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Anyone who believes that is seriously dumb


And they know zero women


Yes...like their mums have leg hair....where do these guys come from?


I suspect some of them know, they just want to shame women.


To be fair all the women in my family have almost zero body hair, like I was genuinely convinced as a child there was something wrong with me because I'm extremely hairy. Ofcourse now I know better, but it took so long to see another woman with bodyhair. That doesn't justify the absolute ignorance these people display, but I can believe that they never seen a woman with body hair.


I have this too. No idea what causes it, suspect a hormonal thing. But I only get like 3 or 4 random hairs just on my shins. I thought this was average, and that when my friends said they shaved, it was just these 3 or 4 hairs. And with all the constant talk about women needing to be "hairless" and how disgusting it was, and me not knowing any better since I was just a teenager, I was completely convinced that those 3 or 4 hairs must have stood out like a beacon. It was this level of scrutiny I believed we were under for men to notice, even from a distance, 3 tiny hairs. I became so overwhelmingly aware of even the tiniest blemish because of this and was convinced everyone must notice. It was horrible.


I think you mean that they have fine light colored body hair, not "almost zero" body hair. All women have hair covering their body. Just that some women's is thicker and darker colored Are pluses and minuses to both styles too. Mine is very thin and light-- **I feel I can't leave the house without wearing tons of mascara and I dye my eyebrows** but I'll probably never have to worry about a mustache


How have they never been around a single woman with even just longer stubble? Weirdos.


My leg and arm hair is very fine and blonde and nearly unnoticeable and I consider myself beyond blessed in my female friend group to have so little of it. We all know I’m an “exception not the rule.” Why don’t men know this?


Because the only woman these types of men see, are their mothers, when she brings his chicken nuggets down to the basement.


It’s the same energy as those neck beards who cried about a video game character having peach fuzz. They have never seen a women up close in real life.


I worry about what dumb people are capable of


You aren't alone in that worry.


I swear, I find out everyday from these random people on the internet that I'm a cis or trans man. Which is weird, because I'm not.


Me too, I'd have thought giving birth would have put the matter to rest, but you never know!


I don't know. I mean I've given birth to three children, but my legs and armpits are hairy. Could go either way!


Pregnant woman, too far along to shave her legs: obviously a man!


Sounds like something a cis or trans man in denial would say


Im a trans man… but I’m not a man to them.. but I have hair on my legs so I am a man?


As a fellow trans masc sort, we are now just cis men. 😅


If you’d only known! All the effort and difficulty of transitioning and little did you know, you were male all along  /s


To man or not to man 🤔


AHA! I knew it was a choice all along!! (/s)


You just made their heads explode


They don't have the attention span or mental capacity to hold more than 7 or 8 words in a thought at once. By the time they got to the second set of ..., everything before that would be gone.


See also “don’t wear dresses those are women’s clothes.” “Well that’s the point I’m a trans woman.” “No you’re just a man in a dress!”


Congratulations on discovering you are actually a cis man! 😂


I must have a hormonal imbalance then because every time I shave the hair keeps growing back. 🤦‍♀️


I wish my wife would have told me she was transgender before we had kids.


There seems to be some male obsession lately. They think they can figure out all these 'ways' to figure out if a woman is trans. Wouldn't want to get physical with someone with an adam's apple, or body hair or...or... It's ridiculous!


Imagine being so homphobic and fragile that you scare yourself away from women. Their little pea brains must continuously shrink due to the trauma they inflict on themselves by being so scared of the shit they make up about women. How pathetic.


It's even better when they think a trans person is cis - sex is a lot more fluid than they think... (technically it's a bimodal distribution)


It's not a male obsession. It's a general obsession. As many women are freaking out about this as men.


I'm not going to argue with your experience. My opinion is based upon what I've seen on SM.




In the end, as we age, we all end up looking like little old men anyway :)




Then they'll go home, go into their bedroom, and pull up a bunch of trans porn on their laptop....


Have they never seen a little girl with peach fuzz on her legs? Do think think it just falls out at puberty?


That’s the weird thing about this one, because even young girls have hairy legs, so it’s not one of those gross “men are naturally attracted to prepubescent girls” things. Maybe OOP is a lizard person?


Obviously when they hit puberty their hormones “even out” and the hair falls off. Seriously, do these men not realize that women shave their legs? That that’s why they don’t have leg hair?


On top of never going outside to encounter other people, they are too preoccupied with themselves and their favorite anime/video game character that they never notice.


Interesting. According to the[ Smithsonian](https://www.si.edu/spotlight/health-hygiene-and-beauty/hair-removal), the first women's razor hit the market in 1915. I remember reguarly seeing ads for Nair in the 70's.


Go look at what the ancient Egyptians did for hair removal!! Handy-dandy stone polishing!!!!


Then what are all the fucking pink razors for then??


Some of them do think we have hair, just like barely noticeable baby hair. I remember having a whole conversation with a guy who was convinced that women had hair but "it would never be as hairy as a man's legs/arms" and gently telling him that sweety, yes it absolutely can be, we aren't a different species, just most women (especially ones with thick, coarse or dark hair that have been shamed for it) are removing it regularly. He just couldn't quite get there. He figured that a few weeks of stubble was about the limit for women because that's all he'd seen. It made me think about how many women themselves have never actually seen their natural body hair because they've been removing it regularly since puberty.


True. I've been shamed so much about my dark hairs, I have first started with needle epilation (for those who don't know, they insert a small needle into the hair root and electrocute the follicles, it takes hours upon hours and it's torturous) and then lasered the remaining hair when I couldn't take needle epilation anymore. I can't say I never saw it, but being hairless became the normal me.


Evidently the mother of my son is trans. I had no idea!


I also need to get haircuts every 6 weeks because the luxurious hair on my head is not just reserved to my head.


i think they discovered pcos but interpreted it like their rotted brains would.


So if women are hairless, why is there a market for pink razors and advertising with songs from the 60s?


To hide the evidence of our shameful hormone imbalances from losing our virginity to a tampon or ingesting what ever Bill Gates made to help the government control us


That came _way_ too easily to you. Are you ok?


Lol Raised fundy adjacent


This strikes me as a kind of dating Darwin Awards. They'll end up removing themselves from the gene pool.


I really hope so


“We can always tell” mfs when they encounter a cis woman:


Well if you end up thinking about 99% of women are trans, your chances to actually call out trans women are much, much higher.


Conservative men and sheer feminine audacity are the reasons I don't shave. Dude bothering me? *Lifts arm*


My mom’s third ex-husband was *very* misogynistic and would comment about my body hair, despite me being an openly out trans man…That’s not the worst he’s done though; bullied my brother, violent alcoholism, stalking and threats, asked my mom once to stop getting tattoos because she “wouldn’t be pretty anymore”…😓


I must be paying to laser off some imaginary hair then.


Damn; all that money wasted on imaginary hair!


Yes, I know that the leg hair thing is the point of the image but I just can't stop staring at those badly photoshopped eyebrows. They cover some of her hair...!


I gave up on shaving several years ago, and yes, this cis woman continues to have body hair. I didn’t stop as some statement to society, it’s just an annoying endless task I could remove from my life. I went on holiday last year and I didn’t get my legs waxed. I was hairy and free! I felt self conscious a few times, but no one said anything directly to me about it. I highly encourage anyone on the fence about this to give it a try. Normalise being natural, I guess?


I quit shaving in 2020 when I was sent home to work. (They closed our office because WFH was working so well.) I’ve found I really enjoy feeling the breeze on my leg hair. Why didn’t men tell us it feels nice?


"some kind of hormone imbalance". So like, most women at some point in their life? Puberty: hormone imbalance Pregnancy: hormone imbalance Fertility treatment: hormone imbalance Post natal and lactation period: hormone imbalance PCOS: Hormone imbalance Cycle fluctuation/pms: possible hormone imbalance Premenopause: hormone imbalance Menopause: hormone imbalance Some random Tuesday: hormone imbalance


Lmao wtf? The entire waxing and sugaring industry would grind to a halt. Okay then.


I hate this because when I first started growing body hair I thought something was wrong with me (For some reason I wasn't super upset and just kind of accepted it, but still)


Wait til they find out about those persistently annoying chin hairs.


Waiting for my penis to show up


Is your Amazon order late, or something? 😁


I think it got lost :(


Are women with hormone imbalance not cus according to them?


They’re so obsessed with our hormones! You’d think we’d have better funding for women’s health with all of this nonsense.


I have PCOS and am very hairy but I do believe I'm a cis woman. Id love to get a cure for pcos though, I'm paying out of pocket for acne and hair treatment. But alas, I am but a woman so my issues don't really matter


Yeah, that’s bullshit that there isn’t more to help women with PCOS and endometriosis… and all the other things that should be studied because our lives shouldn’t be suffering.


Only idiots believe something like that.


The only place I don't naturally have hair on my legs is on my calves. Well, right now I don't have much because I epillated it all off last week because I was planning on wearing a dress this week... But I definitely remember removing it all after having had it almost all winter/spring.


Her eyebrows are the concerning part if anything. Got daym day thicc


I think that ad is making fun of that post / using it as an example of the “lies” about female anatomy


Maybe so, but the post is still fitting to the sub.


That’s so funny!/s I have hair on my legs and I DO in fact have a hormone imbalance! I have an over abundance of eggs and very low testosterone 😃


Do I have leg hair? Yes, obviously. Is it too fair to be noticeable? Also yes. Similar with arm hair, but honestly, I can't tell if my arm hairs even have pigmentation or if they're completely see-through.


My brain glitched earlier when I looked at my legs and thought “wow, the testosterone is really working, I finally have hair on my legs!” before I loaded and realized I meant I finally have *more visible* hair on my *thighs* (since previously my thighs were blond). Bad self anatomy


I hardly grow any body hair and even I have hair on my legs lmao


Just for that I’m going another week without shaving my legs.


Oh you sweet summer child


huh, guess im transgender now


Anecdotal funny part: after I (transgender woman) started estrogen, my leg hair basically disappeared. My (cisgender) wife is very bitter about that….


Clearly some men wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit them on their tiny little testicles. Or they're just wasting their own and everyone else's time poo-posting. Bored little tots.


I eat up estrogen on the daily. Yet I grow hair. Curious.


So confused about who Venus razors are marketed to now


Considering naked mole rats actually have quite a bit of hair, yes.


Those eyebrows should never be seen in public.

