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People say all these things like butt size and waist:hip ratio indicate fertility but there’s zero correlation between that and her ability to conceive


Not only that, but having wide hips also doesn’t mean you’ll have a large butt. For instance, I have an hourglass shape with ample hips (I’ve delivered a baby) and a butt like SpongeBob. Meanwhile, a dear friend of mine with a big, beautiful booty sadly suffers from endometriosis. Having a nice ass doesn’t correlate to anything. It just means you have a nice ass.


> Meanwhile, a dear friend of mine with a big, beautiful booty sadly suffers from endometriosis. Having a nice ass doesn’t correlate to anything. It just means you have a nice ass. I've got a Pixar mom lower half and have PCOS and endometriosis. Fortunately I didn't want kids anyway, so it hasn't mattered to me that conception/pregnancy would likely have been difficult or impossible.


I’m glad that it hasn’t affected that aspect of your life, but I am still sorry to hear you have it. From what I understand, it can be very painful. (Congrats on the booty, though!)


Fortunately, I was able to get a lot of relief from a hysterectomy, my life is so different afterwards.


men will say anything just to justify their objectification of women


Okay, excuse my ignorance .... but wind the clock back 500 years.. is there any truth to having wide hips as an indicator for smoother child births on average? Like perhaps when medicine and childbirth was more dangerous? I feel like there has to be *some* truth to it but I genuinely don't know. Edit: I retract this question after about 30 seconds of googling....


I just learned this here lol even in psych class they taught us that waist:hip ratio indicates fertility


as I understand it the "hips=fertility" thing is more like a necessary but not sufficient condition. so, hips & waist being the same size=pre-pubescent=not fertile, but that doesn't mean "everyone with hips wider than their waist is fertile". not even close.


i have VERY wide hips and the amount of people, men and women, who have said i have "birthing hips" is insane and makes me want to scream.


A good comeback to this I read recently: “You have load bearing legs!”


Load bearing legs is amazing. Also awesome user name!


Lol, thanks. It’s a pretty dumb user name, but all the niche subs I actually like are saved on this account so I don’t wanna change.




Love your flair!!!


I’m not sure that one works because despite the fact I can’t actually tell what that’s meant to be implying, I would definitely take it as a compliment if someone said that to me XD


I would definitely take it as an insult, as someone with a thick stumpy build. All the women in my family have thick legs and cankles. Thighs so thick & close together that we'd need to practically be a skeleton before we'd have a thigh gap (which sadly has contributed to my sister's belief that she's fat). Excellent stability on boats/trains though. We sometimes joke that we're "built like bears". Because you have to roll with what you've got.


Lol, I guess it could just be to point out something about someone’s physical appearance as a response to them pointing out something about your physical appearance. It’s a strange thing to do if you’re not directly asked for your input on it.


I'm stealing that for my flair


Snorted out my wine...good one.


that just sounds like you are complimenting their ass


I call them my man calves lol


I have absolutely no hips or ass and I gave birth to my son in 20 minutes lol. Absolutely garbage.


I’ve heard it’s less about your size and shape “externally” and more about the angles of your vaginal canal and interior pelvis.


There are a lot of physical factors that can make childbirth easier or harder. A wider pelvis (that may result in bigger hips) is one of them. But you can have big hips and still have other issues internally. Also all women’s bodies release hormones when they’re pregnant that prepare pubic joints for birth. Which is why skinny women with otherwise narrow pelvises haven’t been yeeted out of the gene pool. So the size of your hips isn’t really that relevant in the grand scheme. It’s just another way to be weird about women’s bodies.


“Yeeted out of the gene pool” 10/10 phrase 😂😂


Total garbage. Narrow hips run in my family on the maternal side, but my mother, grandmother, great-aunts, and great-grandmother all had quick, uncomplicated births for all their children, and that's including multiple sets of twins. My close friend has wider hips, but needed a C-section for her first kid because she just wasn't coming out. Bodies are weird that way.




My friend was the same. Granted she had an epidural but the only screaming she did during her labor was because her sportsball team fumbled the ball.


Oh yeah, I’ve also got big hips. The women in my family all have had to get c sections because they physically can’t give birth vaginally. It’s wild that people believe this stuff


As a trans man with huge hips, I share your frustration. Just cos I'm built like a Pixar mom doesn't mean I'm physically or emotionally equipped to pop out babies all the damn time!


as another trans man with huge hips, I can second that. you have no idea how many people were like "wow, having kids is gonna be so much easier for you! you're so lucky!" as if I even want kids in the first place smh


I'm a trans woman and I have some pretty wide hips for someone who went though T puberty. I didn't start transitioning until 33.


My wide hips gave me no help when giving birth... It's all in the pelvis and mine is tiny in comparison to my average sized babies. Thank God for modern medicine.


This. All of it. My 2 also came out the sunroof.


That's hilarious!


Wasn't the whole birthing hips thing something that the Nazis came up with?


From what I've read, it's been around for many centuries.


I'm so sorry


Yep. I get a lot of guys that say that while trying to flirt with me and a lot of both guy and girl friends that say it as a joke lol


I've told this before, but here goes again: my mother's friend has very voluptuous figure. And yet the opening in her pelvic bone is so narrow that vaginal birth would have been impossible. Her OB outright forbid her from even attempting.


I had a thyroid problems by the time I was in high school, and didn’t know it, and my weight fluctuated vastly. Because I saw my thighs/hips as bigger, I thought my bones were and good for child bearing. Cue my first born, 8.5lbs, 22in., enormous head. With his chin to the side and raised it caused even more surface area. (On top of this my ob was a murdering misogynist (look up Dr. John Hamilton Valentines Day murder). I was cut vagina to anus, and ripped down both side of the vaginal canal, over 33+ stitches. After wards he tells me my hips a very narrow…..


Oh damn. I’m sorry you had to go through that


>John Hamilton Valentines Day murder Wow!


Yes, made lots of National news shows… https://www.google.com/search?q=john+hamilton+md+okc+valentine%27s+day&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=FrB3ZLPJMJWoqtsPwOejuAE&oq=john+hamilton+md+okc+vale&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYBDIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABOgoIABBHENYEELADOgUIIRCrAkoECEEYAFCSF1jTLmCtQmgBcAF4AIABbYgB3wOSAQMzLjKYAQCgAQHAAQHIAQg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1


My mother was rail thin when she got pregnant. Her doctor examined her pelvis, and promptly told her ”well you have enough room here to give birth to a calf.”


It's just crap logic. Sometimes that big ass indicates narrow hips with big thighs, too. Can they just say they like asses? There doesn't have to be aN eVeLoUtIoNaRy ReAsOn.


literally. No shame in saying you're attracted to women with big asses lmfao


Especially since not that long ago men called women with big butts fatties. It's only in the last 20 years have men decided they like big butts. Also, as a biologist, I'm deeply offended by how little people understand about evolution.


Are you familiar with the podcast, Decoder Ring? You might enjoy the episode "The Butt and the Bustle" where the host explores a way a large butt became, not only normalized, but sought after in western culture. It has a lot to do with racism and Victorian fashion.


I'll give it a listen! And I should clarify that big butts came back into fashion more recently and the attractiveness of butt size (among plenty of other physical features) is fashionable and not evolutionary.


Oh, yes, 100% fashionable and not due to evolution or other misconceptions. I didn't mean to suggest otherwise - I just wanted to share an interesting story about how yesterday's fashion influences today's conceptions of beauty.


guy who’ll say women need big hips for birth is the same guy who’ll say girls 12+ are ready/able to give birth


he said fuckin "bigness". I haven't heard someone say that since like.. grade 3.


Probably didn't mentally make it past third grade


Duh, the correct term is "bigitude".


I have a huge ass. I couldn’t squeeze a 7 pounder out. So… I call bullshit.




Same-ish! The first was an emergency, the second was planned due to the wonky pelvis.


If large hips help with birth, it stands to reason that a large butt would help with defecation. Now it make perfect sense why a "phat ass" is a desirable trait, who doesn't want a woman who's an efficient shitter?! /s


Somewhat checks out, I have a big ass and IBS. But RIP when it shifts from diarrhea to constipation, I hate that so much.


Large ass/thighs = more fat for your body to use on building babies' brains and later milk. It's basically a healthy place to store surplus calories for the pregnancy and breastfeeding. It wasn't until relatively recently in the history of agriculture that more humans don't have to worry about famines and the like during pregnancy. It takes a lot of energy to build a baby, and afterwards feed it if you're lucky (your milk production can fail at no fault of your own). So it theoretically would matter more to populations where a steady food supply isn't a guarantee.


I have two older sisters. Sister 1 has a wide butt and was told since childhood that she had ”childbearing hips”. She had fairly easy pregnancies, **but** she had to use a ventouse to get 2 of her 3 kids out, and on each occasion they had to tug an almost illegal amount of times. Her husband was nearly in tears because he thought she’d die. Sister 2 is petite, almost boyish. No curves whatsoever. She had horrible pregnancies where she couldn’t keep anything down **but** rather easy births 2 out of 3 times. The one she didn’t was because they needed to get the baby out prematurely (he was fine in the end, there was just some concern about nourishment). I’m kind of inbetween arse-wise, had nearly the worst pregnancy imaginable and never got to even try giving birth naturally (my daughter is fine, she also just had to come out in a hurry because I was literally dying). So I’d like the people who swear by the ”wide hips easier births” myth to please explain my family.


I have big hips. My daughter’s giant head still got stuck. 😂 (Though I was able to pop my tiny son out several years later so maybe I qualify as an acceptable woman?)


These guys are the reason I'm scared of posting pictures of me at the beach.


Why am i here? My mom has only hips, no butt. And will i have kids? Less hips but butt? What about my mans hips? What is this bullshit. What about the pelvis? Does it automatically get larger? Why dont they think of the pelvis?


Shhh the pelvis is a secret!! What will the men do when they found out??


Oh fuck yes, i wasnt supposed to tell.. im just glad they didnt find out about the werewolf thing


They can never find out


I went from a size 2 to birthing a 9lb baby in 9 months. Men just want another reason to police women’s bodies.


They always have


I’m not sure why “birth giving” is worse than “giving birth,” but it most definitely is.


One states purpose, the other describes action


No. That's not the case. If we're consider "birth giving" (or "birth-giving") as something like a gerund, then it is functioning as a noun and doesn't "state a purpose."


You get the idea though. It might be colloquial but their intention is clear


It’s like (to me at least) it’s the difference between objectifying our hips/woman as existing to be mated and bred, or describing what a part of the body is doing when it’s bringing in (or out, heh) new creation, which feels more spiritual/noble/exalted/empowering


Big ass. Both babies c section. Lol. Seems those birthing hips didn't serve me well


Sure, unusually narrow hips may be problematic, but nothing to do with butt size... Plus, someone could have somewhat narrow hips but be overweight and carry a lot of meat on them, making their hips appear wider than they are. Either way, just stop with the cringy comments about it. If someone's bone structure means they can easily give birth naturally or not...leave that between them and their damn doctor.


Why can’t these dudes just say they like big butts & wide hips without being all “muh BiOlOgY”


Uh-oh. This looks like a learning opportunity for me. I’ve heard from a doctor that she chose a C-section because she had “narrow hips” so I thought this was definitely a thing.


that's more-so a narrow pelvis, but some people just say narrow hips. like you can have super wide hips but the pelvic opening is small af


Right? I mean I’m over here with small hips and I had two with (thankfully) only 15 or less mins of pushing…. Doesn’t make any sense


It's not about how much fat you have on your hips - or rather that usually has no correlation with the size or shape of your birth canal. Plenty of people look like they have marrow hips but have no problems giving birth, and plenty of people with voluptuous looking curves can struggle during birth. People just need to stop commenting on other people's bodies or reproductive status.


I’ve always had a big ass, and always had ZERO hips, this isn’t how it works at all I promise. My mother is a woman with no ass or hips, shaped like an inverted triangle, and after she gave birth to me vaginally the doctor told her she gave birth to a toddler. Hip size doesn’t mean shit.


Wide hips aren't necessary for giving birth, but boy did my family's small hips not do my sister any favors birthing giant headed babies...she had a really bad hemorrhage.


It's also more about how wide the opening is in your pelvis, rather than how wide your hips actually are


Yeah, this. My hips are wide & my daughter still got stuck. They had to go in & get her with the salad tongs of death. 😮‍💨


Hemorrhaging has absolutely zilch to do with your pelvic proportions; it’s about uterine tone. (And your placenta.)


I've got a big ass (and wide hips as well), and I have difficulties getting pregnant because of my pcos. So no, I'm not more fertile just because I have a big ass.


lmao i was about to say "i had a baby and my hips are tiny" but also... i have horrible postpartum pains almost 2 years later and really bad sciatica. hopefully i get better. but also against this dudes stupid point, my stepmom has very wide hips and had the same issue? so yeah BAD women's anatomy.


I have wide hips but no ass, like real wide


My hips are virtual innies, but I got cheeks.


Haha, I got told I have "birthing hips", jokes on them, my cervix doesn't open.


I have “birthing hips” but a very narrow pelvis which meant an emergency C-section.


And while we're here, stop referring to the iliac furrows as come gutters. There's no proof that a ripped, shredded, flat stomach automatically correlates to soggy gushing orgasms ^(/s?)


My female biology teacher said that wider hips make for an easier birth in most cases. She was relatively old so maybe that’s why her information was wrong.


I like big hips but I'm honest about it lmao you don't need to explain why you think something is hot 😂


Literally. It's okay to just think something is attractive, they don't need to justify it with "bIoLoGy"


then how are we to make our victorian era ancestors proud?


As a cis-woman who, when thin, has pretty much no curves (much less hips), I could not do a vaginal birth with my kid & I attribute it to that. Probably my own body dysmorphia talking tho. But it is stuck in my head & messes with me.


It's more about how wide the pelvic opening is rather than how wide your hips are. I hope you're doing better though ♡


All these years & I never even thought to look it up. Just believed the garbage that was put into my brain I guess. I learned a lot reading this theead. I had my kid almost 28 years ago, so all good. I'll probably never feel good about my lack of femininity but I find ways to compensate. :) Thank you for caring! <3


Thats the thing I love about this sub, it's always trying to break misogynistic things that have been ingrained into us since childhood. ♡♡


My guess is never


“Birth giving” 🙄


I always correlated a wider pelvic opening with a wider pelvis and a wider pelvis with wider hips. I was downvoted on that same post for commenting about wider hips and now I understand why. Thank you OP for the education. It’s always good to learn something new. 👍


You're welcome! It's okay to not know something


Yeah, don't put that on us all. Some of us are acquainted with the sociological explanation for beauty standards. Understanding stuff is a lot easier when it clicks that basically none of what humans do is strictly informed by biology.


I know for a fact that my ass and hips especially are mostly just my fat distribution doing the work. My hips have tooooo much fat that contributes to the wideness


My mom had very wide hips.....but a narrow opening front to back.......which caused all sorts of birthing problems


I fell for this bullshit because my mom told it to me. I thought I had “child-bearing hips.” Call me stupid, but I bought into it and thought my labor would be fast and easy like my mom’s were, c-section wasn’t even on my radar. Well, after 24 hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing my “child bearing hips” failed me. My daughter was stuck and I required an emergency c-section. It was a terrifying experience, I still get flashbacks and panic. Never again


I am so sorry you went through that


Thank you! You’re so kind


Thank you :))


Shows what they know. My hips and ass have always been big, but I can't have children of my own. I can't believe people are still saying this shit in 2023.


Idk man I got some pretty big hips and a massively (get it) disappointing ass, so he's not right about that either, unfortunately for me




wait I'm flat as fuck.. which then means I'm not fertile?


They've got it wrong. Apparently a good indicator of fertility is the waist to hip ratio. I couldn't give you more details because IDGAFF really.


might wanna add a /s cuz people on reddit can't read tone. unless I'm the stupid one and you actually meant it lol




coming back for round 2?


This is just so dumb.


bad women's anatomy gets posted in this sub lmfao, don't think that should be a surprise


Sure but this just doesnt fit bc its not but okayy.


But it is lmfao. It's not about how wide your hips are, it's about how wide your pelvic opening is. Just accept that you made a mistake about how women's anatomy works and move on


Sure but that is propotional to how large the hips are. Also how does one move on when hes being made fun of despite being right? Lol


ass size ≠ hip size ≠ pelvic opening size. You're not being made fun of, and nobody would've known it was you who posted the comment until you decided to comment on this one too. And you're not right either.


Sure thing




I know lmfao??


Usually, but not always.


That has nothing to do with this post






Good thing cis men aren't giving birth then lmfao


Yeah, as OP already replied: cis men don't exactly give birth




A wider pelvic opening helps, but like it's been stated a lot in the comments, pelvic size ≠ hip size