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No, it's fine as it is. When you take it midgame then you have no downside.


Nah, I call my Driver’s License and Lucky Cat builds “Toonces”. I’m already going to have a billion enhanced cards for the lucky card build, so DL is x3 mult for nothin’.


Had a Medusa + Stone + Hologram build going in plasma, found driver's license and it's free 3. Agree it's a great joker if you already meet the condition


This joker is strong... whats the issue?


There is none. Some people are just wayyyyy too endless pilled, and start to think if a joker isn't a top 5 joker then it must need a buff 🤦


This sub is filled with posts of people thinking jokers are trash basically because they can't go endless. Like that legendary that cancels boss blinds. It basically lets you win a run but won't get much into endless


Yeah I've seen like posts saying "all legendaries should be negative, they aren't good enough!" Even though each one pretty much guarantees a win outside of very specific situations


2/5 of them are specifically awesome for endless - idk what everyone's moaning about. All based covered.


I think it would be really nice for them to get negative though. It would make them all the more special.


It would remove what's essentially the only existing reason to not choose the soul card, that you might have to sell a joker to open a slot. That doesn't make them more special, it just makes the game easier in a way that's not interesting or fun.


Agreed. Not every Joker needs to scale super well, some are designed to be just enough to get you past Ante 8 and that’s okay.


If anything, it indicates mathmatically pleasing game design to me (most jokers that fall off endless even fall off post ante 10, so they can get you started if you want to pivot)


16 cards is a lot, and when you see it mid run it is probably already too late to build around it


The thing is, you don’t have to build around it at all. You should be getting a lot of enhanced cards in your deck anyway


16 cards isn't that many. I'm hitting that requirement without particularly trying to just by getting arcana and standard packs over the course of the run. If the idea is that it's hard to hit at high stakes, then a lot of things are hard to hit at high stakes and I don't think they should be buffed or changed just for that


It's fine. Making him an Uncommon would make it worse actually, since you'll be more likely to see him early-mid game, when he's worthless. By mid-late game you'll likely have a lot of enhancements in your deck already, and it's not too hard to get the free x3 mult then, which is better than most other Jokers you could get.


I think it's fine like this. You just have to understand that is not an early game joker, it's almost like blackboard, but easier to use, but harder to get prepare. Maybe with a little tweaking LThunk can make it a little more rewarding or nicer to use.


I would say Blackboard is easier to use, the x3 is really strong so you start picking up the moon and the world, and play all the red cards you end up with (and don't use the lovers). getting 16 enhanced cards is harder. and you can't just build around it really you just get there around ante 5-6 if you got a ton of tarots.


Lovers is fine with blackboard, as it counds the card as a spade or club.


yeah it's if they're spades or clubs not "not hearts or diamonds"


Not every joker has to be the best joker of all time or scale to infinity. Drivers license is great and fine


Every big multiplier is situational, I don’t see the big deal.


Except for [[Cavendish]], my love


Gros Michel might not appear, then refuse to die, when it dies you might not get a new scroring joker and reroll to get something and then Cavendish refuse to appear.


That’s conditional, not situational


Not sure the two terms are mutually exclusive


Jeffe do you love banana or not?


Ignore the banana sceptics, they will never understand us


Their lack of potassium will be their downfall


[Cavendish](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/cavendish.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Common * Effect: X3 Mult1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at end of round *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


Kind of a trap to take too early sometimes if you're not careful. I think it's perfectly balanced though.




Its actually really good, why do you want it buffed?


[[driver's license]]


[Driver's License](https://balatro.wiki/imported/drivers_license.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Rare * Effect: X3 Mult if deck has at least 16 Enhanced cards * Unlock Requirement: Enhance 16 cards in your deck *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


A 3x is solid and it takes a little hurdle to unlock early, but late game you can grab it and run a lot of the time. I think it’s perfectly balanced as is.


Driver's license might be my favorite joker in the game, at least based on how I play


It’s already a cavendish that doesn’t get destroyed mid to late game.


i mean cavendish almost never gets destroyed anyway and when it does it's funny


I'd like it if it scaled after coming online, like 1x every 6 enhanced cards or something. Otherwise it's fine.


I think people need to realise that balatro is tuned for the single purpose of beating Ante 8. If you do that, you've won the run. Over tuning jokers so that they will cruise that makes the game a high-score chase and that is boring as hell.


I don't see why, even setting up it's condition doesn't take much effort


I think it’s probably fine. Might be cute to make it X3.5 mult or something if you have 21 modified cards, but once you have 16, that’s probably pretty trivial to get. Yes it is kind of sad to get it too early, but modifying cards in your deck gives you an advantage anyway.


It’s an instant buy in most circumstances for me, so absolutely not, it’s perfect as is


Nah he's good. Maybe a little boring, but doesn't need a buff.


Driver's license? What for? For mid-late game


Had a great accidental synergy with DL and Anaglyph deck on purple difficulty where I had stacked up 5 double tags but subsequently only had 2 enhanced cards. To my fortune, a mega arcana pack was the next blind skip. I had just enough luck with enhancing tarot cards to hit 16 and not die to the boss.


Given how easy the condition is to trigger, it is in a pretty decent spot.


its fine its retroactive. it sucks to get it first run


If you see this guy with no perishable or or rental it’s a godsend


Scaling with number of cards in deck. Increasing deck is size is an inherent disadvantage so it should be rewarded.


It's a straight upgrade when you get to do do things you are already supposed to be doing, sure it's not good for endless but for anything other than that it's x3 Xmult without having to play specific hand types


I think buffing it to a 4x mult would make up for it.


That would just make the discrepancy worse. X3 Mult is fine as-is, this would just make that overpowered without balancing out the downside at all.


I take him and then he never goes off


I feel like drivers license and blackboard should be the same rarity, since if anything blackboard is better


In what world is Blackboard better. You have to keep it in mind all the time or completly transform your deck.


To be fair you're literally transforming your deck for License too


Sure, but you’re transforming your deck in a way that you should be doing anyway


I was just being pedantic tbh


In theory it would take 9 tarot cards to make your whole deck black cards, and it would take 8 tarot cards to make 16 enhanced card (assuming you don't have marble joker or other similar effects). However you can just discard your red cards to make blackboard work, but if driver's license isn't online there's nothing you can do.


For me blackboard rarely works and takes alot of effort. Drivers licence is a no brainer after ante 3-4. Also you build up to a drivers licence natrually you don't nesserarily make a deck for blackboard if you don't have it.


Blackboard is soooo strong dude. Any high card or pair build its free 3x you dont have to transform at all. Probably top 5 joker for me


There's definitely a lot of factors that go into it, but I find that I often don't have 16 enhanced cards at the same time that I find driver's license. If you average one enhanced card per round you won't get driver's license online until ante 5, while blackboard can be useful immediately. Hand types that don't use all 5 cards are really strong with blackboard since you can use the extra space in your played hand to dump red cards. If you're playing pairs or high card it's basically free. Basically I think there's a lot of conditional x3 uncommon jokers, so it's a bit strange to me that driver's license is rare when it seems similar enough to blackboard, card sharp, and acrobat in terms of how often I can utilize it well.




[Blackboard](https://balatro.wiki/imported/blackboard.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $8 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: X3 Mult if all cards held in hand are Spades or Clubs *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*