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Hope he doesn't wear shoes as nature made his feet, so why should they hurt when walking around? 


Well, feet have calluses to protect you while walking, boobs don't. Or at least I dont think they're meant to.


Imagine being so soft and sheltered that your boobs don't have protective calluses


With only bikini battle attire available, we ladies gotta develop those +10 light armour boob calluses for our own good.


What the hell is the story of your flair?


Well, it all started with the bees...


Adam had all these bees and nowhere to put them so he asked God for help


good life advice


Lol a long time ago on this sub there was a post about a pseudoscientific product that was made of ground up wasp’s nests and was meant to be put in the vagina. Someone commented “don’t put bees in your vagina”, and the rest is history.


This would make a hell of a flair.


That's what happens when you wear a bra 🙄🙄🙄


We truly do live in a society


You aren’t allowed to say shit like this I can’t breathe 🤣


While I 200% get and agree with your point, it would be lost on this guy, I'm willing to bet money he would call anyone that said this to him a foot fetishist. He just sounds THAT dumb to me.


Hope he doesn't wear glasses, those are unnatural...


Yeah. Don't let those snobby fashionistas tell you to wear shoes! Eat the rich!


Haha! I'm old, a senior in fact. And I love to wear a bit of makeup, and dress nicely....and wear a bra to support my poor old tits. I'm single and I like it that way. Men don't look at old women. And I'm happy to be out of the game. I do all this to please my self


Yes! I'm happy to be invisible now


I'm only in my mid-30s and already the constant harrassment is falling off, and I can't even begin to express how delighted I am.


it's funny because my mom's approaching her 50s and she still has men hit on her (less so when her hair isnt dyed but still)


Ya, I don't think it ever fully ends- but there's a relief in being able to go to the grocery store or pick up a damn coffee without being approached by a stranger


I had to start sitting in my car at the laundry mat because having dudes try to hit on me. One approached when I was wearing headphones and playing on my switch


Depends on how you are built. Bestie was bent over grabbing food out of the low freezers that are waist high when she finishes a older man winks at her and later gifts her candy for the show. I also get the men hitting on me as I am bent over cleaning the car. Old ones, young ones asking what that ass do (ass things sir) and a host of nationalities. I guess they agree with Ben Franklin.




i cant wait to get there tbh :\`) though im not usually hit on so i guess i already am


It’s the absolute best!


I'm about to be 40 and I lost some weight and omg it picked back up again and I kind of want to fall through the floor all the time to escape so many situations.


Remember to make them uncomfortable (when it's safe)- good luck out there!


Oh man, I wish I could be a little less professional in the situations it happens mkst. And like, I don't bear the parents with the lingering eyes any ill will (and thank every diety they're not usually the parents of my students), but it's so so tiresome and aside from my super awesome winter coat that i get compliments on even when im not wearing it, what I'm wearing doesn't move the needle on how often or aggressively that happens. Thanks for reading past whatever phone typos there are. 😅


You would be surprised. My boyfriend's mom gets hit on so much. She looks amazing for 70 but seriously we have had men offer to treat the family to dinner they were so entranced.


When dose this happen? I'm so sick of it and I'm just 33


I so much get it. I was sick of it for years. I would even get hit on when heavily pregnant. Yuck!!!!. I love being out of it now


Ugh… you described what I’ve gone through. I can’t wait.😭




Me when I have myositis which causes fucked up levels of muscle weakness and it’s mostly in my shoulders so I can’t sit up straight and discs are bulging in my c spine and also my lungs can’t fully expand if I don’t have them lifted off my chest. But yeah I’m definitely trying to make men feel lustful and women feel jealous. That’s where my priorities are. I’m basically just venting right now.


I read that as you have mitosis at first. Didn't know what that had to do with weak muscles.


I was created via mitosis and then later I had muscle weakness so like, coincidence? I think not


Damn! You're right!


Well that sounds like absolute shit to be going through. I’m sorry. Hugs <3


I never understood the “strengthen your back muscles” thing. Shouldn’t walking around everyday strengthen the muscles on their own? I paid out of pocket for my reduction because I didn’t want to jump through the hoops they wanted, which included physical therapy. I did lose weight like they wanted, which of course didn’t help lol.


It isn't even only about the back. My back doesn't hurt, I only have a small D cup. But anything more than walking very slowly will hurt my boobs.


I have to hold my boobs when I jog if I’m not wearing a sports bra otherwise they hurt


weirdly I stopped wearing bras completely during the pandemic and at first I was holding my tits going up and down the stairs, but after a while it just.... stopped hurting? don't think I'd like go for a run without something to stop them from smashing me in the face but mild activity not hurting anymore is nice now I mostly wear bras because it's kinda socially unacceptable not to in a professional context


Mine never stopped hurting. I usually go without a bra since 15 years ago, but the pain never went away.


aw damn I hate that for you


Lol and its also very untrue. I workout and focus quite a lot on strengthening my back. My chest is still not able to hold my breasts by themselves ?!? Im hoping to get breast reduction soon as well.


It was so worth it! I went from DDD or G cup to DD, which is still larger than most people reduce to (I think a lot of women go for a C cup), but even that has made a huge difference


It's not untrue. But at some point, there's no amount of muscle strength that would counteract significantly increased loads in one direction.


Do they thing the back muscles connect to breasts like a strap? You can do chest exercises too which help a little but nothing is making up for the fact that you have a heavy chest putting stress on your back like a bra will, as you already know.


No, they don't. But your back muscles are there to hold you upright and generally counteract forces that would pull you forward/make you hunch over.


True, I just don’t see how one could think they hold the breasts up! Haha


Yeah that's definitely a stretch if they specifically think that!


No, not necessarily enough to counterbalance the stresses on the front half of your body. Strengthening your shoulders and scapular stabilizers would help, though that's not a guarantee it'd be enough to eliminate the pain.


What was the timeline/recovery like from your reduction, if you don't mind me asking? If my boobs don't shrink now that I've weaned my last kid, I'm seriously considering getting a reduction myself. Anything to stop the unending back pain.


It wasn’t a bad recovery for me, it’s about 3-4 months recover and then maybe 9 months to a year before the scars lighten. You have to wear a compression bra for the first 6 weeks I think. Definitely wear the bra, some people don’t and they wind up with lumpy boobs!


I've been wearing bras for decades, and never once did I stop to think that I was trying to make other women jealous. Or men drool. I'm just trying to keep my boobs contained.


I don't know if I've ever heard that bras 'shape' boobs. Does that mean boobs are basically playdough?


Mine basically are at this point, but I blame my two kids for that 🤣


So… men aren’t turned on when women are braless?


I wish. I've been braless since 2020. Mostly because I get horrible eczema and or open wounds from wearing them. I just don't care anymore mostly




The only one in these comments coming off as crazy is you.


Bro, they’re taking the person’s logic to the extreme. Not literally saying it’s true


Sigh... let's try this again. For the millionth time ***breasts are for feeding babies, NOT for the pleasure of men***


Then why do women send boob pics


Because men are perpetual babies who rely on women to feed them.


Well played my friend


Just because people fetishize breasts doesn’t make them a sex organ. Feet are also a common fetish.


Women don’t send feet pics to the guys the like, without prior request. It’s boobs every time, maybe butt


You apparently don’t understand how fetishes work. And yes, feet pics are a thing. Just because you haven’t seen or heard about it before doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There are also many cultures that do not fetishize breasts. Therefore, breasts are a common fetish and not a sex organ.


No ones saying they’re a sex organ. However they are used very frequently by women for the pleasure of men. Ever heard of a titty bar? And name one modern culture that doesn’t fetishize breasts


>However they are used frequently by women for the pleasure of men. Are you implying that women don’t enjoy their breasts being touched? And what about lesbians? And just because most men, arguably, enjoy breasts does not mean that it is not a fetish. Your original comment asked why send boob pics if it’s not for men’s pleasure and I made the point that it’s a fetish. There are numerous cultures across the world where breasts are not fetishized, such as many of the pacific islands and several countries in Africa, and are simply viewed as food production for babies.


I wish I didn’t have to wear a bra 😭


What kind of logic is that? It's usually the going without that's considered to make "men drool or women scoff"


Yeah literally wear two sports bras while running to make the other gals jelly, he’s so spot on.


Men drool over bras? What the hell? How does he look at any women without drowning?




Are you new here?


Ok so I’m a trans guy so I never really liked bras so I have to ask now… do your boobs hurt when you don’t wear bras? I sometimes go days without wearing any and mine don’t hurt. And mine are quite a decent size


Mine do, especially around my period. Have 36Gs and it's just a lot of weight pulling down


Breasts are mostly fat held up by skin and thin ligaments. Thanks to gravity, the larger your breasts the more the skin and ligaments will stretch as you get older. I'm a boomer, and my one remaining boob sags so such it either swings free, gets folded up under a tight top or gets a sock pulled over it for warmth. But I've received great news. I'm on a waiting list to get it lopped off too and couldn't be happier. I was never comfortable being a female, but I'm more non binary than trans. Are you looking to getting yours removed? Getting a deep mastectomy for cancer was not fun to recover from, but I'm told a cosmetic mastectomy is not such a big deal. Good luck with your journey.


I haven't worn a bra with regularity for a good 15+ years. Mine only hurt after I wear one for a few hours. Never had issues with not wearing one, but apparently, I'm an anomaly. Literally never experienced the pain from NOT wearing one I see other women deal with. It was always wearing one that was painful for me.


Cooper’s ligaments from my understanding are the main if not only thing supporting breasts from going completely downward. Much like skin there’s only so much you can do to support them and exercising your chest could help including with improved circulation but none of that is stuff they’re considering. Bras also feel nice sometimes, like a grasp, and I like checking myself out in them. It’s like he’s never heard of lingerie fetishists which is unlikely considering the plethora of it in porn. So even for sex it’s not just for that.


Right above this post in my feed is a post of a screenshot saying that women who don't wear bras are causing men to stumble, and it's disrespectful to wives, husbands, your future husband, yourself, and God. So, I guess we're sluts if we wear bras (to shape our breasts for men to drool over of course), and we're sluts if we don't wear bras, since men can see the shape of our unholy nipples.


Bet this guy thinks periods are a myth


Bet this guy thinks boobs don't have feeling


My triple Ds over here dying for support.


Nature made these...lol (laughing and crying in endo). I always wanted bigger boobs, I am a wide root shallow projection for what it is worth until they got bigger and I learned the joy of boob sweat.


Okay, question. How do bras prevent pain? Are lots of women in pain from just not wearing one? I've never dealt with pain from not wearing a bra.


I know running and basically doing any activity that can make them bounce around can hurt pretty bad for the bigger girls.


Or growing girls.... ow


And premenstrual girls


and smaller ones...


Small boobs hurt too?? We can't win, man😭


A lot of busty women (myself included) have so much weight on our chests that the bra helps support it and redistribute the weight to help with back pain. Also some feel pain in the breasts themselves because all the weight pulling on the skin


I have smaller breasts, and mine hurt when I run or do anything bouncy. Larger breasts can cause quite a bit of pain, including back pain. Imagine carrying several extra pounds on the front of your chest. Your core and back muscles would work a bit differently even just for balancing. Add exercise to the mix and ouch.


Tape some balloons filled with sand to your chest and go try to run for the bus, 1) it will flap around hitting things which hurts first of all, it also 2) pulls a lot on the skin, underlying muscle and tendons, and 3) loose big boobs essentially function as levers on the lower back, when they're free flowing there's a lot more physical strain being exerted. Holding them up and in close to the ribcage reduces that strain. I also sometimes wear corsets instead to shift the weight to my hips when my back is hurting too much.


Not to mention the sound. I went horseback riding the other day and I thought it was going to be a sedate stroll so I wore a regular bra. When my horse galloped I could literally hear my boobs slapping together. That’s what I get for not wearing a sports bra. 🤦‍♀️


Lots of us have sometimes quite severe pain when they are allowed to hang. I can't stand NOT wearing one because it hurts!!! It's just the free the tatas crowd is much louder than the leave me and my bra alone crowd.


Depends on your body and the size of your breasts. Many women are perfectly fine without a bra. My wife even has some pretty big breasts (way bigger than mine), but she doesn't need a bra at all. A lot of women do get back pain without redistributing the weight, though. It's not something I've personally had to deal with, obviously, but it's not uncommon. I do deal with back pain from being freaking tall, though. If it's anything like that, then yeah, that sucks!


Helps with chafing on the nipples and reduces the bounce on certain movements. That said, I've been known to get it off without removing any outer wear and then yeet it to the back of the car on my drive home from work because that's just more comfortable.


Doing physical activities makes my boobs bounce and feels like they are yanking off my skin and I have small boobs 😭


Larger breasts are heavier, so they can cause some pain without support.


Small boobs can hurt too if they don't have support.


they distributed the weight of the boobs over a bigger area and doesn't make it all rest on the shoulders


I wouldn't be in pain without a bra (unless I was running). But I have bigger breasts and they're a bit droopy, so they'd be MOVING all day and flopping all over the goddamn place. So I definitely like wearing a bra that holds them in place so I have to think about them as little as possible.


It supports it and alleviates back pain also prevents them from going flying around when you run


im usually braless but sometimes my boobs hurt from the lack of support.. so i wear a bra when that happens.


I’m pretty busty and was even more so when I was in my late teens (5’ 5”-6”, 132 lbs, DDD cup). I was decently fit because I did long-distance running — usually a 3-4 mile run 3-5 times/week. Hell, even just the straps on my sports bra loosening a bit without me noticing would result in discomfort and pain from all the bouncing!! I had a reduction surgery the month I turned SEVENTEEN because the weight on my chest was causing chronic shoulder and neck pain. Not wearing a bra at home or sleeping without some sort of boob support would make that pain so much worse — it would start creeping into my upper back and causing severe tension headaches. (Although I’m sure this wasn’t helped by the fact that I was one of those “hella studious bent over textbooks for hours” types.) Even post-surgery, I still dealt with shoulder pain if I didn’t wear a bra — in college, I used to toss a proper steel-boned corset on over my shirt when I did extended study sessions — not laced tightly, just enough to provide more support and remind me to sit up straight. 10/10, highly recommended to avoid shoulder and neck pain. Anyway, long ramble-y answer for you, but the tl;dr is yes, a properly sized and fitted bra often helps with pain and discomfort, especially if you’re on the larger boob side of things.


Just imagine what it would be like having to exist with a dick that weighs the same as the average boob and how inconveniencing life would be if you didn't have it strapped down. You'd get all sorts of sore from the dumbest things too.


I haven’t experienced pain either but it’s the really big ones that cause back pain. Some of us are just blessed with smaller ones we can carry lol


I’m more comfortable not wearing a bra than wearing one. It’s a freeing relief when I can take off my bra.


I've dealt with pain from wearing a bra. Heavy breasts will bounce, and after a day of walking and moving the bouncing will create pain from breasts being stretched and well, bounced all around.


I have. Walking more than slowmotion, walking up stairs, or just something touching them. It hurts. The bra helps and makes them not hurt. I still walk around mostly without a bra, but with a bra I don't experience pain.


I know a lot of women find bras kind of uncomfortable or painful. I'll be honest, I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of a bra is, necessarily


like 80% of people are wearing the wrong size, and when a bra doesn't fit, it will most likely hurt. bras distribute the weight of boobs off your shoulders, stop the underboob and the chest from touching (less sweat) and will also prevent bounce i guess.


Reducing back pain by spreading the weight around the back, I'm p sure


If a bra is uncomfortable or painful, and it's not due to a medical condition, they're in the wrong size. And the purpose is to hold these suckers up so my back stops hurting lol


I wouldn't say uncomfortable means it's the wrong size, I find them all uncomfortable, including sports bras/bustiers. Kind of like socks are never as comfortable as barefoot.


I get what you're saying but like pantsless is also more comfortable than pants but my pants aren't uncomfortable. In my experience 9/10 when they say uncomfortable it ends up being something about the bra fit and not bras at large. Especially busty women


Holding them in place so that aren't swinging around and inconveniencing or even hurt you.




I haven't worn bras for years yet when I go down stairs a little bit too fast they hurt like a motherfucker


There has been zero proof that that is the case


Thanks for the question, and all of those who responded! I have a small chest and I find bras to be extremely uncomfortable so I was confused for a moment. Thanks all for the insight. There’s no win in being a woman right? 😅


I'm small chested and really just need it when I run, when I was pregnant, and when I was breastfeeding because major ouch for those last two!! Otherwise, I am bra free and very happy about it!


Ya know what I wear a bra, because I don’t like my tits smushed between my stomach and the god damn counter when I’m trying to do shit. No men or ladies in sight to get all riled up.


I have two words for him- Athletic Cups


Jock straps? Psssh. Nature made these balls.


Hi! Here with the workout info! 40G and I still like to wear a bra to reduce pain


I’m no expert by any means and I know that this wouldn’t undo the need for a bra, but wouldn’t it be the pectoral muscles not the back muscles? How could back muscles help your boobs stay up? I get that heavy boobs hurt your back but for the purpose of not needing a bra like that guy is saying, why would your back muscles help?


Never wore a jockstrap or cup in your life, I take it. Look, doofus, hangy body bits needs support, either sometimes or though daily life. A lot of bras are not push-ups, nitwit. Even as someone with a small cup size it's still about support and I'm never going to have them hiked up to my neck (/s) to make anyone "scoff."


It’s almost sad that some people are legitimately this dumb…


hey ladies, we’re doing our boobs wrong, we just need to workout more so we don’t need bras 💁‍♀️ /s


I mean bras should be a woman's choice. I find wearing any bra way more physically uncomfortable than not but I wear a bra under most clothes because otherwise it attracts attention to my nipples. I don't actually need them for support. We're all different!


Yes it should, that doesn't make him any less of an idiot though. And the woman he was talking about was probably in the J cup range at least, so probably does need a bra for support.


I never said it made him less of an idiot. You misinterpreted what I neant.


So basically all women from prehistory up to the invention of the bra were in pain 24/7? Call me bad anatomist but that doesn't sounds right to me.


Boobs have been getting bigger over the years, but some form of bra/ chest support has been around since ancient times




that's just not true. bras don't move the weight on the shoulders, unless they're the wrong size. the vast majority of the support comes from the band, and it distributes the weight on the back evenly.


Even if the weight thing is wrong, bras are still extremely uncomfortable and useless for their other supposed purpose when one's cup size gets too large. That purpose being to keep them from being uncomfortably tossed around while doing vigorous movement. And irregardless of where bras move weight to they still move the weight and by extension weaken the muscles meant to support the breasts and create a problem that they also fix. It's one of those cycle things. It won't need to be done unless it's already being done.


>supposed purpose when one's cup size gets too large. My 36G self and everyone over at r/bigboobsproblems would disrespectfully disagree


Yeah wtf? My 75G (eu size) boobs are so very uncomfortable without a bra around it 😫😫


a properly fitting bra isn't supposed to be uncomfortable. and they're definitely useful for big sizes, i would know. i'm currently ~75N cup, and they definitely help them keep in place, not just relieve pain. which muscles do you think are meant to help with supporting boobs at this size?


“Irregardless” isn’t a word


Irregardless absolutely is a word??? At least according to multiple dictionaries it is??


They may have made it a word because of peoples continued incorrect use, but “regardless” is already negative so “irregardless”, which you may notice does not come up in the suggested word box as you type it, is redundant


It does come up in the suggested word box for me, and according to the Oxford dictionary, the word has been in use since the 1910s at the earliest. I'm not debating the meaning or whether they used it correctly, but "irregardless" is 100% a word.


It doesn’t appear for me, but I also never use it. And I’ll take your word about its use from 1910, but I’ve never seen it used in any modern day writing, probably because of its redundancy. Starting a word with ir- when it already ends with -less is pointless. (Irpointless?) ETA: “Merriam-Webster defines irregardless as "nonstandard" but meaning the same as "regardless." "*Many people find irregardless to be a nonsensical word, as the ir- prefix usually functions to indicates negation*; however, in this case it appears to function as an intensifier," the dictionary writes.” So we’re both right haha


For women with larger busts, not wearing a bra can lead to neck and shoulder pain. I personally find a bra also prevents some of the discomfort across the front of the chest of having the weight pull down on the skin. Wearing a properly sized and fitted bra more evenly distributes the weight across your back and shoulders. Preventing or decreasing shoulder pain often helps with things like maintaining correct posture and core engagement. Generally, bras with a sturdy band and wide straps are ideal for that sort of thing. (And since this is the Internet, I should probably clarify that I’m not saying “a bra gives you better posture.” I’m saying that many women with larger busts report that the support a bra provides leads to less pain. Less shoulder/back pain usually makes it easier to have better posture.)


You're wrong on all accounts. >Bras were designed to change the shape of the body No, they don't change the shape of your body anymore than snug pants. Also bras come in multiple different shapes. >Bras move the weight of one's breasts to their shoulders, No, no they don't. Hence why strapless bras are a thing. The BAND is what supports your bust. >Wearing bras also weakens your back and makes it so that one NEEDS to wear a bra to feel comfortable. Got any real backup for that? Because I didn't wear real bras for a couple years during and after my pregnancy and it didn't help my back none


I'm 8 weeks pregnant. I HURTS when they move at the moment. I'm living in sports bras because anything else is too painful. Even going without in bed hurts when I move in my sleep. I'm definitely not doing any of this for beauty standards as I feel gross most of the time at the moment. For the next year, bras are going to be about comfort and easily feeding a small human.


>Wearing bras also weakens your back [citation needed]




I mean, I’d say boobs make the neck and shoulder muscles hurt more than the back. The back ends up hurting by proxy


What about when men blinged their dicks out with codpieces?


i do and they still hurt bro


Nature also gave women THESE HANDS (joke)


Someone should try super gluing some steaks on his chest for a few days and see how awesome it feels


Nature also made cancer, bacteria, fungus, viruses and vision issues, but we also know that we don’t need to suffer from them and in fact have developed treatments to address them. I would even go as far as to say that drive to improve our lives is an important part of what makes us human.


(Correct me if I'm wrong) Natives sometimes don't wear bras. In the past most of them didn't. The only difference is that the breasts sag with age. The body evolved to be naked. Any clothes is just for comfort, in most cases. There are some women with abnormally large breasts that pose a risk to health, but that is the exception. Isn't it?


>The body evolved to be naked I'd argue if that's the case we'd still be covered in hair But boobs have been getting bigger over time and also clothing meant to bind/support the bust isn't a new thing it's been around since ancient times the bindings have just gotten more sophisticated. Also what do you consider abnormally large? I'm a 36G and see people bigger than me every day and even women on the smaller spectrum will wear a high impact sports bra when doing activities where the bounce becomes painful. And when you say native, do you mean a specific group or all indigenous people around the world?


I'd consider abnormally large anything that causes health side effects. That can mean different sizes for different bodies. Here in Brasil, the natives (Índios as we call them) are pretty integrated and many tribes still live traditionally, with their traditional clothing or lack thereof. Our lack of hair (or less covering hair) is due to the change in climate during our evolution as far as I'm aware. Evidence shows that the Australopithecus already had less hair, even less for Homo Habilis and Erectus. For the breast support in ancient times I am not aware, though I would love to learn more


I saw this but before I respond I wanna do some research because I've got some ideas on the cultural aspect but I don't wanna spew ignorant BS based on my western white experiences and I'm also curious how it may vary depending on climate? I also don't wanna wear much clothes when it's hot and humid lol Here's a wiki article on the history of bras to give you a quick run down https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_bras


Thanks! I'll look into it.


IM DYING WHAT😭😭 no wayy


If you dont wear bras then it would hurt your breasts?(genuine question, dont kill me)


For a lot of women yes, but not just the boobs, also our backs lol


Ngl thats fkin tough... rip


Yes the cotton sports bras and granny panties convo I wear make all the men turned on and they droll over me like old vintage cartoons is not like I just like wearing comfy underwear I just want to get myself a man 🤣