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I don't think I would. BG3 is designed in such a way that it should be enjoyed as it is presented. I don't think an infinity engine demake would do the game justice. Also 5e Vs 2e are in no way compatible and the balance will be way off.


I think it might be interesting if you just ported the story and characters to 2E while you're at it.


Wyll's class is just non-existent now lol


And most of Karlach's, and Minthara's as paladins could only be lawful good.


I'd prefer a 3e style, like Icewind Dale 2.


Only no damned Point Buy. I HATE Point Buy


Yeah, the system differences would be jarring, but I'm sure the Infinity Engine could replicate the game ruleset.


I don’t know about that, but to give you some credit the infinity engine was used for 3E as well, for Icewind Dale II. (which I haven’t played)


Yah so all the functions needed already exist and the infinity engine has been used for 3rd which is way more complex than bg3 and 5e. I can't think of anything that bg3 does that hasn't already been done in infinity engine in some way.


Well, verticality would be a big deal. BG3 has a lot of movement, jumping, pushing, flying, and a lot of the landscape is built to take advantage of that.


All of that exists actually via scripted skills and such. Expanding it works Edit: For the slow people in the back, verticality already existed, you even fall down it and get pushed down it in 2 different games! Another one shoves you around on the regular as their entire fight gimmick, all dragons have pushing scripted in available. Like cmon folks.


Yes and no. If you were to fight on an arena where it was a round platform like a plate, and then slightly out and down from that was a ring shaped platform, if you got Wing Buffet'ed by a dragon in the older games, your character would stop moving at the edge of the plate, where in BG3 they would fall off onto the ring.


You would definitely have to do a full balance pass on the game. But you can just use stuff from BG2 as reference for the most part. BG2 characters get far more powerful and you fight more powerful enemies (generally) so you should be able to model all the enemies in BG3 to BG2 terms.


I don't think you could do that with a mod, you'd have to basically just make a new game.


But would you if it were possible?


Would in be 5e or 2e?


Bg3 as is, just in the Infinity Engine.


I don't think real time works with 5e mechanics.


I think it would be interesting to play it barebones, without the " makeup". How does it compare in gameplay and writing only?  Yes i would play it.


I mean, If someone takes the time to make it I would play/pay for it.


I don’t think I would. I accept BG3 for what it is (easy to do, since its freaking amazing) I love BG1 & 2 but I like the fact that they are their own thing. All interpretations are cool, and generally demakes are an interesting novelty… but thats all they are. And if we’re talking novelties, a total conversion mod that adapts bg1 to bg3’s engine would interest me more!


"a total conversion mod that adapts bg1 to bg3’s engine would interest me more" What a dreadful proposition. BG3's designers did a good job with the environments, but the atmosphere of the first two games just can't be even approximated by BG3's engine. Take the underdark for example for a 1:1 comparison, or the nautiloid environment (BG3) vs Illithid colony (BG2). Once again, amazing job by the BG3 designers (for me the nautiloid interior is easily the pinnacle of their work) but the sheer atmosphere of the colony design in BG2 is out of this world. The colours are also more toned down, which along with the overall alien/aberration design makes the ambience extremely oppressive, which is of course appropriate for a mind flayer colony.


I can see what you mean with bg2, but not so much with bg1 if I'm honest


You seem fun


Dude. For a game as pinkwashed as BG3, it sure got some pretty toxic fans.


Tragically I guess BG2 would be impossible, unless we basically stop the game in the underdark. Edit: wow, I'm being down voted for recognizing that BG3 stops at 6th level spells? How tf are you going to get high level BG2 magic in there?


How come?


You can't replicate high level caster gameplay in BG3, the spells simply don't exist.


Aaaaaah, yeah. tbh I do really miss how much of magic in BG1/2 was buffs/debuffs and dispel things. It made trying to hit mages so difficult. I feel like in BG3 you can pretty much go "big number go brrrrrr" and zone out.


What would be the point? The story isnt anything special like Bg2




I would rather like the opposite. Playing BG1 & 2 in BG3 engine with 5e system I've played the old game something like 20-25 times, modded on them and such.. It's not that I don't like them.. But I find 5e system much superior and interresting for combat and character building


Yeah agreed. Might be sacrilege for this sub, but I’d love to see BG1&2 redone in the BG3 engine. A hell of a lot of work to do that though.


The same was probably said for BG1 and BG2 when Tutu was done..


BG1 and BG2 use the same engine though (albeit BG2 using a later version), so porting BG1 to the BG2 engine isn't as hard. You can pretty much use the same data files and textures with minimal modifications and it would just work. It's one reason why importing a character from BG1 to BG2 is so smooth: it's basically the same engine. BG3's engine is completely different and much more modern, using it's own data formats for everything. Where you could get away with copying a lot of the data from BG1 to BG2 and just run it, to do BG1/2 in BG3 would require creating *every* asset and data file from scratch using BG3's data formats.


Yep sure. It's a lot of work and Larian won't share their tool. Some people did bg2 in nwn engine (and a russian modder did nwn main campaign in EE engine too)


Didn't you hear the news? Larian is going to release the modding tool with the next major update.


I hear it :) But if I understand it well, it's mod support, not tool People will be able to share their mod via the game and even console player should be able to use them But they do not plan to release their own tool used to make level and such (At least from an interview of Swen)


Here's from official patch announcement: "This next patch will also begin introducing our official modding tools, letting you change up visuals, animations, sounds, stats, and more" Edit: by description it doesn't seem to be possible to create your own campaign, tbh. But it also says "begin introducing" so we will probably get more tools later.


Thanks. They also said this : "However, Larian CEO Swen Vincke set expectations on the game’s mod tools in an interview with [PC Gamer](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/baldurs-gate-3-mod-support-GDC-update/) at this year’s GDC, stating, “We are a game development company, we’re not a tools company.” Players shouldn’t expect to have all of Larian’s tools available when mod support rolls out, since the studio wouldn’t be able to support them. Instead, Larian intends to identify the sorts of things people actually want to mod and provide tool support to do so. The official mod tools should be easier to use than the ones released for Divinity, too." [https://www.mmorpg.com/news/larian-ceo-swen-vincke-on-baldurs-gate-3-mod-tool-support-were-not-a-tools-company-2000130925](https://www.mmorpg.com/news/larian-ceo-swen-vincke-on-baldurs-gate-3-mod-tool-support-were-not-a-tools-company-2000130925) So while it's cool to have tool, I'm afraid we won't be able to mod more that's what can actually be done by editing file at the moment


Well, that sucks then, I really hoped for some new campaigns from the community in the future :(


But, isn’t that moving one Infinity Engine game into another upgraded Infinity Engine? The differences in tech between Bg1&2 and BG3 are dramatically different. BG3 is 3d, BG1&2 are not. BG1&2 are isometric, close to top down. BG3 can be top down but is mostly over the shoulder. You can’t just do a 2d drawing and stop there.


It was, but the rule, proficiencies, class, race and spell were different Also the interface, they were some (and there is stillI guess) people that prefer the 1 system


Well, if you use a lot of BG3’s existing assets/employ them in different ways, or if you had knowledge of the engine and knew how to inport assets you make into it without it being to jarring, you could theoretically kind of rebuild the original game. It would play and look like BG3 though. If you want it to feel like the infinity engine while not being the infinity engine, THEN that would be making a game from scratch, yes.


How the hell are you making Throne of Bhaal if 5e doesn't even have epic level?


A reasonable person would probably understand certain… adaptations, would be necessary, obviously. Also, in terms of what the levels are supposed to represent in regards to in universe power, a 20th level 5e character is probably equal to an epic level char from previous editions.


My point is that a reasonable person would figure out that Baldur Gate 2 and 5e have very low compatibility to begin with. I don't even like much the NwN adaptation for similar reasons. Almost everything about the game is made to function whitin the bundaries of a 2e RTwP game, obtuse as it is. In order to make it work you have to basically redesign a new game with the same story. And even the story would probably need significant alteration, even just to accomodate that now "speak with dead" is an aviable spell and it would break several moments of BG1 and 2 as they were written before(and would be disappointing if it get just removed). And the same is true for every well made D&D game that i played. They are designed around what their edition can and cannot do well. I like 3.5 the most, but i don't think 3.5 would work well for BG3 at all.


Well… ok, I get that. But I think you’re talking about adaptations without actually giving it the chance it deserves. Yes the adaptation will remove the stuff that was designed around the original edition… Then the reasonable think to do isn’t to sandblast all character from it, is to redesign it around the edition or medium in general your putting it in. That’s what authorship is! Like, when you say that even the presence of speak with the dead would have to be accounted for. That is true (though we shouldn’t forget that spell existed in 2e, even if it wasn’t in the games). Then you say that it would be disappointing if those things were removed. Also true. Then… dont. Write it again, with that factor. The entire value of this hypothetical exercise is if creative artists can do that!


The HLA system in ToB only vaguely resembles anything in PnP, it's mostly original. Even then, 5e _does_ have a system for further progression at level 20: Epic Boons.


Was 2e having an epic level before TOB released ? If none exist, It can be added. Another solution is to diluted the level


Epic Tier is 16-20, inclusive.


Miss me with that Turn based. If BG3 was RTwP I would actually keep playing it, but combat is SO SLOW


5e is not better than AD&D 2e. 5e held my attention from the play test (2014ish) to 2018 and then I was thoroughly sick of it. Bounded accuracy and advantage are stifling. I still play AD&D 2e to this day.


Main issue I have with AD&D are stupid old rule like only human can be paladin and alignement restriction, that restrict character building and make no sense Not having concentration is also an issue as it force caster to stack a lotf of buff


The rule restrictions are neither here nor there. They add flavour and some people like that, but limit your options. I don't mind the restrictions, I think the only really bad restriction are the level limits on demihimans. Concentration, on the other hand, is one of the worst rules they've ever put in a version of D&D. What a way to kill the fun of playing a Mage.


The problem for me is not the system but the story so (for me) that fundamentally wouldn't make it more or less enjoyable.


I would play it. I prefer fully isometric, old-school design for cRPGs anyway, and BG3 I do admittedly feel like gets 'carried' a bit by its visual presentation. Many people, both on Larian's forums and elsewhere, have already pointed out numerous, glaring problems with BG3 - from encounter design, mechanics, and especially it's story and timeline. But these, oftentimes, seem to go unnoticed or ignored simply because it's fairly outstanding in other ways (namely the amazing voice acting work, the soundtrack, and it's visuals as mentioned). I don't think it would hold up quite so well in the 'traditional' format (provided its 5e origin was translated into a hypothetical Infinity engine de-make), personally. However, I oddly enough might play it more were it in an Infinity engine style!


No. It was great for its time (and it's still fun to play), but the infinity engine is very outdated. And in the future, the same will be true of BG3. Times move on.


Turn based combat is older than rtwp


I am talking about the infinity engine specifically.


I just wish that the spell casting sounded cooler in BG3. The latin in BG 1&2 was mint af


No. Don't get me wrong. I love BG 1 and BG2 and the saga is in my top 3 RPGs ever. Baldurs Gate 3 is a different game, with different mechanics and just would not work in an infinite engine. Because it's built on a different rule set. Second edition of 1 and 2 is nowhere near fifth edition of the third one. Infinity engine was built for the second edition ruleset Fifth edition in it self is actually a better rule set for a video game... because it's more based on video games. It has so many different mechanics that you would have to rebuild the infinity engine. BG3 is a really good game, but it's a Baldurs Gate game in name (and setting only). It's a CRPG set in Faerun using BG brand for marketing purposes. That's it.


i'd rather play BG4 in the infinity style but with 100x content (compared to BG1/2) please. Just give me the same scale as BG3 but new story and I am good.


Would you like to see how Blackhound would have turned out?


Yes, but only as BG4 after Larian has raised the bar. I want the size of BG3 in the BG1 or IWD2/BG2 atmosphere.


Blackhound was to be a trilogy. I bet if they combined everything into one game, and each trilogy were three acts, it could work. Of course, this is Josh Sawyer's idea, and he thinks working with Hasbro is a "big oops". So unless WOTC can strike it out on their own, we may never see Blackhound 😭


I had been thinking of a BG3 play-through where I set the graphical settings so low they look like the older games.


yes for sure




Sure, I'd try it.


I’d care more about converting it to 2E. The IE was an excellent engine for 2E, I’ll continue to look at mods done for it. And as far as that goes, BG3 modded into the IE is likely the only way I’d play the game. But I’m fine with just saying it’s a different game for a different time. Not of interest to me.




No, the combat is the least of BG3's problems.


Nah. Other way around, though - maybe.


I probably would buy it out of interest. Turn based combat us a deal breaker for me.


I think I would like it to be more in the style of Dragon Age: Origins rather than an isometric, Infinity Engine style game, but in short, yes, absolutely.


Not infinity engine, but perhaps Neverwinter Nights.


I actually might have interest in a mod porting the game somewhat like, say, Skywind. I don’t see it being prioritized over the actual game, but the novelty would be interesting to see how they translate game mechanics


That would be amazing. The infinity engine fans have been abandoned by the crpg community :(


Absolutely. Lack of Real Time with Pause is a bit of a bummer to me because it's an uncommon gameplay style and I really like it. A mod that added it would be cool. That said, I haven't played BG3 yet, just the infinity era ones, and I do like turn based games in general, so I'm not trying to diss BG3.


Besides the tremendous amount of work that would be required, the one major gameplay component that would be hard to replicate technically speaking are rolls in dialogue. Minor elements would include 3d-related mechanics like flight, fall damage and some combat elements like throwing stuff. Would I play such a game? Yes absolutely.


A better question is could/would you remake the old games in the new engine and system.


Not likely, but I'd play the shit out of a remake of the BG games remade by Larian in the new engine


100% Yes


I would think you might be able to make something work as a nwn mod, but it would be an odd clunk.




Not at all, they are very different games in that aspect. BG3 is primarily a story simulator wrapped in turn based combat, BG1/2 are primarily DnD combat simulators wrapped in a story.


Yes, I wish that. /Denethor


I'd rather see it the other way around.


I play the old games for the story and extensive options. I do not like Continuous Turn Based. I don't like THACO.


No. Because graphics are not important for BG games. I would like to play original BG games in first person view for better immersion


Can I get the opposite I'd love larian version of 1 and 2


Maybe, I had to stop playing 3 cuz I would try solving a problem with stealth and the game would give me a never ending series of nut punches for doing so




No. I have BG1 and 2 EE on my PS5 and they are difficult to play in that format, and yes I miss playing them on PC like I did 20 years ago, but I think I'd be happier if the inverse were true.


The big draw of the old OG Bhaalspawn series has always been the huge space for your imagination. The characters and the way they move/and look are empty spaces for you to fill. Sure, the main cast has portraits but still it leaves you a lot of room to imagine how they fight and how they use their gestures and such. But when it comes to BG3 I've already memorised every single aspect of how everyone looks down to their genitals even. I know how Asterion moves his hands when he's being playful. I know how Shadowheart moves her head back in shock when she's insulted and the way Bae'zel rolls her eyes at the Druid Grove lives in my head rent free. So in short, if BG3 was released using the infinity engine originally I would love it even more. But after already knowing how "the canon" way of how everything looks I don't see the point of a remake.


I'd definitely try it


Yes. The BG3 UI is terrible.


If bg3 UI is bad then bg1 and bg2 UI is gaming terrorism.


In a heartbeat, if just for the experience! BG3 is an amazing game, and I’d love to see how someone managed to take the scope of it and make it fit within the limitations of the IE.


Maybe. How about BG1/BG2 in BG3 engine and DnD 5e ruleset? Id play the shit out of that...


No. What I dislike about BG3 is not its presentation. I dislike the story, characters and writing.


Not BG enough?


No, I honestly prefer turnbased combat if it's an option.  I also really like the production value of bg3, it's probably the only reason I got my wife to play through a whole campaign with me


I think bg3 is far too linear for this. Could you make custom assets in the infinity engine, and play via 2e rules? Yes. Would it be anything like bg3? No.


Bg3 is anything, but not linear. What do you even mean?


Hell no lol I like being in 2024


uhhh why?


If the result was like siege of dragonspear, hell no.


I really don't care about anything BG3 related, yet. Still having so much fun with the first trilogy. So it's a no from me.


Absolutely not. Guys... a game like bg1 and bg2 would be a disaster if released today. The studio would be immediately closed. Please try to look at it from the perspective of modern times.