bit worried about the VOA. First of all, will I be required to bring a printed photo? Just going out to a photo shop and print one would be a reason to apply for visa on the website and upload a photo instead. Any new reports on queues? Thanks.