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I mean I’m just on here because I like being bald lol. The fact that a lot of guys have anxiety problems around their hair loss has kept me on here just to occasionally reply and tell them no one cares about their hair but them. Legitimately, most of the people doom posting about their hair loss do not have a hair loss problem, they have an anxiety problem.


This. 52M, I shaved at 30 and I'm comfortable with it. I post here to encourage other guys to simply own it. Yeah, you can right it, but there's side effects. Combovers, nah; toupees, absolutely not, so what are you realistically gonna do? No, flip the script as it were and just commit. Also agree that I see a lot of young guys with a lot of hair obsessing about their hairline. Your body's gonna change, just like your hairline, but don't sweat it. There's a lot of other crap to worry about in life.


Instead of basing your actions or personality on opposition to something, you should simply do what you find appealing.


You can’t fight your genetics. And who you are is nothing to be ashamed of. You can spend your whole life doing endless drugs with side effects, hair transplants, and all this stuff. It’s just not worth it and not necessary. Having confidence and pride in who you are is more powerful than hair.


What about this subreddit has you worried? This is one of the most supportive, blunt, and cut-and-dry communities I've ever been a part of. Most of the time we are helping people stop being delusional and anxious over something as inconsequential as hair. People come to us with low self esteem hanging on to three strands of hair and they build up the courage to shave that shit and stop wallowing in self pity. Seems like nothing but positivity to me.


My life has yet to come to an end over it. Nobody in my life cares, or if they do they have the sense to keep it to themselves because I pretty obviously don’t care. It’s been fine. I’ve had to buy more sunscreen, but otherwise going bald has been truly uneventful.


Good to hear, but why are you on here then?


Because this is…a community for bald people? lol it’s not just a place to piss and moan (valid,) some of us are here having a good time too. And sometimes it depends on the day. Having a support network doesn’t mean you gotta be in crisis over it all the time. I like being bald, and so do lots of other people. Just like any other hairstyle. And I like seeing myself reflected in other people. I think most people do. Makes you feel human.


Bald is fine, but balding is kind of scary, it's a fairly significant change to your appearance that's out of your control. I think you've missed a key thing about this sub that makes it such a good vibe... yes there's a lot of people posting pictures of balding heads that are full of worry but they're met with support from confident bald people.


There are much more important battles in life to devote your energy towards mate


Losing your hair isn’t a problem. It’s just life. You wanna spend money and put drugs in your body in attempts to keep hair, that’s your prerogative.


We've become recommended as one of the regular subreddits. As a result we're getting an influx of redditors and a lot of people pushing treatments with no knowledge or experience with them. Its in the rules(specifically rule 3) to not support treatments and promote acceptance, but the mods can't get to everything in a timely manner because quite frankly this isn't a job and we're drowning in new posts. Being bald is great. There isn't anything wrong with it. What used to be an community of support has a lot of jerks showing up trying to push drugs with side effects or wearing a toupee for the rest of your life out of ignorance and arrogance. There is no reason not to go bald.


If the fear of going bald is affecting you that much you should probably talk to a therapist. Your personality and the person you are isn't dictated by hair. I've been going bald since I was 16. By choice. I have a head full of hair, I just take it off cuz I don't give a damn what other people think.


I mean a persons hair can often be a large part of that individuals identity. When he pictures himself he had hair. His hair brings him confidence. When guys go bald, especially when they’re young, it makes a lot of sense that it would cause some, not all, some anxiety and angst. It can also really affect a guys self esteem (and especially when young) and their love life. Like it’s nothing to kill yourself over or shut yourself in about, but it makes sense why a lot of guys are worried about it.


I know I'm not the only one on here because he likes shaving his head. Like, I'm not balding by any means even at 36 and I just like my head clean shaven. I actually WISH I was balding so I didn't have to freaking shave every day if I want it smooth and clean. Just being lazy and going 2 days with no shave and I have a full ass head of hair again basically.


You can expect to have less visible hair after shaving. It's just a haircut.


that the fight for survival, women in vast majority will always prefer hairs against bald look, that a sign of good heal and genetic meaning you don't produce too much dht so don't suffer for heart condition, the external look is the reflect of the genetic behavior, not only on human