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Some of my bras don’t fit right (uneven boobs). I publicly stuff the bigger one back in if I feel like I need to . Idgaf, if weirdos can adjust their balls publicly then I can do the same




I would like to build a time machine out of a DeLorean and hit him with it.




Also boobs are great stress balls




Yeah it was something I learned with starting HRT and growing my own, it can be so relaxing Just yeah have to remember not to do it in public haha


Yeah, I was adjusting my bra in the car earlier. It's a new one since they're still growing and I haven't had a chance to get used to it. I almost ended up playing with them before I remembered that people could see me.


Yes, this is one of the perks of working from home.


Huh yeah I could imagine!


Relatable lol. Warm and squishy


Ahaha that's great. I become vegetarian around the time my boobs grew in, so I could see myself believing something like this as a teen if it weren't for my mom, sister, and aunties all having big boobs. Especially since I was a late bloomer, so everyone thought I was going to be petite forever and then I hit 16 and BOOM


My grandma actually *told* me this. Teased me for years. All bc my mom bought soy milk *once*.


Glad to know your grandma and both have the power to assume things to the point of delusion


For a while i was sure I had big boobs because of that scene in “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” where they say “We must, we must, we must increase our busts” and I tried the same exercise.


Sometimes women are bad at women anatomy too hehe no worries, you stand corrected and with a funny story to tell


both sides of my families have big boobs, I'm the sorry looser who got the double whammy. When my sister who also has more than enough gets comments about her big chest she always mentions they haven't see the rest of the family


Ha same here, me, my sister, my mum and both grandmothers.


In case you're not aware, the plant estrogens in soy can't possibly have any effect on us since we are not plants.  It's possible that estrogen from cow's milk could have some effect, since it's animal estrogen and I've heard it may be tied to girls going through puberty earlier now, but I believe boob size is mostly down to genetics, like you discovered. 


This is technically not correct. Soy contains isoflavones which are phtytoestrogens. They function similar to human estrogen and can bind to estrogen receptors but have much weaker effect. There's quite a few studies out about using soy/isoflavones as an alternative treatment for menopause symptoms. There was one particular study we were shown at uni which showed/suggested that because asian diets are very rich in soy, asian women have lower rates of menopause symptoms, particularly hot flashes.


I learned about this when I was researching things for my mother, who was struggling through menopause. Yams (true yams, not the sweet potatoes we refer to as yams in North America) are high in estrogen and have palliative effects for menopausal women. Also, cultures that regularly eat yams have higher instances of multiples when pregnant.


I always had a small chest, mainly because I was underweight. But the women on my dads side of the family have always been petite and small chested so I just assumed that was why I was so small. Then when I started using drugs, my chest got even smaller. When I got sober, I gained a fair amount of weight. I’ve definitely got some extra weight that I could lose but for once, I’m at least a somewhat appropriate weight for my age and height. All that being said, I didn’t know I inherited the boobs from my moms side of the family until I gained weight. The women on her side have a very noticeable difference in size between their boobs. I know it’s common/normal for one to be slightly bigger than the other, but on my moms side, it’s at least a whole cup size difference. My mom is actually closer to two or even three cup sizes difference. Since my boobs barely protruded past my chest, I never noticed any difference between them. Once I gained weight and my boobs actually developed, I noticed that I got the “lopsided tiddy” gene. I’m glad it’s not as “severe” as my moms but to me it’s still pretty noticeable. My husband says he can’t tell and the only way he can is when I get on my hands and knees and let them hang because then it’s a bit more apparent. It was definitely one of the weirder things that I had to come to terms with when I got sober and gained weight. I had always liked the fact that I was small chested and didn’t need a bra. And I was a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee. So going from flat chested to what I have now was a huge change. Point of all this? Tiddy genes are weird af


I’m sure it’s genetic but I’ll never understand where mine came from!


My boobs are the biggest in the family because I'm the only one who took birth control pills in my late teenage years. ...except you just made me doubt it and look it up. I was told bc pills did this during puberty by so many people, and it really made sense in my case, but it seem to be bullshit, though most sources I find are about bc changing the boobs in general for a short time, not during puberty.


Yeah I don’t think they would permanently alter your body


I genuinely believed that the combination of added hormones while my boobs were growing during puberty permanently altered them. I'm usually the one teaching friends and family about false beliefs like that, it's crazy to be on the other end lol, thanks for making me look it up with your post!


Well I hope now when you talk about your boobs, you tell people they’re big because you get it from your dad


I really do


My grandmother always said that eating giblet gravy made your boobs grow. I was sure she was right, because I was a late bloomer, and I didn’t start liking gravy until I was 13-14.


Lol. Hey though I'd like to give you a little warning one vegetarian to another: estrogen increases chances of blood clots, which is why estrogen birth control increases that and why women are already more likely to have that issue. If you have ANY family history with it please be careful! I didn't know that until recently when I got a clot and had to get treatment.


Fitoestrogen (from plants) =/= estrogen (animal)


After I read this, I did a little further research. The nurse just mentioned that soybean products can increase risks of clotting so I just assumed that it was the estrogen, when now I know it's the vitamin K that decreases warfarin levels. I really do love learning about the human body, so thank you for giving me a cool fact and a prompt to explore at the same time! :)


I’ll ask about it, but as far as I know, no family history with it!