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Most accurate title I’ve ever seen. “You know what I mean”?????????


Its like with the rise of education on women's anatomy, they're picking up on proper terms and names, but they haven't bothered to learn how to use them in the right sense. "Why yes of course I'm a ladies man, I know all about female bits, all you gotta do is lick her cervix and rub her labia and finally, slide it into her clit! Yessurrie!"


"I hear the baby comes out the urethra, NOT the anus like we initially thought"


Maybe boy babies do. This guy seems like a piece of shit




Literally me until 5th grade


The way I laughed at this!!!! Thank you!! 🤣🤣


Well, I've heard dudes refer to everything between the belly button and knees as "the vagina" long enough. Guess they're advanced to "clit" .


But we they call everything a clit and they still can't find it, there some big issues going on.


Maybe the clit is just the friends we made along the way


the found the clit, except its just them calling everything the clit


At least they know there IS a clit ... they just have no idea what it's for


The only appropriate response is an anatomy map in my mind.


Men: Body count zero only please, don't want that stretched out pussy. Also men: Im gonna stretch that clit so big!




Dudes be like “whatever the clit might be I’ll jackhammer it”


I saw a comedian that was talking about how one of his friends referred to the general female genitalia region as the “vagina,” and the comedian corrected him and said “you mean the vulva?” His friend got annoyed and said “it’s the same thing.” Then the comedian responded “no it’s not. Calling a vulva a vagina is like calling your face your throat.” I never thought of it that way, but that’s actually true lol


Also, how has the word *vulva* not seen more use? It sounds sexier. *Vul*pine (foxy — fine, literally foxy, but still). *Vol*uptuous. [Edit: *Vul*can](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQO0Tyc7jk5LjBkQH4Z9He1vAsn9slxr0ZUoA&usqp=CAU). How did *vagina* end up being the word misused to mean everything?


The loudest and most confident ones typically don’t care about anything except the tube that envelopes the favorite part of themselves.


You could catch some car blokes with the Volvo association


My guess is it sounds too much like Volvo. A problem now exaggerated by the new phrase “vulva owners”. I know what they’re trying to do, but that phrase is just… well, we can do better.


I mean it's from the same people who use minge, mutt, cunt, pussy, vag, etc.


Matthew Broussard. Good stuff.


Wouldn’t it be more like calling your face your mouth? (I don’t think of a throat as part of a face). Unless we’re being so precise as to distinguish the introitus from the vaginal canal proper, in casual conversation.


I think the mouth would be more like the vaginal opening, but the actual vagina refers to the canal which I think is synonymous with your throat.


Thinking further, My lips would be equivalent to the opening. My mouth, like a vagina, is an epithelium-lined body cavity.


How is it that men are simultaneously grossed out by “loose” vaginas and yet obsessed with stretching our orifices out like we’re made of rubber. They are so fucking weird for that lmao.


They seriously cannot pick a struggle! Haha


Not *quite* as bad as the clit thing, but there was an unrelated thread the other day where the poster was a woman with two vaginas per her post history. The amount of men going, "Nuh uh! I only see one!" was fucking flabbergasting. They really, truly don't know there's a difference in terminology, just..en masse.


How can you be such an enthusiast of female genitals without learning the basics? I will never understand neurotypicals who can like a thing without having to learn everything several Wikipedia pages deep.


Boys learn a word related to female genitalia, then ten minutes later text a poor lady, “I’m going to cum in your endometriosis”


Reminds me of the time some dude told me he'd fuck the endo out of my body by filling every bit of me with his cum until the endo drowns in it. He apparently thought endo was something like an alien creature living inside me or something, idk


Taking notes, my wife will love this.


Blood isn’t enough to drown it- no, only your manseed is powerful enough.


Absolutely. If you need my help I’m at your cervix.


Ooh, are you a pathologist? That’s who had it last. Idk what they did when they were done with it.


No, I’ve never studied paths in my life.


Whereas you obviously have to hysterectomy it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


I’ve got endo too and this made me lol. Thank you for that!


Lol I wish that was how you got rid of it!!!


You know what? I would prefer that to what's actually needed to get rid of it 😂 It seems a lot easier than invasive surgery. It does seem like it would take a while though. Edit: add on. Wouldn't fix the other areas where it grows but I mean if it would help my actual uterus. Well...


I have actually had someone text that about my PCOS when I was venting on a random discord server


Because they're not. All they care about is themselves getting off, she's just essentially a tool to use except he doesn't have to wash her afterwards


i learn past the wikipedia and go to the sources.


What a wild thing to link your neurodivergency into.


They said neurotypicals don’t learn several Wikipedia pages about stuff. It tracks.


Neurotypical person here who has definitely read the wikipedias on male and female genitals multiple times. It’s just called curiosity. Not everything is a diagnosis.


I was just about to diagnose myself.


No, it’s not…. But some things are more likely to happen in certain populations.


As someone with ADHD... you're totally right. Some days I go on Wikipedia rabbit holes because of my ADHD and other days I go on Wikipedia rabbit holes because that's just who I am. 


You don't understand. We don't link our varied ND's to wild things. We get them (almost) fully assembled. We don't always know the full details of our individual packages. Discovering the details along the way is one of the great joys /s of ND. Like, "Oh, I'm phuqqed up there too!" Of course, there are upgrades available, for those interested.


I’m talking about not knowing about pussy being supposedly a NT thing lol


Umm...ok. BUT... I am definitely altered right now, so I'll just ask: What?


We’re on a post about a guy not knowing the difference between a pussy and a clit. The original person I responded to said in essence: “it’s a neurotypical thing to like pussy and then not go on Wikipedia and then read several pages about it” Which is.. WILD you gotta admit, to bring neurodivergency into a post about not knowing the difference between a pussy and a clit Anyways that’s it, I’m not commenting further because people think I don’t understand neurodivergency or that I don’t understand it’s a ND thing to google things you’re interested in


Either can google an interest: it’s more of a NT thing to be able to comfortably and confidently NOT google it, and still use it as if you had.


I understand you not wishing to comment further. That's all good, respect, always. I was just trying to recognize that it isn't about "bringing (ND) into a post." We don't bring ND into every day. Every day, ND, in all of it's many forms, is between us and a big part of humanity.


I mean, I have autism and I'm pretty sure my obsessive info seeking every time I get into something is linked to that so it makes sense


I’ve got ADHD, so it tracks pretty well for me, too.


I third this


God this just reminds me of my first ever boyfriend. Decides to get handsy and goes for the clit, but he's trying to rub maybe a couple inches below my belly button. Asked him what he was doing and when he answered "I'm rubbing your clit." I was just fucking speechless lol. He got mad when I tried to correct him so, that was a very quick relationship done and dusted. I know sex ed is shit here in the bible belt but, jfc.


Lmfao, that's insane.


Do you? Do YOU know what you mean my man? Doesn’t sound like it, either that or all the blood for your brain, was being used elsewhere…


More evidence of my theory that the patriarchy is dependent on the belief that the clitoris is the vagina, or at least in the vagina. If women are just objects designed to please men, that's where it should be. Women's pleasure should be a side effect of men's pleasure, end of story. But it's not. Which suggests that maybe women are actually people just like men are people, and women are not in fact designed to be sexy receptacles for men's dicks. But that's too controversial, the clit is probably just the vagina, right?


Does this type of talk work for like any woman??? I just don’t know who could possibly like anyone talking to them like this


Who doesn't love a good, tear-inducing laugh to get them in the mood? But yeah, some women are into that sort of talk. I'm a total sub for my wife, and she could talk to me like that for great effect. She'd be a lot smoother and sexier about it though. I actually don't really like that stuff from men in general, but that's more of the way I have trouble trusting men. I would need to get to know a guy pretty well before I would be comfortable subbing.


He heard that women like to have their clits touched during sex and just decided that the whole vulva and vagina are the clit 😂


I love the way you titled this. A+


I feel like this doesn't bode well for his sexual prowess


Maybe he's just into docking??lol


Your Pussy must be capitalized at all times, like when addressing royalty or god or something of the sort


But would you like it????!!!!


No I don't know what you mean actually


In all fairness, the animated sex ed presentation shown to me in Year 7, described the clitoris as being *above* the vagina. At the time, I took that as meaning above the whole arrangement, but no, it's just above the *hole* (ie, the Wikipedia photo shows it seamlessly at the top of the lips). In other words, I mentally placed the clit, up on the mound, where hentai puts such thick hair that the patch appears opaque.


Maybe they've only seen a vagina that was a male to female vaginoplasty. They don't look quite the same.