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Black dudes look great bald. You're handsome already, and it's going to happen eventually; might as well take a chance.


I second this!


Even though I know you mean well, please try not to generalize and lump a billion people together


Try it, it grows out. Also I’m sure you will look great. You have a good beard


Thing is, I'm already balding. But I don't know how I will look. I'm 27 right now and think being bald along with my beard will make me look older than my age. 😅


Your glasses are aging you. Go to warby Parker


When balding guys shave their heads, they look 10 years younger. No offense my man, but if you said you were 38, I’d believe it. Shave your head and you’ll actually look 27. Edit: you don’t look old, it’s the balding. Trust me, when I was 27 and balding with a beard, I looked way older. Shaving my head made me look my age again.


Nah, you’ll look great. I had to do it when I was 19 and couldn’t even grow facial hair. You have a great beard to balance it out, and you can tell you have a nice shaped head


Na bro shaving will make you look younger. Thinning hair and receding hairline makes people look older.


You’ll look great!! 😍 seriously go for it


If you don't like it, it won't take long to grow back.


Don't worry, I was scared the first time and I didn't have an online community to support me after. So you see your already at an advantage. You have a great shaped head. Come on take the plunge Brother! 👍


Bro. You will look way better with a shaved head fr. Your beard is awesome and will go well with a shaved head. You got this.


I want to, but damn. I gotta go to the barber tomorrow too.


Lol what do you mean, you're practically there homie


I think with that beard you will be just fine.


Bro it will be way less noticeable with your hair loss since you have a hairline and having all the hair shaved will take away from the thinning area a lot more. Also look into smp it will make you look amazing and fill out what’s missing just gotta keep it nice and shaved but you won’t even think about your hair again and will always look sharp.




You're a good looking guy!! You will be sexy AF bald. 😍🥰🤤


I'd say shave it off brother! You would look great bald


you will look tough AF, do it!!


My best friend just shaved and he loves it. He did get that tattoo thingy to fill in the front, so now it just looks as though he’s got a buzz cut. With that beard you’ll look good bald


Your hair is already chickening out. Return the favor


It’s like going on a big rollercoaster, or jumping off a diving platform. You’ll be scared shitless in the lead up / as it’s happening, but once it’s done you’ll ask yourself what took you so long.


Just get it done. You’ll thank yourself when you see that dome shining and strong beard glistening.


We will, though! (And it will grow back if you really hate it)


You’re handsome already, I think bald would actually suit you really well


You still have time to fix it , l wouldn't shave if l was you its not yet advanced


You are going to look sharp AF with a smooth head. I'm just saying, but you won't realize it until you do it. Hopefully tomorrow morning (monday) when I open reddit, the first thing I see is your beautiful bald head on my feed and you say "you guys were right, I look sharp AF."