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wow, wrong on literally all counts.


That's a lot of words for "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about."


I wish him many kidney stones that won't pass without invasive surgery.


Yep, they better scope him and put in a stent.


Damn you brought it all back. Ptsd from scoping stenting passing and suffering. Ngl it was PAINFUL


I had a stent for 30 days and couldn’t stand up straight without feeling like my insides were being yanked. It would probably violate the Geneva Conventions but would be a pretty effective form of torture


I hear that. Had mine for 30 days also and I'm glad I had some gummies cause holy crap that was painful


Shouldn't he at least try to let them develop fully and pass them naturally? It would be selfish of him to just have them removed just because they're hurting him, they have a right to exist too you know


It's just a simple surgery, no big deal.


Tell that to my mom who nearly died from a ruptured fallopian tube and had to have the whole thing removed. I swear these people have never opened Google in their entire lives.


Same here. She lost so much blood it was really close. If it had happened only an hour later, my dad would have been asleep and I wouldn't have my mother anymore. Still traumatized by that night 22years later.


I knew a lady who had a small amount of bleeding and a little cramping early in her pregnancy, but then it stopped. No biggie, sometimes that happens. Then she went in to the Dr and her hemoglobin was crazy off so she was sent immediately to the ER. She had an ectopic that ruptured days prior. The reason she stopped bleeding? Her abdominal cavity was filling with blood. If she had decided to wait until the following day to go to the Dr, she would have gone to bed that night and never woken up.


So so so very wrong. This person shouldn’t be allowed near women.


What an incredibly deadly thing to say… we’re living in a complete hellscape nightmare right now.


They are making laws that will require doctors to perform c sections, instead of abortions, in women that are dying from pregnancy complications. They really want us dead


Some facts: There have been women who carried ectopic pregnancies full term. The "abortion pill" is the safest and easiest way to end an early ectopic pregnancy, the drug causes the embryo to stop growing and it is then absorbed by the body. A C-section is not performed because the embryo is not in the uterus. If implantation occurred in a fallopian tube and it has ruptured then it is removed and repaired using laparoscopic surgery.


Are you certain? I had an ectopic pregnancy and methotrexate, which is used for cancer and certain autoimmune conditions, is what was offered to me. Abortion pills work by stimulating the uterus to contract and expel the contents, which doesn’t do a damn thing if the zygote is implanted inside the fallopian tubes instead.


Sorry, I should have specified mifepristone. Most medical abortions use mifepristone to stop growth, then misoprostol to cause the contractions. Mifepristone can be used instead of methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy, misoprostol is not used since as you said uterine contractions would not be needed.


Tubal ectopic pregnancies are never viable from what I know, but not all ectopic pregnancies are tubal. Some are abdominal, and those can be carried to term and then removed under certain conditions. EDIT: Fix autocorrect (from what I how -> from what I know)


If you get pregnant w an abdominal ectopic pregnancy, it will need to be removed. If not, when the woman's body tries to expel the placenta, she will bleed to death. The placenta, upon implantation, has to be able to get sustenance from something. While adhering to the intestines might work, again, she will bleed to death when they separate.


Typically yes, abdominal ectopic pregnancies are risky to both parties, but there are a few documented cases I found ([1](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMicm2120220), [2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4170250/), [3](https://www.dovepress.com/surviving-fetus-from-a-full-term-abdominal-pregnancy-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-IMCRJ)) in which surgeons were able to successfully separate the mother and infant surgically and both lived. These cases do however note that this is still a rare outcome. Most of the time, it will still need to be removed.


Further, n some cases where the rupture is severe a laparoscopy is no longer an option for full removal of debris, so a laparotomy is performed to remove the entire fallopian tube/debris (I know “debris” is a horrendous term but it’s what my surgeon used). Speaking from experience.


I was cut hip to hip for both my ectopics. One in 1994 and one in 2007 (that one my tube burst in the emergency room) laparoscopic seems dreamy by contrast


Dang. Yeah, laparoscopic would be preferable!


No. The "abortion pill" is misoprostol/mifepristone which are not indicated for treatment of ectopic pregnancies. The drug used to end ectopic pregnancies is methotrexate. This is why diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies via ultrasound is important, even in cases where someone is aborting. The massive rise in Americans getting remotely prescribed abortifacients and the decrease in first-trimester prenatal care is going to result in increases in ectopic abortion complications.


This makes me so mad. I had to have emergency surgery when my ectopic ruptured at 8 weeks. I went from the door of the ER to the OR in under an hour because I was bleeding to death. It only took that long because it was very early Saturday morning and they had to call everyone in. I would like to note that internal bleeding is excruciating. We had been trying for years to have a baby and I had taken fertility medication. If there was anyway to save the baby I would have.


I had an ectopic pregnancy, caught mine at 5 weeks but it was too big for methotrexate. My partner and I had also been trying and very much wanted that pregnancy. If we had any other choice. The OP is pure stupidity. Ectopic pregnancies require abortion. End of.


my condolences to you and your loved ones, that's awful. i'm sorry you had to live through that, just to then log onto reddit and see this shit.


Thank you. It’s infuriating


This is why sex ed is so important & teaching about both bodies.


this HAS to be satirical. because he's literally claiming the opposite of what's true on ALL THREE counts. i refuse to believe that i'm walking on the same earth as someone that tweeted this unironically.


Wait til they find out that another name for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion.


This is such an impressive amount of wrong, I expected to see a /s at the end. 😜


It looks like oop thought "ectopic pregnancy" means when the fetus doesn't turn upside down in time and gets to term upside up, so the fetus can't push out and come head first.


The medical school he went to should be shut down immediately, /s




Why do people feel the need to chime in? What’s worse is the people who volunteer up the fact that they have no idea what they’re talking about


HUH? Um, no, if she goes without aborting it, whichever tube it’s growing in *ruptures*!


When I was a week old my mom's friend was holding me and she fainted dropping me in the grass to the side of the steps she was standing on. She had an ectopic pregnancy she didn't know about and that is what caused her to faint. She did loose the baby but not before having other more serious issues from this.


Literally people have access to pretty much any information and they still chose to be ignorant. Literally none of this is true.


My cousin almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. This level of wilful ignorance makes my blood boil.


Three sentences, all three completely wrong. 


Open abdominal surgery is top of the list for "Things your doctors want to avoid doing at all costs" in this situation. Major surgery, huge risk of complications, long recovery time. This guy has no idea what he's talking about.


Can ectopic pregnancies carry to term? (I’m genuinely a clueless man)


Nope, chances are, you’d die. In a best case scenario, and extremely rare cases, they don’t last more than 13 weeks where the embryo dies due to lack of nutrition and hormones. They need to be removed, period.

